malunggaybe · 3 years
this is the first time i’ve received a drabble as a birthday gift and i’m absolutely floored and endeared and high on serotonin oh my T^T i can’t be more grateful for this masterpiece, ate ness!! maraming salamat po!! <333
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A Truce
(Hi @malunggaybe​, here’s your birthday gift, a short drabble based on your infamous masterpiece)
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“Levi…” Hange whined as she followed the short man through the empty corridor of the barracks in the night, the wood creaking below their boots as they walked, “You don’t need to be this dramatic.”
“Oh I see,” Levi spun around to face her, seething in anger, “So, you risked my team for yet another titan capture, almost killed your squad because of that stupid experiment, and threw a whole goddamn tantrum when I saved your ass by killing that escaping titan and I am dramatic one here?”
“It was an accident!” she shook her head in frustration. “All I wanted to do was to try and see if fire had any effect in curbing the regeneration of the titans’ body parts. I wasn’t actively trying to get the tent burnt in the process.” 
“But you did.”
“And you killed my subject. Alright, I am sorry, okay?” Hange sighed and spread out her hands. “You know what? Let’s have a truce.” 
“A truce?”
“How about we go to bed now, and tomorrow, we start over again? I’ll buy you your favourite stock of black tea from my personal reserves as an apology and you can get me another titan.” 
“That’s not even a pissing distance close to fair.” 
“How about two boxes of tea?”
“Forget it, Four-eyes.”
Levi was about to walk over to his room when, to his surprise, Hange’s hands wrapped around him from behind and he felt himself lose contact with the ground. 
With a grunt, Hange had lifted him off his feet. 
His back was pressed flush against her body and he had no idea whether the heat that he felt rising within him came from her or from the rush of blood to his own ears. 
“I am not leaving you till you agree to it,” Hange’s voice was muffled from his back. 
“Oi, Shitty-glasses,” Levi growled menacingly, trying to twist his neck towards her direction, “Put me down right now or I will kick you in the nuts so hard that you’ll be hobbling for the rest of your life.”
“You don’t even know if I have nuts to kick.”
“Do you want me to find out?”
“Such inappropriate words, soldier,” she cooed, her lips pressed against the small of his back as she held onto him. “Listen, I feel horrible, okay? One of us could die tomorrow and I don’t want our last interaction to be this spat. You are my best friend, Levi, and I don’t want to lose you.” 
Even if Levi felt his anger somewhat subside at her words, he was more rattled at the fact that she had lifted him up so easily, despite him weighing more than her. He was so used to seeing Hange being involved in the research sector and the brains department that he had almost forgotten the sheer brute strength that she possessed after honing her body for years in the military. 
“Hange. I don’t want to deal with all the shit if someone appears in this empty corridor right now and finds us like this.”
“Then just tell me we are friends again,” Hange’s breath tickled the nape of his neck as she looked up at him, “And I’ll leave you.” 
Levi glared back at her for a few seconds but then gave up. It had been a long, hard day and he was too exhausted to fight back anymore. After all, he knew how stubborn Hange could be when she wanted to get something done. 
“Well,” he sighed in resignation, “It’s not like I can get rid of you anytime soon if death itself hates you.” 
“Yay!” Hange whooped, pumping her fist in triumph, and Levi landed on to the wooden floor as she loosened her hold on him. “That’s awesome! See you tomorrow then, Levi. Good night.” 
Levi watched her leave towards her room and massaged his temple. This person was, undoubtedly, an absolute pain in the ass, but funnily enough, the rush of the heat on his face did not dissipate. 
As he unlatched the door of his own room at the other end of the corridor, he decided he did not want to know what that meant. 
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malunggaybe · 3 years
hange looks different here
the gifs i find on this website... you guys are art curators
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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they're switching face props!!! ✨
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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The power couple has arrived at the met gala✨
Dress Inspired by pinterest
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malunggaybe · 3 years
pure of heart... dumb of ass.... bi of sexual....
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malunggaybe · 3 years
Disclaimer: These ratings are my personal, biased opinions, and are purely for entertainment purposes.
I don't know why, but I. FREAKING. LOVE. ERUHAN!!!
Eruhan is so wholesome and gentle and caring i just- ugh so cute. I wish, I really wish they got to hang out and interact with each other more in the canon-verse. It's the softness and the mutual respect of this ship that really gets me. I love. Much love.
Favourite moment: "The next Scouts Commander is you, Hange Zoe. I leave the scouts in your hands." ICONIC
Canon rating: 6/10
AU rating: 8.5/10
(Man, I so badly want to rate them higher, but I haven't seen a lot of their chemistry in canon. BUT I LOVE ERUHAN SM PLEASE SEND ME ERUHAN FANARTS AND FANFICS)
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malunggaybe · 3 years
Can you please do a prompt where hange survives chapter 132 but becomes a titan in chapter 138 with Jean and Connie? Then turns back to her old self and Levi runs to her even in his bad state?
Levi held onto Falco’s titan feathers as they flew towards Eren’s titan. He saw Jean and Connie down below, now gigantic, mindless titans. His heart wrenched at the sight, and placed his hand on Mikasa’s shoulder. He saw a glistening at the side of her cheek as a tear fell, but she didn’t turn around.
“Is Hange-san...”
Levi felt his gut twist inside him.
“Focus, Mikasa.”
When the time came, they jumped, Levi inhaling sharply as the pain in his leg ached while he fell through the air.
He couldn’t help but think about Hange in that moment, and he almost faltered. But he pulled himself together.
“Mikasa, go!” He yelled as he hurled a thunderspear at Eren’s titan, blasting its mouth open for Mikasa to end it all.
As Levi fell towards the ground, he landed as gently as he could using his ODM gear skillfully. But he couldn’t hold back his worries any longer. His heart raced, thumping against his chest as he scrambled to stand.
Maybe Hange was safe, maybe she was out of reach of that slug centipede shit or whatever the hell that was. Yeah, Four-Eyes was smart, she’d figure out a way to avoid—
A small glint of light flashed on the ground in front of him. He squinted to see... something much too familiar. He limped up to it and fell to his knees. He picked up the pair of glasses, one he knew all too well.
He couldn’t think straight.
“Hange!” he yelled— her name erupted from his chest without even intending to do so, like his heart was calling out for Hange all on its own.
Suddenly, a loud stomping came from his left, and he looked up to see a huge titan, one with brown hair, and a hooked nose. It stomped forward, and Levi stared at its face.
“No...” he breathed.
It wasn’t true, he told himself as he scrambled to get up, limping away. He pressed at his ODM gear, but to his dismay, there was no gas left. He limped forward until he fell, turning over to see the titan. Tears fell, streaming down his cheeks nonstop. This was simply a nightmare—Levi didn’t think he was even capable of producing this many tears. The person he cared about the most, the only one he had left from the good days of his past—now stood a monster before him.
Well if this was his end, he’d rather it be at the hands of someone he loved. So he made light of it—it was the most Hange-esque thing he could think of. He scoffed, and chuckled to himself a bit.
“Got to become what you loved in the end, huh? You’re a titan, Four-Eyes!” He yelled as it approached. And at the sound of the familiar nickname, titan Hange paused, and made eye contact with Levi, turning its head to the side in its curiosity. It watched Levi’s face closely, and Levi could have sworn that tears started forming in its eyes as it stared.
Then, a huge curtain of steam blew through, Levi now lost in a cloud of white, and a rumbling sounded above him. The ground shook as he watched Eren’s titan slowly disappear—Mikasa did it.
Levi breathed a sigh of relief, and accepted his end, waiting for Hange’s titan to reach forth and grab him. But several moments passed and nothing happened. He squinted through the smoke, until it cleared enough to see a figure lying on the ground. As the steam faded even more, his eyes grew wide. He scrambled up to his feet, letting out a yell in pain, his leg feeling quite unstable beneath him.
But he didn’t care.
He limped ahead, grunting with each step, his breathing becoming heavier as he plunged forward. Halfway, his leg gave out, the bleeding intensified as his body hit the ground. He grit his teeth and slammed his hands forward, dragging himself with his remaining strength toward the body. Dirt hugged the sides of his face, his injuries burning so bad it felt like he had been set on fire. But he didn’t care. He didn’t care.
Finally he reached the limp body, pulling it over to reveal Hange’s face, titan marks appearing under her eyes. He gasped and pulled himself up to lay his ear against her chest.
A heartbeat.
And with that, Levi was practically sobbing now, as he hugged Hange’s body tightly. Suddenly, she began coughing, regaining consciousness.
“L-Levi?” she said weakly. “What happened? I—“
Hange stared down at Levi’s leg, his injuries.
“Levi! I have to, oh no I have to stabilized your leg immediately! Your wounds haven’t healed, are you alright?? Are you—“
Levi squeezed her tighter.
“Just shut up for a little, Four-Eyes. Please.”
She looked down to see his tears soaking her shirt, seeing his hands grip tightly against her cloak, his eyes closed shut as his ear remained pushed up against her chest, right over her heart.
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malunggaybe · 3 years
🙊 and 🌊 ! ILY 🥞
🙊 share your latest silly doodle with no context
here's a quick 15 minute sketchy poo bc i had no doodles on hand haha
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🌊what's the hardest thing for you to draw?
is "everything" an appropriate answer?? FFFF but proportions of the human body. i eyeball everything instead of taking the time to understand, which i should do. but yes--i like looking at DYFM's levihan art to help me better gauge my proportions which i think she does so flawlessly and i just want to be able to do that!
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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let’s pretend that i’m not 12 days late 
thanks for the tags, @jumpinguptothesky, @free-pancakes, @agoldenheartedsnkfan, @smallblip, @snudootchaikovsky, @lilnazx, and @mashedpotatoforhanjo!! :D
it’s y’all’s turn, @mello-jello, @ackermela, @immagoudaboi, @lordbib, @oyzoe, @callantry, @djmarinizelablog, @thehyscriptures, @the1985taco, @gremlinelrics, @elmundodeflor, @wingz-of-shit, @solborealis, @fruitpunchninja101, @pinkweirdsunsets, @glassesandswords, @halcyonstorm, @clickerisha, @tortugacamaleon, @renrampant (no pressure tho!) and anyone who’d like to continue the chain <333
I’m not sure if this one has been done before but I think I found a pretty inclusive and realistic picrew here. I just wanted to share it with everyone 👀
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(they didn’t have red as a background so I saved it as transparent and used my own. yes I’m a bothered bitch)
TAGGING: @skunaryomen @nkogneatho @satosuguslut @kontentious @hawksky @suguruswaifu @arrogantsonofabiscuit @sunascumdoll @suna-reversed @bokutosbun @laudthingcat @laraazoldyck @lonis-fantasy-cafe @izukine @arttemusa @bokuroskitten @rosesandtoshi @animextears @cursedmoonchild @poiseuns @poppyandhervillains @cherryackerman @akashiharuchiyo @u-make-my-heart-tsumtsum @tenrichouku @noritoshiikamo @duskamethyst @tesoromia @koutaris @smolmo @iwaamane @bbslayed @laichi @kurookeisaetherium @bunbyy @nire-chann @stariwrites @hisgoodpuppy + anyone who wants to join.
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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but like what if
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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Latest drawings - stay with me
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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Get your food Hange simps
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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YMIR X HISTORIA: wrestling college AU
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malunggaybe · 3 years
he misses hange - every day, every hour, every second he spends in this world.
he mourns for her too, and there are moments when the grief and the sadness become almost unbearable, suffocating him in their ironclad grip. there are moments when he feels like nothing truly matters now that she isn't there to share it with him, there are moments when he wants to howl and scream until his throat is raw, until the pain goes away.
but nature of the pain is simple and cruel - it never goes away, it subdues, it can be ignored, but until the source of it is dealt with, it will never truly go away.
however, most of the days, pain doesn't bother him. it's still there, his heart is still aching, but levi can ignore it, can almost forget about it. he was a soldier, and before that - a thug that tried to survive on the dark streets of the cold underworld, he knows how to bear the pain. he's a man who outlived all of his friends, he knows how to deal with a broken heart.
but hange's loss, it doesn't always feel like a loss, it doesn't make him wheeze with pain.
levi doesn't mourn for her, not constantly, most of the time he simply misses her. as though hange just left on an extended mission and he waits for her to come back. he doesn't feel sad when thinking about her, he just longs to see her again.
perhaps, it's his own mind protecting him, making him forget about her tragic end, or, perhaps the reason lies in the very nature of their relationship, in the absence of a real goodbye, in the "i'll see you, hange" and "watch over us". perhaps, that's why he feels like hange isn't really gone. she just left, but she will be back, when he least expects it.
she'll surprise him with a knock he knows so well, or she'll come without knocking, barrelling through the door, or, maybe she'll come flying through the window, like an absolute lunatic.
she'll come screeching from the top of her lungs, she'll be loud and boisterous and annoying and she'll cause him a hell of a migraine. she'll wrap her arms around him and refuse to let go, she'll suffocate him in her embrace, and then she'll pet his hair and caress his cheeks and embarrass him with a string of words, laced with affection.
in short, levi can't wait.
can't wait to see hange again, can't wait to scold and tease her, can't wait to force her to bath and call her a mess. levi can't wait to fall asleep with his head on her chest and can't wait to wake up to the sound of her snores.
he knows it's going to happen, maybe not today and not tomorrow, perhaps, not in this life, but hange will come back. after all, she isn't gone, she simply left. and levi, he doesn't grieve, he misses her.
he just has to wait, and she'll be back, and they'll be reunited once again.
levi just has to wait.
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malunggaybe · 3 years
honestly? i just love the idea of levi and historia growing closer once she becomes the queen and they have that little brief moment of peace after overthrowing the old monarchy like.... she'll tease him very lightly about everything and levi will just scowl like ">:(" but he'll be soso proud of her for the orphanage and sometimes he'll visit the kids and it'll be Awkward ™ but he'll drink tea with her in silence and it's just?? so sweet?? and he'll see all the 104th kids working in the orphanage and he'll just be?? SO PROUD OF THEM?? AND ALSO SO SAD BECAUSE HE WISHES THEY COULD JUST BE NORMAL KIDS??? 😭 AND HEAR ME OUT WHAT IF
they're sitting at the table having tea and looking out the window and historia just blurts out "what do you think about hanji-san?" AND LEVI'S LIKE?? "GIRL WHAT??" and he'll just say "they are a titan freak." and historia will laugh and nod like "yes, yes, but i meant what do you... feel about them?"
and levi will pause and stare out the window because he really... doesn't know how to explain what he feels for hanji. and it's weird to think about it and it's even weirder to talk about it with historia so he just hides his face behind the cup and says "... a friend."
and historia will hum and let them sink in silence again, BUT SHE'S THINKING ABOUT HOW VALUABLE FRIENDSHIP IS AND SHE'S SUDDENLY THINKING ABOUT YMIR and she'll just open a sad smile and say
"i had a friend, too."
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malunggaybe · 3 years
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r18 levihan -> view here (lensdump)
link is now privated, dm for pw
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