#*thinks of yumihisu kissing and dies*
layzhe-06 · 3 years
It's time for some Yumihisu headcanons! (Minor spoilers up ahead ig)
Btw, some of these are applicable to canon but I think a good chunk of it is applicable to the au where Ymir chooses Historia over Reiner and Bertolt.
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They just cuddle whenever they have bad days. No words need to be said because they just know when the other is sad. So they just cuddle until they can talk about it.
Ymir loves having pets around, so she and Historia have a dog and cat at home and they treat those two like their kids lmfao.
Reiner is their #1 supporter, no I won't take criticism for that. (hE WAS ABOUT TO DIE AND YET HE STILL GOT THE LETTER TO HISTORIA OMG--)
You guys might think Historia's the clingy one but in reality, I hc it as the other way around. Idk, but based on what I saw from Junior High, I genuinely feel like Ymir has the tendency to just... Have an oddly dramatic monologue when Historia's doing some errands and she's left alone at home lmao.
✨ Forehead kisses ✨
They're vv supportive of each other. Ymir would probably go to Historia's declarations and stuff and bragging about how awesome her wife is: "That's my wife!" "Yes, you go Historia!" "I love yOU!" Historia wouldn't be too embarrassed, she'd just find it absolutely sweet, and it helps her when she gets a little anxious onstage.
Ymir can sing, so during their anniversaries she just pulls out an instrument and serenades Historia. Historia would probably sing along too if she knew the song. Oh and Historia would be the type to give chocolates, flowers, and handmade cards. Miss ma'am is an artist and we love that.
When other ppl insult Ymir, Historia will literally go and defend her wife's honor before Ymir can do it herself. She's not going to simply talk, she's going to go slap them and then talk. Esp when it's some creepy loser. Ymir does the same basically. She gets angry when random ppl hit on her in clubs even when they're very clearly together. So if the guy won't leave, Ymir's gonna throw some hands.
Ymir sleeps in a fetus position and Historia has the habit of curling around her from behind whenever they sleep. It's so cute tbh if only I could draw it. Maybe I will, one day idk.
Historia would propose first, just sayin.
Ymir would be the first to cry during their wedding lmao ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When Ymir dies, Historia just feels that very moment she does, and it hurts a lot. Like, she'll just be assessing something and then she feels it. It hurts a lot, like a really painful ache in her heart and that's when she realizes that Ymir is gone for good. She suddenly felt alone, cold, and everything hurt.
Before Ymir dies, when she's all chained up, she's defo thinking about Historia. What she could be doing and if she's okay. She's probably sad that she can't apologize to Historia for leaving her like that. Ymir's last thought before she dies is probably about Historia ✌️😗.
So yeah... That's all for my yumihisu hcs atm. I rlly do adore their relationship and I'm rlly sad that it had to end that way. tHEY DESERVED TO GET MARRIED AND I WILL WAIT FOR THE DAY THAT COMES.
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momtaku · 4 years
Okay, can Founder Ymir bring everyone back from being titanized and revive everyone that died back, like please i need yumihisu and eruri marriage-
RIGHT??? I mean, she likes kissing RIGHT? I know a few people who’d have some smoochy reunions for sure!! Seriously though, don’t think I’m not holding out hope for a few reunions or else an ending that leaves a few of those options open.
Thanks for the ask!
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