“aren’t you a little too old for superstition?” he grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. this city seems smaller and smaller every day. “i’m not here to pick fights, but unless you’re prepared to throw me out yourself, you’re out of luck. i’ve got as much right to be here as you.”
“Aren’t you a little unlucky to not believe in superstition?” She wasn’t going to throw being as Essex prisoner back in his face. She wasn’t that cruel. But, Mari had no intention of lightening up on him on the topic either. “Alright, fine, but if you do get stabbed, I’ll finish you off this time instead of trying to help.”
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closed starter // @marixsanchez·
·“One, two, Freddy’s coming for you,” Narcissa sings as she approaches the woman from behind. “Nice costume, Krueger. Fancy a duel?” she asks, her teasing voice slightly muffled by the hockey mask. “I brought my favourite machete.”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Mari says with a laugh, giving the woman a once over. “Someone else with taste. I can only handle so many sexy cats in one evening, you know?”
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“Oh, for sure!” Tiffany is tipsy enough, and the room dark enough, that she doesn’t really notice the way the woman ducks her head. “I’ve definitely seen at least one glass get broken. I like your costume! Though I bet the claws get in the way a bit, I know my tail does. Are you having fun?”
She hums in acknowledgement, having already been one of the culprits of breaking a glass. But, it was the claws fault, not hers. She just kind of... knocked into it. “What? Oh, yeah. Yes. It’s a lot, haven’t partied in a while.” Not a lie, that was for sure. “You having fun?”
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@marixsanchez· !!
“i’m starting to think you’re following me.” is it some poetic attempt at revenge? it’s been a year exactly since their first untimely meeting, albeit this time without the bloodshed. so far. “this your idea at getting back at me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy.” Frankly, Mari has to wonder if it was a bad omen to run into him on yet another Halloween night. Last time it had been a near death experience for both of them. “Full offense, but you’re kind of like a bad luck charm. I feel like you should see yourself out.”
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“Jeez, I’m exhausted!” Tiffany flops down into a chair at a table only occupied by one other person. She doesn’t recognise the person, doesn’t connect her to one of the people holding her hostage in the summer. Kicking her legs out in front of her a few times to try and get some blood flowing back into her aching feet. “Whoever invented dancing in heels should go to jail forever,” @marixsanchez·
Mari recognizes her almost immediately: The snack girl from Bergen Street. The one shad last some resolve in front of. Mari knows she was in a mask, but she still ducks her head to try and keep the stranger from recognizing her. “Well, you probably don’t wanna be barefoot on this floor.”
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an obvious jump was made by the woman has she turned around to see the other’s extremely convincing freddie krueger costume. the imagery had terrified her and still did to some degree. while he wasn’t the man who haunted her nightmares, he might as well have been. “oh my!” gasping, the woman put her hand on her chest and breathed out. “you frightened me.” there was a second where the woman still looked afraid but then a chuckle to mask to followed. “i think you really understood the assignment of the dress code.” she nodded, stepping back ever so slightly to flash a smile.
It will always be incredibly gratifying to watch someone jump at her costume. Mari enjoys getting as involved in Halloween. Most holidays reminded her of family, and what she was missing out on. But Halloween? This was a time to celebrate the scariest of the scary, eat as much candy as possible, and ignore the inevitable consequences of her actions. “Hey, they don’t call it the Satanic Soiree for nothing. I gotta make sure I’m the scariest thing in the room or else was it all really worth it?”
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MARI SANCHEZ is dressed as FREDDY KRUEGER for the SATANIC SOIREE. She figured, fuck it, if I’m going, I’m going as the sexiest sleep paralysis demon you’ve ever seen. She’s there to get wild, and have fun. Keep up or get out of the way.
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“Oh, that reminds me!” Stevie answers, grabbing the tape from it’s home in the bathroom cabinet and shuffling to her bedroom before reappearing. She grins and dangles a little bag made out of a sheer green mesh. Coiled safely inside is a white puka shell necklace. “Obviously, we came back with presents. And if you promise to forgive us for ditching you two for a couple of weeks, you can be the proud owner of this totally rad necklace.”
Stevie doesn’t wait for an answer, knowing that neither Mari or Dare are or would be actually upset with either herself or Blake for taking a much needed vacation. Instead, she only winks and gently plops the bag down next to her friend before taking the adjacent seat. It’s only as she sets herself up with the length of tape she knows she’ll need that she decides to expand on the quick nod she’d given Mar’s earlier question. “I’m fine, Maria. Really.” A small shrug as she cuts the tape. “As fine as I can be. I got a friend to heal me up enough that the scar doesn’t hurt or itch anymore. Can’t really ask for me, right?”
Stevie makes her way back to the room with a little green bag, and Mari can’t help but smile despite the sudden wave of guilt she feels once again. There would be no need for a vacation if it wasn’t for what had happened. And, while she doesn’t regret her choice, she does in some regard. She regrets the fact that she’s stuck with the consequences in silence, and the reminder that she had done her friends wrong whether they knew it or not. But, she bites her tongue and gives her a playful look of contemplation. “I guess I can find it somewhere deep in my heart to forgive you. I am generous like that.”
She places her hand out on the table for Stevie, and watches her carefully, searching for any sort of lies or otherwise. Not that she wants to doubt Stevie, but she knows that her friend is the type to try and cover things up. She and Levi are similar like that. “Physically. But, we’re friends, and I do care about your emotional well being. Surprise. Vacation help with some of that healing?”
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“Sorry,” Mori offers. It’s always such a lackluster response to hearing about someone’s family dying. At least it’s a common one because Mori can’t find it in themselves to really care. A few more mutants out of the world, hardly a bad thing. Except looking at Mari, well, that was a little harsh them, wasn’t it? Wanting to lift the mood, the elbow Mari, a wide smirk, “All they did was make me scary. Who was gonna snitch on me if I can have ‘em flat on their back like—” Mori snaps their fingers “—that?”
Sorry always feels like such a funny response to receive. It’s not something that Mori, of all people, need to apologize for. They’re in the organization that was going to help Mari right that wrong, anyway. But, all she does is offer some sort of nod of acknowledgement, and stay grateful that she wasn’t getting psychoanalyzed right now. “Hell yeah, that’s the way to fuckin’ do it, right? Make them fear you, and they’ll never cross you.”
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“Oh, I–sorry, no, I just…” Dani hesitates, eyes tracking the woman’s hands as she shoves the man halfway out of the alley before he can find his feet. “…that was really cool. Can you–would you show me how you did that?”
Mari eyes the girl for a moment longer before a small smile finally cracks. What can she say? She’s a sucker for a newbie. Hopefully this one wouldn’t end in disaster like the last one had. “I could, yeah. But, step one is confidence. We should start there if you’re gonna learn.” She sticks a hand out. “Mari.”
#{ t. dani r. }#{ dani : violence is sometimes the answer }#you singlehandedly just got mari off vibe check thank u for your service
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“No it hasn’t! Everything I’ve told you about me has been the truth. I only didn’t tell you about being a spy, but everything else was real.” April doesn’t know how to fix things. She doesn’t know the magic words that will make Mari forgive her. Maybe what she’s done is unforgiveable. “I had to tell Xavier the things I knew. I was sent in as a spy, and I can’t exactly lie to him. He can get inside my head if he needs to.” She didn’t know whether he would actually go that far and be so invasive, but it felt easier to tell him the truth than risk waking up one morning with his voice echoing in her head. Everything feels unfair — she can’t win, no matter what she says.
Give up your little spy friends. April could never do that to Finley. Even if April isn’t fully committed to Xavier’s, Finley is still her friend. “It got me almost killed by that prick, Ezra.” She shouldn’t be insulting him in front of another Brotherhood member, but she can’t help it. What he did to her is unforgiveable and unforgettable. It plays on her mind constantly. She feels his presence, despite knowing he’s not around. “He would’ve tried to kill me no matter what. Even if I gave up Finley, Ezra or Mark would’ve taken me out and you know it, Mari. I had nowhere to go. Xavier wouldn’t pull me from the mission because it would be dangerous, and I couldn’t come clean and risk my life and Finley’s. What would you do in my situation?”
“And, how do I know that you won’t take this information to Xavier, too? How am I supposed to ever trust you again, lies or no lies? For all I know, you’re still playing games.” Mari hates that she has to be so skeptical around April. She had seen so much potential in the girl at one point, but now the sight of her only left a white hot range burning in her chest. Anyone who could betray her, put the lives of the entire organization at risk, and still come groveling back for forgiveness had to be stupid. “How many of our names does he have now? How many of us have you put in danger because you wanted to play hero?”
Mari doesn’t like the red head spy, but she hates Ezra far more. But, she bites back any kind of noise of agreement for the principle of the matter. She poses a question next, one that Mari didn’t expect. For a brief minute she runs through the options, because she knows that April is right. Even if Magneto himself accepted the likes of April, there would have been more than a few members who would not be as accepting. “I wouldn’t have taken the job in the first place. What, did Xavier have some black mail on your or something? Because, he’s a pushover, I doubt he forced you to do anything.” It’s a cop out answer, but one Mari stands behind.
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“Sounds like a good dad.” Mori hums to show interest in her story. Then they’re tipping head side to side, as though debating how much to share, “Got into a lot of scraps when I was younger, the home figured it was easier to get me into a class than to keep fighting the other kids.” ‘The only violence ever condoned’. Laughable, really. Mori’s childhood, Mori’s life has been built around violence. And mutants like Mari? Who’ve made it their life by choice? Even worse. “What’s dad think about you being with the group?” Saying Brotherhood out loud seems risky.
“Well, they were right about that. Made you practically undefeatable, huh?” She says, elbowing them softly. “Ah, that’s the thing isn’t it?” Mari says, tensing slightly at the mere thought of her parents. It’s not a topic she touches on an awful lot, she she can probably be somewhat vague about it. “He doesn’t know. He died a few years back, Mom too. Anti-mutant crime, unsurprisingly.” She thinks about it often, whether or not they’d approve of her being in a group like the Brotherhood. The answer is no, resoundingly, but Mari wouldn’t even have wanted to be a part of it all if she still had her parents. That was the catalyst to this whole thing.
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It hits her like a damn truck when she sees this girl again. The one who acted above being a hostage. The one who got her wrist broken by Mari. What she’s doing lingering around Brotherhood hangouts is beyond her. “Are you... looking for someone or something?” Did she even get her name last encounter? Probably not, unless she had said it at her.
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“What was that,” Mari barks, “What did you say?”
“I’m a spineless piece of shit,” The man blubbers in return.
“So you, can learn. Get the fuck out of my face before I change my mind.” Mari shoves him out of the way, watching him scamper like a stray dog before her eyes fall on a girl. She’d be more concerned if it weren’t for the antlers. “Can I help you with something?”
#{ t. dani r. }#{ dani : violence is sometimes the answer }#let me know if i should change anything !!!!
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Nothing got in Mari’s way. Absolutely nothing... except heights. She was small but mighty, sure, but some good that did her when some asshole put the can she was reaching for so far back on the shelf, she couldn’t get her fingers around it. She glances down the aisle, spotting some guy walking by. Just as true with most everyone, he was taller than her. “Hey, you. Grab that can for me will you?”
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He puts an arm over his eyes and laughs, his body still hurts with that action but somehow he feels a little bit more at rest, more relaxed and less in pain, which is probably just a consequence of his conversation with Mari. He finds it hard to believe that this is the nicest thing she has ever heard and yet, he means it - she is his friend but also she is someone he admires a lot.
Maybe that is why it’s both easy and painful to say those next words, “last time, when we had the mission to take down the essex house, I thought I wasn’t going to make it - i think it was just look that I did” that mission was a huge failure, and part of it was his fault “then, Levi went to prison and I had to sit around and wait” he says this bitterly, the anger and desperation he felt in that moment coming back to him “and then he got hurt again and I couldn’t prevent it, couldn’t see it coming, but I know that even if I had there was little I was going to be able to do against an Omega”
He stops and takes a deep breath, “I need this, Mari, I need to be prepared, I need to feel like I can do better. I know that you are right and I’m not useless, but, I feel like I can do more” not just for the brotherhood, but to protect everyone he cares about.
Mari props herself up on her elbow to listen. She’s heard some of the stories of what happened that night, and none of them were good. They made her stomach turn, knowing how many of her friends had come close to dying. But, she hadn’t been able to process them much with everything else that had gone on since the failed missions from the Spring. “Well, first of all, I’m glad you’re still here.” Not only for herself. She couldn’t imagine what hole Levi would fall down if anything were to ever happen to Riley. “Second of all, I understand not wanting to feel small or weak.” It was the one thing that she had managed to avoid thanks to training.
“So, we’ll get you ready, then. I’ll make a fighter out of you yet.” She had the utmost faith in Riley to succeed in the field. If only by determination alone, he had what it took. He cared. That was probably the most important thing there was next to actual strength and dexterity. He had a purpose to fight and a purpose to win. “You’ll be ready next time, I’ll make sure of that. You’ll be out fighting Levi by the time I’m done with you.” She couldn’t lose anyone else. Especially not Riley. She had no choice but to make a fighter out of him, just as well as any other person in the Brotherhood. Except for her. And, probably Mori.
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Mari’s got a sense of humor, at least. Something that makes it easier to befriend her. “It’s always the dumb ones going on about how smart they are. Thanks, darling,” Mori adds the last sentence with a wink as they step through first. Letting Mari lock up behind them, they put their hands into their hoodie pockets and lead the way towards tonight’s drinking hole, “Where’d you learn to fight?”
“Humility is not a common enough trait,” Mari muses, a lighthearted air to the comment as she double checks the door has locked behind her. “A bunch of different places, really. We moved around a lot in my teenage years, but my Dad was my most consistent coach. He was super into kickboxing, and wanting me to know how to defend myself since I was a mutant. It was the only violence ever condoned in our household growing up.”
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