makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
ใƒŸโ˜… ๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ | ๐˜ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ! ๐˜ž. ๐˜š๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต/๐˜Ž๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฃ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜Ÿ ๐˜™๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ โ˜…ๅฝก
aaa i tried to write this yesterday but my laptop died and NOTHING SAVED 'v' this is fine i swear. anyway enjoy! <3
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Things were calmer after Wilbur died. It was a truth you couldn't disprove.
The war went on long enough. And with his death somewhat marked the end of it. To be honest, you were relieved.
It was refreshing, this freedom. You lived in L'Manberg once- now you lived in a peaceful meadow.
You enjoyed evenings in the meadow the best. The quiet, still atmosphere, fireflies quietly bumbling through the air, flowers waving gently...
It was lovely, really.
Of course, you received visitors there. Mostly Niki, though occasionally Tubbo, Techno etc.
But for the most part, you were by your lonesome. And to tell the truth, you preferred it that way.
In L'Manberg, you were with Wilbur so much that it made you feel somewhat trapped.
You "started this war with me, so we're gonna see it through" or something like that. Freedom was not something you were used to.
However, with Wilbur's untimely demise, you were left to leave your remaining two lives out peacefully.
That was until, of course, you found Ghostbur.
It was purely incidental- you never really meant to find the friendly spirit. But you were very glad that you did.
On a regular evening, calm as any other, you were collecting sweet berries in the dull hours of the night.
Trekking along soft grass and gathering things as you went, you didn't expect to see someone sat on a grassy bank, quietly messing with a flower.
You stopped.
It was clearly a male, but who? The hair was too light for Tubbo, yet too dark to be Tommy.
Besides, what would either of them be doing here?
It definitely wasn't anyone you recognised, so you tentatively called out to him.
"Hello? Are you alright?"
He turned around, and your heart sank.
'No... he... he can't be back- he's dead...! He's dead...'
There was no mistaking it - Wilbur was back.
And yet... something about him seemed different. He wasn't twitching, or mumbling to himself. He was simply sat, looking a little sad at your shocked expression.
His hair was shiny and well-kempt, his eyes (though dark) shone with hope, and he wore a cosy yellow jumper. This quite clearly was not the Wilbur you had previously known.
"Wilbur...? I thought- I thought you were..." You took a step towards him, and he stood up.
You knew then and there that this was a different man - the old Wilbur, the one who would laugh and relax with you, offering advice and simply being there for you whenever you needed him.
You ran over to him, where he stood arms already outstretched and you embraced him, holding him as tightly as you possibly could.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here." He comfortingly rubbed small circles onto your back, gently guiding you to sit with him.
You pulled away, but kept hold of his hand, almost as though you were afraid of him disappearing.
"I'm sorry. I thought- well, we all thought that you were gone for good. How come you're back?"
He smiled wistfully.
"Ah, well there's still something I've not done. I have unfinished business, if you like. Stuff that Alivebur would never have done the way he was when he died."
"Alive-bur?" You echoed. "Mm. I'm dead, so it's easier to call him that." "So then you would be... Deadbur? Or Ghostbur?"
He hummed. "I like Ghostbur. It sounds nice." "Yeah, I like it too."
"I've got a pretty good memory, still. Mostly happy stuff though. That's why I came to this Meadow, [Name]."
You raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Well, a lot of his happier memories... were with you." You felt a tiny tint of red creep across your face as you realised what he had said, and you grinned.
You supposed it was the same for yourself, well, before he went a touch insane.
After that, you chatted with Ghostbur long into the night, watching the pretty sky and simply enjoying his company.
You had missed the long talks between yourself and Wilbur.
It was refreshing, truly.
There had been times where you had found Ghostbur wondering through the charred remains of L'Manberg, lamenting on its tragic destruction.
Other times you would awake from a terrible nightmare, or a particularly sad dream and rush out into the cold, only in your nightwear to find the pale ghost.
And he would always hold you close, warm you up, guide you safely home and ensure your safety.
Over time, these gestures began creeping dangerously close to, dare you say romance.
One lingering gaze, a gentle touch or even a warm smile grew into a longing touch, a chaste kiss, and much more.
The two of you were close. That part was undeniable.
But unbeknownst to the both of you, that would soon change.
"Ghostbur! Hey, look what I brought for you, I found this--" You cut yourself off, standing in shock at the sight.
Your basket fell from your hands, and they stayed mid-air as you froze.
"[Name]! Oh, dear, it's so good to see you again!"
No way. No fucking way. There was no way in hell that after meeting Ghostbur and getting so close to him that he was just ripped from you, without a proper chance to say a final farewell.
"Wh... What? Where's Ghostbur?"
His expression shifted, and then laughter rang out.
Cruel, cold laughter.
He strode over to you and tightly grasped your hands, yanking you closer to him.
"Don't worry, love. I know all about you and that pathetic ghost. He held you very close to his heart, I can reassure you. You see, though I was dead, I lived through him. And guess what? I saw everything. I felt everything. And I was there for everything. But now! I'm back!"
He pulled you into a tight hug, and you could barely feel your arms limply by your sides.
Coming to your senses, you shoved him away, stumbling back.
"Get away from me! You think after everything you did, that I would want to see you! You need serious help! You're fucking mad!"
Without a word, he took a step closer to you.
"No no no, get back! Not another step closer, I'll--" "-you'll what, [Name]? What are you going to do? There's no-one here. Not a single soul to help you."
He taunted, taking yet another step closer.
"Fuck off! I want nothing to do with you, you're a madman! You'll never be anything to me but a sadistic pyromaniac with severe anger issues! A freak! You mean nothing to me!"
Your words may have been cruel, but they were true. Wilbur briefly stopped, and you thought you had messed him up a bit too much.
You let out a noise of pain as all of a sudden he lunged at you, knocking you to the ground and pinning you in place.
"Get off! Wilbur, what the hell?!" Your words fell on deaf ears as he grabbed your wrists and bound them together with rope that he somehow had.
With a satisfied and sick grin on his face, he pulled you up and began leading you away.
"Wilbur! Wilbur I swear to god untie me right now! Is this some sick joke to you?! Wilbur!" "Keep saying my name, love, I love how it sounds coming from you."
You immediately shut up, doing your best to focus on not being dragged away by Wilbur.
He was truly mad, you realised, and there was no getting through to him.
"You'll realise soon enough that I'm just doing you a favour. Dead or alive I would have done this anyway." He casually explained, and you scoffed.
"Ghostbur would never do anything like this, he-" "He what? He loved you? He cared for you? He was nicer than me? Newsflash, [Name]; Ghostbur and I were the same person. He would have done this soon enough. I'm just being efficient. His love was pathetic, it was nothing compared to mine..."
He mumbled under his breath, but you heard him clearly.
It hurt. Knowing how he felt about your ghostly companion. Knowing that you wouldn't get help regarding the Wilbur scenario. Oh, and the rope that was bruising and burning your wrists.
There wasn't much you could do other than make it difficult for Wilbur to drag you along through the dark, peaceful night, and wonder where on earth he could be taking you.
You'd find out soon enough, though.
He loved you far too much to harm you properly, so you could rest knowing that it would be safe.
For how long would you be safe, though, in the deranged pyromaniac's care?
He may love you, but what lengths was he willing to go? The very thought scared you more than any ghost.
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god damn this escalated quickly. yknow what i would die for ghostbur. i've recently done a proper look into a few characters on the smp and wow i have apparently picked favourites. anyway take care my lovelies, feel free to request! i'll probably do a part two of this if anyone wants it. love you <3
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makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
ใƒŸPrisoner | Yandere! Beelzebub X Yandere! Belphegor ๅฝก
once again this was just an idea i had and i had to write it. tbh in the base game (particularly surprise guest interactions) belphie just seems a lil bit yandere, or just mildly unhinged. anyway enjoy this little idea i had <3
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The Attic. You'd taken your first steps up to this very door, maybe 7 months ago now?
After the incident involving your untimely death in another time, you had been coddled - especially by the two twins.
You knew that Belphie felt particularly guilty, especially after he came to realise (most) humans weren't so bad.
As for Beel, he felt partially guilty that his twin had hurt you and he couldn't do anything about it. He too treated you as though you were made of glass, and almost babied you in a weird way.
In the first few weeks, it was somewhat nice.
"Let me carry your schoolbag, [MC]."
"Do you want my food? You look hungry."
"Have a blanket, it's cold."
Then it began to get... a little more unnerving.
"Can't you stay a little longer?"
"You should stay the night, with us. Only us."
"You need to eat. Or else."
And finally, it was downright frightening.
"Don't go. We don't want you to. That's not a request."
"You're not leaving. You're not busy."
"Don't lie, [MC]. I know you aren't busy."
So you began to avoid them. Or at least, you tried. But somehow, they always found a way to spend more time with you.
Beel would turn up randomly with food for you, and then end up staying a few hours with you in your room.
Belphie would wait until you fell asleep and then join you, so that the first thing you would see when you awoke was him.
But the worst thing, the very worst thing, was having them both together.
You, sprawled on the sofa in the common area, head on Beel's lap. Belphie clinging to your frame, head on your chest, leaving you little room to even breathe.
It was suffocating. And you couldn't take it anymore. So you decided to tell them.
This was, in blunt terms, the worst decision of your life.
You'd text the little group chat you had, 'The Attic Club - Sandwhich' asking them to come to your room.
Naturally, it took less than 20 seconds for them to tear across the house of Lamentation to your room.
They took their usual seats besides you, and you sighed, getting up and moving away to sink into a plush beanbag.
"[MC], what's wrong?" Beel asked, and you had finally had it.
"You two! You two is what's wrong! Out of all you stupid brothers, you two have got to be the most unbearable. When was I supposed to go home?? Over 6 months ago!! But you two wanted me to stay, unlike everyone else who was happy to let me come back in a year. You follow me everywhere, I never get any time away from you two, you're so bloody unbearable!! So I want you to stop it! Leave me alone!"
You crossed your arms after your little outburst, waiting for their response.
Beelzebub looked at you with abject horror, it was the most emotion you'd seen him show in a while. Belphegor, on the other hand, simply stared at you sadly.
You felt a little guilty, but the feelings of regret were quickly stamped out.
"So, that's how you truly feel, huh..." Belphie mumured, and Beel made to stand up.
"Don't fucking come near me, I don't need that right now. Hey! What are you doing??" You watched in confusion as he walked over to the door and without any hesitation twisted the door handle in a way as to lock it.
You stood up at once, now worried. "Why did you do that?! What the hell?!" "I'm sorry, [MC], but you're too precious to us now," Belphie explained, and you jumped, not realising that he had snuck behind you.
Slender arms wrapped around your torso, and that familiar leathery-tail wound up your leg.
"Go to sleep, 'kay?"
Those were the last words you recalled, seeing the unreadable emotion in Beel's eyes, and hearing the calm yet cold voice of Belphie.
That brought you here. The Attic.
Once, it had served as a prison for Belphie. Now, it served as a prison for you. Frustrated, you kicked at the telescope in the corner, before stepping over to the door.
It was wrought-iron, intricate squares big enough for you to slip your hand into the gaps. You felt the handle, but it wouldn't open.
'Fuck!' You thought, and heard two voices begin ascending the stairs. You looked around for a weapon, but the ancient swords from the weapons rack had been removed.
There wasn't much else you could use, so you dove behind the curtain decorating the bed.
The semi-transparent nature of the fabric allowed you to see the room more or less, so you used your hidden spot to view whoever entered.
Unsurprisingly, it was Beel and Belphie of course.
Belphie yawned as he swung the door open, but pricked up when he couldn't see you. Beel frowned. "Where is [MC]?"
"How would I know? You brought them up here, after all." "Well, look around. I'm going to get food for them."
"Don't eat it all." Belphie chuckled and sat on the bed for a moment, glancing around.
"I know you're hiding, [MC]. Make this easy and come out, I'm tired." You remained in your spot, not daring to make an appearance.
Belphie sighed.
"Fine." He stood up, and made his way over to drawers and chest.
"Hm, not here?"
He then walked over to the bed, ducking down to check underneath.
"Not here either, I wonder..."
He then trailed over to the curtain, and snatched it back, revealing you crouched down.
"Hm. Thought so." He smiled and grabbed you by the wrists, hauling you upwards.
Occasionally you forgot that he wasn't just a regular human, but a demon capable of wiping out half of your entire species.
He sat you down on the bed, and sat next to you, still holding your hands in his firmly.
"Why did you hide, [MC]? We wouldn't hurt you." "Pfft-- I've heard worse lies come from Mammon's mouth. Why would you bring me up here if you weren't gonna hurt me??"
He rolled his eyes, and suddenly flopped onto the bed, pulling you down with him.
"You talk way too much. I'm tired. You're staying up here for as long as we like, okay?"
You tried to move away, but once again those arms and tail kept you firmly in place next to him.
"You'll get used to it up here. I did. But you won't have to be alone, like I was. We'll take care of you. Promise." He mumbled sleepily, gently messing with a lock of your hair.
You weren't sure how long you'd be able to live as a prisoner. Especially not with them.
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makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
ใƒŸโ˜… Home | Ranboo X Reader โ˜…ๅฝก
hii, this was just a small idea i had based on one of my wattpad books. feel free to request more dream smp stuff, i'll do a list of characters i will write for if you want, but for now enjoy this little fic. <3 all credits go to the original artist of the gif below :)
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You knew the woods well. There was no part of you that didn't know your way around them, recognise every tree, cave, stream and rock.
There were a few reasons why you were always in the woods, but the main reason had to be your closest friend:
The two of you were rarely seen with anyone else. You may have resided near L'Manberg, but more than often you were found traversing the winding roads to visit the Ender tribe.
It consisted of mostly enderfolk, but as the strongest and wisest of the enderfolk, Ranboo was their leader.
You knew that he was at least half enderman, but what was the other half? Personally, your money was on ghast, but you could never be certain.
You recalled your first meeting, the feeling of bittersweet attacking your mind.
It was an afternoon, and you were in the woods nearby L'Manberg searching for sweet berries.
You recalled Nikki wanting a few for Fungi, and for recipes, so you had offered to fetch some for the sweet girl.
"Berries, berries... agh! Just mushrooms!" You mumbled, picking your basket up once more and setting off.
At the time, you didn't know your way around the woods too well. Stepping away from the path, you found a few more bushes.
The warm rays of the sun fought to shine through the thick oak leaves, and you reached up to snatch a juicy-looking apple from a low branch.
You never did get to eat it, though, as with a small flurry of purple sparks(?) you were sent sprawling to the floor.
"Ohh, my head..." You mumbled, and heard someone begin frantically apologising.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry - are you alright? I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking--" He offered you a hand, which you gratefully accepted, and helped you up.
"It's fine, it happens. Are you alright?" You asked, slightly taken aback by his unique appearance.
He stood very tall, over a foot taller than you at least, with an almost perfect split appearance, black and white merging together with small speckles.
His right side was coal black, completely opposite to his blinding white left side. He had one red and one green eye respectfully, and a mop of messy black/white hair atop his head.
A long, rough-looking pair of horns stood out from his hair, with small golden rings gleaming around them.
The expression on his face was flustered, and yet he still looked concerned for you. Smoothing out his neat suit, he nodded.
"Yes, I'm sorry I teleported into you. Oh- your basket, I knocked it over! I'm so sorry, uh..." "[Name]. And don't worry about it, really. As long as you're not hurt, that's fine."
He picked your basket up for you, all of the berries now spilt and ruined on the forest floor.
"Uh, if you'd like, you could come back to my village and we could get some more for you? You don't have to of course, I would totally understand if you didn't want to, but I'd like to make it up to you."
You smiled. Even though he seemed a little nervous, fiddling with his hands and constantly glancing around.
"Well, Nikki would be sad if I didn't bring anything back for her. Why not?" He smiled, and extended his arm for you.
"Alright! Hold on, it will only be a moment."
You continued your run through the woods, any memories being quickly set aside as you ran.
There was no time to think fondly of memories, as another explosion was heard somewhere behind you.
An attack, to do with the war. Your own lovely home had been blown up.
For your safety, you had been instructed to run. Run as fast and as far as you could, until you found someone who could help you.
On your way out, you had been injured grabbing your pet rabbit, Toast. It was only a light scratch on your cheek, but it stung enough.
You eventually collapsed, the round rabbit safely tucked into your arms. You couldn't keep running, and the tree gave you shelter, so you stopped to rest.
"[Name]?? [Name]?!"
You pricked up, hearing the familiar voice, though you were too tired to stand.
"[Name], I thought I saw you running! What on Earth happened??" It was, of course, your lanky friend Ranboo.
Concern laced his voice, and he carefully placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you in for a semi-hug.
"I heard about your home, I'm so sorry... Can you get up? It's not safe here." "Yeah, I'm not totally incompetent."
Just like the first time you'd met, you were helped up by Ranboo, who took Toast from your arms to give you a break.
"Come on. Do you want to stay with me for a while? It's not the best, but... it would be nice, I think." "Yeah, I suppose it has always been a second home for me as well."
He suddenly reached out to your cheek, gently tracing his finger along your cut. "You're injured..! We'd best hurry." He stated.
"Here," He leant forward and quickly kissed your cheek. Turning back around, he began walking, mumbling about where you could stay in the village.
You grinned, following behind. It wasn't home, but it was close enough.
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๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด, ๐˜ช ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฏ'๐˜ต ๐˜ฆ๐˜น๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ. ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜บ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ฑ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ'๐˜ต ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฌ! ๐˜ช ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜บ ๐˜บ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ต, ๐˜ฃ๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ช ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ. ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ง๐˜ธ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜จ๐˜ฉ. ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ๐˜ด ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฆ๐˜ด, ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ซ๐˜ฐ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ! <3
71 notes ยท View notes
makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
the tale of red and blue was great so far! please do tag me in the future parts! xx
hiya my lovely, that's really sweet of you to say! of course I will tag you in future parts, no problems. thank you! <3
if you wish to be tagged in any future parts, don't hesitate to send me an ask. and if you're tagged in one part, I will automatically tag you in all further parts unless requested otherwise. thanks my lovelies! <3
0 notes
makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
Lesser of Two Evils | S. Todoroki X Reader X K. Bakugo [Pt 2]
Yandere! Fantasy! AU Part two:
this is the second part of my yandere fantasy au. this is a yandere! todoroki x reader x yandere! bakugo. it is a rework/adaptation of one of my old works, from an account i no longer use. enjoy โ˜ฝ
tagged: @great-goddess-of-sin | @brigid-ice |
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸ โ˜†: *. โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏ฝก๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
You didnโ€™t have time to scream as Kirishima took off into the cool air, darting over treetops and weaving over buildings. You wished your dress was a little looser so that you could twist around to watch the castle disappear.
You rose higher and higher into the sky, until you were soaring a good distance over treetops and streams.ย โ€œThis is amazing!โ€ You yelled out, extending an arm to the clouds above.
For once Bakugo wasn't looking at the view, or Kirishima; he was gazing at you.
After a few more minutes of flying, you slowly began to dip towards the ground, near a lake.
โ€œWhew, that was so fun.โ€ Bakugo jumped off first and unexpectedly helped you down properly - you were expecting him to leave you to your own devices, but it seems there was at least a few princely airs about him.
Kirishima reverted back to a human form and stretched lazily.ย โ€œIโ€™m tiredโ€ฆโ€ You giggled, taking a seat on a nearby fallen log overlooking the large lake.
โ€œYโ€™know, youโ€™re not as awful as I thought, Bakugo.โ€ You stated, as he sat beside you. Kirishima had sat down beside a large rock and had already begun to take a nap.
โ€œEh!? Whatโ€™s that supposed to mean?!โ€
โ€œWell, it was nice of you to let me see a dragon. And you made sure I didnโ€™t fall off. Thanks.โ€ He rolled his eyes, but his frown had softened a lot.
โ€œWhatever, whoโ€™s saying Iโ€™m not leaving you here.โ€ย โ€œHey!โ€ You elbowed him playfully.ย โ€œRelax, that old bat would kill me if I left a guest out here. Plus, youโ€™re... amazing not that bad yourself.โ€
He said the last part a little quieter, but you just about heard him.ย โ€œOh? You're not going soft on me now, are you?โ€ You raised an eyebrow, watching him go red and start cursing you.ย โ€œNo! Fucking stupid Princess! Ugh, weirdo.โ€
You simply laughed in response, enjoying how easily flustered he was. It was a nice change from the uptight, stiff nobles at home.
Later on that day, you found yourself bored once again. Bakugo hadnโ€™t left you at the lake, and after a while, you headed back to the castle.
Dragons were certainly amazing, and you wouldnโ€™t mind doing it again, but right now you had other ideas. You swore you had passed a library on the way to your room on the first day, but whereโ€ฆ?
โ€œFound it.โ€ You smiled at the large arch in the wall, carved with dragons and books in the large wooden beams. It didnโ€™t take a scholar to realise that this was a huge royal library, and you hurried towards the nearest shelves with vigour.
โ€˜Wow, there are so many foreign books, Iโ€™ve never even heard of half of these authorsโ€ฆโ€™ You thought, scanning for an interesting book. Maybe one on dragons?
A likely-looking spine caught your eye, on a shelf just out of your reach. It was dark blue, with silver font spellingย โ€œDracones, quae sunt?โ€ which you recognised as Latin.
โ€˜Dragons, what are they? Looks promising, now how the hell am I supposed to reach it?โ€™ Standing on your tiptoes, you rose to your full (short) height and stretched for the book.
Alas, there was still too much distance between you and the book, and you couldnโ€™t reach the spine enough to get a grip.
Then, you felt a presence behind you, and a hand extended and pulled the book you wanted off the shelf with ease. Spinning around, you were (pleasantly) surprised to see that it was Todoroki.
โ€œIs this the book you wanted?โ€ You blinked, and nodded, accepting the large book.ย โ€œYep, thanks. What brings you to the library?โ€ He shrugged, as cold as ever.
โ€œBoredom, mostly. Itโ€™s not too interesting here, and Bakugo isnโ€™t very approachable.โ€ You laughed.ย โ€œWell, thatโ€™s certainly true. Though he took me to see a dragon this morning, so-โ€
โ€œA dragon?โ€ His voice showed no change, but his eyes twinkled with interest for a split second. You nodded, clutching the book closer to your chest.
โ€œMhm! It was so cool, we then went for a ride over all the treetops.โ€ He raised his eyebrows in disbelief at that.ย โ€œAre you being truthful, [Name]?โ€
You rolled your eyes and pulled something from your pocket.ย โ€œDoes this convince you?โ€ It was a tear-shaped scale, red and leather-like. He widened his eyes as you pushed it into his hands.
โ€œWell, Iโ€™m going to go read over there. Nice talking to you, Todoroki.โ€ You headed over to a set of plush sofas and armchairs, settling on a soft cream-coloured sofa.
Opening the book, you crossed your legs and placed the heavy book on your lap, flicking through the pages full of detailed illustrations.
You turned your head as the sofa dipped with weight to your left, and you turned your head to see Todoroki. You raised a brow, and his mismatched eyes bored into your own.
โ€œI find itโ€™s nicer to read with company. If youโ€™d like, I can move, but I get the impression you probably donโ€™t mind.โ€ You thought it was a little pushy, but you didn't mind.ย โ€œItโ€™s fine. What book have you got?โ€
You glanced over and saw that his book seemed to be similar to yours, probably by the same author? You shrugged it off and shuffled slightly closer to the two-toned boy.
โ€œSo whatโ€™s your kingdom like?โ€ You finally asked, watching him reread the same paragraph for the fourth time.ย โ€œBoring. And cold.โ€ He stated, not looking at you and beginning the paragraph a fifth time.
โ€˜Zoned out? Wow.โ€™ You suppressed a snicker as he realised what he was doing, and flicked the page over, only to do the same thing on that page.
โ€œSounds fun. [Country] isnโ€™t as cool as this kingdom, I must admit. Our parents are all doing that peace treaty business, with Queen Mitsuki, right?โ€ย โ€œMm. That they are.โ€
โ€œWell, Iโ€™m officially bored. Do you wanna explore this castle with me?โ€ You proposed all of a sudden, surprising even yourself. He put the book down, looking over at you finally.
โ€œAnd why would I waste my time with that?โ€ His voice was bland, but his eyes showed interest.ย โ€˜So, he really isn't an unemotional husk of a guy after all.'
โ€œWell, I donโ€™t know. We might find something interesting?โ€
He rolled his eyes.ย โ€œRight.โ€ย โ€œWell, Iโ€™m gonna explore. You can be boring and read that paragraph for the seventh time, or come with me. Your choice.โ€ You set your book on the table, with several others, and stood up.
You grinned seeing Todoroki follow suit, and you lead him out of the library.ย โ€œI saw a cool looking stairway on my way over, letโ€™s start there!โ€ย โ€œAre you sure you thought this through?โ€
You ignored him and you trekked through the plushy carpeted halls, sometimes turning corners or bends. Arriving at the staircase, you descended, filled with curiosity.
Even Todoroki would be lying if he said he wasnโ€™t at least a bit curious. He mostly just wished to be around you, to tell the truth.
It was like a string was tying you two together, and he felt the need or want to follow.
Perhaps it was the lack of love he had received growing up, or even living at home, but something drew him to you. It was a small spark at first, meeting you yesterday, but it had grown.
And soon it would be a raging hellfire, all the water in the world couldn't extinguish it. But for now, he was comfortable just being around you, and basking in your lovely presence.
You may be in Bakugou's kingdom, but you would be focusing more on him. He had already decided that for you.
You jumped down the last three stairs, and the carpet had stopped at this point.
Stone bricks, worn away by the comings and goings of old knights and servants, lead you to a large ornate wrought-iron door. Todoroki gave it a hearty push and it creaked open slowly.
โ€œOoh, spooky.โ€ You noted, stepping into the dimly lit corridor. It wasnโ€™t the servants quarters, that was on the other side of the castle, so where did this lead?
The candelabras on the walls were few and far between, so Todoroki seized one from its sconce and held it between the two of you.
Your footsteps were amplified by the large arching hall, creating an eerie effect as though someone was following you.
After another minute, you reached another door, old and worn to the touch.
Giving it a hearty push, you groaned as you couldn't muster enough strength to push it open. "Allow me."
Todoroki set the candelabra in the sconce on the wall and strode over to the door. One push and it creaked open.
'Ugh, show off much?' "Thanks, I wonder where this goes?"
You were about to step through the door, when a yell could be heard from behind. There was no need to look, as you already knew who it was.
"Half n' half bastard, mizetto?! What the hell are you two doing?!" You nervously chuckled, and quietly snook behind Todoroki as the firey prince strode up to the two of you.
"Bakugou." Todoroki greeted him coolly, and Bakugo huffed. "The fuck are you two doing down here? And don't act so nonchalant, it seriously pisses me off!"
"I'd tone it down if I were you." "Why the hell would I listen to you?!" "Because I believe you scared [Name]."
You waved with a skittish smile. "Hi Bakugo, good to see you again..." He crossed his arms, but with noticeably less anger than before.
"What are you even doing out here anyway? Thought you'd do something boring like head out to the library, or the village."
You stepped out from behind the heterochromatic boy, who was a little annoyed at the action and grinned at Bakugo.
"Well, I may or may have gone to the Library, gotten bored and convinced Todoroki here to come exploring with me. Right?" Todoroki simply nodded.
"Well you're exploring in totally the wrong place, this is tame compared to the rest of the castle." He grinned, a smug tone laced in his voice and sauntered over to a torch sconce.
With a sharp tug, the torch twisted downwards and with some sort of intricate contraption the stone of the wall disappeared, revealing an even darker corridor.
"Just wait, you haven't seen anything yet. Feel brave enough for this, half n' half?"
"I could ask you the same question," Todoroki replied, seizing a torch and pushing past Bakugo. In return, Bakugo took hold of your wrist and elbowed Todoroki, glaring at him.
"So... where does this lead, Bakugo?" He turned to you, and his gaze softened a touch.
"Somewhere I think you'll like."
[To be continuedโ€ฆ]
62 notes ยท View notes
makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
Tale of red and blue is gonna be epic! I can feel it!! Please tag me ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ
hiya, thank you so much for your kind words!! it was a nice enough little series when i first published it, but it really needed that /spice/ yknow? anyway i'm really happy you like it, the next part will be out soon and i assure you i will tag you in it. thanks again!
if anyone else wishes to be tagged in Tale of Red and Blue then just send me an ask. take care my lovelies <3
1 note ยท View note
makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
Yoo, a tale of red and blue is really cool so far, can you tag me in the next chapter if your doing that?
ooh hell yeah i can!!! thanks very much, I'll tag you in the next one <3 cheers bb :)
i should mention that if anyone else wants to be tagged in it when it comes out then don't be afraid to ask <3 thanks darlings
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makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
ใƒŸโ˜… Notices โ˜…ๅฝก
hi sugar, welcome to my blog. this is where i will be writing all of the important notes for my works. thanks for taking the time to read <3
ใƒŸโ˜… Interests โ˜…ๅฝก โ—ฆ My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia โ—ฆ Obey Me! Shall We Date? One master to rule them all! โ—ฆ Dream SMP/MCYT ใƒŸโ˜… Main Account โ˜…ๅฝก
this isn't actually my main account, my main account is @bepp-ers and you can find way more content over there.
please note that i do not interact with people as personally over there, so if you would like to chat with me/ask me something then ask on this account, it's easier that way.
still taking requests on both accounts! and i will still chat with others over there. thanks!
my account can be found here and at the @ below. thank you!
[ @bepp-ers ]
ใƒŸโ˜… Masterlist โ˜…ๅฝก
a lot of these will be from my old account, so if you recognise them then that is why. please feel free to request something in my asks. more work coming soon! <3 [Y! -> Yandere!] Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia: โ—ฆย Lesser of two evils - Y! Todoroki S. & Y! Bakugou K. [1] โ—ฆ Lesser of two evils - Y! Todoroki S. & Y! Bakugou K. [2] Dream SMP: โ—ฆ Home - Ranboo Obey Me! Shall We Date?: โ—ฆ
ใƒŸโ˜… My wattpad โ˜…ๅฝก
You can find my wattpad
and on it you will find: โ—ฆ A 50+ chapter crackfic including all of your favourite BNHA characters! โ—ฆ A Yandere! Mafia! AU for BNHA that Iโ€™m very excited to finally have out! โ—ฆ A Yandere! BNHA book that is under editing but a few chapters have been rewritten and are currently up! Iโ€™m super proud of how itโ€™s going so any support is lovely! โ—ฆ A Yandere! DreamSMP book which is based around the original lore, with many juicy bits and my own spin on the original tale. I recently got into the DreamSMP, and it's super interesting, so please check it out! Please check out my wattpad and follow me there, I am more active over there, and I have far longer and more complete works there as well. Thank you very much! <3
ใƒŸโ˜… Rules for Requesting โ˜…ๅฝก
Here are the guidelines I respectfully ask for you to follow when requesting. Thanks! ใ€‹I will write for most characters, excluding a few, so if you want the full list for any fandom then please send me an ask. Thank you. ใ€‹ I will not write NSFW. Iโ€™m just a very vanilla person and donโ€™t do that kind of thing. Hints here and there, but never anything major. ใ€‹ My content is primarily yandere, so if you are not specific then that is what I will write. ใ€‹ I have no issues writing for several characters, so rack up the numbers by all means! ใ€‹ My ask box is always open, so if you want my opinion on characters or things feel free to ask! ใ€‹ I will not write for any fandoms other than Obey Me!, DreamSMP and BNHA so just donโ€™t ask, okay? Thank you. <3 ใ€‹ I automatically write for a female reader, and there are no exceptions to that rule. I will not write male, as I am not a guy and itโ€™s tricky for me to do it correctly. I will not write child! reader unless it is not romantic, or the other character is also a child, and once again not romantic. If I must add anything else, you will find it here. Thanks for stopping by! Take care my lovelies! <3
[ Updated: 18/09/2021 ]
9 notes ยท View notes
makemeyourgoddess ยท 3 years
Lesser of two evils | Y!ย S. Todoroki X Reader X Y! K. Bakugo [Pt 1]
this is a yandere! todoroki x reader x yandere! bakugo. it is a rework/adaptation of one of my old works, from an account i no longer use. enjoy โ˜ฝ
โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸ โ˜†: *. โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏ฝก๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€
You gulped. Today, you were meeting a rather important prince. Being a princess yourself, you had met all sorts of fancy nobility, but this one was particularly important. You sat in the carriage seat feeling nervous. The Kingdom of Dragons, which had been known to keep to themselves mostly, had opened an invite to you and your mother to visit. There would also be the neighbouring Todoroki Kingdom there, plus a few other nobles, but that wasnโ€™t your concern right about now. โ€œNow, [Name], what are we going to do again?โ€ย โ€œBe as ladylike as possible, and make good impressions.โ€ You mumbled, pulling at the tulle around your waist. These dresses were tight! โ€œ[Name], stop! You need to look presentable.โ€ Your mother readjusted your outfit, and you suppressed a painful cough.ย โ€˜Please, just let me stay in our kingdom...โ€™ Eventually, the carriage rolled to a stop and your mother and then you were helped out by servants. What stood before you was in incredibly large and ornate castle, looking unlike anything youโ€™d ever seen. โ€œWell, hurry up [Name]!โ€ Your mother called, and you scurried after her. She was very business-oriented, and you knew that she loved you, but she could be so strict sometimes. A fleet of knights escorted you two inside the palace, where you arrived in the large throne room. A queen and a prince sat on imposing blood red thrones, and at once the queen stood to greet your mother.ย โ€œ[Motherโ€™s name], good to see you again.โ€ She descended the crimson steps and embraced my mother, who seemed very happy to see her too. She pulled away and peered at you with sanguine orbs. โ€œAnd [Name] dearie, itโ€™s wonderful to meet you dear. Katsuki!โ€ She patted you on the head and then turned to her son. โ€œYou can show [Name] to her quarters, I must catch up with [Motherโ€™s name].โ€ The ash-blond looked over to you, and glared. You nervously smiled. โ€œDonโ€™t think for a minute that weโ€™re friends, Princess.โ€ He spat as you followed him down a corridor lit by torches in their sconces.ย ย โ€œO-oh. Alright then, Iโ€™m [Name], anyways.โ€ You politely ignored him, much to his confusion. โ€œI didnโ€™t remember asking, mizetto.โ€ You tilted your head.ย โ€œIโ€™m sorry, midget? Is that really necessary?โ€ Whilst it was true that he stood around a head and a half taller than you, was that really needed? โ€œTch. Alright mizetto, hereโ€™s your room.โ€ You sighed.ย โ€œMy name is [Name], but thank youโ€ฆ umโ€ฆโ€ โ€œBakugo. Remember it.โ€ He stated, and then stalked off with a swish of his red cloak.ย โ€˜It looked soft, it really doesn't suit his personality.โ€™ After your bags were delivered to your room, you were escorted by another servant to a large banquet hall. Nobles were trickling in from the other door as well, so you walked up to your assigned seat. Besides you was a rather cold-looking prince in a blue and white tunic, looking very refined as he idly stared at the carvings in the table. โ€œHi there.โ€ Since you had nothing better to do, you decided to try talking to him. Hopefully it would go better than Bakugo. โ€œHello.โ€ He stated in a monotone voice. Great, just what you needed, another unsociable noble. โ€œUh, Iโ€™m [L. name] [Name]. May I have your name?โ€ He looked up at you, and when he turned his head to the right to face you, he revealed a mottled scar covering his left eye. You knew better than to ask, but you were fascinated to see that his eyes matched his red and white hair- heterochromatic, with a striking teal and a cold grey. โ€œTodoroki Shouto.โ€ Wow, he really did sound like a robot.ย โ€œPleased to make your acquaintance. Call me [Name] though.โ€ You offered him a warm smile, but it didnโ€™t really make his features change. He nodded idly, and turned back to staring at the table.ย โ€œAw man, am I that boringโ€ฆ?โ€ You whispered, not realising you said it aloud. โ€œNo, Iโ€™m just not talkative.โ€ His cold voice made you blink in surprise, and then you giggled.ย โ€œWow, I said that out loud? Oops.โ€ โ€œYou must have met the Queen and her son, right?โ€ You asked, and he glanced at you, and nodded.ย โ€œQueen Mitsuki seems friendly, but when I tried talking to Prince Bakugo he called
me midget and was pretty rude in general.โ€ Getting no response, you sighed.ย โ€œI just wanted to make a friend here so it wasnโ€™t so boring. Oh, food!โ€ You perked up as servants came in, placing bowls of the starter, steaming hot Miso Soup, in front of everyone. You wasted no time saying your prayer and then digging in, though you did notice that the Prince beside you didnโ€™t pray before eating. You found it amusing, and decided to try and befriend Todoroki. He didn't scare you as much as Bakugo, and though he was cold, he wasn't unkind to you. - The following day, most of the nobility in attendance were having a private tour by Queen Mitsuki, leaving their children behind to explore the castle. โ€œOh, Bakugo, wait up!โ€ Spotting some familiar ash-blond locks, you hurried over, much to the distaste of Bakugo. โ€œThe hell do you want, pocchari?โ€ Ah, so todayโ€™s insult was chubby. Harsh.ย โ€œI will politely ignore that, how are you this morning?โ€ You chirped. He furrowed his brows, wondering why this cute annoyingย girl was pestering him again. โ€œI was fine when until you showed up. Go find that half nโ€™ half bastard prince!โ€ย โ€œYou mean Todoroki? I dunno where he is, so I donโ€™t think so. Sorry.โ€ You shrugged. โ€œUgh, just shut up if youโ€™re not gonna leave. Your voice is really pretty annoying, Pocchari.โ€ "Thanks, you're so humbling.." You rolled your eyes, but he made no further attempts to talk to you. Mustโ€™ve resorted to ignoring you as you walked through the castle. โ€œSo, do you guys actually have real dragons here, or just statues?โ€ You asked out of curiosity. He scoffed.ย โ€œIdiot, this is the dragon kingdom.โ€ You noticed a certain tone of pride in his voice, and something clicked. โ€˜So if I just boost his ego a bit, he might like having me around?โ€™ You decided to give it a shot, and placed your hands behind your back with a sigh. โ€œWow, thatโ€™s so cool. I wish we had dragons, back in [Country]. Where would you find a dragon here?โ€ He turned his head towards her, a grin on his face. โ€œA Princess like you wouldnโ€™t go near a dragon, so why bother? Youโ€™d only get scared.โ€ย โ€œWell, youโ€™re a brave prince right? So I wonโ€™t be scared.โ€ You ignored the fact that the only things you feared were spiders and your mother, and smiled. He mulled the though over for a bit, and shrugged. He was unsure why, but something about you was so disgustingly enchanting to him that he just had to let you accompany him. โ€œFine, but if you get eaten itโ€™s your problem. Come on.โ€ You clapped you hands in enthusiasm and rushed alongside him, excited. โ€œOkay, weโ€™re here.โ€ He had lead you out into the courtyard, through a gate and into a hidden-garden type area. You barely had time to cover your ears as he began yelling. โ€œKIRISHIMA! GET OVER HERE!!โ€ You stepped a little closer to Bakugo and he grinned tauntingly at you.ย โ€œScared, Princess?โ€ โ€œNot at all, Bakugo.โ€ You flashed him a sarcastically sweet smile, but moved closer to him because of the rustling in the trees. โ€œBakugo!โ€ You jumped at least a foot back as aโ€ฆ boy (?) with spiky red hair jumped down from the tree? โ€œI though you said youโ€™d show me a dragonโ€ฆ?โ€ He rolled his eyes, and who you could only assume to be Kirishima approached the two of you. โ€œHey, whoโ€™s this? Did you get a girlfriend finally?โ€ Bakugo went slightly red and gave the red-head a shove.ย โ€œShut up, shitty hair.โ€ โ€œYikes! Anyway, Iโ€™m Kirishima Eijiro, Bakugoโ€™s closest friend. Pleased to meet you!โ€ He bowed, leaning forward to kiss your hand and you giggled. โ€œIโ€™m [L. Name] [Name]. Call me [Name], can I call you Kiri?โ€ย โ€œSure, you're way nicer than this royal pain. So Bakugo, what didย โ€˜ya want with me today?โ€ He scoffed.ย โ€œI didnโ€™t, but pocchari here wants to see a real dragon.โ€ย โ€œBakugo, sheโ€™s a Princess! You can't call a Princess, or any girl pocchari!โ€ โ€œDeal with it, Shitty hair! My castle, my rules. Now get on with it already!โ€ย โ€œFine, fine. Stand back.โ€ He warned, and the two stepped backwards a few metres. You didnโ€™t miss the arm he extended in front of you protectively, though. After a warm flash of golden light, Kirishima had
dissapeared and a huge red dragon in his place.ย โ€œWowโ€ฆ!โ€ You whispered in awe.ย โ€œHeh. Impressed?โ€ย โ€œTotally! Woah, I donโ€™t know what to say.โ€ Kirishima lowered his scaly head to meet your gaze, and you stepped forward to pat him. His tail wagged, almost dog like. As a dragon, he was around the size of 4 racehorses, and covered in ruby scales. That colour, red, it seemed to be everywhere in this kingdom. It reminded you of blood, which wasn't a particularly comforting feeling. โ€œSo, now youโ€™ve seen a dragon. Bet youโ€™ve never rode one, though?โ€ You ignored his arrogant tone and smirk, and widened your eyes.ย โ€œReally? Can I...?โ€ He leapt onto the dragon with a strange grace, and offered you his hand.ย โ€œThe question is, Princess, are you brave enough?โ€ย โ€œAbsolutely.โ€ You hesitantly took his hand, and he swiftly pulled you in front of him. โ€œHold on tightโ€ฆ.โ€ He whispered, arms snaking around your torso. You didn't have time to scream as Kirishima took off into the cool air, darting over treetops and weaving over buildings. You had no idea what you were getting into, but soon enough you would royally regret ever setting foot in the Dragon Kingdom. [To be continued...]
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