34 posts
"Kindness is the best form of humanity" ~Doris Lee
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memes-and-unicorns · 4 years ago
I can’t stand these dumb people that never played any Resident Evil before RE: Village. Like dude
 of course Lady Dimitrescu was going to die at some point, just by looking at her you can see that she was disposable, just like Nemesis or Mr. X. She didn’t “deserve more” just because she became famous outside Resident Evil fandom, Dimitrescu had a role in the story, played it and then died, as well as several other enemies of the RE franchise. She is very reminiscent of Salazar in that sense, even turning into a giant monster.
Stop acting like Capcom has an obligation to give her a giant role just because you like the character because you think she’s hot. It’s obvious that the company would capitalize on the character, they need to sell their product. The stupid drama of some people on this site is embarrassing to see, really. I understand that they like Dimitrescu, but she was disposable because she was just a boss. I also understand being upset that she died so soon, but Capcom never said she was the final boss or anything, and it’s clear they weren’t expecting her to be so sucessful.
Resident Evil is a survival horror game, not a redemption story-type or anything like that. The bosses aren’t there to help the protagonist understand something or be redeemed, they exist for some purpose in the story and then they die, simple as that. God, some of you are weird as hell.
In the beginning I sounded gatekeep-y, but it’s just that if you played at least one Resident Evil game you kinda get used to see these type of villain in the franchise, or any survival horror, to be honest.
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
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Reblog if you support equal rights because I do 💕
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
đŸ”„âœš leo season affirmations âœšđŸ”„
i am loved, i love myself and i love the world. i am excited for life. i receive everything positive threefold. i am living life to the fullest. i get out into the world and enjoy the world around me. i am present, strong and passionate. i am driven. i am successful in my endeavours. i am confident in myself. i am appreciated and loved.
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
never stop being a good person because of bad people
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
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Pride Spotlight: Sam Shannon
In celebration of Pride Month, we’re spotlighting some fantastic LGBTQ+ creators who inspire with their work, actions, and visuals. Here’s spectacular multidisciplinary artist Sam Shannon (pictured below). She directs, creates magical moving images, and has completed dozens of successful notable brand collaborations. We caught up with Sam on Pride, love, and here creative influences. 
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What does Pride mean to you?
To me pride starts from the inside with respect and love for yourself. Every person deserves to feel proud of who they are on an individual level and as a part of a community. In this current political climate I can’t think of a more important time to remind ourselves of how strong our collective voice is and to continue to fight for LGBTQ+ rights.
How can we continue to support the LGBTQ+ community?
To support is to respect. If you practice respect for all people and spread that mindset it’s the most emotionally impactful way to support the LGBTQ+ community.
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What’s your most unforgettable professional memory?
I recently directed a music video for Conrad Clifton. We spent three nights in the dead of winter shooting outside with temperatures below 15. The project was by no means the fanciest and certainly not the biggest budget but it had such heart. Filmmaking is about the team and when you experience a feeling of collectively working towards a single vision despite physically taxing circumstances, there’s nothing better.
Who’s your biggest creative influence?
As a director I try to look outside the film world for influence. I find painters, sculptors, and college artists extremely influential when I’m looking to define a mood for a film. My favorites are Ellsworth Kelly, Agnis Martin, Richard Serra, Matisse, and John Baldessari. Since I work a lot in fashion I also have a huge catalog of photographers that I reference such as Viviane Sassen. Stephen Shore, Martin Parr, and Wim Wenders.
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 What works brings you the most satisfaction?
I think there’s this idea that a director has to be this intimidating military type figure, punishing people into making good art and that a temperamental and aggressive attitude is somehow forgivable in the pursuit of success or real art. I’ve never found satisfaction in demanding subservience and refuse to believe that you need that type of attitude to be respected or successful. It’s a tricky balance but respect is something you earn by being decisive yet above all kind. Satisfaction comes when I feel that I’ve hit that balance.
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 Is love important in art?
I think that art is love, to fall in love with a piece of art or to love making it. My goal with every film is to create an immersive experience, however short, for someone to truly get lost in. It can be something challenging or have a political or social agenda but overall I strive for something that feels honest, all encompassing, overwhelming, land leaves you with an unforgettable memory, like true love.
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
For everyone who can't seem to love 'passionately and fiercely' because of past trauma,trust issues,etc.
It's okay.
You don't need a forest fire to keep yourself warm,sometimes a delicate flame is sufficient.
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
I know it sounds fake but you really do have a lot of silent lovers on this planet who look at you and wish they had your smile or your hair color or your humor or your intellect or your intentions or your heart, your manners, your eyes, your ease, even just you. People who are too shy to tell you what they admire about you or what they wish for you or who they see themselves becoming bc of you & they’re too shy to tell you. even tho it isn’t verbalized, the universe has still heard and the universe has loved you for helping out on its creations. You’re that person. You’re you.
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
“It’s only after you let go of resentment that you start making space for ease, love, and joy in your heart.”
— juansen dizon, Soft heart
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
“Fall in love gently. Remind yourself that you are the longest relationship of your life. Remind yourself that you are a child of this universe and that you are worthy of happiness. Fall in love with the way you feel things deeply. The color of someone’s laughter. The texture of someone’s kindness. The nostalgia of going back to places that caused you so much pleasure and pain. You are an old soul trapped in a body that’s slowly, slowly decaying. You are a traveler of both the outer world and the inner world. Fall in love with your failures. The events that shaped you into becoming who you are today. Embrace your shortcomings for they serve as a lesson in your formless memory. Forgive yourself for everything that is causing you so much pain. It is a brutal process, and you must get through it. Self-hate can only generate more worry in your life. Let it go. You don’t have to carry it forever. Fall in love with your body. Romanticize it. The freckles on your face are constellations. The heart-shaped birthmark right behind your hips. The positive aura of your gummy smile. The way that your body is working hard to keep you alive like electricity lighting up a whole city on a cloudless night. Fall in love with your existence. The little things that make you who you are. The poetry that you write. The instrument that you play. The way you put your makeup on as you face another challenging day. These little things that make you who you are come from the way you express your being. Fall in love with yourself until you finally feel like home.”
— Juansen Dizon, Self-Love Manifesto 
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
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if you see this and have the strength to do it, drink some water, eat some yummy fruit, put some clean clothes and light a cute candle.
you deserve a day of self-pampering and self-love.
you have been working so hard and deserve a break!
even if it’s just 1 hour of self-reflection, do it.
you deserve love!
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
“i think gentleness is one of the most disarmingly and captivatingly attractive qualities there are.”
— Nayyirah Waheed (via wordsnquotes)
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
reblog if minerva should’ve raised harry
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
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I love her threads and I really need to follow this
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
- don’t care about strangers judging you
- wear what you want
- make daily goals
- listen to new music
- be excited about little things
- give compliments
- try new things that scare you
- be interested in what people say
- it’s ok to be “embarrassing” and goofy
- wake up earlier
- pain isn’t permanent
- remember the wonder you had as a child
- never listen to impulsivity when you’re sad or angry
- drink water and stretch very often
- keep your belongings tidy and make your bed
- smile when you’re looking in the mirror
- have an inner monologue that deflects negative thoughts
- journal often
- always try to say yes to spending time with people u love
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
gentle reminders in case you need it:
it’s ok to start “late”
drink water if you haven’t for hours
it’s ok if u need more time than other people
it’s ok to feel what you’re feeling
you have a cute smile
you make people happy
you have plenty of good traits
you are loved
you deserve all the good things
it’s ok if you relapse, it doesn’t make u weak
bad days are just temporary
tomorrow is a new day
you can heal again
I’m proud of you
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
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memes-and-unicorns · 6 years ago
Do you ever realise that the same entity that created the most saturated sunsets,the most beautiful flowers and the deepest of the oceans is the one that created YOU.
-but you're the masterpiece
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