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Move over, Paul Ryan.
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#sweaterpower in full force for the final walk through before the GOP Debate tonight! #gobeastmode #sweatermarcoisbettermarco
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Make sure you get out and vote for our #futurePOTUS @marcorubio if you're in a Super Tuesday primary state! 😘 #nosweaternecessary #presidentialaf
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Our brilliant and beautiful #futurepresident is seeing record crowds turn out across the South today! Get out and see him, but more importantly, get out and vote on Tuesday!
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Good morning and happy #sweatersaturday! He's been going beast mode on a con man and wearing a suit while doing it. So I had to pull out this pullover pic from the archives. 😘 #keepdoingyou #beastmode #futurepresident #marcorubiopunchout
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#nosweaterneeded as #PresidentRubio kept up the #Marcomentum in Dallas this morning! He was on fire! 🔥🔥🔥 #jumpontheRubiotrain (pic via Twitter)
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Although Trump likes to portray himself as a successful entrepreneur who created a vastly profitable business, many people in the business world have long regarded him as a self-promoting huckster who emblazons his name on properties that don’t belong to him and habitually overstates his net worth.
John Cassidy, “Donald Trump’s Business Record Demands More Scrutiny” (via newyorker)
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Even more dynamic and gorgeous in real life 🔥🔥🔥 #presidentialaf #PresidentRubio #earnit
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One more endorsement - Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee endorses the #undisputedpulloverchampoftheworld and our #futurePOTUS @marcorubio! That Haslam is a smart cookie! #sweatermarcoisbettermarco #thattieisoneofmyfaves #marcolovespolo
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Ready to dominate in the debate tonight #nosweaternecessary #thatshirthasgotmegoing #heshinesinthespotlight #futurepresident
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Texas is lucky to host this gorgeous #futurepresident for the next few days. As the campaign is heating up, I'm noticing fewer pullovers and more suits. #bringbackthepullovers #butyoulookfineinboth #butimissthosesweaters #superseriousmode
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Ready to see our #futurepresident go beast mode tomorrow in the #GOPdebate #earnit #sweatermarcoisbettermarco
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I love when sweaters are prominently featured in his TV spots. 🔥 #sweatermarcoisbettermarco #futurepresident
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Our #futurepresident will be jet setting the next few days. Can't wait to see him dominate the debate in Texas tomorrow! 😘 #windblown #blowineveryoneaway #GQlookin #presidentialaf #nosweaternecessary
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the day before the #NVCaucus, everybody is joining #teammarco! too many endorsements to count. #cantblamethem #cantstoptheMarcomentum #jumpinontheRubiotrain 😍
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