Meeny's Corner
16 posts Meeny. I'm a twenty year old villain. Rather than striking people down with weapons, I do it with my quick wit, opinions, and humor.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
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This is a big one for me. I think a lot of aspiring cartoonists/animators have a vision in their heads of their cartoon in a movie or TV show....this is mine. This story has stuck with me for the longest time, and you can't imagine how awesome it feels to finally see a complete drawing of my vision. Is it the It needs work no doubt. But it's a start Please be constructive in your criticism...this is a meaningful one for me,
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Whatever happened to being yourself?
In today's culture there's always a "team". I don't mean sports team of course (I mean if you're part of a team more power to you...except if your a Chicago Cub. JUST WIN A GAME ALREADY!). No no no...I mean there's always two sides to something. You either like Reddit or 9gag. You either like McDonalds or Burger King. You're either "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" (the fact that I even know of either of them frightens me). Now, this has always been the case I realize. Of course you either like or dislike something. But lately it's been borderline disturbing. These "teams" have become maniacal groups of self-righteous douchbags! (Ahem...of course not all of them). If you don't believe me, I ask you to peruse the comment section of any video, blog post, picture...whatever. There's always 2 people arguing for either side of whatever is being talked about. What's even worse is that people get really upset at you if you decide to remain neutral. This has happened to me a couple times on YouTube. People either can't understand what I'm talking about or think I'm attacking whatever they are for or against. Why can't you just be neutral in a situation? It is possible to like some qualities of one thing and some of the other. What do you think?
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
What's your "Scooby Snack".
Recently I had purchased some things from Amazon. One of the items was the entire original series of Scooby-Doo (which, might I add, is one of the greatest cartoons ever).
You know the deal: when Scooby is really afraid or reluctant to do something that might be unpleasant (and who can blame him really), someone else in the group gives him a “Scooby Snack” and he becomes brave/determined to do what he was originally reluctant to do.
We all have something like this…what’s yours?
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
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I drew a picture if a Steampunk Dragon. I would really appreciate your feedback
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Real-life Zombies (or Don't be Consumed by Stupid Trends)
One thing I’ve noticed about this generation is that they seem to glom on to any popular thing (be it music, television, movies…whatever). I mean, people say “What if zombies are real?”, right? And the fact of the matter is that they are…and they take the form of mindless “fans”.
I mean, think about it…with nearly any trend that forms, there is an army of crazed people that really REALLY like it. For example, let’s consider the wonder and joy that is Taylor Swift. If you go up to someone who really likes her and say “TAYLOR SWIFT SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!”, i defy you to not be met with hurt feelings and a black-eye.
Don’t get me wrong here….I also take issue with the people who overly despise something to. You see, even if you say “Beliebers are awful! Justin Bieber is the anichrist! I HATE MUSIC NOW!”, you are still part of the problem. No matter how much you loathe Twilight, it’s still going to be around. There is no point in bitching about it.
I guess the main thing I am trying to say is this: It’s ok if you enjoy something or don’t…just don’t go to extremes! It’s all stuff…just different forms of media to entertain ourselves. You never should take things so seriously to the extent that you lose yourself. At that point, you’re just a mindless drone going along with crowd…don’t do it.
So how do we stop this? Well, unfortunatly, I don’t think there’s a way to stop it. People will always go crazy about the next big thing. So, all I ask of ytou is this: Don’t get consumed by the popular culture of today, ok? Don’t go crazy if Justin Bieber replies to you on Twitter. Take it for what it is and move on. Now, admittingly, if Selena Gomez replied to me on Twitter, I’d go ape-shit. But it’d pass…I’d get bored and go on to something else.
Normally, being a villain, I don’t give a crap and a half about things like this. However, I don’t want to see people being consumed by stupid shit. It’s a waste of brain-power and energy.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
The Truth About Nicki Minaj
Let's break this down:
1) Why does she wear all that make-up? I god. She looks like Ronald McDonald's hoe...she looks like a Teletubby on acid...she looks like a rainbow barfed all over the place.
She;s obviously hiding something. But what could it be? My theory is she's an evil alien symbiote taking the form of what it thinks humans look like. No one actually looks like that.
2) Why is she on American Idol anyway? I mean, she's not promoting anything (thank goodness). She just kind of...showed up. And we just went along with it! Like we just knew what we were to do and follow orders.
So there's obviously mind-control at work here. I think she (or it), went to the powers that be (Isn't it like Nigel Tallywhacker or something?), use it's mind-control powers on him, and BOOM!. We're looking down the barrel of one of the crappiest seasons ever!
3) What is her (?) purpose, anyway? All evil aliens don't co this kind of thing for nothing, now (and I should know...don't ask). It obviously has some reason for hijacking the show.
My theory is it came from a planet that likes The Voice (Don't even get me started on Cee-Lo Green). That's actually rather logical if you think about it...come on guys! I can't be the only one who figured this out!
So how can we stop it? I have good reason to know what its weakness is...attention. I mean just look! The giant wigs, the crazy costumes, and the awful AWFUL eats attention up like Twinkies (eech...too soon?).
So the obvious solution would be to stop watching the show...there! WORLD SAVED! Watch Mythbusters instead...use your brain for once people!
NOTE: I have nothing against Nicki Minaj...oh wait I actually I think she's awful. NEVERMIND! But I do apologize for that last comment...twas a bit rude.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Please allow me to break down the reasons this is so. If you don't agree with them, then go suck a d*ck (the * stands for "u"...perverts).
1) If you are someone of the tween persuasion, lemmee drop some knowledge on that hormonal brain of yours.
In the 1930's there was a movie calledDracula. It starred Bela (Which now that I look at that is kinda funny) Lugosi. The movie was about an undead being known as a "vampire". He donned a black cape and preyed on young women to turn them into vampires. He lived in Transylvania in a creepy-ass castle, and the only way to kill him was by driving a stake through his heart.
If you wanna get even more into it look up a movie calledNosferatufrom the silent age days of movies.
2) While we're on the subject of new vs. old, let's discuss Jacob the "werewolf".
Now, Jacob can turn into a wolf whenever he wants...WEREWOLVES CAN'T DO THAT. Werewolves only change into their wolf-form when there is a full moon.
The movie to check out here isThe Wolfmanstarring Lon Cheney Jr. THAT IS A WEREWOLF!
(Before I go further, I realize that the above things make me seem like a hipster...I hate hipsters. Moving on.)
3) The franchise causes unneeded conflict. I god. These "Twihards" are frikkin' crazy! Either you're "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob"...and if you call someone else out on what "team" they're on, be prepared for a bloodbath. What will follow is a long strain of yelling and arguing that just wastes oxygen.
4) Kristen Stewart
5) Actually, that's about it.....Twilight is terrible and you shouldn't read the books or watch the movies. If you do, you should feel bad.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Meet one of my Villain Buddies: Bro-Skull
WAZZUP HOME SLICES?!?! Bro-Skull's my name and partying is my game!
You might be asking yourself, "Gee why is this incredibly handsome and over-all awesome dude writing on Meeny's Tumblr? Doesn't he have better things to do than write a stupid-ass post? Doesn't he have a party to go to tons of bodacious babes and more beer than Britney Spears drinks in a week?" I HAVE A LIFE YOU KNOW!
I figured I would basically be doing a service writing this. I mean...hell. I AM super-awesome, right? And I should be able to spread my awesomness to the thousands of people on here, right?
So, as I said, my name is Bro-Skull, and I live in Hell.
It's pretty nice down here, actually. I don't know why everyone complains about it. Sure, the temperature can get a bit balmy, but it's nothing to scream about! Not to mention that the babes down here are frikkin' HOT (pun intended).
I'm pretty much the epitome of awesome. I work out every day party every night. I can drink 100 beers in one sitting and not have to throw-up. Every single woman I meet wants me...and I pretty much end up sleeping with all of them. It's a hard life, but someones gotta do it I guess.
What else can I tell you? My favorite food is steak. My favorite movie isDie Hard. I also loveSex in the City. What?! You wanna make something of it?! I may have a rough exterior, but I can be a softie if I wanna be. Hell (HA!), you should've seen me watchPretty Little Liars...I cried like a baby!
Well that's about all I wanna tell you guys. I have party to go to at my favorite club (The Devil's Tooth). If you ever find yourself in Hell, look me up...kthxbye
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
What if the president only spoke in riddles?
I had this thought today: What if the president only spoke in riddles?
It's no secret Barack Obama is an awesome speaker. I god. It's like his vocal cords and brain were crafted by the wizards in a magic hearth.
Anyway, if he only spoke in riddles, what would that be like?
If we were going to war with Korea, and he had to speak to the American people, how would that play out?
"There is a place far away that's games we do not like to play. They have many weapons it is true, but frankly we do to.
"This place I speak is in Asia you see. This place is somewhere I do not want to be. We are about to engage in battle, and I hate to be the one tattle."
Or what about at a debate? Mitt Romney would have to guess his policies.
"My tax plan...what is it you say? I'll tell you this and we'll be ok. Money is such a fickle thing. I can't help but think what it could bring."
"You want to cut things like Medicare. But I ask that fair? I think old people need some help. However, not too muvh or I will yelp."
Now, none of these were based on my personal opinions of government...I just made them up on the top of my cool.
But if Obama only spoke in riddles, it would be really confusing for people who aren't, well, smart. Only the smartest people would probably understand him. And imagine if Obama gave a riddle so confounding that researchers would take years to figure it out. That would certainly have an interesting impact, don't you think?
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Observations on Fishing
Ok...sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been swamped with finals. Man..."Villain University" is really annoying me lately. When will I ever need to know the "Basics of Mutation"? I'M NOT THAT KIMD OF VILLAIN! Mad don't even get me started on "Evil Laugh 101". I ALREADY HAVE A PERFECT LAUGH! Check it: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! SEE?! But I didn't come on here to complain. I came to talk about fishing. Here are a few observations: 1) Fishermen always try and outdo each other on who catches the bigger fish. Don't get me wrong...I know this isn't particular to fishing (Have been to the latest "Cheese Rolling Competition"...those guys can be real dicks). 2) It seems every fisherman does something different with the fish they catch. Some throw them back, and some eat them. Sometimes they stuff them and hang them on the wall, and sometimes they keep them as pets (Although, last I checked no one keeps Pike as pets...Pike Pets? Pet Pikes?). I mean, what if celebrities went fishing? What would they do with the fish? I bet Lady Gaga would make a dress or hat out of it (you symbolize that all fish need to do is believe, and they can walk on land like all the "normal" animals.). If Bill O'Reilly caught a fish, he would probably find a way to blame Democrats for it ("Fish have scales, but so do can't explain that."). 3) How do they catch the bait used to catch fish? And how do they catch the bait to use for bait? Like those live do they catch them? Is there a never-ending line of bait? 4) How about goldfish? How do they catch those? I can't imagine it'd be the same way as "regular-sized" fish. I'm picturing a short Mexican guy holding a piece of string with a piece of fish food attached to one end (Don't ask me why he"s Mexican). So just read an entire article about fishing. I kinda enjoy these rambling posts...tell me whatcha think.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Justin Bieber: You're not fooling anyone
I know the truth, and the truth knows me. Wait...what?
See, I know what's really going on. You are being lied to, and it's time you've been told the truth. Get ready for a big heavy dose of "mind-blow".
The year was 2007...a video blew up on the internet. It was of a small boy singing at some sort of event. His name: Justin Bieber. But all is not as it seems.
The facts:
1) Fairly recently, Justin Bieber won "Artist of the Year" at the AMA's. He walked up on stage with his so-called "mom" (Which was totally weird by the way) and gave an acceptance speech. But something He couldn't put any words together and kept stumbling. Here's the link to the full video:
You may also notice that he kept fidgeting and looking at the award. Almost as if the award had some sort of major importance to his well-being.. Was he ordered to get the award for some strange purpose And his mom...why WAS she up there with him? Was she looking after him...just in case he, perhaps, went against orders?
2) He just exploded on to the scene (that's what the kids say, right?(. I mean, he doesn't even sing THAT well. Is there some sort of mind-control at work here? I mean, look at his "fans". They're all impressionable tween girls who go crazy when they see him. At the mere mention of his name, they seem to change. It's not even like they're just "fans" of his. It's a whole other level of worship it seems. And if you speak bad of Bieber, these "Beliebers" go haywire!
3) Selena Gomez broke up with him (On a purely selfish note, I'm so happy this finally happened! I have a bit of a crush on her.) Did anyone else find it weird that we didn't here any details surrounding this? It just...happened. Almost as if Justin was happy this happened...or caused it to happen. Perhaps the relationship didn't serve in his species sinister interests.
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
Analyzing Starbucks
I love coffee. I love black coffee, coffee with cream and sugar, or even Frappacinos. Coffee is the perfect thing to get you going in the morning or when you work at night.
We get our coffee from many sources. The store, Dunkin' Donuts, Carribou, that weird guy with the heavy lisp and the unibrow, and of course...Starbucks.
But have you ever thought for a moment about Starbucks. Lemmee break it down for you:
1) Starbucks is really expensive. I mean, there does come a time when you need to stop and wonder, " it weird that I'm taking out a second mortgage just so I don't fall asleep while I'm driving my tractor to work?". Why are you driving a tractor? I mean, for pete's sake, your a supermodel! And take off those clown shoes! Wait...what?
2) Starbucks is for hipsters. I'm not gonna lie to you people...I hate hipsters (that a whole other blog). What with their fedoras and there horn-rimmed glasses and there crappy music. Does anyone even take those "free download" things? I mean, don't get me wrong now. I'm not usually one to cast judgment on one's taste in music...but sometimes I wanna take those downloads, make a giant tower out of them, and leave it for someone else to clean up....yeah! I'm a badass!
3) The sizes. Tell me, in what universe is a "tall" a "small"? It's like you're stepping into some weird alternate dimension where size doesn't matter (and we all know that size is everything!). And what language is that? Venti? Trenta? Dafuq?! Pretty soon they"ll need to create a new language just for the upcoming generations! Think of the effect on the economy! I won't be able to get my imported mustache wax anymore! The horror!
Now's the part of the blog where I ask what you think. I's a huge cliche. But hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Do you like Starbucks? Reply or whatever you "Tumblrs" do....I don't know!
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
About me (for real though)
Hi! You can call me Fang...Fang McCool (don't want to share my real name for obvious reasons).
So lately I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life. I love making people laugh so comedy writing is definily something I would love to do. I mean, I've thought about stand-up comedy, and it certainly intrigues me, but I understand that's not exactly the easiest of life styles.
So, that's when I decided to start this blog. I really want to start practicing comedy writing, and perhaps get some "fans" who like what I have to say. Please be honest in your replies and remember I'm just starting to take this seriously.
What should you expect? Well, I'll probably talk about, well, anything I have an opinion on. Everything from celebrities to history to random thoughts and opinions...nothing is safe!
So join me won't you? I think this'll be fun
-Fang McCool
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meenyscorner-blog · 12 years ago
About me I'm trying out this "tumblr" thing for the first time here...let's not be douchebags, ok?
I suppose I should start out the blog by telling you a little about myself. What? You don't care? Well too damn goes.
I am a twenty year old villain (or at least that's what I want you to think). I live in "Nunya-Damn-Business Land", where I enjoy spreading havoc and mischief.
I have a crush on Selena Gomez (I can't believe she finally broke up with that no talent Bieber... ABOUT FRIKKIN TIME!) AND GREATLY ENJOY BOOBIES.
In terms of this blog, I'll mostly talk about whatever the hell I want to. Maybe I'll tell stories (I won't). Maybe I'll write crappy fan fiction (no seriously...that ain't gonna happen). Maybe I'll just share hilarious insights about the news, celebrities, and anything else (Actually, that's exactly what I'll do).
So hop's gonna be a wild ride. Wait a second...I can do better!
So hop aboard...this definitly won't suck (Therya go!)
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