makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Beautifull sunset are for all of us to observe, be thanksfull, fill out our spirits of hope and 鉂わ笍 create your destiny 馃挴馃拫馃弰馃寛鉂わ笍馃挜
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Do you make people better or worst? Having money is great but if the way you make money is turning peoples life miserable...it will get back to you one way or another...make a great investment in you and others! That pay so much more at the end!!! 鉂わ笍馃寛馃拫馃挴 (脿 PrivaSea Beach)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Lorsque tu te sent triste, fais quelques chose pour rendre des gens que tu aimes heureux. Leurs appr茅ciation et sourire te rendront heureuse 脿 ton tour #giveback #transfer #feelingbetter (脿 Avon Beach)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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So true...if someone that you would of never gave up give you up ...its a blessing for you...it will save you time and bring someone better in your life..someone that deserve you and will never give you up. (脿 Avon Beach)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Je t'aime, je m'excuse, je te pardonne, merci sont de simple mots qui veulent dire beaucoup....#enattentedevent 馃弰 (脿 PrivaSea Beach)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Finding what attract your customer is also making you customer happy :0) #tattoo #airbrush #garage #nathalielegaultmakeupartist
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Let go of things that you don't have, and things that are out of your control. Instead be thanks full for what you have and peoples that choose to be around you #presentmoment #thanksfull #letgo (脿 Avon Beach)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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In good times or bad times love is always welcome. #love #family #virginiaisforlovers (脿 Virginia Beach, Virginia)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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La beaute est dans la nature comme nos racines viennent de notre famille. Quoi de mieux que que de prendre le temps et le souligner. Aujourd'hui je prend le temps de la f锚te avec ma maman! :0) #niagarafalls #momtime (脿 Niagara Falls, Ontario)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Sunday morning ain't an excuse for me to take one more step in becoming how I want #orangetheoryfitness #toronto #gym (脿 Sheraton Centre Toronto)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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A bit cold...but fun day at the lobster clam jam 2017 in toronto...#lobsterclamjam #toronto #events #makeup (脿 Toronto, Ontario)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Un but c'est un r锚ve auquel nous d茅terminons non seulement comment s'y rendre mais quand si rendre #but #motivation #reve
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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C'est merveilleux et magique de se rendre compte des sch茅mas que nos parents, tuteurs et entourages nous ont transmis. Lorsqu'on prend le temps de l'ai comprendre et qu'on r茅alise qu'脿 l'芒ge adulte, ils n'en revient qu'脿 nous de prendre nos propres d茅cisions et il en est notre responsabilit茅 de trouver notre propre identification personnel. #grattitude #awarness #selflove #acceptance #revelations (脿 Boisbriand, Quebec)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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If you have a goal and dont have much time, you have one more reason to get up earlier to do that extra mile ! #nonstop #wontstop #improving #goals #goodvibes #gym #womans (脿 Victoria Park)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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L'amour est comme la vie pas toujours facile..si qq que tu aimes veut partir laiss茅 le aller...si il t'aime vraiment il te reviendra. What is suppose to happen happen...namaste (脿 Island of Montreal)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Pat LeBlanc practice on 脿 Proskinz canvas this weekend! Amazing tattoo piece #tattoo #airbrush #proskinzcanvas #apprentice #syntheticskin (脿 Island of Montreal)
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makeupbythaly-blog 7 years
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Quelle belle journ茅e! 馃檹脟a fais toujours plaisir de faire plaisir 脿 ma maman et me faire plaisir en m锚me temps! Je t'aime maman! Et je suis convaincu t'avoir choisit avant d'arriver ici! Car si j'aurais 脿 choisir encore c'est certain que tu serais la premi猫re sur ma liste! Merci pour avoir 茅t茅 ma m猫re, ma maman et d'锚tre maintenant mon amie. #mothersday #fetedesmeres #maman #friendship #gratitute (脿 Ville de Mont Laurier)
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