#Everyone unfollow me
pretty-idol-hell · 10 months
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On 9/8 they are going to add Yui and Nino's original Yume Rares PLUS an AMARI RECOLOR of Yui's other Yume Rare to the Coord of the Now tab.
It's going to be expensive but I'm probably going to buy ALL of them. You don't understand the Idol Time Yume Rares are bascally my favorite coords of all time and if you had asked me what would make me spend money on coords it would be literally this.
After this, the only legacy coord I could think of wanting to buy is Shion's SCR. Maybe Hibiki's. But other than that, like, I'll be SET.
And to release an "Amari recolor" of one of my favorite coords ever? What more could I ask for. Depending on how it looks, it may become Luna's main PPR.
But yeah, it seems like they are going all in with this connection between Amari and Yui/My Dream. HMM HMM!
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g0om · 5 months
i think i curesed myseld whej i said my blog would only be more miserable this semester
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Just saw a TikTok complaining about ‘kitten’ as a pet name in fanfiction and while I do agree with/understand their discomfort on that one the comments were FULL of people mentioning all the other common pet names ?? Like honey babe baby sweetheart etc ?? Is your partner just supposed to call you by your name the whole time ????????
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schnuffel-danny · 2 months
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accidentally (almost) calling someone "dad" has never been this awkward
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pudgybun · 1 month
I wanna be fricken fat as fuck again I'm trying not to be too bummed about not being able to gain anything rn but I'm actually kinda sad about it! Quite sad ): I was getting so big I was barely fitting in the car seat and my hips were always bumping things and I was just SO plump (T^T) I was feeling SO big and breaking furniture and not fitting my ass in chairs, my double chin was getting so thick and my cheeks and lips were rounding out </3 I'm really hoping that I'm able to get some weight back on! Tomorrow I'm going to a BBQ and doing some photo sets so it will be a good opportunity to eat a bunch !!
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virgothozul · 6 months
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lettertoanoldpoet · 10 months
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boygenius onstage at connect festival in edinburgh, by diana dumi
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pixlokita · 5 months
Well I want to be honest, my mental health hasn’t been the best the past few months. I’ve been really struggling to the point of crying about several different things and it’s not anyone’s fault. Maybe my situation irl is affecting how I feel online, and it sucks because everyone is so nice and kind but I feel like I don’t belong? Idk how to explain it. It’s a very awful feeling and I’m recovering from several traumatic things I thought I’d gotten over but they keep resurfacing, I think I need to organize my feelings and stop overthinking, but I wanted to explain myself too. I’ll be unfollowing several people and you’re free to unfollow me too 💖🙏 y’all have been nothing but wonderful and a source of inspiration but I need to work on myself ;v;)b
I wish everyone a very lovely evening tbh UwU you’re all the best, bless you 💖
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eaglefangz · 1 year
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[pathetic little meow meow voice] i'm not a villain!
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fearandhatred · 5 months
need a tab for mutuals-only original posts. i would sell my soul to tumblr for this
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meyhew · 9 months
You condone violence against innocent civilians?
i don’t “condone” it but i’m not condemning it in this context because apart from the actual babies and children, there are no “innocent civilians” in israel. the men, the women, the elderly—they’re all settlers and they’re all complicit in the crimes of their government. almost all of them have homes they can flee to outside of israel. they take their sweet time packing up their bags and going to the airport to fly elsewhere. a huge number of the israeli population also holds american citizenship because they are all settlers. they are living on very recently stolen land, in other people’s very recently stolen homes. they have in the past made it a celebration to watch missiles strike palestinian civilians. after facing decades of terror and brutalization, if palestinians are finally striking back violently, i 100% support it. and they have not intentionally targeted civilians i beg u to actually get news from somewhere that isn’t western media twisting the narrative. purposefully killing and torturing civilians is a tactic straight out of israel’s playbook. not palestine’s. everything israel is promising to do in retaliation, it has already done to the people of gaza. it has already killed and abducted women and children on purpose, for years on end. thousands of people jailed indefinitely without cause. countless residents bombed to rubble. where’s the condemnation from everyone for that
and once again, even if a handful of civilians were targeted by hamas, i don’t condemn it. because again: the civilians are fucking settlers. palestinians have been nonviolent in their resistance for a long time and an oppressed group can only be passive for so long before they start to hate their aggressor. all of this is a result of the israeli government terrorizing palestinians for decades and the israeli settlers choosing to be there. who would the israeli government do all this for if there wasn’t a population it was governing? only the children are absolved of that guilt because they haven’t had the choice to be there or move back to wherever the fuck they came from
open up a history book. decolonization is violent. and i will always be on the side of the oppressed, no matter how violently they fight back
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gothic-mothic · 10 months
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Cherub Playing a Lute by Rosso Fiorentino
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sweet-potato-42 · 4 months
in such a situation lets remember how to adress this stuff
obvious main priority is supporting victims and speaking out about the things that allowed this to happen. Support Shelby and Lexie and everyone else who is hurt by the abusers
be careful on what you pressure other ccs to do. Dont pressure for a statement especially if they might have experienced stuff themselves. Expect them to stop showing support for Wilbur by unfollowing and no longer mentioning him. Dont pressure people into making a full statement and especially dont pressure them to tell personal stories
Remember we dont know these people we are just viewers. Be carefull with speculation. Ive seen a lot of people speculating about who wilbur might have been manipulative to in terms of friends.
Give ccs some time to see and react to the accusations and response. However dont go overboard and expect them to respond at some point. If a long time passes and they are still ignoring the situation while everyone else has unfollowed or spoken about it then its odd.
Dont be parasocial these peoples job is to be public figures they know that people watch their every move and will notice when they support someone.
If someone speaks out and tells a story then supprot them well and listen to what they have to say
I do admit earlier in the heat of the moment and fear for what would be revealed i did not get this across properly for what to expect from a cc. I will be more mindful of my phrasing in the future. I do want people to be carefull in general and not take advantage of reasonable comments to use as excuses for other ccs though
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mschismosa · 3 months
And if i dropped this insane au out of nowhere what then
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lifemod17 · 3 months
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saw That One impudent and heinous anon ask going around just now (editing cuz it was actually like 12hrs ago but i was busy then but the message still stands) BUT since they were a coward hiding behind an anonymous ask, I'm not gonna reblog it cuz they just want the attention ✨
Instead I'm just gonna leave this little reminder from Vessel himself ^^^
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tsunochizu · 11 months
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I know this is not what all of you followed me for but deal with it
Ragequit head bonk
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