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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
the lord of the onion rings
or, what happens when i am woozy on painkillers/asthma meds and my mother and i have a talk over mcdonalds food. the question at hand: what would our friends (and foes) of the legendarium order at a fast food place? i’ve come with answers. not needed, maybe, but wanted? also probably not. you can have them anyway.
aragorn: bacon burger, extra fries, and a large chocolate milkshake. a sensible but hungry man.
boromir: cheeseburger & banana milkshake. what a fucking weirdo. fucking banana milkshake. a cursed being but so sweet and enthusiastic about it that you must forgive him.
gandalf: double cheeseburger, and some cherry coke. kinda weird, kinda just gandalf.
gimli: bacon burger, bbq sauce, and a chocolate sundae. he puts bbq sauce on his burger and doesn’t buy a drink. he sneaks sips of legolas’ milkshake, much to the elf’s distress.
legolas: fries and a vanilla milkshake. he doesn’t like any other milkshakes, and thinks boromir’s banana ordeal is unholy. also he is a surprisingly slow eater. this is usually because he’s distracted by gimli stealing his milkshake.
pippin & merry: long chicken, and a large strawberry milkshake. they share, and compete for who reaches the middle of the burger first. the winner is (loudly) announced to their friends.
sam & frodo: cheeseburger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake. frodo gets the fries, sam gets the burger, they share the milkshake evenly. evidently, strawberry shake is a hobbit thing??
eowyn, eomer, and theoden: mix bag and fanta. the rohirrim are always on-the-go and like to bring a bit of everything. eowyn’s favourite is the chili cheese ball. she always saves a single chicken nugget for merry. fanta seems to be a fav in rohan
arwen: waffle and chocolate milkshake, always bought for her by aragorn. she never even goes to a fast food place?? 
elrond: chicken salad and mineral water. no messing about here. so healthy. so proper. oh my god elrond
galadriel & celeborn: nuggets, fries, and a strawberry milkshake. celeborn gets the fries, galadriel gets the nuggets, the milkshake is shared in a very romantic fashion. yes, strawberry milkshake was introduced to them by hobbits. yes, they love it.
and now, our villains
saruman: hot brownie and a diet coke. it’s just wrong. he’s awful.
wormtongue: he gets a kids' menu. saruman takes the toy out and keeps it for himself, the bastard.
gollum: onion rings and water. he’s a sad, sad cretin.
nazgul: they eat dirt or a biscuit
sauron: nuggets and coffee. the actual worst? like he just gets a black coffee and 6 chicken nuggets and fucking leaves?? what the fuck sauron?
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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bc warrior queen galadriel is the best kind of aesthetic.
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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(...)and he was only less evil than his master in that for long he served another and not himself.
the OG disaster boi is here. he’s a disaster. smh
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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hasty of temper.
it’s another disaster elf!
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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the valiant.
have a fingon! this one was asked for by a friend
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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the singer
the warrior
the last son.
the maglor aesthetic literally nobody asked me for
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
(…) the afterimage of a nebula scattered kisses on your brain
star dust
star dust;
and infinity greets you as a friend with open arms in her finest suit and hat, glittering into your eyes and asking you for a dance
just this dance, love
one more, before you leave?
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
(…) a temple in all its glory  decked in gold and tapestries, full of the hushed whispers of healers and priestesses, the future seen through gaps in your fingers… a midnight sky above and firelight inside, the moonlight casting long shadows about herself wildly someone laughing in the depths; wine spilled and children born, and while the clock strikes backward-
death taking a drunken waltz through the corridors where little girls with veils bow to him. 
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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husbands braiding their hair :^)
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
Heyy me again ^-^ do you still do requests? If yes, can I please request Glorfindel and Éowyn fist bumping, because I'm pretty sure it happened at some point when they met at Arwen and Aragorn's wedding
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
what are 3 things u associate with me
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
“fairy retro”  oh look me
i made an aesthetic generator now you can discover urself
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
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Yo here’s TDF 5 featuring guest writer jokemaker extraordinaire sathinfection , aka Fëanor’s diary scribble on the kiddos
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
Guide: Naming a Town or City
There are many things to keep in mind when naming the town or city in your novel:
1) Genre/Theme/Tone
It’s very important to consider the genre and theme of your story when choosing a town name. Take these names for example, each of which indicates the genre or theme of the story: King’s Landing (sounds fantastical) Cloud City (sounds futuristic) Silent Hill (sounds scary) Sweet Valley (sounds happy and upbeat) Bikini Bottom (sounds funny) Radiator Springs (sounds car-related) Halloween Town (sounds Halloween-related) Storybrooke (sounds fairytale-related) 2) Time/Place It’s also important to consider the time and place where your story takes place. For example, you wouldn’t use “Vista Gulch” as a name for a town in Victorian England. You probably wouldn’t use it for a town in modern day North Carolina, either. Vista is a Spanish word and would normally be found in places where Spanish names are common, like Spain, Central and South America, the southwest United States (including southern California), Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Florida. 3) Size/Settlement Type An isolated town of 300 people probably won’t be Valley City, but a sprawling metropolis of 30 million could be called Windyville, because it could have started out as a small town and grew into a large city. 4) Geography Words like gulch, butte,and bayou tend to be regional terms. You probably wouldn’t find Berle’s Bayou in Idaho, or Windy Butte in Rhode Island. Words like mount, cape, and valley are dependent upon terrain. Most of the time, you won’t have a town named “mount” something unless there are hills or mountains nearby. You wouldn’t use “cape” unless the town was on a cape, which requires a large body of water. 5) History Is there a historical person or event that your town might be named after? The Simpsons’ hometown of Springfield is ironically named after its founder, Jebediah Springfield. Chattanooga, Tennessee is named after the Cherokee town that was there first. Nargothrond, in The Lord of the Rings, is an Elvish town with an Elvish name. 6) Combination of Words
person name + geographical term = Smithfield, Smith Creek
group name + geographical term = Pioneer Valley, Settlers’ Ridge
descriptive word + geographical term = Mystic Falls, Smoky Hill
person name + settlement type = Smithton, Claraville
landmark + settlement type = Bridgton, Beaconville
Word Lists: Types of Settlements
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Geographical Features
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Place Words
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Common Suffixes
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Other Descriptors
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Try a combination of two words from any of these lists. :)
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
l33tsaber replied to your post “I’d like to thank y’all for sticking with me during this fuckin’ ART…”
but I like trash elves
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One of the worst things I have ever drawn.
Based partially off this expressions thing.
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
Fëanor but with a really strong Southern accent
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mellowlynea-blog · 7 years ago
hi i’m tolkien here are my ocs. i call them Elves (not elfs!!! if you call them elfs i will block you) they look like humans but they’re tall, live forever, and have pointy ears. that’s it bye
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