mc-e · 12 years
This is a matter of life and death,
Just kidding. But I'm finally going to completely migrate to my new blog, because, really, I don't even know what I'm doing having two separate blogs.
So. If you're still not following me there, go follow me there: mamacats-elliot.tumblr.com There are 97 of you little lovelies that are still sticking around for some reason, but I'm only keeping this blog because I don't wanna lose everything I've posted, so there's really no point of you all staying here. Okay that's it, I'll stop being annoying forever. Bye. c:
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mc-e · 12 years
Okay, I said I wouldn't update on this blog again but I'm just gonna take advantage that I still have a bunch of followers here to promote my blog like there's NO TOMORROW <3
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A friend and I have made this new blog in which we will be discussing doctrinal/scriptural points as they apply to our lives. Trying to feast upon the scriptures, as we are commonly adviced, by reading and pondering and the applying. Our first post has a serious tone, but we hope to make the blog more dynamic and fun in the future. Just bear with us a little! We’re both quite excited about this new project. We’ve also made the blog in both English and Spanish, for the benefit of a broader audience and we hope to be providing cool Gospel-related graphics and such in the future! Please visit and tell us what you think, we would loveeee some feedback since we’ve worked pretty hard on this. Comment on the actual blog itself (you can even if you don’t have a google account) or feel free to send me and ask if you have any comments, compliments, complaints. Thank you, and keep steadfast in faith.
♥ Click the photo or this link for the blog.
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mc-e · 12 years
It's me again being the bothersome bother that I sometimes like to be. I really want more of you to follow my new blog because it's getting pretty lonely over there. I hope that I'll be able to start posting more "quality" stuff as time goes on because it's nice being able to look back on a blog and seeing all the life that was put into it at a certain point in time.
So if you want to keep reading about my super average joe life, then I'd advice you to follow my new blog: mamacats-elliot.tumblr.com 
Also just do it because you love me, or whatever. 
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mc-e · 12 years
Just going to post this again. I'm gonna be total bothersome about it for the new few days/weeks because I can. Heh c: Follow my new tumblr: mamacats-elliot.tumblr.com aaand my new ldsdiary: ldsdiary.tumblr.com they're both new accounts with the same old urls I've had before. Okay.
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mc-e · 12 years
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scerythlabs replied to your post: Hear ye, hear ye!
*followed both*
you rule! c:
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mc-e · 12 years
Hear ye, hear ye!
If you aren't already aware, I am a highly disorganized person with apparently no self-control when it comes to internet-surfing. Because of this, I've been thinking a lot (oh, dear, when do I not?) and I decided to start all over again with this whole tumblr deal. Fresh. (hopefully more) Organized. So. I changed the url to this account, as you can tell, and made a completely new one with my old url (mamacat-elliot). I will probably eventually delete this account completely, once I've succesfully saved and transfered all my content from here to my hard-drive. Or....I will just keep this account to follow all of you dear friends of mine so that my new dashboard will be completely clear and I won't run the risk of spending hours trying to catch up. Yeah, I think that sounds a lot better. I will visit this account from time to time to check up on you all, because, let's face it, you're all awesome and I don't want to lose complete contact with you. c: So. If you wish to continue reading me whine and cry and talk all about my little life, follow me here: mamacats-elliot.tumblr.com -- it is completely empty for now, however. Othewise feel free to unfollow this blog and enjoy your life!~~ For those of you who follow me on my ldsdiary blog, I also made a new one of that! My old one now temporarily has the name ldsdiary1 and I will be saving and transferring its content slowly to the new one. Follow: ldsdiary.tumblr.com -- you know you want to c; Okay. This is the end of my obnoxious announcement. Keep scrollin'.
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mc-e · 12 years
I think I might just make a new one and reblog all my favorite ldsdiary stuff to it. I'll try that out soon!
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mc-e · 12 years
I want to delete this blog...but then that would mean I'd be deleting my ldsdiary blog along with it. What to do, what to do?
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mc-e · 12 years
This is seriously ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason for me to be feeling like this. Every aspect of my life is becoming increasingly better everyday. There is no reason for this. So....why can I feel myself drifting away?
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mc-e · 12 years
So I guess it's one of those days.
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mc-e · 12 years
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mc-e · 12 years
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Laura and Brady in the Shadow of Our House, by Abelardo Morell
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mc-e · 12 years
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mc-e · 12 years
A big ol' leap of faith, this is.
I feel braver than I have
and stronger than I'd like to admit.
I mean, really....
what is there to lose?
The little beam of hope
it keeps me on my toes
keeps me going, going, gone
telling me, "There's nothing left to lose
but everything to gain".
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mc-e · 12 years
I feel so full being able to talk to others and spilling all that life has taught me out on a keyboard like it's nothing to worry about, nothing to keep to myself. My heart is full of joy, the greatest joy, because for once it feels like I'm doing things right. For once I don't feel even the slightest bit ashamed of the millions of romantic thoughts that keep my mind going in the morning and at night and all throughout the day and even in my dreams.  The days are full of surprises and the trick is to be thankful. How to show that? Just take the chance and run with is as far as you can, never looking back and never caring too much about what the outcome will be.  I'm in deep, for sure.
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mc-e · 12 years
Mei-chan No Shitsuji
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mc-e · 12 years
“One good yardstick as to whether a person might be the right one for you is this: in her presence, do you think your noblest thoughts, do you aspire to your finest deeds, do you wish you were better than you are?”
Ezra Taft Benson
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