maxmayfield · 3 years
I love that we’re both in a happier and better place than we were back then, but wow. Can’t believe it’s been five years since I was timidly chatting with my favourite fic author, wondering how she even knew I existed.
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my stranger things story
so i’ve had a few glasses of wine (like anyone is surprised) and it just hit me that this Saturday is July 15th. YOU GUYS. That is one whole year of Stranger Things in my life. 
I can remember that day so clearly. It was a Friday, I was two weeks away from my wedding and my job had been crazy. 50+ hour weeks and my work phone glued to my hand. I was so tired and stressed out. My husband (to be) and I decided to stay in, drink beer and just relax. we watched a movie, I don’t even remember what it was but it was okay. then we turned on Netflix to find something else. 
Stranger Things was right on top since it debuted that day and although I hadn’t heard of it before, it immediately had my interest. I’ve always been a sucker for 80s movies and shows. My husband thought it looked “stupid” (I will never let him live this down) but said fine. we started episode 1. My husband said, “oh my god they’re playing D&D”, which he also plays so he was excited. I said, “I bet this Mike kid ends up being a dick.” Once the opening credits started and the synth filled the room, I turned to him and said, with wide eyes, “I LOVE this show.” His response: “Of course you do.” And I hadn’t even met my best girl yet!
By the next afternoon we had finished the season. I glanced through Tumblr and saw a few gifs I liked. Time moved on. I went home. I made my best friend watch it. I got married. over the next month I rewatched the show and couldn’t get it out of my head. I searched for fic, finding a whopping 42 on AO3. 42! i got all my coworkers to watch and love it. my coworker and I got to run down and see the cast at AOL and it was the best day ever. 
a story slowly brewed in my head and I eventually posted it, thinking it would be a oneshot and I would move on. i was so wrong and I couldn’t be happier about it. it led to me meeting so many great people, like @dadharbour, @richiehoezier, @ghost-grantaire, @myheartisfullofstrangerthings, @forfutureglory, @eggos-and-promises, @theamiableanachronism, @justanotherfabulousfanatic, @itcouldbendoritcouldbreak, @baileytsample, @the-weirdo-on-maple-street, @atimeofwhichwehavenoknowledge, @richiegayzier and so many more. Oh yeah, and my soulmate @elevenknope :)
long story short, I love this show and I love this fandom. And I will probably never emote this much again.
PS- thank you all for accepting my writing and also my slow transformation into a human meme ;) 
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maxmayfield · 3 years
Every so often I read a book and cry at the end both because the book was perfect and because I can’t handle that it’s over. Anyways, read The Once and Future Witches because it is everything. 
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maxmayfield · 4 years
i see what you did there 
bb is 11 weeks old....too young for a first viewing of ST? Or just right??
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maxmayfield · 4 years
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As protests against injustice in legal system, discrimination, police brutality spread through the US, it is necessary to educate yourself about these issues. 
Here are just a few book recommendations (there are so much more out there), include both non-fiction and fiction about racism and challenges that black people face throughout their lifetimes. 
Thank you so much for more recs. Below are some more amazing book recommendations from the comments:
Dear Martin by Nic Stone
Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro
Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine
Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
White Fragility by Robin Diangelo
Stamped From the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult
Noughts and Crosses series by Malorie Blackman
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Between the World and Me by Ta-nehisi Coates
Warriors Don’t Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals
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maxmayfield · 4 years
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Scenes from a lavender farm in Ukraine.
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maxmayfield · 5 years
Me and the boys breaking it down on the dance floor when "Toss a coin to your Witcher" gets played at the feast.
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maxmayfield · 5 years
I literally had to walk away to wipe away my tears. It was the most magical days in so many ways and this just added to the perfection!
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@maxmayfield’s wedding was a dream. She looked even more gorgeous than usual, I got a special shoutout, we danced until one, and there was even late night McDonalds.
And she only cried once, when I told her I’m pregnant.
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maxmayfield · 5 years
So happy you’ve come to celebrate with me and get super drunk with me!
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Am I having a giant margarita at an airport Chili’s at noon while waiting to fly to @maxmayfield’s wedding? You bet your ass I am!
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maxmayfield · 5 years
Steve Harrington keeps a stash of Halloween chocolate under the counter at the video store with the honest-to-god intention of sharing it with kids who come in to rent horror movies (and good old family friendly Halloween flicks) but can’t help the fact that every time Robin sneaks a piece, he sneaks one too.
Steve decorates the video store for Halloween the moment October hits. The fake zombies and fuzzy faux cobwebs help distract him from the real monsters from last autumn—ones he hopes he’ll never have to see again. And the most amusing distraction? Keith’s frustrated sighs each time he tries to sweep past the cobwebs spread across the manager’s door—decorations that somehow keep finding their way back up, no matter how many times they’re thrown in the garbage. 
And on Halloween itself, Steve dresses up to hand out candy while his parents go to some swanky fundraiser. There aren’t a lot of kids out in the neighbourhood this year—the whole Russian underground thing really freaked people out—but Dustin, Lucas, and Erica show up with loyalty on their faces and empty pillowcases in their arms. Steve makes quick work of filling them up with full-size chocolate bars. 
Once the candles on the jack-o-lanterns are blown out and the wind scatters leaves across empty roads, Steve hops into the car and heads over to Robin’s. They drive around town, not saying much, munching on a shared bag of potato chips in between them, until Steve somehow—without thinking, really—ends up in the junkyard, a rusty old school bus still innocuously parked there.
“Are you gonna kill me?” Robin asks playfully, throwing a chip at his face. 
Steve laughs and rolls his eyes before putting the car in park and slumping into his seat. “Remember that monster stuff I told you about?”
Robin nods, pausing to look outside the window. She presses her nose against the glass and allows her breath to fog. “It happened here?” 
Without a word, she turns back to him, grabbing the bag of chips and holding them out to him. Steve smiles and takes a handful, making sure to throw one in her direction before eating the rest. 
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maxmayfield · 5 years
Hey! Do you still ship and write Mileven?
Hello anon! It’s been a while since I’ve checked in here so sorry if you’ve been waiting for a reply—ship, yes, absolutely until the bitter end. I don’t write so much anymore because life has been very busy and productive! But I tend to be more active in the summer??? Not that that helps at all. Much love anon!
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maxmayfield · 5 years
it’s an unwritten rule of creating fan content that there will always be someone who comes up with some ridiculously goofy fanon, and at least one other person who directly contradicts this with the most soul-crushing angsty headcanons and in response
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maxmayfield · 5 years
@stevemossington if I walk down the aisle to Kids from the ST soundtrack will you stand up and scream?
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maxmayfield · 5 years
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The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers
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maxmayfield · 5 years
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glow | you flew. it was epic.
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maxmayfield · 5 years
Did anyone notice Robin and Max sharing a blanket on the stretcher in the background of the scene after the battle?
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them :(
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maxmayfield · 5 years
Today is a great day to love Stranger Things™️
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maxmayfield · 5 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes
@maxmayfield what can I say about Val? She’s okay, guess. JK she’s my soulmate and I’m obsessed with her. She’s always kind and funny and one of my favorite writers in the fandom. I’m always in awe of how nice she is to people. Getting to know her has been one of the highlights of my life. We have so much in common and can talk for hours, about any number of tv shows and movies or just our lives and pets and the fake sitcom we’ve created about our lives that we’re definitely pitching to HBO someday and Joe Keery will 100% want to be a part of. 💙
@1980s-jean-ralphio TJ was in the fandom right at the beginning and I’m forever grateful that she came back. She’s hilarious and smart and always has such insightful tags on everything she reblogs. I love getting to talk to her about anything from Mileven to Boy Meets World to Playboy Scott Clarke™️ to being 30 year old tumblr grandmas. 💙
@theamiableanachronism Ami is the biggest sweetheart in the fandom, I guarantee it. She’s always kind and supportive and her positivity is contagious. Her writing is sweet and always puts a smile on my face. Noot noot my sweet Ami 💙
@mikeswheeler Kyy is probably one of the first people I followed on here, way back in like September 2016. She’s the ultimate fandom OG, but more than that, she’s so kind and hilarious. She’s one of the reasons I became active in the fandom and I will always love her for that 💙
@she-who-the-river-could-not-hold Kathryn is INSANELY talented. Like, awesome writing? Check. Fantastic mood boards? Check. Out of this world gifsets? CHECK. I am continually blown away by her talent. My dash would be sad without her. She also happens to be super nice and fun and an all around great person!! 💙
If you aren’t following any of these fine people yet, do it now!!!
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