#you have ONE JOB OG YMIR
momtaku · 4 years
Okay, can Founder Ymir bring everyone back from being titanized and revive everyone that died back, like please i need yumihisu and eruri marriage-
RIGHT??? I mean, she likes kissing RIGHT? I know a few people who’d have some smoochy reunions for sure!! Seriously though, don’t think I’m not holding out hope for a few reunions or else an ending that leaves a few of those options open.
Thanks for the ask!
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aotopmha · 4 years
A messy scan for AoT chapter 138 is out.
I like how AoT has been solving its big mysteries in much more subtle ways you'd expect.
I think in general AoT is not emotionally subtle. It's characters screaming and crying about their feelings.
But you don't get massive walls of text about time travel or alternate realities and how they work, the story instead expresses these elements through scenes which have simple dialog between characters.
For the longest time, fans obsessed over some of these elements.
What is the dream in chapter 1 all about? What about the Ackertalk?
Well, the only thing we needed to have for that dream to be explained is for Eren to show it to Mikasa.
I think this confirmed that the AoT universe was in a timeloop. The loop in the dream happened before this one, as we saw it start Eren's story in chapter 1 and this one will be the final one because the Titans are finally actually defeated and something changes for the better.
I think Eren chose to keep going over and over again with the help of Ymir to defeat the Titans and gain freedom for the Eldians and this is the timeloop that ends the cycle, his memories were just lost every time.
He dies so that the Eldians could be free from the Titan curse. Everyone seems to interpret that scene between Eren and Mikasa as OG Ymir being moved by someone's genuine love because it parallels the panel of her seeing a couple kissing and I think that still might be a part of it, but I think Ymir might also be smiling for the same reason she was smiling in the flashback with the pigs: if she can't be free, at least everyone in the future can be and Eren being stopped here and the parasite being killed for good will destroy the Titan power.
I think this will be the power of the final panel. All of the sacrifices will be worth it. At the very least, everyone will be free of the Titan power.
In a similar vein, the Ackerman power's ultimate importance ended up being actually really simple, but absolutely essential.
The Ackermans were byproducts of Titan science, which means they were essentially part Titan. I think this is why Eren was able to communicate this dream to Mikasa and as Levi says, why they are immune to the spinal fluid gas and could make it to Eren. This also works thematically because Eren could connect with Mikasa through something they shared.
No massive complicated Ackertalk chapter was actually necessary.
In the same way, people seem to wonder about the War Hammer Titan and its significance and I think that one is pretty simple, too: that ability is one that was extremely useful fighting off the alliance.
I actually think we'll get a few more lines about the timeloop, how the walls were created, what was up with Historia and brief other character closures in the final chapter.
I like how AoT solves its mysteries because I'm really tired of plain lore dumps.
Sure, this happened in a couple of instances in this story, too, I think specifically in the basement chapters, but I think, for example, the Paths chapters did a much better job at combining character stuff and plot stuff and none of it has been as bad as just being very plain lore babble with nothing else to it.
Finally, I actually feel like we're not going to get an aftermath and we will be left pondering whether the Eldians will be given a chance at survival after the Titan powers are gone. That way those who do want a dark ending can have it and those who want a more positive ending for the Eldians can have it, too.
It's left up to the moral compass and perspective of each individual reader to decide.
I think there is quite a bit to digest in this chapter, so I'm most likely going to have a bunch more posts about it.
I'm definitely looking forward to the better scans.
But so far, I'm happy with it.
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ghostmartyr · 4 years
SnK 133 Thoughts
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They’re trying to stop the apocalypse but they’re dummy traumatized and the clap of their sins keeps alerting the glow tree.
Kids, just remember: Body count doesn’t matter, it’s how you feel while producing that body count. If you’ve killed people to stop genocide, you are not immune to being party to genocide. ⭑⭒⋆
I’m being reductive because I’m not too eager to go over how not all murder is created equal again.
Going by a good faith read, I do think what the narrative is attempting to establish is that these characters all know what it’s like to be backed into a corner and do desperate things they’re horrified by.
Putting aside the extra psychological difficulties of his childhood preceding the choice to knock down the wall, Reiner believes he’s saving humanity. There’s an island full of devils, and he’s attacking them. He, Bertolt, and Annie are dumb kids who do what they’re told. Because they think it’s right, or because they want to go home, or just because they are dumb kids.
Armin’s killed plenty of people with the power of the Colossus. He can’t plead innocence; he attacks Liberio’s port intentionally, knowing exactly what terror the people on the ground will be going through.
Connie kills the friends he’s trained with for years, when the worst thing about Reiner and Bertolt revealing themselves is feeling betrayed by comrades he loves.
None of this is directly equivalent. Dumb children at war are trying their best. Always, this conflict has been orchestrated above their pay grade. RAB get abandoned behind enemy lines and are told to make the best of it. Armin destroys Marley’s port because Marley will not stop going after Paradis, and Eren has forced a renewed conflict that they need to move against fast. Connie betrays his friends because they’re okay with letting the rest of the world die.
No one on this ship has enjoyed any of this. They have consistently been doing their best with the information given to them while people with more power drag them into fights that never should have happened.
Shiganshina falls because Marley chooses to murder Paradis.
Liberio falls because Eren turns himself into Paradis’ only hope and puts himself into a situation he can’t win alone.
In the crudest way of putting it, these people are grunts. They’re not the ones who picked the game being played. They’re the ones being manipulated into war after war.
That’s why they look at each other without counting the bodies. It isn’t the scale of their actions that hits at this moment, it’s the decisions they’ve made to be part of it. They choose to keep fighting. When it creates an outcome they hate, what can they say? ‘Look what you made me do’?
Whatever their reasons, and whoever set up the board, they are the ones who participate. In this case, pure moral imperative is the driving force. Daz and Samuel die because they’re willing to let genocide go uncontested. That’s on them.
Guilt doesn’t work like that, though. Daz and Samuel die because they are killed. Connie kills them. He betrays their trust.
All of this is to say that the people on the ship truly do understand each other perfectly, even despite the difference in scale. It’s a bit on the nose, but I don’t think anything they’re going through is at odds with the people they are.
Applying that feeling to Eren is a feat of misguided grace that... hell, I don’t know.
As a human person, I like grace as a concept and want more of it. I don’t want the world to burn, I want the burning to stop, and for everyone to be okay in the end even if they don’t deserve it. A world where we all get precisely what we deserve seems an incredibly dark place to me. That doesn’t leave room for mercy or kindness. You get what you earn, and nothing more.
The more time we spend on this portion of the story, the more I’m inclined to think that the themes agree with me. Our heroes at this point aren’t full of the rage they’re entitled to. Every inch of them is tired, and they’re not here for more death. They’re willing to keep going, but even the thought of killing Eren, when he’s massacred thousands, makes them all hesitate.
Everyone wants to go home and have the fighting stop.
That’s all.
Whatever happened, and whose fault it is -- forget all of it, just give them a place to rest and have it be over.
Thematically, yay. I approve. Beautiful. We start out with a series that makes a name for itself almost entirely on the back of the spectacle of violence, and after years of participating in that violence, the main cast wants nothing to do with it anymore. Love it.
Within the plot, I am not in the mood to have Eren’s traumatized friends apologize for not understanding him.
I get it.
I get why they all feel this way.
I do not like reading it.
They’re projecting their own guilt on someone who has shown a reckless disregard for their lives and sanity.
They’re trying to reach Eren as a human being and friend when he’s done his absolute best to make himself unreachable.
That’s sort of the point Reiner thinks is being made. Eren has intentionally set them up as his adversary so that if he has to be doing all of this, maybe there’s still a chance someone can stop him.
Okay, fine.
It falls short for the same reason all of Eren’s stuff is falling short.
We don’t actually know what the fuck is going on with him. We’re guessing.
You know those picture puzzles you do as a kid? Draw a line from bubble 1 to bubble 2 to bubble 3, and eventually you will make a bunny. Or a dog, or flowers, or something that looks like a picture in the sloppy mess of numbers.
Eren’s general portrayal matches that of a toddler who doesn’t yet know his numbers, and understands the instructions to be that he’s trying to get to the last bubble by scribbling lines through all the other bubbles.
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Look, it’s a bunny.
And Eren’s friends are all like, oh wow, that’s such a good job! We’re going to put it on the fridge!
Then people come over and are like, why is there a constellation of a deer jumping through a house on the fridge, but they hear the child did it and immediately are like, oh yeah, that’s the best bunny I’ve ever seen, I can’t draw like that.
The child, being a child, is like, ‘Damn right. I’m going to be in bunny museums.’
Meanwhile, I’m just going to come out and say it.
It’s not a fucking bunny.
What it is, I don’t know, but it is not a bunny, stop calling it a bunny, it is actively erasing the knowledge of what a bunny looks like in my mind.
So ends this skit on what Eren’s portrayal has been like.
Eren has decided that this is all necessary. He doesn’t like it, and wants someone to stop him, but he is totally going to do it, and he knows he’s going to do it because future vision told him so and he’s really sad about that even though he’s emotionally in a place where genocide sounds like the only way out but that is wrong.
I think I’ve said before that Eren getting to this place mentally isn’t too off the rails. His sanity has been deteriorating with each mission, and he’s nineteen. Snapping like this could arguably be expected.
But the last we see of Eren’s thoughts, we still have this back and forth of how he refuses to yield the future to fate, but he already feels condemned by that future because he chooses to cause it.
Eren is clearly trapped by this web of contradictions, but his motivational core is so obstructed that it’s hard to actually connect to. It is easier to say that Eren’s gone off the deep end than it is to spend any amount of time asking how Point A became Point 3.
That’s frustrating, as a reader. I don’t want to be told a story, I want to experience it.
Eren’s experiences are not universal.
I need some hand-holding here. There needs to be a few more clear indications of Eren The Person, and how the individual we know wrapped around to making these choices.
Hooray, he’s not taking away their powers.
The guy he let run his cult still nearly killed all of them.
Hooray, he’s protecting his island.
He just actively courted an international incident so everyone wants the island dead.
Yes, Eren thinks that hope is lost before he makes these choices. That’s how moving forward drags him to this place; he doesn’t have the vision to imagine a world where this isn’t happening.
If you don’t fight, you can’t win, and Eren’s still fighting. But he’s forgotten what winning looks like. All he knows is the dreary march forward.
I would like for that to be explicit, not me extrapolating. Because even as I’m typing all of that, and feeling like it makes sense, it has the confidence of tissue paper, and I know my numbers, but half the numbers making this bunny were missing, and I’m not an artist.
The story I’m digging around here for is one I could like, but I don’t trust that it’s actually the one being told, because too much feels unexplained and weird. You can’t just make your main character nuts and use that as an excuse for anything.
Well, okay, you can.
You shouldn’t.
Please don’t do that.
Which I guess leads us to Eren and OG Ymir doing a Shining twins thing.
Here is my wild speculation.
The Attack Titan is the only Titan capable of resisting the Founder. It cannot be controlled, it simply continues forward, fighting for freedom.
When Eren talks to Ymir, her eyes losing their shadows are the cue for him taking full control of the Founder.
Now we’re back here, and her eyes are shadowed again, with Eren’s joining the ride.
I think that where we’re going to end up is that Eren’s mental fragility made him incredibly susceptible to the Attack Titan’s core nature, and enough of that nature aligned with Eren’s that everything except pursuing a way forward fell away. The Attack Titan is Ymir’s furious will, and she’s had it suppressed for 2000 years. I don’t think either one is emotionally capable of surfacing and deciding to resist the urge to march forward and destroy this world that has cursed them so.
Making my theory that yeah, okay, Eren’s lost it, but he lost it with the help of ancient plot magic, which we are now seeing the full extent of.
Does that have any basis in anything?
Who the fuck knows.
But one thing is very clear: Eren’s not free.
“In order to gain my own freedom... I will take freedom away from the world. [...] You are all free.”
The Attack Titan “has always moved ahead, seeking freedom. It has fought on for freedom.”
Eren, embodiment of the Attack Titan, is the first one to hear Ymir in 2000 years. Going with the vaguely logical theory that Titans are all pieces of Ymir herself, the Attack Titan is the part that rebels against every indignity she bows to in life.
Zeke frees the Founder from its promise of peace. Eren frees Ymir from the chains tying her to the royal family’s will.
All that’s left is 2000 years of trauma, and the ability and will, for the first time, to lash out.
It’s not what you’d call surprising.
It’s the getting here that I take issue with. Now that we’re here, yeah, got it. But I really don’t feel like Eren’s journey here has been done well enough to capture the emotional rawness that is trying to be accessed. His friends are shouting for someone who is effectively dead, for all the presence he’s showing.
Then you’ve got Annie and Kiyomi sad.
While Falco wants to be a Titan with WIIIIIIIIIIINGS.
Kiddos, you’re very cute, and I support you not wanting to sit still and do nothing while the world is ending, but I can’t begin to express how little I care.
Except that your families are alive and you two and Annie deserve to be reunited.
Conversation: FAILED
Attack: probably FAILED
inb4 yeah they just are going to bomb Eren with Armin that’s how we end this.
133 status: Still Looking For A Win Condition (This Ain’t It Chief)
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claymorecut · 3 years
So, I finally saw the leaks and apparently all of them are true....wow.
I don't see any significant additions being made except for the Mikasa and Ymir talk and honestly, I never thought that Yams would literally change the ending. But guess he did. And here we see classic Isayama coming back while he spats on our faces that "Human race is shit and peace was never an option bitches especially after the MC commited genocide!" And ig that's......fine. See, I'm still gonna say I liked the og chapter better but even tho I'm not a fan, this chapter with it's really depressing ending also kinda suits SnK's dark tone. Eren's friends did get to live a long life and Titans power were wiped out at the end of the day by Eren, he fulfilled his mission. It was not all for nothing just because we see the kid running towards that tree, it's left open to interpretation yet again.
The ending still remains a 7.5 to me and the one thing that disappointed me the most is Mikasa's ending. Like I said before, I never wanted a Titanic 2.0 ending for Mikasa and Eren and I was content with Mikasa's ending in the og chapter. As someone who strongly believed that Eren was gonna die and EreMika is gonna have a tragic ending since 2018, I always imagined Mikasa staying single after Eren's death while she finds a new purpose in her life. It's not like I never wanted her to "move on" from Eren or anything, it's just that's how I perceived her character (like Violet Evergarden, Tsukuyo and Hana from Wolf children) and Mikasa fits perfectly into that category for me. Still now we've no idea whether that guy is Jean or some rando and whether she got married or not and I find it utterly stupid that Yams would show Mikasa visiting Eren's grave with her husband and kids generation after generation rather than showing her leading a new life with her family. Why I prefer the Eremika ending in the og chapter is because it's shown as something very personal and intimate between these two characters and if this whole family fiasco do come out to be true, it's just gonna leave a sour taste in my mouth.
But one thing that I find interesting for now is how Isayama still shows those bandages wrapped around Mikasa's wrist which made me think that MAYBE...JUST MAYBE Mikasa never got married and never had any biological children. After all, passing down that crest was made a huge deal in the series for Mikasa and rn seeing her till the very end not removing those bandages made me think that maybe she remained single and became a single mother (hell yeah!!). And that panel actually would make more sense to me if it's Armin and co. visiting Eren's grave with Mikasa and the baby is actually adopted. Idc anymore you can call me stupid for this but no matter what Isayama declares in his interview regarding Mikasa's apparent "married" life, I'm forever gonna think that she remained single and started a new family with her adoptive child and lived a good life. It's fulfilling, it's empowering, it's hopeful and I'll always love Mikasa even if my wish doesn't come true.
As for Isayama, I'll forever respect this man because he has done an amazing job with his story. Snk has left a huge impact in my life and again, I'll forever be grateful to him for teaching me so much. He created one of my favorite protagonists of all time, Eren Jaeger and god I love this boy so much he truly deserved a peaceful life! Once again, thank you Isayama. I hope you get some good rest (u sure have plenty of tears for your spa by now) and yes, please don't write a sequel.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 122 Poll Results
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The chapter 122 poll closed with 1,472 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,428 Responses
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This is one for the record books. Chapter 122 is officially the highest rated chapter since we started the poll. A whopping 85.2% of respondents gave it the top rating. The previous record holder was chapter 101 (79.8%) which featured the long awaited return of the Survey Corps.
5 out of 5 for the pig who seeks freedom! Fight For Freedom! Revolt! Revolt! Revolt!
Each chapter is becoming my favorite every time and this one isn't different. It's a fantastic read.
In a single chapter Founder Ymir became one of my top five characters in this series point blank.
I thought nothing could top chapter 100. 122 is the best one of the entire story. 
A turning point. Very well executed. Congrats, Isayama, can't wait to see what you still have on store!
Yet another mind-blowing chapter, honestly one of my favorites in the series! Honestly, this was a chapter I have been awaiting since I started getting into SnK, and those feelings increased following the basement reveal chapters where we are left to wonder which parts of Ymir's story are true and which are false.
One of the best chapters of the series! Definitely gave me a new appreciation for Attack on Titan from a story telling standpoint.
I love how many questions this answers and also creates; I’m happy that there are still many things left a mystery!
Aamazing chapter, I fucking cried. Now give me Historia, Isayama. I need her.
I'm just so happy to see it finally coming together and not be let-down
If Floch doesn't die in the Rumbling I want a refund
Worldwide genocide, taking care of kids, get you a man who can do both
Damn, Isayama.
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You guys are almost as split on this question as Ymir’s Titan Powers are. Speaking of, she also happens to directly occupy the two most common answers, with 48.7% rating their favorite moment as either her backstory, or her conversation with Eren.The fall of the walls takes third place, followed by Eren’s revival and the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter.
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You started this story, didn’t you: pig who got freed?  45.1% feel that the earliest in story event makes for a good starting point.  Just over ¼ of respondents felt the Founder Ymir Fritz is most responsible.  8.4% feel it’s Eren, and only 3.4% chose Grisha for whom the quote originally signified.  The most popular write-in answer, King Fritz, overtook poor Grisha at 4.2%.  Variations on King Fritz in the write-ins numbered almost 200.
People's greed. It started with the first King Fritz and it continued with the next generations
The Eldians (First Fritz)
Isayama. He started the whole story! If that wasn't him, the pigs would not run away.
Everybody has played their own part, it is not simply a matter of what single person is the most responsible.
The Attack titan
The Marleyean military higher ups that ordered Bertolt, Reiner, Annie and Marcel to breach the walls of Paradis Island
Those that blamed Ymir
The spinal fluid that was inside the three because if that wasn't there, titans would have never existed in the first place.
The cycle of violence/hatred/slavery. The King Fritz probably wasn't the first to be this way. The story has no true beginning because it's a cycle, but Eren will be the end.
King Dickz
The first King. Why isn't it an option?
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Our current queen seems to resemble the first queen quite a bit, with almost half of respondents, at 46.8% saying Historia parallels original Ymir the most.  35% feel Ymir is most connected to, well, Ymir.  14.3% chose Eren, and a sliver of votes went to Zeke at 1.6%.
Though there are more parallels to  Freckled Ymir, the pregnancy of Ymir Fritz can be a connection-foreshadowment of Historia's pregnancy plan. So I'll say that there are parallels to both Freckled ymir and Historia.
Mikasa is a lot like pre freedom ymir
Anyone who has been trapped in life
Connected to: Eren. Parallels: Freckled Ymir.
both Historia and freckled Ymir, obvs. And Mikasa, to a lesser extent
A lot of the cast parallel OG Ymir
Definitely Freckled Ymir. She took the blame of all those people in the hopes of being useful or wanted through her sacrifice and then got the power of the titans. 
Ymir has parallels to Historia, freckled Ymir and Zeke
Time will show.
I'd say both Historia and Ymir: the cult picked up Ymir, who was a homeless child, similar to how Founder Ymir was a slave without name or status; the two of them stood for their people even after they've been denounced out of cowardice and fought for someone else until their very end, out of pure selflessness. Historia parallels Founder Ymir by how she became a slave of her blood, and a tool to be used.
I was gonna say Oluo, but he never actually lost his tongue.
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In a conflict with no clear start, we get to see further back into the past!  But did the revelations change your mind?  The vast majority at 66.3% don’t give a flying fritz about who started it, they just want to see the bloodshed end.  12.7% say their outlook has changed but Marley is more in the wrong still; and only 5.3% had this chapter change their mind to the Eldians being most at fault.
All the men in power are as bad as each other
Both nations committed atrocities
Both sides are slaves to history, Eldia today is not responsible for the actions 2000 years ago. 
Eldia in the past I always figured were some tyrannical force, I mean what else would happen with an ancient civilisation discovering the Power of the Titans. But Marley's propaganda having some truth to it doesn't mean they're justified in their treatment of Eldians in the modern day who had nothing to do with the original Eldia. 
How could we know? What was the relationship between eldia and Marley before Ymir turned into a titan? Was Marley in the wrong before they were overtaken by eldia/even before king fritz took Marley people prisoner?
King Fritz is the one to blame. Not all of Eldia and ESPECIALLY not the Survey Corps.
Marley is more in wrong because they are continuing to perpetuate the conflict in the present.
The current characters we love and want to end up happy have nothing to do with the past, they just want to be free.
There's neither bad or right in this story "Everyone can become a god or a devil, all it takes is for someone to claim that to be the truth" 
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In a story filled with lovable characters, there’s also tons of douchenozzles.  67.7% believe the original King Fritz is the worst of them all. 17.2% took the intellectual route and responded with “Yes”.
All of them are rotten, selfish and full of hatred people who only think about themselves and are ready to manipulate own children (or other people) for own benefits.
first king Fritz of Eldia and Eren 
Gabi a.k.a. Garbage
I believe king fritz and gross deserve eatch other, they are the assholes of their times
I'm surprised Zeke finally got a rival in being the worst human ever in person of King Fritz.  
No recognition for our very own Darius 'poo-chair' Zackly? 
Most have a at least some humanizing (if not redeeming) qualities, but both King Fritz and Gross are evil to the core
King Fritz, but Flock is also an big asshole (it's never a bad time to point that)
Where's Zeke? To be honest I can't decide between Fritz, Floch, and Zeke.
Who the fuck put floch here, come here and fight 
Why on earth are Karina and Alma here? They were horrid mothers to their kids; the others are guilty of murder, torture and genocide.  
Ymir Fritz because she received godlike powers and decided to stay with a power hungry king; she was free and could have done anything but because of her slave mentality she decided to stay with him for 13 years! as uncle Ben said "With great power comes great responsibility"
The 145th king is the only one who did unreasonable bad things to his people, he literally allowed his people to be enslaved all over the world and he allowed the future genocide of his people. The worst thing is this doesn't do anything. It doesn't save the world from anything. Even the paradise he created was all for himself because he couldn't deal with reality. His logic is faulty, but even so he couldn't even do the job himself. The only one that can be worst than him is Zeke who's another evil man who wants to exterminate his own people. But, unlike Karl, Zeke is willing to do the job himself.
That goddamn pig
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In a chapter with so many answers, we still have vague origins!  Starting from the start, what in the world is that tree?  Over half of you, at 55.5%, think it’s Attack on Titan’s version of the Yggdrasil tree from Norse mythology.  24.2% say it’s the source of all organic matter we’ve heard discussed.  11.3% say it just grew out of what it’s housing, and 5.9% think it’s similar to the forest of giant trees.
A connection between a human and the Earth, hence the Devil of All Earth
A wellspring or hidden primordial lake
Yggdrasil but is the source of all organic matter somehow, and I think it's somehow related to the trees on Paradis being so big.
A hideout for that Hallucigenia thing left by the devil
It appears almost as a man and women embracing. Adam and Eve??
It doesn't matter. It was never about the origin of the titans, it was about the power of the titans and the moral implications of it. How the titans came to be is irrelevant.
The Great Deku Tree dungeon
Titan tree. It is probably the same species as the trees surrounding it, but has grown unnaturally large due to the parasite in it's water source.
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Another layer of mystery within the mystery tree!  Two main thoughts emerged and are almost even in popularity.  46.9% believe it is the source of all organic matter; wheread 44.3% say it’s a parasite of unknown origin.  3.2% say it’s in fact the devil itself.
A connection to the earth, making her the Devil
A *Symbiote* of unknown origin
A root of the tree that connects whoever it touches with the paths realm
A root of the tree that's been soaked and absorbing the water; the water is the real source.
I've seen enough hentai to know that is an alien
It could be the very first living being on this planet, a sort of progenitor from which all genes and all variations of biodiversity came to be.
Just a spine in the water turning little girl to big girl. What's supposed to be special about that?
This world's version of Níðhöggr, the many legged dragon that eats at the roots of the Tree of Life.
The spine of the previous founder
The Great Deku Tree dungeon boss. Ymir lost.
A poorly designed shit-machine that can't get the job done
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When Ymir fell into the tree, did she drown?  The majority of the fanbase doesn’t feel anything like that happened, whereas over a ¼ at 26.6% feel she died and was revived.  5% believe she died, and was thereafter controlled by the parasite type thing.
Dying and being brought back to life is meant to be Zeke's thing!!
I think she was almost dying but the parasite healed her.
It revived her and created a clone within the paths dimension.
I think Ymir's body as a child is still in that tree to this day, with the parasite still attached to her. It was deep underground, thus affecting the ground shared by its roots (assuming this is Paradis), and being the reason for all the giant trees. It also explains a little Titans being creatures of the Earth, and Ymir forming them with sand.
She became a Titan seconds before dying
She probably passed out for a few seconds after she drowned, and it was during that brief state of unconsciousness that parasite attached to her.
Ymir the human died, and Ymir the Titan was born. That's why Ymir the human is in the Paths and not Ymir the Titan. Ymir the Human sculpts the titan body for her Titan self, because time is infinite and strange in Paths.
A mix of both Yes answers - it revived her but also controlled her body so that she could only watch on as an observer. It makes her more of a slave without a free will as something else is literally controlling her body from within her and she can’t do anything about it
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We finally got to see the original founding titan in the flesh!  The ribs sticking out stuck out to 39.7% the most.  29.5% of you found it interesting that the overall design was uglier than the goddess like depictions we’ve seen.  17.6% went for the skull face she has, and 11.8% simply went for the HUGE size.
All of above, just look at that atrocity
Her missing eyes
Everything, the ribs were the first thing I noticed with the face being next. It took me a 2nd read through the chapter to realize that she is bigger than the Colossal titan. Definitely one of the best titan designs from Isayama
How malnourished it looks
It's terrifying and it's the fusion of the 9 titans
The fact that it looks nothing like I expected or imagined 
Everything about it - One can see exactly why the truth about her was easily manipulated.
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This question was for that one guy who absolutely could not deal with the original WHT’s hair. You’re in good company, but the results are about as polarized as global politics. 35% want Emma back immediately, 16.4% don’t really care about this egregious crime, and 32.4% are totally indifferent. Only 16% had slight feelings in either direction. The poll lawyers are telling me that I have to clarify that Emma is still only a fandom name for the previous Warhammer. Get on it Isayama.
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You guys liked Ymir’s Founding Titan so much that it’s literally off the charts. The original Attack Titan got some pretty mixed reviews, but the general consensus is that you guys prefer an Eren and/or a Jaeger to be driving that thing. The scourge of the hair comes back to beat down the original Warhammer’s ratings as well, but the majority remain indifferent. Speaking of indifference, more of you were indifferent about the OG Colossal Titan than had strong feelings one way or another combined. We’ll see how that result changes when it ends up CGI in Season 4. The general consensus on the original Armored Titan is, “It’s alright, I guess.” The Female Titan was the second on the list to have a majority “Love” rating, though whether this is due to the design or severe Annie Deprivation Syndrome remains to be seen.
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Another tear jerking childhood to add to the list, but does it top it?  The overwhelming majority at 83.5% feel that she did earn that award of tragedy.  6.3% believe the classic sufferboi Reiner still tops the charts.  3.4% went for Levi, 1.8% for the other Ymir, 0.7% for Zeke and 0.4% for Historia.
Everyone has suffered uniquely in this series, how can I choose ?
First, I'm offended Grisha wasn't included here. Second, everyone's suffered too much. So they all win.
Her backstory definitely is the darkest and saddest one. Reiner, Historia, Ymir and the rest had their moments of happiness. They were surrounded by loving people. Ymir was always all alone; born as a slave, had full of sadness life and after death she was creating titans for 2000 years. She just wanted to be free and wanted be loved, yet she had none of that. 
Homegirl is still living her 2000-year-long tragic backstory, she definitely wins
I don't think tragic backstories should be a competition
I think you forgot about Mr Yeager :) those guys are not even close to him
Is this Suffering Olympics or something?
Ymir and Mikasa the most sad tragic backstory
Ymir is always showed as a mindless slave, even at the start of her backstory, it is too hard to empathize with someone that never acted as a human being and lived her whole life without any emotion
Grisha easily has it for me. Ymir's circumstances were worse from birth, and Reiner's dissonance and misery is tragic, but Grisha's perceived misery throughout his cycles of perpetual tragedy shows that he easily suffered the most. 
Give them all a hug.
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Is Helos historical or completely fabricated?  10.7% believe the Marleyan who killed Ymir is in fact Helos, and 66.9% believe the character is based on him.  22.4% don’t believe the idea of Helos and this man are related in any way.
The one showing rebellion in this chapter is the figure serving as a role model for Helos. Unlike Ymir, he was powerless and only had his spear, but he took enough courage to show resistance to Eldia's domination and toss his spear at the king. He paid it with his life, but he fatally wounded Ymir in return, showing even the goddess of titans could bleed. I'm confident the myth of Helos is going to be relevant in the future chapters.
YMIR didn't die with the spear-throw..I think her conscious form was stuck in the paths before her body revived. 
Helos? Really?? Helos???
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In a series filled with gore, this chapter was above average with violence.  Ymir’s young daughters cannibalizing their mother was the most gruesome according to almost all of you at 89.2%.  Second place is a bit behind at 3.5%, with centipede spine Eren.
All of the above
Everything but Centipede Eren
The guy getting his tongue cut out that was even censored for the manga.
We've seen lots of people being eaten so not that, and Erentipede is going to be stunning animated so not that. Maybe head on a pike. 
The tongue cut from the beginning really horrified me, it put the chapter in a great atmosphere from the start
No mention about that slave getting his tongue cut out by those ancient Eldian soldiers? That was pretty grizzle. That panel implies that all people enslaved by the Eldians lost their tongues upon getting captured, which meant that Ymir likely lost her tongue as well. That really explains how she had no spoken dialogue in the past, and while the tongue may have regenerated following her first Titan transformation, the length of time she couldn't speak and her status most likely prevented her from speaking.
No need to be censored
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Eren’s finally stated what he plans to do; but what does it mean!?  45.9% believe the world he plans to destroy is the paths realm, eldning titans that way.  25.4% think he just meant dismantling the status quo of the world.  14.4% say he’s just going to rumble enemies of Eldia, whereas 10.6% say the whole earth.
All options seem plausible
Destroy the PATHS realm and rumble the enemies invading Eldia. 
He plans to rumble all life, destroy the paths realm, AND erase all the memories of the remaining Eldians on Paradis so they completely forget about the history of the titans, thus effectively making the past 2000 years seem like they never even happened. ANDHe plans to destroy the PATHS realm, putting an end to titans
He wants to destroy the world as it is now. He wants to create a world where none of the things that happened to Ymir can ever happen again.
I think he just needs a nap
I understand that fandom wants to see Eren as good guy who will not destroy the world, but I think that everything is simple - Eren is planning to use full rumbling; destroy the whole world, kill millions of innocent people, animals and plants. 
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2,000 years ago, 2,000 years from now.  The titles of this and chapter one parallel, but what else?  Over half of you, at 52.7% believe Eren was sent Ymir’s feelings when she had her emotional epiphany.  33.5% say Eren was sent memories of what’s about to happen, and 11.1% don’t think anything from this chapter related to Eren crying in chapter one specifically.
1st Chapter name suggest it does, but it just make no sense as Eren at that point didn't had attack titan power, so he could not receive others memories
Eren crying will be due to the consequences of this chapter
Eren learns of Ymir's backstory
I don't think Isayama meant for it to originally mean anything this far in the story, but I think there could be some Paths tomfoolery going on.
Eren saw the memories of his death and literally everything until that moment
Eren was sent a message like a cry for help maybe? Strong, intense feelings of sadness and despair... Because in this chapter Eren says she'd been waiting for someone for 2000 years, so I am guessing 2000 years ago she started sending a message.
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Sad Girl Hours have officially been endorsed by Hajime Isayama himself. 73.7% of you guys are in full support, and an additional 15.2% of your mice slipped when answering. 6.9% of you guys kinda just wanna see something else happen, and the first one of you on Reddit to say “Nice.” about that is getting sent to Paradis. Lastly, a grand total of 60 of you defy all explanation.
I want to hug Ymir so bad :( mute babby
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It took 2,000 years for Ymir to open her eyes and her heart, what about Eren got her to that point?  29.9% think he was the only person to ever empathize with her at all, 8.4% think it was simply Eren’s chadness, while 8.3% think it’s only because the previous royals viewed her as a slave.  The majority at 41.1% feel it’s a mix of all available options.
Because he was born into this world
Because he is the protagonist
He embraced her and showed her compassion- something she never felt before
Defiance of old wills. He does, after all "just keep moving forward."
Eren didn't seek to use Ymir as a slave
Eren made her realize that she isn't a slave OR a god. She was enslaved and in later years worshipped, but just like Eren: from the moment she was born, she was free
He knew/experienced everything she went through.
He manipulated her to be able to use her powers
He was the first person to tell her she could make her own choices
He was the only one that put his ideals over his personal gain to the end. Ymir is a slave, therefor Eren frees her from her slavery. /The previous royals viewed her as a slave
TALK NO JUTSU 2 GOOD; Eren is good at manipulating kids when it suits his needs best + He was the only one to ever empathize with her
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Eren’s alive!  But what is that… thing?  IT LOOKS AWESOME!  32.9% had that as their first response.  It was nearly a three way split though, and 30.6% first thought of how it must look for those for whom only a moment has passed since his head flew off.  30.2% quickly made the connection that it looks like the parasite thingy Ymir Fritz found.  Only 3.2% thought it looked stupid as hell.
100/10, better than Kaneki
Ken is hiring a lawyer for copyrights lawsuits against Eren.
I am wondering, what if this is basically Ymir's renouncing of the power she had, finally freeing herself, and thus passing it on to Eren?
I thought that Eren was becoming Níðhöggr, the literal devil that causes Ragnarok (the apocalypse). He looks really cool and frightening at the same time, I love this young man!
It cant be stopped anymore and weird for whom only a second passed
It looks less like a centipede and more like roots to me.
My thought, "The hell is that?!"
Nothing personal Eren, but burn that thing immediately.
Oh thank goodness Eren didn't split into two.
pure "why is the boss music changing to MORE intense?", and that's great
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44.3% of you are really enthusiastic about Eren surviving his beheading, despite proclaiming that you knew it’d happen anyway. It takes the noggin for a joggin’, but I’m not here to judge. 27.1% of you guys are relatively indifferent about it, and 21.1% of you didn’t think you’d like it, but ultimately bent the knee before Isayama’s storytelling abilities.
Am I surprised? No. Are you surprised? No
Disappointed but not surprised...
Excited, but wondering how he is actually going to die.
It was predictable but the revival still felt epic
It was predictable since he's the main character, c'mon anyone else would die like Porco did.
oshiete oshiete
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A moment that’s been built up so long, what feeling took over when it finally happened?  Most of the fanbase, at 68.3%, were just in awe at how well Isayama pulled it off.  14.2% were filled with hope that Eren actually made it happen.  On the opposite end of the spectrum 13.5% were filled with dread.
All of the above. This story is a rollercoaster.
Dread as the wall titans are facing into Paradis so Eren's plan may backfire! 
Everything in the manga has led to this moment
I kind of thought/hoped the rumbling would be a red herring, but oh well. it'll still be cool
I want them do the colossal dance
I was hoping this chapter won't end with cliffhanger
Looks very dramatic, will be momentous animated, still not surprising since I think a lot of us knew it was gonna happen eventually
meh, I want the story to advance, but the rumbling never grabbed me as an event I was waiting for
I peed
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Isayama’s art truly has improved over the years and this chapter showcased that.  The final panel left the biggest impression on 33.7% of you.  25.1% felt a deep impact from Ymir’s emotional closeup, and the walls cracking and crumbling rounds out the top 3 at 14.8%.
All of them
Original 9 titans.
the one where Ymir was building thousands of collosal titans
not so beautifully drawn but still nice
The pages with Ymir alone in the Paths realm while Fritz tells his daughters to continue the reign of Titans and Eldia 
Ymir’s children eating her
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In this chapter King Fritz used the same line Grisha did when learning about Ymir much further down the line.  Half of the fanbase at 50.6% don’t feel that anything’s at play and it was just Grisha making assumptions based on what information he had.  Just about ¼ at 25.7% feel paths are involved but they don’t have to explain anything after that.  14.2% feel there was a chain of memory sending that led to the result we got.
Actually Grisha never deciphered the documentation. I thought it was obvious he was being portrayed as extremist at the point to show the other side of the coin. Both sides just make up facts as they want.
I suppose it being the exact wording as what the King said made people think there was memories shenanigans but Isayama does these kind of parallels all the time, with characters saying something word for word that they don’t have knowledge of.
"Grisha how did you understand this?"  "Pretty pictures."
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The walls have fallen.  What will happen next?  In a near even split, 48.1% win out saying there will be a small scale rumbling, whereas 45% say it will be worldwide.  Only 6.9% feel there won’t be any form of rumbling at all.
AWESOME! But i really don't want a full scale rumbling
Eren is becoming more and more the last antagonist of this story and it's just scary how some people in the fandom understand and support Eren's plan. Hopefully Marley, Zeke and the SC will working together to stop the rumbling and Eren. 
i really dont think eren is gonna go full rumbling or even in a small scale, hes gonna end the word dominated by titans by taking away the titan power from eldians
The rumbling isn't a metaphor people. Eren is planning to kill billions of innocents. Can't wait for the warriors and 104th to team up and put down that mad dog.
Zeke said it himself a few chapters back: Eldia would have no chance of fighting the entire World Army; the Rumbling really seemed to be their only way out, and launching those Colossal Titans now as a pre-emptive strike would be the best way to suppress the Army before they can even attack.
I have a feeling that the rumbling will turn out to be anti- climatic. Lots of people seem to be pinning their hopes on the rumbling being the cure-all to Eldia's problems, but the world of attack on titan is not that kind.
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The chapter ended with a titan forming, but what will it end up being?  Barely over half, at 51.6% believe it to be Eren with a power up from Ymir Fritz.  20.5% think it’s Eren with Ymir attached in some way, and 14.1% think Eren has accessed a new form on his own.
Eren and Ymir combined, rather than attached. Could be a new Titan form, could be Attack Titan on Titan Steroids. Need to wait until 123 to maybe find out.
Eren in Warhammer, he is not in the nape
Centipide Titan that will die after getting out of energy
Eren with full power from the Founder, Attack and Warhammer
I'm thinking it's some sort of founder-unlocked version of Eren's titan. Maybe Ymir is giving him full control now.
Eren and Ymir fused. Ymen
It's Eren but I don't know how his titan will look like and I don't care about it, cause I'm more worried about Gabi. 
Eren's founding titan form. He had it all along, but he could never use it, until now.
The last two sound so lewd without context
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I was gonna ask for Fs in the chat for whoever led in the results for this question, but then I saw it was Floch, so… Fs in the chat for Magath I guess, because a lot of you seem to think Hulk Hogan is going to suplex him (and Floch) through a table at Royal Rumble DCCCLIV. That’s fancy talk for “die.” Pieck and Zeke are pretty high on the list as well. There’s a lot of information here, so I won’t give you all the specifics in this written part—take a look! Armin has 92 votes, which lands him at 6.9% don’t say it Reddit, and Mikasa has 117 votes, with only 8.7% of you suspecting death in her immediate future. For a brick, she flies pretty good!
I hope no one, but I'm sure everyone
Everyone without plot armor, in other words no main or supporting characters.
I think the named characters are still safe. For Now. But soon, not so safe.
Less people than realistically possible
literally no one because Isayama is a hack
For some reason I feel like Yelena will die soon
Pieck, Niccolo, I don't want it to happen but I feel like Nikolo's gonna go down protecting the Braus family! :(
None of the above
Because she sort of... disassociated there
I think her younger self was "recorded" and so a version of ymir was there ever since she fell down the tree. The tree itself being the physical portal to it or sth like that. No one else fell down that hole...
in order to create the other 8 titans, she gave up her soul and became stranded there. 
Because she started it all, she's the only one who touched the whatever it was that gave the titan powers.
I think it's obvious, she was the original slave, the only one that King Fritz's evil targeted specifically. Damning her to an eternity in the hellish isolation only making titans to oppress mankind, because that was his goal.
After she came in contact with what I believe to be the silver branch from Celtic Mythology, her conscious was unknowingly split into two; one in the paths and the other in the physical word. Once Ymir finally died in the physical world, her conscious fuse with the paths conscious and became aware of it.
I think the paths realm takes place inside the mind or dimension of that worm/nidhogg/ancient god parasite and she was brought back to it after she allowed herself to die. The sand Ymir uses to build titans may be her tapping into the reservoir of liquid underneath that giant tree or something.
she's tied to it as a slave and never had the strength on her own to break free
SHE created the PATHS dimension. She is the first titan and has almost unlimited power
A combination of being the bearer of the Centispine and the long years of abuse she went through making her unable to disobey yet another order. Hers is pretty much the most heartbreaking case of learned helplessness. What keeps her obeying the commands of the royals is the fact that she doesn't even realise there is another possibility. Because nobody ever cared enough about her to show her there is one. 
Another version of herself was created, when she came in contact with the thing, so that she could create her titan etc..
As the very first Titan, she is the conduit through which PATHS flows. The parasite had now host in the beginning so PATHS couldn't be conveyed until Ymir showed up.
Because with her started everything, i believe her “burden” was to be attached forever
Maybe it's because she's the only one that's physically attached to that weird, interdimensional organism. Maybe it's because her body was dismembered and consumed by 3 different people. Other titan shifters don't get stranded there because their spirits can in some way inhabit the one person who inherits their power. Maybe there is significance to Eren having gotten 3 titans, perhaps one from each lineage: Maria, Rose, and Sina, which now somehow allows Ymir's spirit to leave Paths. He certainly did work hard to get the War Hammer, specifically.
i think paths always existed and have always been there, but there wasnt someone to be in there, because no one discovered that spine under the giant tree. so, i think that ymir's soul somehow connected with the paths at the moment she gained the titan power, and when she died, her soul converted into the "ruler" of the paths
It was always her, she's the special one. There is nothing special about eldians, other than them being biologically related to Ymir. Ymir was always the one with the power, the only one. She was only limited by her slave mentality, if she wanted to, she could've ruled the world forever and she would've been the only one with titan powers. It seems she has given her powers and special function to Eren. That means that Eren alone will be the special one and he will rule the world forever with only him having titan powers. 
She held all 9 titan powers, and as the only person in history to do so, she has the ability to view all of the other branches on the tree. Similar to how a shifter might be able to view the memories of a past shifter.... Ymir can view ALL of them, for all time. 
The devil needed a host for his dimension
That's her curse. Possibly bound by her loyalty to the King Fuck-Face-Fritz
you know PATHS, i ain't gonna explain that
A number of responses here ranging from the hilarious to the creepy; The centispine. A great many of you (We can’t tell if you’re serious or not…) are talking about Aliens, whilst others postulate that the thing results in parasitic possession, ALA Sekiro. 
A parasite thingy? Source of organic matter?
A power-bestowing parasite, hence why it needs to be eaten
Alien would be the easiest. But maybe the tree is actually Yggdrasil and its roots pass through other worlds. And the parasite is from another world.
alien/prehistoric being capable of phasing matter through dimensions
Bruh its an organic life form/parasite, when bonded to a host ot provides them the titan ability
Don't think it's a biological, probably a mythical being inspired by Norse mythology
Eren will become the human centispine
For me  the most plausible is the fact that it resembles a living creature from our world who is supposed to create the whole world 300 millions ago or so
I believe its power weakens the more it divides. The power of each of the 9 current titans is nowhere near that of how powerful Ymir was after she first got the power.
I don't think we'll get any concrete explanation, but it's some creature with fifth-dimensional qualities that unwillingly merged with Ymir. I think the 9 main spines on the bottom on each side doesn't necessarily represent the amount of Titans but how divisible Ymir's power is before it becomes warped (mindless Titans). I also think of some level the idea of the parasite being connected to the Titan power is an inherent correlation that only exists because of Ymir. The idea of power = giant big monster seems like a very childlike concoction, and an antiquated one too. Since we know willpower and manifesting a goal in mind are part of the Power of the Titans I don't think it's too far-fetched that those specific powers came from Ymir herself, and the parasite merely made them possible on her physical plane of existence. This would seem to be at odds with its connection to being giant existing before Ymir made contact with it, due to the giant tree and my inferred connection with it and the giant trees on Paradis, but remember this thing exists outside time itself, it's a frankly unperceivable organism.
I don’t fucking know 
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Next chapter starts off the the new volume, but what do you want to see in it?  28.1% want to see the full rumbling begin, 23.4% want to see how Eren’s titan transformation turns out, and 15.4% just want to see some action in Shiganshina.  For those who want the scene to change, 11.9% want to catch up with Levi and Hange, 8.2% want Annie, 4.4% want Historia, and 4.3% want even more historical info dumps.
Armin transforming into the colossal titan 
Death and suffering
Eren's master plan and more history hopefully
Full rumbling AND Levi and Hange.
i really look forward to see annie but what i really want to see is what is going to happen to the others (pieck, gabi, falco, reiner, etc etc)
Levi/Hange AND Annie. I feel like if Annie is going to ever return to the story, it'll be at a climax of some sort.
The hizuru lady piloting the boat-plane over Shiganshina
Lore, HISTORIA PLEASE I LOVE HER AND WANT TO SEE HER, Levi/Hange, Eren, and the immediate consequences of the Walls crashing down.
What the heck the plan actually is. For all we know, they could be uncovering the wall titans just to send the material that makes up their bodies back to Paths land. An Ymir/Eren hybrid titan could just have them hold still and spend the next years devouring them. We literally know nothing.
Somebody stopping Eren and bringing a sense of honor and morality(preferably Reiner, Armin or Gabi)
The ending Audio might be next chapter
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Reddit continues to dominate the discussion field, comprising 52.4% of this vote alone. Tumblr, Facebook, and Youtube follow far behind, and 4 of you said Snapchat. That’s 0.3% of respondents, which is technically a low enough percentage to make sense, so maybe I should believe you guys, but I don’t.
My thoughts on Eldia after reading this chapter: "Oh, so Marley really wasn't fabricating history with how ancient barbaric ancient Eldia was, especially with how ancient Eldia treated them. Can't blame Marley for putting that on the history books and using that as part of their propaganda. Considering that and what Marley is doing right now, it just adds to the moral grayness of the story.
Eyes have always told a story in SNK, whether it was the intention of a character (Zeke, Grisha, etc) or their true feelings (Levi). Eyes, and the lack thereof, in Ymir's backstory, told us that THAT was finally the real history. Until now we've always had someone else's warped perspective of history, but now we know how it actually was.
 Eren's not JUST a murderer and teenage terrorist, look, he also hugs kids! 
Ymir's backstory was a bit disappointing, I expected it to be more grey; Ymir is basically a poor girl who never did anything wrong and King Fritz is the big bad who seems to be the greatest jerk of the story; I don't think this fits with the ""the world is grey"" theme of the story at all, even Gross had at least something interesting to say
Amazing turn of events. Ymir deserves to be released from her enslavement. If the devil has to come out now that his plan is being foiled by Eren, I think Zeke can be a good host for him to incarnate as, justifying Levi killing Zeke as the final main villain of the story.
Definitely one of the best chapters of the overall series.
Annie...oh Annie... God knows how isayama is going to put her back into the plot now!
As much as I want to see Levi and Hange again, I really want to know more about Eren's plans. We still don't have a clear answer, but the part where Eren hugs Ymir makes this my favorite chapter.
Barely feels like the same series, but in a good way.
Brilliant payoff after having the action suddenly halted for multiple chapters. Shit  is finally going down. 
Eren and Ymir deserve to succeed and completely destroy the world. It’s already been corrupted too much for it to be fixed any other way at this point. This world was crafted by filthy, bloody hands and it’s about damn time for Eren & Ymir to break it down so it can be crafted by cleaner hands.
Eren and Ymir have done nothing wrong ever at all fite me
Eren best dad. I'd rumble a million worlds for him to hub me like that. Yelling right into my ear is just a bonus.
Possibly the greatest chapter. The last 3 chapters together could be the greatest side story in Attack on Titan. Isayama is just...I am at a loss for words. He's just the greatest. He just needs to finish the story on a high note and that's it. Even if he doesn't, this is one of the greatest manga and anime of all time.
People who have unquestioning trust in Eren aren't invited to my birthday party
Honestly, I loved it. It was so well executed and so goddamn interesting. I love how Isayama gives us *almost* all the information we need to piece the whole thing together and leaves just enough for us to have our own speculations. I just hope that they're all resolved at the end though considering there's probably only 4 chapters left at least. 
I cannot wait to see the last 5 pages of this chapter animated, easily one of my favorite set of pages from the whole series
I couldn’t have ever thought this was going to be the content of this chapter but I’m so glad it came out the way it did
I cried so much, I love the story
I honestly didn't care much for Ymir's backstory. But hopefully the Rumbling will make things more interesting
I think this chapter might have benefited from being two chapters.  There was so much information to absorb in a very short amount of time, I feel like a lot of questions weren't answered that probably never will be now like- why are there 9 human controlled titans?  How did the mindless titans factor in?  Why did Ymir die from the spear when Eren can have his head shot off?  Why did the other slaves turn on Ymir in the first place?  Where did she come from originally?  Was she captured? Born a slave?  There was I think a missed opportunity to develop her character a little more.  I get the idea of even the narrator not really caring about what she's experiencing but getting a little more insight into her perspective would have been really interesting.  
I read earlier that the closest creature of the devil are human beings .. but humans are more evil .. King Fritz represents the devil .. Thank you Isayama .. In our reality many demons already exist and I have one in my house .. In the corridor
I see a lot of people shitting on Zeke (even comparing him to that asshole king) for ordering Ymir around, but like.... he just heard Eren saying he will end the world (plus remember what Grisha said about Eren memories/intentions), he must be really panicking, so of course he would  desperatly shout orders to Ymir and insisting he's of royal blood, that's basically at the moment the only way he could try to stop Eren. And yes, that's not nice to Ymir, but still that doesn't put him on the same level as King Fritz at all.
I thought Gross was the epitome of evil. Then came Fritz. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Don't tell me Ymir doesn't deserve a little payback after 2000 years as a slave.
So Zeke endorses genocide, but not Total World Destruction? Whatevs, man.
Sucks to be Gabi after killing Eren only for this to happen a second later.
I was kinda shocked when Eren, given the shitty way he treated Mikasa in ch 112, started comforting Ymir and telling her she's not a slave. I never realized Mikasa meant that little to him. What a fucking asshole.
I'm glad the question "is Eren going to activate the rumbling as a part of his plan?" was finally answered. I also finally made up my mind about Zeke and I now know I don't like him due to how he acted towards Ymir. I love that we finally learned about Ymir, and that both Marley's and Eldian Restorationists' versions of history were partially correct. I love that the devil was actually King Shitz and Ymir wasn't a goddess but a slave to the devil, but she still helped the Eldians develop and thrive. Also, I love how most of my theories were proven to be true this chapter. Overall I really liked it.
IT CanNoT bE sTopPeD aNymOre
What is interesting to me is that Ymir's legend seems to be the opposite of what women in history usually get: Often great women are forgotten or their agency is reduced only to that of a mother, lover, wife or daughter of some man. Whereas Ymir is remembered even after 2000 years as the Founder and forebear of Eldia, but in reality she didn't do any of those things on her free will. She was just one of the many who were enslaved and used by Eldia, yet she is celebrated by Eldian rebels as a symbol of its former greatness. Heck, even her last name, Fritz, isn't her own, but her abuser's. Chilling and fascinating.
it was fucking amazing. holy hell, i’m in TEARS after reading this latest chapter. it was so beautifully executed and drawn, and the walls crumbling deadass made me cRY OKAY-
It was incredibly tragic but the final portion somehow combined sweetness and epicness 
It's been over a week and I'm still reeling. This series gets better every month and I really don't want it to end
Ymir Fritz being presented as she is defied a couple of perceptions we've got from her: the books either implied she made a deal with the devil, or she was a benevolent goddess, when she was neither. Born as a girl from a ravaged tribe, she didn't have any voice, or agency, yet deep down she believed showing kindness was her way to make people happier after the damages of war. She accepted being fingerpointed if the other slaves could keep their eyes, she served the Eldian tribe with her newfound power, fought their wars, bore the king's children and took the final hit for him. Her spirit is then condamned to serve her line for eternity. Truly the most pitiable character of SnK so far.
 I found Ymir's story too strange to be attached to her and I was a little disappointed to see that there was basically nothing that had come from her own will. It would have been more interesting in terms of conflict to see if there had been reasons why she had done this, if there was something that prevented her from acting against the Eldians for any reason. But in fact she just let herself be guided by the flow again and again, and I do not feel it's a valid reason to let herself go for more than two thousand years.
Never thought I'd hate a character more than Floch and Sergeant Major Gross, but here we are…
The whole Ymir's backstory moved me a lot because I didn't expect it to be so sad and full of despair. Ymir is definitely the most tragic character in the whole story and one of the most tragic characters in the world of manga/anime. I hope she will finally get some love and will be surrounded by honest and loyal friends. Every tragic character in SnK deserves a hug but I think that she needs it the most. 
 this chapter's artwork really stood out to me. The way literally no eyes were present in the flashback, even the king's, and the expression of fury and agony on OG Ymir's face when Eren tells her she has a choice. Isayama just keeps getting better and better with his art, and some of his style choices really made me see the individual panels differently.
Predictable and necessary. About this poll and the fandom in general: is amazing how the mayority (or the loudest part) of this sub tends to take things in the most literal way possible while praising Isayama as a genius or something like that, or labeling as "subtle" things that scream "HELLO I'M HERE MY NAME IS BRIAN" at your face, or misread characters in the most extreme way
Ragnarok has started and I don't know if I should be excited or afraid
Read this together with Ch.121. Eren is such a well-developed complex character. You may not like him, but credit must be given to his amazing character building trip. GJ Isayama
nothing to add, just amazing job from isayama
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momtaku · 3 years
Do you think isayama managed to accurately portray abuse relationships between ymir fritz and the king? I read some comments from japanese translators saying something along the lines of how it's strongly emphasized as love(?)
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Like a lot of things in the final arc, OG Ymir's story could've used more time and development. It suffered from the same rushed pace and uneven development as the rest of the story. But when viewed independent of that, what we got was solid.
From what I can tell, the people who complain about OG Ymir's story do so not because they think the depiction of an abusive relationship was bad, but because the resolution involved Mikasa and they'd wanted something else. It was the reveal about Mikasa that they hated, not the idea that Ymir loved King Fritz. But people who hated the ending tended not to let any moments slide and so the information about OG Ymir became more to complain about.
Look, I'm not saying it's great, but the chapter with Ymir's backstory (122) holds the distinction of being the #1 ranked chapter in our poll. The depiction of a traumatized child slave who quite literally stumbled into massive power yet continued to dutifully served her abuser seems to have been understood. The majority of the fandom felt sympathy for Ymir. The concepts of Stockholm Syndrome and traumatic bonding were discussed.
People were also very excited to see Eren champion her.
"You're no slave. You're no God. You're just a person. You don't need to server anyone. You can be the one to choose."
It felt like a return to the Eren we remembered.
I don't see how the final chapter undid any of that. Eren still worked to free her. He worked to end the titan curse that she was perpetuating. But what I love about the reveal is that it wasn't just Eren or Mikasa freeing her. It's was OG Ymir freeing herself.
That's the part I wish people focused on. OG Ymir spent 2000 years working to get out of an abusive relationship. She maneuvered the situation with Eren and Mikasa to make that happen. She worked towards a means of escape. And I think that message is a solid one.
People in abusive relationships often love their abusers. This isn't shocking to anyone who has read about or spoken to abuse survivors. It's a significant part of what makes getting out of those relationships so difficult.
To answer your question in simplest terms, do I think Isayama managed to accurately portray an abusive relationships between ymir fritz and the king? Yes. He did a great job of that in 122. Did the emphasis on "love" bother me? No because I don't think Isayama tried to romanticize the relationship in anyway. He portrayed it as disgusting and horrifying. He depicted OG Ymir as a victim of abuse who was desperately trying to get away. Could he have done that better? Of course. Was it good enough? I think yes.
I hope this makes sense. Thanks for the ask!
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ghostmartyr · 4 years
SnK 129 Thoughts
This month: More people screaming and dying.
Next month: Probably more people screaming and dying.
Eventually: Just a whole heck of a lot of screaming.
(Not dying because there will be no more people.
They will be dead.)
This chapter has people screaming and dying in it.
As well as the continuing strangeness of actively rooting for Reiner and Annie.
Ding-dong, Magath is dead?
Yet again, we land on the problem of a chapter that is largely self-explanatory, and the perhaps deeper problem of people committing themselves to doing a thing once a month, even if they’re not sure they’re able to do said thing. There’s good stuff here, I’m just hesitant to start talking about it lest it comes out like a random spew of instantly forgettable bullet points.
Since I don’t care, I guess we’ll start with Magath dying.
I don’t care. Moving on!
Theo Magath is a man who has always cared for the children under his command. Even though they’re Eldian, he has routinely gone above the expected amount of effort in securing their safety. He is the one who worries and waits for Reiner, Annie, Bertolt, and Marcel to come home. He is the one who destroys the worst of the military he’s a part of so they can stop depending on titans. He cares.
What a fucking bastard.
Keith Shadis dies with him. After a life of trying to make himself special, putting lives at risk every step of the way, he finds an appropriate time to make his exit. He’s the one who raises every fighter out in the port. He’s the one who has watched as the other instructors kill them so that they can find the ones strong enough to make the cut.
He’s the one who picks Eren up and brings him back to his bed after he inherits his father’s burden.
One thing I do think is important to note, whenever I’m inspired to say, ‘Fuck Marley,’ is that Paradis is not great.
Paradis has child soldiers too. They’re just slightly older.
Paradis fully expects their soldiers to go out and die too. Their consent just skates through needing air quotes.
Paradis has a corrupt government run by self-interest -- until they have a coup.
Magath’s job, his entire career, has been to make the most of the enslaved Eldian lives he’s been handed on a platter. It is his job to train children up to murder people. If they are not good enough at murder, they will be fed to other children.
Shadis feels more comfortable. He’s been a reasonable authority figure for most of the manga, with his worst crimes being in his past, and even that reveal coming with a greater show of humanity than any other displayed that night. He tries to run Eren out of the military before he destroys himself. He worries for the boy, and gives a voice to the struggle of trying to be special when you’re most gifted at fucking up.
Paradis’ military, at the start of the main plot, gets its recruits via shaming teenagers into being willing to die, or starving teenagers into being willing to die.
The primary difference between it and Marley’s system is that in that section of the totem pole, the oppression level is relatively neutral. The wall systems are kind of fucked, the nobility is kind of awful -- but like. Their last genocide was what, two years ago? And it was killing poor people, not people people.
Everyone in Paradis’ military has to deal with the fact that they’re in a shrinking safe space and they’re either going to starve, or monsters are going to eat them. That is the great equalizing force. If their commanding officer fucks up, he is going to get eaten. If the person next to them fucks up, they are going to get eaten.
They are not crouching down, approaching tiny children, and explaining that it is for the good of humanity that they are the ones eaten because their blood is dirty. Anymore.
Fuck Marley. Fuck its internment camps, fuck its slavery, fuck its brainwashing, fuck how it turned Good Eldians and Bad Eldians into war rhetoric. Fuck just about everything it has to offer.
Paradis is fucked up in the spirit of everyone there being equally fucked (unless you’re rich) (or nobility). Marley is fucked up because it’s made being fascist, warmongering assholes a national policy.
So you have two men on a boat waiting to die. They’ve both sent children to their deaths. They’ve both pushed over the lines trying to let their uniqueness carry change instead of doing the difficult legwork it actually takes.
One of them is not an active agent of genocide.
One of them is.
They both have sad feelings.
It is sad.
The important part is however badly they fucked up, the traumatized children they’re leaving behind are about to be more traumatized, and they’ve realized what a bad thing this is.
Only not really because Keith did his job, did his first job badly enough to find a new job, did that new job, and has continued doing that new job up to the point where he’s blowing himself up, and has no particular qualms about any of that since he’s pretty much been acting his conscience the whole time.
I’m lingering on this because you have both people who trained up our primary cast making a choice for the good of humanity, and dying the same way. It is a clear and obvious parallel, and it is being milked.
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But it’s one of those parallels that makes me twitchy the longer I look at it. Probably because of that conscience part. These men play the same role, but besides their stages having massive differences, their choices do as well.
Magath’s conscience doesn’t stop him from shouting racist rhetoric at a preteen on a battlefield. In his introductory scene.
Shadis’ conscience, however warped some of the intent is, leads to him quitting and passing his job up to someone more qualified.
...Essentially, Shadis is kind of a bastard for a lot of things, but Magath is a fascist bastard, and continues to be a fascist bastard even when he takes steps to overthrow a fascist regime, and I know and appreciate that Magath realizes this and feels bad about it, but it’s hard not to resent the manga comparing Shadis and Magath so strongly.
Magath’s fucked up a lot. It’s good he admits it.
Shadis feels like one more person who sees death as all he has to offer the world.
In a series that actively opposes that line of thought whenever it comes up, it’s really difficult not to find the whole dynamic frustrating. Yes, the manga doesn’t say these two people are the same. They’re just in the exact same boat making the exact same decision.
Like that other group over in their boat.
Shadis is looking to die. Magath is looking to make a last stand.
I don’t think I’m doing a great job of putting into words why it’s so aggravating for me, except, you know. Fuck Marley. Also Magath helped cause all of this. Keith’s sort of sat around feeling various forms of guilt for years over things he screwed up because he was trying so hard.
Shadis forfeits his life.
Every other time someone with that mindset is ready to die, it’s met with no, you’re not done yet.
Shadis doesn’t get that. He’s done. Magath is the only one there to tell him otherwise, and Magath has his own problems.
There’s a vibe here that these two old teachers have outlived their purpose. Their kids are grown, for better and worse, and they’re the ones who will control the turn of the future. I don’t oppose them making that decision, but in Shadis’ case, it really comes off as him being cool with whatever, now that he’s made his stand.
Ugh. I don’t like it, but articulating why is probably best represented by me sulking and crossing my arms. Artistically, I get it. They’re the same piece on opposite ends of a chessboard.
But they’re different people and aaaargh.
Anyway, we continue the proud tradition of making Gabi cry.
Sorry about your life, Gabi.
In other news, we continue to not have any way to stop Eren.
At all.
We have an estimate of four days before Eren succeeds in wiping out a continent.
Their only chance of stopping that is powering up an airship, using some of that good ol’ talk-no-jutsu, or killing Eren.
If they take the route of killing Eren, all of the Colossals he’s been ordering on their walk will stop being under his command. Because he will be dead. Meaning that the continent, as well as our heroes, will now have to contend with a wild hoard of Colossal Titans out for a stroll.
Which is bad.
It’s basically where Paradis started out, but worse in every possible way.
Even if they manage to have someone on their team eat Eren, there’s a good chance that OG Ymir might not react well to her savior being axed. There’s a similarly good chance that the ability to use the Founder’s power just won’t be functional.
So if they kill Eren, they will stop having intentional destruction.
Instead, we will have unintentional destruction, of which there will be a lot.
Leaving us with talk-no-jutsu.
When the last attempt at talk-no-jutsu led to Armin punching Eren and being bad at it. And Eren punching Armin and being less bad at it.
Basically, everyone’s really hoping that by communicating with Eren, they can somehow make this all go away. There is no evidence that this will work, and no evidence that any of the added backup plans will do anything but cause different problems, but by golly, they’ve completed step .5 of their 3-step plan to maybe changing their circumstances.
(Step 1: Get Air Boat Step 2: Fly Air Boat To Eren Step 3: Talk Eren Out Of Genocide)
I’m not upset, I would just really like all of this to feel meaningful. Right now there’s a ridiculous amount of stress and dead bodies going into a goal that could easily end up pointless.
There’s merit to that as a story, but none of that stress lands properly, because the tension of “will they save the day or won’t they” isn’t dependent on what they’re doing here. The ticking clock might be making the characters stressed, but it’s not where the consequences lie.
I will continue to complain about this every month because I can.
In more positive news, Connie is best boi and no one appreciates him they way that they should.
Once upon a time, Reiner bullied Annie into taking a more active role in murdering Marco.
One of the arguments he used to provoke her was that she saved Connie’s life.
Not long after that, Reiner and some other recruits find themselves stranded in Utgard Castle, where a titan gets in and goes after Connie. Reiner charges in, gets his arm chomped on, and through everyone’s combined efforts, the titan gets shoved out a window.
Annie and Reiner both make the choice to save Connie’s life, even though it does nothing to benefit them.
In this chapter, beheaded and missing their arms, Connie swoops in and saves both of them.
The first taste of this technically goes to Mikasa, because she can’t help being a hero. She doesn’t like Annie. Annie is about the only human being whose existence can make her lose her temper. When a soldier gets behind Annie, Mikasa is there to back her up. It’s done casually and smoothly, because Mikasa’s just that good.
We’re still left with multiple shots of Annie staring at Mikasa.
Later followed with her staring at Reiner.
Annie and Reiner are used to being the traitors. They’re the ones their friends have every reason to hate. They’re the ones who spend years living with the victims of a war they brought to their shores. They’ve never expected forgiveness. They’re condemned, and almost welcome it.
Their trio interplay is never great. Reiner is trying too hard, and shielding Bertolt. Annie gets stuck with the grunt work, and knows they’re the bad guys. They don’t get along. They’re comrades, and allies, but their friendship is never portrayed as anything but their last lifeline.
Reiner and Bertolt are friends.
Annie’s the only one who has her fight with the Survey Corps alone.
This time, Reiner’s there, and he’s protecting her.
If you dig into any combination of these relationships, there’s not exactly a shortage of rot. They’ve all hurt each other, and they all know it.
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But at the end of the day, they’re all just a bunch of damaged kids looking to be found.
None of the surviving cast is without a shoulder to lean on. They’ve made the decision to be there for each other, and as bleak as circumstances are, Annie’s face spends so much time this chapter shouting that she’s never been able to have that.
Even Magath, who goes off with the intent of dying alone, doesn’t.
There’s still some human warmth left in the world, and that’s what they’re trying to protect.
Please just do it with an actual plan, I’m begging you guys.
Also, Floch gets shot! So that’s nice.
I do not see a corpse.
That is less nice.
Isayama also gave Falco a fucking birdsona titan.
We’re not without things to cheer.
Tune in next month for more screaming and dead bodies.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
How do you think the story Will end? I read comments from Reddit and other sources that some fans want Eren to succeed to destroy the rest of the world ( if that's his actual goal), but I wonder. Would that contradict the themes of the story and send a very bad message considering the WW2 parallels.
It is quite the conundrum.
I don’t think you can unring this bell.
The manga has made it very apparent that genocide is bad.
The manga has made it very apparent that genocide is not a deterrent to more genocide.
Paradis being the last island standing, bringing the story back to these humans being the only ones left alive, carries no promise of a better world. All it means is that this is the group that had the biggest stick last.
The story can go for that, if that’s what it wants, but calling that a downer is being soft. It would be retaining the status quo in a series where the protagonists are consistently the ones who disrupt the status quo and its complacency. It continues the cycle of human beings growing accustomed to their evils until enough people are upset enough that they try to fight those evils –
Only in a world that has already made it clear that those people lose. Its thesis would become, yes, there are always people who will rise up and fight oppression. They’re just as powerless against it as the people who got used to it.
You can technically do that, but spending over a decade explaining that inaction and action are both pointless against the written-in-stone fate of humanity being awful is, uh. Dumb? Of course they couldn’t win, the author said they couldn’t? That’s not a story, that’s someone beating up their OCs for giggles and entrenched emo feelings.
Which. Valid, if you want to do that. I guess. But tricking me into being in the room for it seems rude.
More importantly, that’s just not what the story has ever been about. It has always been about the opposite of what all that just described. And how to change the world, you need to actually change things, and not just commit genocide until an outcome you find livable crops up.
So with the starting point of genocide being bad, the manga very loudly shouting how genocide is bad and will continue even after Eren, the protagonist, commits a genocide, where are we?
Stopping Eren.
Okay, cool.
Ignoring how for right now, what then?
The rest of the world just forgets how this power exists, and before Eren started using it they all voted the island off the island? After a hundred years of hating Paradis for no reason, they change their views now that they’ve been presented with an active reason? After a hundred years of persecuting Eldians in the name of a dead empire, they start being nicer to them after an Eldian tries his damnedest to create a new one?
Because what, nice Eldians exist? It was all the fault of the big bad Eren that gigantic man-eating monsters tried to destroy the world? This will have no influence over our racial prejudices whatsoever because we all know that Eren was just being a dick?
Probably not.
What else we got?
Well, we have Eren.
Who is either having the world’s most dramatic meltdown, or has a plan.
Considering he’s the one with the turn on the reality-bending superpowers right now, let’s say he has a plan, and we’re not going to reduce the plot magic to end all plot magic to a bunch of giants stomping things. Plus a decent radio.
So we have our protagonist with plot magic.
Which someone certainly needs in order to make any of this work out, because in other news, our protagonist has fucked everything up so badly that no one else can fix it at this point.
Isayama has taken too realistic a view of how people are capable of being complete bastards for this to end with Eren’s villainy uniting the world. It’s not united. It’s more angry and afraid than ever, save for the old island people Eren hated shrugging and going about their new daily life.
Again we find ourselves turning to magic for a solution.
We just honestly don’t have anything else.
So, since Code Geass is too blindingly, appallingly whatever the hell it is to be the option anymore, we turn to Eren going full Madoka.
Note how the Zero Requiem option at least had the decency of sort of explaining what the hell Eren thinks he’s doing. The Madoka option sort of shrugs aimlessly at the camera and tells you to be happy it’s better now.
Then we get into wild theorizing, and as for me, I think that Eren is going to use Paths in some way to contact the original Thing that OG Ymir met, and then force the ability to turn into a titan on every single human being on the planet.
Cue magic radio powers and Eren telling them that they’re all cursed now, and isn’t this fun.
Then he just keeps everyone on the planet a titan for a few dozen years until he’s decided that they’ll all just be grateful to be sentient when he turns them back, and that should put an end to Paradis being in so much danger.
What I’m getting at is that I have no fucking clue what’s going to happen.
Here’s what I have as the relevant canon facts to Eren’s Super Secret Plan:
He’s doing everything he can to piss everyone off, including people like Zeke, who nearly ended up getting what he wanted because Eren is so fucking bad at this.
He left Floch in charge.
To review, “everything” includes Floch, and “everyone” includes the entire world.
Literally no one is happy with him except the people voted most likely to commit the next genocide, and the one true thing Eren has said recently is that he’s putting an end to that fuckery.
He’s doing a very bad job.
-hands him his gold star-
Who knows what he’s doing but he’s inarguably trying very hard to do whatever it is.
With occasional crying over it.
Someone in his memories has contact with the little refugee boy.
Someone in his memories remembers a scene with Historia that we have not seen.
To summarize a little better, Eren is doing everything he can to infuriate everyone, and he has two unexplained memory shards in the unbiased narrative portrayal of his mental interior.
I would argue that the moment with the little kid is unexplained because it’s a central moment, and the only time we see Eren specifically around the kid, it’s at the party.
Patch together whatever you can from that information.
He has the power of a god, and so far he’s using it to having a bunch of toys stomp the ground loudly and threateningly while he makes everyone who ever cared for him furious and hurt and throws everyone who hadn’t heard of him before Paths Radio into some form of extremism.
Even if you argue there’s a logic to it, his grand plan results in him getting his head shot off.
This train is not guided by logic, it’s guided by desperation, and that’s even less helpful as far as a reliable predictor of behavior.
...Getting back to the actual ask, I think the story will end brightly. Maybe the characters we love won’t be around to see it, but I honestly believe that we’re getting a thematically happy ending.
And I only inject “thematically” in there because I suspect people find my ceaseless optimism annoying when it’s left untempered.
This story is not as dark as its reputation and horrific moments would have you believe. It’s about tiny, weak humans trying to be better.
Eren might end this world, but if he does, I don’t see it happening without a renewal. An actual renewal, not just Floch giggling atop a castle because he’s king of the mountain.
Because this manga has one very plain take on genocide:
The story can’t have a bleak ending without demolishing its themes.
I have no idea how it gets to any other kind of ending, but I’m betting on it.
Thanks for the ask.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Hi, Immi! I thoroughly suррort you about the Рregnancy Twist because if Isayama really told us everything about it already he did an extremely рiss-poor job by choosing the most unreliable character рossible as his mouthрiece. The MPs have overlooked that Eren has been in cahoots with the Volunteers and created the Yeagerists, how are we supposed to believe that they got all information about Historia right? The 'Show, Not Tell' rule was broken hard there, and I wait for the explanation still.
           ...And one more thing I wanted to say: Isayama deliberately avoids creating scenes with Historia. There were 3 рossible hooks to re-introduce her in the manga, but they've led to nowhere ultimately. 1) Рixis said Yeagerists may try to apprehend her (it never happened); 2) Nile wanted to go check on her (he sрend a lot of time saddling his horse and was arrested); 3) Armin said she might be in danger (Floch went for Kiyomi instead). Add to this her random appearances, including that memory shard.             
Dude, my dms of the past two years probably include monthly rants of me pointing out that Historia (Ymir too, for what it’s worth) is being kept out of things so deliberately that it’s driving me a little nuts.
Eren practically gives OG Ymir a direct quote of Historia’s speech in the cave, yet she’s still not referenced. Historia’s entire arc is about not being condemned by fate, yet when we’re dealing with an entire people being condemned by fate, and Zeke believing they’re so condemned that they should all die (hey that sounds familiar), she gets no presence in the story. OG Ymir gets a duplicate rocking chair, and still we’re left to connect those dots by ourselves, without the story suggesting that anyone in the present cares about what Historia’s going through.
There’s a full coup taking place and Armin cares once that she might be in trouble. These are people she’s theoretically friends with. ????
Besides that, the very first thing that happens after the pregnancy reveal is the scene with the MPs. 107 hammers down the belief that this is all about breeding children for the sake of the island’s future.
...Then 108 sweeps in and it’s all, “oh she’s in love with some random guy and it’s really inconvenient for our plans that she’s pregnant.”
For emphasis, this directly follows the chapter where everyone’s discussing how Historia being pregnant is exactly what they want.
The story pretty much rolls out NPC Farmer Guy with “Hi, We’re Lying!” Even Nile, who’s supportive of the young ‘couple,’ can’t create a flashback where Historia looks like she doesn’t hate him.
It’s as deliberately strange as everything Eren’s up to. The logic doesn’t flow, and there are critical pieces missing.
Now we wait.
Again. Still. More.
-halfheartedly waves flag-
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