majchicreations · 1 year
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Zaproszenie na wesele
Wedding invitation design
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Ceramika szkliwiona
Glazed ceramics ornament
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Naklejki na ciasto weselne z krótkimi podziękowaniami dla gości
Stickers for guests' cakeboxes with a short thank-you note
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Zawieszki na wódkę weselną - ponad 100 wzorów haseł
Wedding alcohol labels - over 100 catchphrases
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Winietki imienne na weselny stół
Wedding namecards
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Font dekoracyjny, praca studencka. Prowadzący dr hab. Wojciech Regulski
Display font design, student project. Lecturer: Wojciech Regulski, PhD
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Uaktualnienie logo
Logotype redesign
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Plakat wydarzeniowy. Projekt studencki
Student project. Poster design
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Projekt studencki rodziny opakowań. Finał ogólnopolskiego konkursu Art of Packaging: Debiuty, 2019, Poznań
Packaging design - student project. This project was qualified to the Art of Packaging contest finals, Debuts category. 2019, Poznań
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Zaproszenie weselne z dodatkowymi informacjami
Wedding invitation design with an additional short info card
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Delikatne proste zaproszenie weselne
Simple plain wedding invitation design
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Pudełko na upominek dla gości weselnych z imienną winietką
Paper box for wedding gifts with guest's namecard
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Plakat filmowy
Movie poster design
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Draperia. Akryl na płótnie, 60x20 cm
Drapery. Acrylic painting on canvas, 60x20 cm
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Wróbel. Kredka, format A4. Pracownia rysunku, dr hab. Mateusz Otręba
A sparrow. Crayons drawing, A4 format. Drawing course conducted by PhD Mateusz Otręba
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Proste, stonowane zawieszki na alkohol weselny
Soft, simple and delicate wedding alcohol labels
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majchicreations · 3 years
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Forma winietek weselnych i podziękowań dla gości w jednym
Wedding namecards with acknowledgments for guests formed in one piece
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