medicusculber · 6 years
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medicusculber · 6 years
                                     Made a Button for Hugh!
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tagged by: @quantumstarpaths
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medicusculber · 6 years
Hugh Culber is lacking:
1) social skills 
2) the ability to fly 
3) love.
Tagged by: @quantumstarpaths
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medicusculber · 6 years
Paul Stamets did not ever expect to be a father, yet here he was, with a 25 year old man who was taller than both him and Hugh. “Hubert!” He said, grabbing Hugh by the arm and pulling him over. “Time travel gave us a son!” He smiled and stared at Hugh. “Can we keep him pleaaaaaase? His name is Matthew and I love him.”
Hugh gave his partner a fond smile and nodded his head- he was rather curious about their son as well.  “We can keep him as long as he’s willing to stay- I’m sure he wants to go back to his time.  Besides, it’s not like we won’t see him again.”  There are so many questions Hugh wants to ask Matthew, but he doesn’t know which ones are appropriate for a time traveler to answer.
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medicusculber · 6 years
Hugh Culber’s greatest kink: Paul Stamets.
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medicusculber · 6 years
@guttersniper from {x}
“Of course you can have a hug,”  Hugh said, leaning down and wrapping Mutt in his arms.  “And I do mean it.  You will always be my son.  No matter what happens- what you do, what I do.  Our DNA might not match, but I’ve made my decision.  And I’m a stubborn bastard.”  He offered Mutt a smile and a kiss on the forehead.  “And don’t you forget it.”
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medicusculber · 6 years
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There’s not a lot of variety here:
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Tagged by: @quantumstarpaths
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medicusculber · 6 years
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The Duality Of Man
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medicusculber · 6 years
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└ Paul Stamets in Every Episode - 1x05 ‘Choose Your Pain’ PART 1  (part 2)
“The spores and the drive were functioning at a fraction of their capacity until we presented the mycellium with an animate co-pilot. That’s the key. The tardigrade is alive. We just need to integrate the same sequence into a compatible species. One that understands it’s role in the process and engages willingly. 
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medicusculber · 6 years
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it takes paul a minute to calm himself down enough to meet hugh’s gaze and finally place his own hand over the one his boyfriend has placed to his chest. “nowhere is SAFE,” he mumbles softly, not quite as a warning but just to reiterate his point. everyone needs to leave! but he trusts hugh more than anyone else on this ship. more than anyone else in his LIFE. “i’ll go with you.” the words are spoken in something close to resignation. “but — what i SAW — you have to understand, we’re in danger. no one else believes me.”
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Gently, Hugh squeezes the hand that’s on top of his in reassurance.  “I didn’t see what you saw, Paul, so you’re going to have to tell me about it.  Why are we in danger?”  It never even crossed his mind to doubt Paul, even as he leads the man to their rooms.
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medicusculber · 6 years
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“no, wait a second, you NEED to listen to me—” his behavior is erratic, heartbeat out of control, words spilling from his lips with too great a speed to be properly absorbed. “EVERYONE here is in danger. everyone needs to leave! you HAVE to believe me!”
&. open starter.
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Honestly, Hugh was more worried about Paul right now then himself and put a hand on Paul’s chest.  “I believe you, Paul,”  Hugh told him sincerely, “but right now your pulse is racing and we should really do something about that.  So why don’t we go back to our room- if that’s safe- and see about slowing it down?”  Between this and the DNA experiment Paul had run on himself, Hugh was worried about how Paul’s body would hold out under stress and the last thing he wants is something bad to happen to Paul.
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medicusculber · 6 years
“Good.”  Hugh replied, smilingly gently.  “I want you to always know you’ll have a place here with me.”  He gives him a soft kiss on the forehead.  “Now, do you want me to take you back home-” back to his and Paul’s quarters with Mutt’s own room attached- “or do you want to watch me work a little longer?”
@medicusculber  /  sc.
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the hands that had taken his own are larger, of course, warmer, too. he likes it, makes him feel – safe. hugh always did. he gnaws worriedly on his lower lip. “ yeah. y – yes. i understand. “
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medicusculber · 6 years
rules: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
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muse: Hugh Culber!
▸ is your muse tall / short / average? average! ▸ are they okay with their height? Sometimes they wish they were a little taller- but most of the time yes. ▸ what’s their hair like? Dark brown and close cropped- little bit of white coming in. ▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair / with their grooming? Nope.  Most of the time it’s too short to do much to.  When they grow it out though it’ll take a lot of time to brush.  Their beard takes him the longest time. ▸ does your muse care about their appearance? Only moderately ▸ does your muse care about what others think about them?  Depends who?  Average person, not really.
▸ indoors or outdoors? Outside.  In the water. ▸ rain or sunshine?  Sun ▸ forest or beach? They like the beach because water but forests are also fun. ▸ precious metals or gems?   Neither really. ▸ flowers or perfumes? Flowers. ▸ personality or appearance? Personality, definitely. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Small crowds.  Like 2-3 people are optimal.  But sometimes they just wants to be mostly alone. ▸ order or anarchy? Order.  So much order. ▸ painful truths or white lies? Painful truths in most cases. ▸ science or magic? Definitely a science person.. ▸ peace or conflict? Peace.  They’ve seen enough war wounds for the rest of they’re life. ▸ night or day? They’re actually a night owl!  But they’ll do early mornings if they have to. ▸ dusk or dawn? They see dawn more often. ▸ warmth or cold? They’re definitely a person who prefers it warm. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A few close. ▸ reading or playing a game? Reading.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Working too much, forgetting that food/sleep is a thing, running themselves ragged ▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? They lost their father young as well as an unborn sister, as well as several patients they bonded with.  They tend to grieve quietly and thrown themselves into work wholeheartedly. ▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? Swimming in Pueto Rico, meeting Paul (both times), talking to Paul... ▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? No ▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down?  If it gets to the point where they break down, it’s going to be big.  Most of the time Hugh’s emotions aren’t something they personally pay attention to, so if gets to the point where they’re angry and they know they’re angry?  It’s not going to be pretty. ▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes.  *points at Paul* ▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? Hugh wants to be with them constantly.  Wants to hear about their day, wants to hold their hand, kiss their cheek.  Hugh in love tends to be a very intense experience and there’s no doubt that they’re in love with someone.  
tagged: @quantumstarpaths​ tagging:
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medicusculber · 6 years
Reblog with your muse(s) handwriting (off of this site)
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Tagged by: @quantumstarpaths Tagging: @lifedeathpeacewar @reedalerts
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medicusculber · 6 years
Make a Chibi of Your Muse(s)!
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Tagged by: @quantumstarpaths Tagging: I rarely tag anyone but go for it, it’s super fun.
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medicusculber · 6 years
“ hugh?” he half-whispers, voice raspy, still, from both failed attempt at sleep and the fact that it was quite rough to begin with. “ i c – can’t sleep. so. um. i’ll be – i’ll be up. if you need anything. “
Hugh knows the affects lack of sleep can have on children and adults alike, but he doesn’t give Mutt statistics. He gets out of bed (he always finds it harder to sleep without Paul with him) and goes to the door.  “Come in, Mutt, we’ll make something for a midnight snack.”  Always better to stay up together, isn’t it?
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medicusculber · 6 years
So my laptop died on me last night and Chrome failed me in retrieving my tabs.  So if your thread isn’t here and you aren’t @ofgoodconscience, @commander-reno, or @guttersniper (I know I owe replies & a starter on Hugh for the bby boy)!  PLEASE LET ME KNOW.  Like this, comment on this, send me a message- whatever works.
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