Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!
105 posts
f, 36, 🏳️‍🌈, Fëanor apologist, Barduil obsessed, consumes the Silmarillion as her bedtime story
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
meneliltare ¡ 10 hours ago
This is beautiful! Haunting and melancholic and touching.
Rest in peace, Maedhros. 🥲
A Conversation with Fire
|| Gen ● Rated G ● WC: 324 ● Canon Character Death ||
Summary: Maedhros casts himself into the flames, and reflects on his relationship with burning. // Written for @feanorianweek 2025, Day 1: Maedhros.
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meneliltare ¡ 1 day ago
Reblogging because this is probably the smartest thing I will read on the internet today. Thank you guys.
If your apology involves degrading yourself, calling yourself shit or insulting yourself, its not an apology, try again.
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meneliltare ¡ 1 day ago
Feanorian Week Reminder!!
Hello Silmarillion Fandom! This is your reminder that Feanorian week will be taking place next month. Below are updated prompts (you are still allowed to suggest prompts)! When is it?:   March 24th, 2025—March 30th, 2025       
The prompts are as followed:
Day 1- Maedhros - > Childhood, Kingship, Angband, Coping, The Union, Relations with Different Races
Day 2-Maglor -> Childhood, Spouse,  Music & Songs of Power, Elrond & Elros, Kingship, Maglor’s  Gap, Redemption
Day 3- Celegorm - > Childhood, Hunting, Orome & Huan, Strength & Beauty, Luthien, Nargothrond
Day 4- Caranthir - > Childhood, Spouse, Betrayal, Lordship, Dwarves & Humans, Marriage, Appearance
Day  5- Curufin - > Childhood, Spouse, Celebrimbor, Forge Work
Day  6- Ambarussa - > Childhood, Lordship, Regrets, Twin, Hunting, Nandor
Day 7- Nerdanel and Feanor-> Mahtan, Finwe & Indis, Marriage, Reunion, Traveling, Creation, Healing
Rules: You are allowed to post anything fanrelated on the days.  If the prompts are not to your liking, you can do your own thing.  The tracktag is #feanorianweek.  Tag your work accordingly!  Have fun and be nice to others. Disrespect towards others will not be tolerated.  (apologies for the INCREDIBLY late reminder. This year has been a lot)
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meneliltare ¡ 2 days ago
The war tent sex is fucking canon, alright. Her Honour Miss @chicotfp (why do these tags not work, my lady) has said so and we do not argue with her.
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Just noticing your beautiful tag on a Barduil post and wanted to publicly and wholeheartedly agree. They fucked everywhere in that war tent. Thank you.
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meneliltare ¡ 2 days ago
I loooove your art!!
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Melkor's Desire
Matching to my last picture of Mairon
for a dear friend
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meneliltare ¡ 2 days ago
This is sooo Erestor 😂😅
Glorfindel, leaning on the counter: Hey beautiful, come here often?
Erestor: Is this the part where I remind you we've been married for four years or do I play along?
Glorfindel: Play along!
Erestor: All right. Sorry, I'm not interested. I'm married.
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meneliltare ¡ 2 days ago
Because you would cause additional emotional turmoil nobody wants.... oh, wait.
Melkor: “Why are threesomes only for sex? Why can’t I join in a couple’s argument if I want to?”
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Are you ready for another hot Tolkien summer? The Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2025 is almost here, and we couldn't be more excited to announce that this event is going to be epic! 
What is the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, you ask? It's a celebration of all things Tolkien, where artists and writers come together to craft something magical! In this event, artists create stunning artwork from all mediums (yes, unconventional mediums such as needlepoint, food, and even interpretive dance are welcome!), and writers bring the art to life through print! Writers will have the chance to inspire and be inspired by new art, opening the doors to fresh, creative collaborations and endless possibilities.
Whether you're an artist, writer, or simply an enthusiastic cheerleader, this is your chance to join the ultimate summer celebration of J.R.R. Tolkien’s world through fan art and fan fiction. 
Here’s what you need to know:
🖋️ Writers: Watch our Tumblr page and Website for information regarding possible art/fic prompts.
🎨 Artists: Start thinking and creating!
🕒 Timeline: We’ll kick things off officially on March 22, 2025, with the opening of our prompt suggestion form. The official signups will open on April 12th. 
It’s time to reimagine Middle-earth with our creations, whether you’re wandering through the Shire, slaying your kin at Alqualondë, or just discovering forgotten realms of the Tolkien universe.
Ready to Join?
Keep your eyes peeled for the suggestion and signup forms coming soon, and don’t forget to tell your fellow Tolkien fans — we want to make this year’s event the biggest one yet!
Let’s create the next wave of Tolkien magic together, one brushstroke and one sentence at a time. 
See you in the Shire (or wherever your imagination takes you) TRSB Mod Team
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Awww - beautiful soul. Couldn't agree more.
"likes mean nothing on tumblr" you're sending me a little heart. that's not nothing it's your heart. look here's one for you <3
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Stop putting all of this stuff on my feed that's way too real to admit, okay? ...seriously. Why is this me. least I realise it at some point. And try.
what they don't tell you about making friends is you gotta be a lil annoying. you gotta push past the fear of "what if they don't want to talk to me" and simply ask someone how their day is going, send a meme. you cannot connect to people if you're both just awkwardly waiting for the other to start.
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
No need to say it, I can feel it in my... bones. Somewhere.
They call him the sword swallower on account of how he. Um. How he uhh... I shan't say.
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Guys, we gotta talk. I'm not even into Bagginshield (I'm sorry but I'm not gonna wrap my head around sexy dwarves/hobbits), but you lot are posting all this cute and funny shit and my heart cannot resist it, kindly fuck off .❤️ (No please don't, I keep liking all of your posts for some reason..)
Thorin tries to use the "I am the King Under The Mountain" line on Bilbo during an argument and Bilbo raises an eyebrow and gives him such a Look that Thorin immediately apologizes so he doesn't end up King Sleeping on the Couch Tonight
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Forever going to be grateful to everyone who supports this wonderful woman, supplies us all with new inspiration for our daydreams and makes the world a tiny little bit brighter. ❤️
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Made for Jeanie H. ❤️ as a thank you gift for PayPal donation. Thank you so much for your support. It's a huge help for me and my family 🫂❤️🥰
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
Finding a fic from almost a decade ago that's so incredibly written is like finding a bar of gold at the bottom of the ocean. I love AO3 so much my beloved
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meneliltare ¡ 3 days ago
You absolute fucking hero. I need more of you in my life.
Barduil NSFW headcanons
(Partially Modern!AU)
Thranduil uses a commanding tone in private. Or he can just gesture to show Bard what to do. For example, just point his finger where to kiss and caress.
Bard is always the top, and Thranduil is always the bottom. But this does not mean that Thranduil's desires are not brought to the fore. There is constant inequality in their relationship, and it suits both of them.
These idiots keep forgetting about condoms. BARDUIL CREAMPIE CULTURE!!!
Thranduil lives in incomprehensible to anyone periods. No matter how much Bard tries to figure out what his mood depends on, it's inexplicable and chaotic. For example, Thranduil can played hard-to-get for a week or more, and then suddenly the blood hit not his head at all, and then Bard just lies there and prays that his lover will let him go.
Bard sometimes stops the impatient Thranduil by placing his hands on his hips and gently stroking the skin there, slowing him down.
They love to tease each other by changing the tempo or pose. Everyone does it according to their taste. But all the provocations end when one of them whispers something like "Move with me."
Thranduil is generally a fan of teasing Bard. He has a "habit" of sending Bard something like "By the by, how do you like my shirt?" and a photo where he's wearing nothing but a shirt. The worst part is that he sends it to his work email.
Thranduil, if saddling Bard, likes to pause the action and just sway, laughing and looking down from top to bottom. Without getting off Bard's dick, by the way.
They have clear rules set by Thranduil: what is allowed and what is not allowed. But Bard likes to break them by biting his skin just above what his clothes could cover.
If Bard manages to pin Thranduil down to the sheets (preferably lying on his stomach), he always holds him by the neck in a stranglehold, just without too much pressure.
In general, asphyxia is a fairly common practice in their sexual relations. More often than not, Thranduil can gently squeeze a lover's neck on emotion if Bard overreaches with rudeness.
After intimacy, Thranduil often sits contentedly on top of Bard's hips, kissing him for a long time.
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I was very pleased with the feedback from the last post, you are so sweet( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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meneliltare ¡ 4 days ago
Please. It makes me feel so much less alone. 😅
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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meneliltare ¡ 4 days ago
Welcome to Barduil Month 2025!
This year, we decided to try to celebrate the Barduil community as a whole, and as a result, we've created a Barduil community bingo card for everyone to play! The event will run from Tuesday, April 1st to Wednesday, April 30th, so there's plenty of time to try to fill it in and show all your enthusiasm for Barduil and our community here on Tumblr!
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A little color key:
Blue = potential prompts to create from! (extra prompts can be found here)
Yellow = creative activities, designed for sharing your interpretation of Barduil with the world!
Purple = community activities, ways to show support for other members of the fandom and make some new connections!
Remember to tag anything you make with #barduilmonth2025 so we can reblog it, or tag this blog and pick up a free square for the bingo card! Please feel free to send an ask if you have any questions, or message @scary-grace or @nocompromise-noregrets (mods). Let's make Barduil Month 2025 an event to remember!
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