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99 posts
Learn from everyone, everything, everywhere, every time. Cause, it is never be over. Grab and stocking each wisdom. And, be a meritorious people.
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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F E A R . It is our mind that lead us to get up or down The environment just would like to give us a test Still we believe? Can we be patient? Are we able to stand after all? It's all depend on us But please, don't blame yourself On something happened You have chance to continue yourself Just let it go please try to accept it Of course, it's difficult Even to forget it We'll be reminded on what happened And we may be sad But remember that He is still be there As always! If you are feeling bad, just remember on the best moments, the happiest, the most lovely and the craziest things in your life Just remember that you still have others who are walking beside you, who will ready to support you And don't feels alone as He is the One who always love you every second in your life #remindernotes (at Ranai, Penagih)
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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F E A R . It is our mind that lead us to get up or down The environment just would like to give us a test Still we believe? Can we be patient? Are we able to stand after all? It's all depend on us But please, don't blame yourself On something happened You have chance to continue yourself Just let it go please try to accept it Of course, it's difficult Even to forget it We'll be reminded on what happened And we may be sad But remember that He is still be there As always! If you are feeling bad, just remember on the best moments, the happiest, the most lovely and the craziest things in your life Just remember that you still have others who are walking beside you, who will ready to support you And don't feels alone as He is the One who always love you every second in your life #remindernotes (at Ranai, Penagih)
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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A F T E R C O F F E E . I am not a coffee lover Even every single test any kind of coffee, I tasted the same. Bitter, acid, and smoky!!! I don't understand how to taste it better But, I don't hate coffee, too I just don't like the after effect of drinking coffee! My mouth taste acid, and... I can't sleep! GREAT!! Yup, it helped me last night. I drunk a cup of Vietnam Espresso coffee which I bought from Hanoi city. Tadaa~ I am still on right now! But, I grateful that I drunk it yesterday cause I could do my tasks along the night. And what I got this morning?? This such wonderful sunrise after coffee and tasks on ma desk. Thanks coffee! 😎☕ PS: Thanks CoRE Laboratory has already my 2nd bedroom 😅😂 PPS: it's time to 😪😴🛌 . #aftercoffee #coffeeeffect #bitter #acid #smoky #worksalongnight #wonderfulsunrise #ITB #labling
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM . Dulu pernah nonton film yang menceritakan petualangan serupa dengan judul ini. Keinget, terus penasaran juga rasanya berkunjung ke museum di malam hari. Jadilah saya ikut serta dalam kegiatan Night at the Museum yang berlokasi di Museum Geologi, Bandung yang diselenggarakan oleh kolaborasi Badan Geologi @geomuzee dan Kementerian ESDM @kesdm dalam rangkaian Pekan Pertambangan dan Energi September 2017, sebagai peringatan HUT Pertambangan dan Energi ke-72 pada tanggal 28 September 2017 mendatang. Kegiatan Night at the Museum ini dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh beberapa orang tua dan keluarga menjadi edu-travelling. Selain isi museum yang unik, ternyata kegiatan ini memberikan amazing race yang menarik buat anak-anak dan keluarga, memecahkan teka-teki, mencari petunjuk, berlari kesana kemari, berfoto ria, semuanya menjadi hiburan tersendiri. Suasana ceria dan hangat ini sedikit saya abadikan. Dan mengingatkan saya pada bapak, ibu, adik-adik @riyan_siliboy @febylestari1202 dan keluarga di rumah. Setidaknya saya tidak berkeliaran sendiri. Teman-teman relawan dari @relawannusantara_bandung @rumahzakat turut menemani. Terima kasih banyak untuk hari ini. #HUTPE72 #TambangUntukKita #NightattheMuseum #museumgeologi (at Museum Geologi)
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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FAMILY OUTING . "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy each other's life." -Richard Bach- . It's because I miss you more today Are you doing well, are you still the same? ... It's because I miss you more today More because the wind feels cool, And the weather is nice ... In frame : a family enjoy their vacation at the beach 📸 by me at 04:59 pm, September 3rd 2017 . #familyouting #becauseImissYoutoday #TRAVELENJOYRESPECT #family #richardbach
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
#TRAVELENJOYRESPECT . "We live in the wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There's no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -Jawaharlal Nehru- . In the framework of the International Year on Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017, UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) is launching a consumer-oriented campaign aimed at raising awareness of the value and contribution that sustainable tourism can make towards development. The "Travel. Enjoy. Respect" campaign wants to engage tourists in making the sector a catalyst for positive change. Join the movement! . In frame : a wonderful sunset at Probolinggo City #IY2017 #UNWTO #Travel #enjoy #respect #wonderfulindonesia #amazinglandscape #probolinggo #eastjava #indonesia #travelforlife #travelforlove #travelforshare (at Probolinggo)
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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I am one step into being a representative of my country Indonesia being part of the Asia International Model United Nation to give ideas and contribute to my country and the world to the better Asia region. How about you? #asiainternationalmun #aimun #youthexcellence Tag: @youth_excellence @internationalMUN
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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International Youth Day 2017 . @youthforceid selama dua hari kemarin menyelenggarakan serangkaian acara dalam rangka peringatan #InternationalYouthDay2017 . Jumat (11/8) diadakannya workshop bagi 36 pemuda/i terpilih dari sekitar 400-an pendaftar dan menghasilkan beberapa aksi nyata yang fokus dalam enam bidang, yaitu education, poverty, sustainable tourism, change for planet, ekonomi dan kesehatan reproduksi. . Dalam puncak acara yang diadakan Sabtu (12/8) kemarin, sekaligus mengisi hari peringatan Hari Pemuda Internasional, perwakilan dari keenam bidang tersebut sekilas memresentasikan rencana aksi yang akan mereka inisiasi. Kerennya, seorang perwakilan pemudi merupakan penyandang disabilitas yang menggunakan kursi roda, namun kami dapat melihat semangatnya untuk berbuat baik dan bermanfaat bagi sesama. How inspirational she is! 👼 Ternyata, ada rekan saya yang ikut pula berkontribusi di bidang pendidikan. Kece banget emang dia. I'm proud of you! Keep fighting on illiteracy! 💪💪 . Hari puncak diisi dengan agenda penting berupa talkshow dengan tema "Youth Building Peace" oleh empat Pemateri ternama: 1. Ibu Ruby Khalifah, Direktur the Asian Muslim Action Network Indonesia, 2. Ibu Margaretha dari UNFPA Indonesia, 3. Karina Nadila, Putri Pariwisata Indonesia 2017, dan 4. Miyeon Park, programme officer UN Volunteers Indonesia. Secara umum, talkshow membahas pentingnya peran dan keterlibatan pemuda/i dalam membangun perdamaian, kini dan nanti, melalui berbagai sektor. . Disamping narasumber ternyata peserta talkshow yang hadir adalah pemuda/i Kece yang hadir mewakili dari berbagai komunitas dan lembaga. Tapi satu yang menginspirasi saya ialah seorang peserta yang datang tanpa mewakili lembaga apapun. Saya? Bukaan hahhaha 😝 Peserta ini hadir sebagai dirinya sendiri tanpa membawa embel-embel apapun (cuma doa ngaku sih termasuk "Pemuda Yang Mencintai Pemudi" hahhaha 🙃). Insight-nya, partisipasi dan keterlibatan tiap individu dalam kegiatan positif itu dibutuhkan untuk melakukan Pembangunan berkelanjutan, karena kita satu, satu tujuan. Hal ini pula yang saya dapat sewaktu bermain Story Building yang difasilitasi oleh @unvindonesia 👇lanjut di komen yak.. (at Erasmus Huis, Netherlands Embassy, Kuningan Jakarta)
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me-and-today · 7 years ago
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour catch the trade winds in your sail. #Explore. #Dream. #Discover." -Mark Twain- . . #wonderfulindonesia #setahunterinspirasi #pulaupanjang #natuna #marktwain #letsSail (at Pulau Panjang, Subi, Natuna)
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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Saya siap Bergerak Bersama Menebar Manfaat dengan @yayasanhamada #hamadafoundation #mudamulia #ORhamadafoundation
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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Look at you! How dare you stare at me directly! I'll glaring more that you can't stare at me like before!! . I used eyeglasses 🤓 to have good eyesight. But, I knew that it couldn't helped me to glared at you directly. So, I am just trying to use the black one 😎 which is helping me more to see everything that I want to. But, it's too fancy for me as others stare at me strangely 😅 Then, I back to use my suitable eyeglasses. And, you catched me up when I tried to gaze at you some times. I say it more, Sorry! . . . #HappyFreeday eh #friday 😬✌️
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
A piece of memory 🙃 #travellingwithfriends #travelforlife #travelforlove #friendtrip
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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Masjid Raya Bandung . Berada di seberang Alun-alun Bandung, dan tak jauh dari Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika, didirikan tahun 1810, Memiliki 3 kubah dg diameter kubah utama 30 meter, dan 2 menara dg tinggi 81 meter, Dapat menampung hingga 13 ribu jemaah, Desain bentuk saat ini oleh 4 arsitek,  Ir. H. Keulman, Ir. H. Arie Atmadibrata, Ir. H. Nu’man dan Prof. Dr. Slamet Wirasonjaya, Saat ini dilengkapi fasilitas ruang terbuka bagi keluarga di halaman depan masjid dengan rumput (sintetis) hijaunya. . Satu harapan, Aktivitas di dalam dapat lebih hidup dpd diluar. #grandmosqueofbandung #alunalunbandung #wonderfulindonesia (at Grand Mosque of Bandung)
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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SECERCAH BAKTI, BERJUTA ARTI . Halo sahabat! Perkenalkan kami dari divisi lingkungan Social Expedition Youcan Indonesia koridor Kota Tual, Maluku. Saat ini kami bersiap berangkat menuju Desa Lebetawi, Kec. Dullah Utara Kota Tual, Maluku, untuk melakukan pengabdian guna memberikan kontribusi dalam bidang lingkungan terutama pada penanganan dampak sampah di wilayah pesisir. Untuk itu kami sangat membutuhkan dukungan dari sahabat semua untuk kawan kita di Kota Tual. Yuk ikut berkontribusi bersama kami dengan mengirimkan SURAT CINTA atau VIDEO MOTIVASI terbaikmu untuk membantu menyalakan semangat perubahan pemuda Kota Tual agar berperan aktif dalam menjaga lingkungan. Kirimkan surat cinta atau video motivasi dukunganmu ke: 📩[email protected] Deadline pengiriman surat atau video: 20 Juli 2017 *durasi video maksimal 1 menit. Narahubung: 📱Ahmad Ashari: +62 822-1427-8167 (@ahmad_ashari) DIVISI LINGKUNGAN - KOTA TUAL, MALUKU TENGGARA SOCIAL EXPEDITION YOUCAN INDONESIA
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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It has been a cozy and fancy library, now. Oh, the central library! . . . . . #centrallibrary #cozy #fancy #library #itb #bandung #enakbuatbobosiang #lol (at Perpustakaan ITB)
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
Ngadago . Dago, dagoan is derived from Sundanese language meaning "waiting", in ancient times in the Netherlands colonial rule, residents in the northern area of Bandung has a habit of waiting for each other to go along to the city, which at that time, the route traveled to pass through areas that were still relatively quiet and prone to wild animals, especially in the areas of forest around the terminal, Dago now. In 1900-1914, Netherlands Indies Government began construction in the area of development in the area of Bandung, Dago, starting with building rest houses belonged to Andre van der brun in 1905, at the moment the building is still standing and is adjacent to the Hotel Jayakarta. Dago area itself covers simpang Dago northward, dago West, dago teak (STKS-present), dago, dago blue corner, until the famous crooked Hydroelectric Power Plant, built in the colonial era, the Netherlands is located here. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) located in the western area of the upper Dago, and neighbors the Bandung Zoo. A major private hospital, the St. Boromeus, is also located on the street. A major public transport terminal is also nearby. The extreme northern part called Dago Experts, which in the last few years have seen the development of new restaurants offering dramatic views and vistas of the greater Bandung area. . In frame : clock was inspired by (nga) Dago historical story from Bandung area, which exhibited in Mutual Unknown at National Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta. (at Simpang Dago)
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me-and-today · 8 years ago
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Pagi-pagi di lab menemukan ini. Cantik sebenarnya, Keren juga ya bakteri bisa buat pola kayak begini. Tapi, maleus gitu buat ngoprak-ngaprik pas cuci, hehe. . In frame : mold tea . PS: kerjaan abang-abang koskieu, ho-oh! . . . . #moldtea #tehyangditinggalberharihari #adaadaaja #olahragapagi #bebersih #labling #moldpatternontea #pattern #temuan #pagipagi (at Bandung Institute of Technology | ITB)
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