
You were 24. Your sadness was 24+20+100. Our sadness is infinity. Hope your peace is eternal. ❤ . . . #minimalist #minimalism #diary #lettertoheaven #grieving #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #expressionism #express #photography #photo #photographer #mentalhealth #gratitude #감성글 #designer #uxdesigner #hugs #너얘기아니야 #너아니라구 #추모 #pasteltheme #pastel
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못생긴 손이지만 잘했다고 칭찬해줘야지☁ This hand opened Pandora's box, and accepted the real challenge. Thid hand realized that it is still fragile, but is glad to have the freedom!! . . . #hand #catring #art #artistsoninstagram #express #expressionism #freedom #minimalist #minimalism #pasteltheme #aesthetic #photography #photographer #design #designer #감성글 #diary #gratitude #goals #artist #mentalhealth
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Addicted to chocolate, not coffee. . . . #coffee #philzcoffee #gallerywall #gallery #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #express #expressionism #aesthetic #minimalist #minimalism #pasteltheme #pastel #chocolate #gratitude #goals #workremotely #uxdesigner #ux #photography #photographer #분위기 #미술 #카페 #cafe
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This is the campaign that Korean people are doing for 3.1 movement. 3.1.2018 is 99 year anniversary of '3.1 movement', Korean resistant protest during the Japanese colonial occupation era. There are still so many unfinished conflicts from that era, especially #위안부 #성노예 #comfortwomen #sexslaving victims. They only want Japanese government to acknowledge their past and apologize, but that hasn't happened yet. Every Wednesday, these old ladies gather around in front of Japanese embassy to ask for sincere apology, for 28 years. This is also recorded as the world's longest protest ever in history. I live here in America but my heart is with them, always. Soon I will be there physically to support them ❤ . . #삼일절 #내마음은지지않아 #손글씨 #손글씨삼일운동 #justice #handwriting #koreanhistory #koreanpride #aesthetic #express #expressionism #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #photography #photographer #pastel #goals
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They were the most difficult litter to foster but they were so cuteeeeeeee 꺅❤ 어허어루더어르더ㅗㄹ대ㅠㄹ우 귀여워 😻!!!! 역시 기분 쫌 꿀꿀할때는 귀여운 냥이들 보는게 최고에요 히히힣힣 얼른 다시 #임시보호 하구싶당 . . . #fosterkittens #fostercat #kittens #냥 #냥스타그램🐱🐾 #catsofinstagram #cats #고양이그램 #고양이 #귀여워 #kittensofinstagram #kitten #adoptdontshop #healing #cute #bottlefeeding #고양이임보 #집사���램 #집사스타그램 #gratitude #aesthetic #minimalist #photography #art #artist #pets
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할 말이 딱히 없는데 보면 맘 편할 사진이나 올려보아효. 어떻게든 되겠죠 뭐. . . . #aesthetic #pasteltheme #pastel #rainydays #photography #photo #photographer #감성글 #감성 #healing #mentalhealth #meditation #art #artsy #artistsoninstagram #artist #express #minimalist #minimalism #expressionism #goals #gratitude
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#rant Probably going to delete soon. I apologize, this is a post full of anger. But this person keeps screwing my parents.. So I just wanted to let it out :( sorryyy.. . . 누군 한국 안가고 싶나, 내가 떠나온 곳인데. 특히 요즘 더 그리운, 내가 자란 곳인데 절약 할줄 모르고 불쌍한 척만 하는 사람들땜에 미안한 줄 모르고 쓸줄밖에 모르는 사람들때문에 가만히 있으니까 괜찮은 건 줄 아는 사람들때문에 오늘도 참으라고, 또 참으라고 배웠는데.. 나 이제 못 참겠는데? 어른이 어른다워야죠 저도 이제 어른인데 이제 가만히 안있을래요 뭐 어차피 안보는사이 제 세대에서 이제 끊어야겠어요 그만 좀 뜯어가세요 #벼룩의간 좀 그만.. 아 속상해 . #soannoying #stop #why #stupidppl #nomore #이제그만 #imisskorea #한국사람 #경복궁 #광화문 #koreatour #한국여행 #싫어 #karma #karmaisabitch #badkarma #karmawillgetyou #angrypost #idc #욕 #그런친척 #필요없어 #양심도없다
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I actually don't know what I am doing. Is that okay :(? I just want to jump into the sky. Flying and floating ☁ But no ok I gotta move now! . . . #idk #imhappytho #relaxingtoomuch #sky #aesthetic #pasteltheme #pastel #photo #photography #travelphotography #travel #artist #artistsoninstagram #express #minimalist #minimalism #expressionism #gratitude #goals #happiness #하늘 #감성글#미국생활 #mentalhealth #meditation #photographer
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Insomnia may not go away quickly, But I do use the night silence to dream ☁ Let's not forget to dream, always. 잠 못자는 날엔 마음 속에서 꿈을 꿔봐요! . . . #흥부 #김주혁 #명대사 #좋은글 #영화명대사 #감성그램 #감성글 #영화흥부 #고인의명복을빕니다 #keepondreaming #neverstopdreaming #goals #gratitude #caligraphy #handwriting #캘리그라피 #폰트 #design #sketch #diary #mentalhealth #healing #aesthetic #minimalism #minimalist #photography #artist #artistsoninstagram #photographer
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*waiting for the kittens to foster again* Excuse my chipchip sound to get their attention!!! 우쮸쮸쮸 울 애기들 좋은 주인 만났겠지? Their faces!!! Ma Hart.. Ma sole...😻❤ . . . #catsofinstagram #cats #kittens #fosterkittens #fostercat #catlover @cats_of_instagram @catloversclub #냥스타그램 #냥스타그램🐱🐾 #집사그램 #임시보호 #pastel #pasteltheme #aesthetic #minimalist #minimalism #express #expressionism #photographer #photography #gratitude #humanesociety #adoptdontshop #art #artistsoninstagram #artist
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Yes 😳 . . . #uxdesign #uxdesigner #userexperience #userexperiencedesign #webdesign #webdesigner #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #ux #pastel #pasteltheme #minimalist #minimalism #photographer #photography #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #express #gratitude #goals #세월호추모 #capstoneproject
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정말 좋은 경험이였다 😶 I can't get over how interesting this experience was. I helped nature though, I think. . . . #boxedwaterisbetter #boxedwater #boxflavor #nature #aesthetic #photographer #photography #artist #artistsoninstagram #art #expressionism #express #minimalist #minimalism #healing #자연친화 #뭔맛 #박스맛 #뭐하는짓 #gratitude #hello #이쁘긴이뻐
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예뻐 신비로워 눈이 부셔 가슴이 벅차☁ 감사하게도 저는 여행을 많이 다녔더라구요. 세상이 이렇게나 넓고 아름다운데 제가 만든 변명과 상상에서만 살면 안되겠죠. 다행이에요. 이제 그런거 안해도 충분히 행복해서. 저 혼자 끄적거리는 아무도 안 읽을 편지였어요 힣❤ . . . #interlaken #switzerland #europe #europetrip #유럽여행 #스위스 #인터라켄 #travelphotography #travel #photographer #photography #artist #artistsoninstagram #arts #express #expressionism #minimalist #minimalism #nature #healing #jungfrau #여행에미치다 #mentalhealth #whatreallymatters #gratitude #자랑질 #좋은글 #감성글 (at Interlaken, Switzerland)
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Before and After UN 오빠들, I never fell for any kpop celebrities until I discovered 트와이스 and 갓세븐 ❤ Got7's "Just Right" really makes me so happy these days. I really thank them for not giving up on their dreams, being humble as stars, and making songs with so much positivity!! 사랑해여 갓세븐 ❤ 고마워요 저한테 힘을 주는 노래를 해줘서! 갓세븐 일곱명이 다같이 웃으며 놀 때 저도 같이 행복해져요! 건강하게 오래가요!!!! . . . #아가새 #갓세븐 #딱좋아 #got7 #got7fanart #got7justright #jacksongot7 #bambam #marktuan #parkjinyounggot7 #jaebumgot7 #yugeomgot7 #youngjaegot7 #guitarcover #singing #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #jyp #gotwice #express #pastel #pasteltheme #기타커버 #aesthetic #igot7
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I heard that everything is frozen in Korea.. Stay safe, my fellow Koreans ❤ Thanks to @esminlee for showing me Disney on Ice, the magical festival !! . . . #disneyonice #ice #winter #frozen #coldweather #iceskating #figureskating #디즈니 #디즈니온아이스 #elsa #photography #photo #photographer #artist #art #artistsoninstagram #express #expressionism #minimalist #minimalism #aesthetic #snow #travelphotography #travel #피겨스케이팅 #gratitude
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Thank you @esminlee ❤ You sweet little patient minnie figure angel! . . . #friends #friendship #우정 #gratitude #goals #mentalhealth #priceless #newyork #souvenir #travelphotography #travel #photography #photographer #photo #aesthetic #minimalist #minimalism #relaxing #친구 #keychain #artist #artistsoninstagram #arts #express #expressionism #pastel #pasteltheme #bear
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후회도 없고 슬프지도 않고 난 지금이 너무 좋아 😳 . . . #mindfulness #bamboo #photography #photographer #travel #travelphotography #maui #hawaii #hiking #대나무 #대나무숲 #마우이 #하와이 #자연 #nature #bambooforest #noregrets #healing #relaxing #vacation #minimalism #minimalist #gratitude #artist #artofinstagram #express #미국생활 #여행 #힐링 #감성 (at Maui)
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