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oh good god
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Last post of the summer!! If you can’t already tell, the neo trio has my heart in a chokehold (/pos/silly), so I decided to draw them as if they were in highschool lmfao
There’s a ramble below this btw— (potential spoilers, oops)
Okay I’m done hiding my epithet obsession behind the tons of audio recordings dedicated to my rambling saved to my phone. Here is everything I love about my sweet pookie bears—
I like their whole group’s dynamic sm, especially since they’re all drastically different in style and attitude, but they all balance each other out really well
Feenie is literally me— tons of book smarts but struggles with street smarts (and no, ztreet zmartz for kidz doesn’t count 😭). She’s also so dramatic and kind and her entire personality is so hilarious to read and listen to. Also I’m very pleased to say that I can do a pretty decent impression of her (mainly because her intro in the gold collection video is one of my favorite things to quote ever. literally, i’ve been saying it non-stop all day because its just that fun to say aloud).
Trixie has all the confidence I wish I had— she acknowledges how not all confidence is genuine, and yet she uses her rough and tumble energy to support and defend her friends. Her whole obsession with the occult is so cool, and I really hope that Jello uses her abilities to gateway into her potentially finding out what her epithet is— I also love how Feenie has an alarm to switch their pronouns, that was really funny. (I have an OC who’s inspired by her lmao)
AND OF COURSE, MOLLY-WOLLY-DOODLE-ALL-THE-WAY! She balances her friend group out so well with her chill personality. While all three of them are anxious at times, I love how Molly isn’t afraid to come up with a plan, even if it involves putting herself in danger to protect everyone else. She reminds me of myself at her age, as I used to struggle with being a people pleaser who struggled to insert myself and defend my beliefs. I love her whole gateway to becoming more assertive in the show and how she used that to save the people she cares about (including Lori, in a way).
If I knew how to draw Lizard Wizard Shades, I would, but I can’t. I’d also ramble about him for twice as long, but it’d make more sense with the content of the post if I had drawn him too, so I’ll save that for another day. :3
Okay that’s it— that’s my ramble— thanks for checking into my TEDtalk, lmfao
Enjoy the rest of your summers, everyone!
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last day ago i saw epithet erased but hamilton
by: @mayu-in-their-sweet-era
ngl i like it alot to the point ye and ye by @mayu-in-their-sweet-era go checked out
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Come on kid >:|
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Hey everyone!!! Just so you guys are aware, I’m going to be out of my country for a few weeks for a trip, which means that I won’t have much access to social media due to my phone plan. 😭
That being said, the musical is still going on! If you or anyone you know are interested or have any questions, please email [email protected] !! We will be sure to respond to your lovely messages as soon as we can!
Thank you all for all the support being put onto the recent uploads, and have a wonderful day!
P.S: As a display of my gratitude, have a drawing of Feenie (drawn by me)
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Epithet erased au where everything is the same except the neo trio do the we bare bears thing whenever they're in the same scene
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Edit: The demo track album is up!!
My sister and I are both composing and writing songs as we speak, we’ve been working on it for a few months and have completed writing 11/20 full songs for the musical. Each arc is split into an act, and my sister is composing the instrumentals. I will post the demo songs on here as soon as I can :))
This animatic was made as a joke as a way to promote our silly writing skills. All of our songs were created by us.
Although i would like to emphasize that this is entirely fan-made, done for kicks and giggles, and we want to acknowledge that Epithet Erased is not owned by us and is under the rights of Jello Apocalypse (aka the one and only Brendan Blaber). We mean no harm by starting this project!!
If anyone is interested in any of the available roles, please feel free to DM me!!
i had a vision guys let me cook
(lyrics by me, epithet sprites drawn by bo hello, we know inst. from hamilton)
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i had a vision guys let me cook
(lyrics by me, epithet sprites drawn by bo hello, we know inst. from hamilton)
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My band kid brain is REELING
Okay i just finished watching my girlfriend play ISAT and I felt the urge to dig into the music a little bit and lost a whole day to it. So i think i have to post about it. General spoilers below, read at your own risk.
Ok so Im gonna talk about the title theme and one other song here, which is a secret for later. (This part took like 2 hours to cobble together ill post the other one tomorrow)
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In the first statement of the melody, we have a very bog standard i -> III -> IV -> Cadential 6/4 moti-- wait a second.
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With where these lines intersect, the A in the middle voice actually dips below the bass voice for the statement of this chord, which means that the chord lands in a second inversion. You wouldn't normally put a i6/4 just after a cadential 6/4 unless you were actively trying to make the resolution feel weaker for some reason. As if you intentionally wanted the listener to not feel a strong sense of returning to the tonic.
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When the strings come in we are treated to lush root position 7th and 9th chords to really feel magical and detached from ourselves. Just as well, that cadential 6/4 turns into an entire tonicization for A major! I adore the way the strings milked the motion down from D to C# to C, its a perfect suspension of the old tonic into the tonicized dominant :>. The themes of not feeling at home continue from here. We get the briefest glimpse of a happy A major chord in measure 8 before we lose any sight of an A that feels at home in the harmony. Measure 10's A in the melody is completely unsupported by the G major chord underneath, and the only A's to play in measure 11 are in the bass and the frenetic synth line bouncing between left and right panning, as the upper string descend to a G and the melody completely skips over the A in otherwise stepwise line. I wonder why home is so hard to latch onto in this piece? You're only ever able to grab onto it for a little bit at a time, when you even know what you're listening for.
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As we approach the end of the phrase, we finally get a reasonable resolution to the tonic! We made it! However, it is nowhere near as harmonically pleasing as it should sound. Even with the faster pulse flipping back and forth between the ears and the actual stepwise enclosure of the tonic, when a tonic chord finally rings it quickly darts back, and what we get is empty. The 3rd of the tonic is played for the length of a eighth note and is quickly kicked out of our aural memory by the staccato E in the same instrument. And then all previous accompaniment leaves, save for the strings, as the piano enters to play one last statement of the B theme. The title theme makes very clear, we are allowed to approach home, but we are not allowed to linger. As quickly as a taste of it comes about, we realize how much it tastes like nothing.
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Finally, we are rewarded with another cluster of A's and E's to leave us feeling empty and full of ennui. Truly we are meant to interpret this piece as Siffrin feeling lost and alone, no home to return to, nowhere to truly rest. That about wraps up my analysi-- hey wait a fucking second.
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If you listen at the very end, the strings jump back up to a D chord at the very end of the piece. D, the key we originally thought we were in. This single chord completely recontextualizes the entire piece and im not kidding in the slightest. If everything that happened while we thought A was the home key was actually just elaborating the dominant, then what does it actually mean? And more importantly, why is it so quiet? What is the purpose of the final D chord, the actual end chord of the piece, when it is so removed from what feels like the real ending of the piece. It's as though it's being intentionally kept at bay, as if we as listeners are actively pushing it away. It's like song itself doesn't want to really end.
Studio Thumpy Puppy, if any of you ever read this, please know that I am in absolute awe of your ability to bake in the themes of the story into 42 seconds of music.
Not only does the title theme convey Siffrin's emotional pain from not being able to remember his home country, it manages to tell the listener the crux of the plot before a single line of exposition hits the screen. Siffrin doesn't want his party to leave him alone, he doesn't want their journey to end. He is so desperate to prevent his party from returning home without him that he breaks the structure of the piece, hides the final chord, from his own god damn opening theme. To stop the journey from ending.
If you've gotten this far, please support the artists behind this amazing game. If you haven't bought and played ISAT yet, go do it, and while you're here, also buy the soundtrack. Give these people money!! They're really good at what they do!
Next up: We're With You! Look forward to it, it's also amazing.
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Hi guys! 🥰I drew the In Stars and Time cast as Hazbin Hotel characters. Do you guys like it? 😝
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(these are from the hollowing au made by @always-just-down-the-street , @snickerpuffs, @traumaboyexo, @charminharmin and many others on the beloved in stars and explosions server)
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hey guys this is a reminder that studying can be fun if you put enough effort into it *proceeds to isat-ify my geometry notes*
(sorry for my bad handrwriting)
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blud how many times have you rbd this jfc 😭😭😭 /pos
i had to hop on the train yall like cmon
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happy tdov my loves. don't let anyone else define your transness for you.
help trans women evacuate gaza
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i had to hop on the train yall like cmon
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i had to hop on the train yall like cmon
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twinfrin au has me in a chokehold
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You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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my possible island list, btw:
• costa rica
—> reasoning: has black beaches in guanacaste and limón due to volcanic activity, has a warm climate, and grows malanga
• panama
—> reasoning: same as above
• puerto rico
—> reasoning: same as above
• new zealand
—> reasoning: ocean based culture, would have easy access to boats, reasonably warm climate, grows malanga, has black beaches
• guadalupe
—> reasoning: offshoot of france + makes sense geographically (though the layout of the other countries doesnt seem to be real life accurate, so this point is null)
• georgia
—> reasoning: same as costa rica, sans malanga (i think, im having trouble finding information because of the u.s state of the same name)
• cuba (one of my personal favs)
—> reasoning: this is where malanga fritters themself come from!! theres black beaches (la playa bibijagua), and it's mountainous
• the philippines
—> reasoning: same as cuba
• malaysia
—> reasoning: same as above
• indonesia
—> reasoning: same as above
honorable mentions:
• guatemala
• el salvador
• iceland (i believe this was confirmed as not it by the dev)
• greece (same as iceland)
• portugal
• spain
• cyprus
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