May your heart be your guiding key
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maiqua · 18 days ago
Awhile back I was playing Kh3 and then I noticed this little thing when I was playing Arendelle.
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maiqua · 2 months ago
I have not been able to get something I noticed in the Country of the Musketeers world out of my head.
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So we get this cute little scene where Sora realized Riku saved them and then a few seconds later Sora tells Mickey and the others to get the princess to safety and then we get this shot.
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Riku has been shown to have sun imagery and Sora has been shown to have moon imagery.
So in this moment symbolically Sora and Riku are both on this stage together just like the sun and moon.
And of course there is a ship in between the sun and moon! I feel like It's a reference to how Sora and Riku wanted to use a raft to try and get to other worlds.
It's such a small detail but I love it.
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maiqua · 4 months ago
Thinking about how in the Dream Drop Distance opening the magic coming from the book's pages makes a heart beside Sora and Riku and that there is two lines coming out from the heart.
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And how the short line and the long line stop at both of their heads.
The lines from the heart represent Sora and Riku.
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maiqua · 5 months ago
So I was going through Xigbar moments in the Keyblade graveyard and I noticed something depressing.
After defeating Xigbar in the Keyblade Graveyard Sora and Riku have a conversation with Xigbar and they all talk about if Xigbar is worthy or not to use a keyblade.
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Now we know at this point that Xigbar was just playing an act here..But at face value there seems to be no big reason to mention his fake motivation.
Sora and RIku had no reason to question Xigbars motivation at all. It sorta seems to come out of nowhere but..I think Xigbar is trying to put an idea in Sora's mind here.
That Xigbar is worthy of a keyblade. Just like how Riku is just as equally worthy of Sora's keyblade. In this scenario Xigbar is presenting he wasn't the first choice to have The Gazing Eye but Xehanort would bequeath it to him. Just like how Sora was never the first choice for the Kingdom key.
And I feel like the end of this scene supports this idea.
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Xigbar pretends to reach his hand out to Sora and Sora instantly reaches. There was no logical way Sora could have reached but as soon as he saw Xigbar's arm lightly reaching towards him Sora didn't hesistate to reach for Xigbar.
Sora constantly tries to reach for Riku but fails. And in this case in Sora's prespective someone else reached out to Sora and once again Sora failed to reach them.
Sora failed to reach someone again and that lead to that person getting hurt.
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maiqua · 5 months ago
The way Xigbar waited to reload his gun and shoot until Sora was close enough to protect Riku.
Xigbar knew Sora would be able to protect him. Xigbar ships Soriku.
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maiqua · 5 months ago
I was thinking about Sora's interaction with Santa Claus where Sora is asking him if he knew where he could find Riku. The moment in general is super duper sweet and cute but while thinking about it a thought struck me.
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Santa Claus is telling Sora to believe in Riku and that really stood out to me. It instantly reminded me of the Beast's Castle's Short Story.
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Even though Sora still doesn't really get love yet he is realizing the power to believe in someone is to love them.
Santa Claus was literally telling Sora If he loves Riku he will find him.
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maiqua · 6 months ago
So while I was replaying KH3 I came to a realization about Hercules interactions with Sora and how Sora took Hercules advice and used it to gain his strength back.
So Sora goes to Hercules and asks how Hercules got his strength back when he saved Meg.
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Now the answer here was love. Hercules got his strength back cause of his love for Meg. But to Sora and Hercules in this moment that answer isn't very obvious. So Sora expresses his disappointment.
Later on in the world Hercules tells Sora about how Meg is his precious person.
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The scene that follows shortly after shows that Sora realized after their interactions what he needed to gain his strength back. Sora needed to find something to fight for with all his heart.
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Or well..a person to fight for with all his heart.
When Sora figures out that King Mickey and Riku are in danger and he is told that there is no way to enter the Realm of Darkness. Sora does what he does best. Follow his heart.
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And he found his thing to fight for with all his heart. Riku. He gained his strength back and gained the Power of Waking due to his want to save Riku. His precious person. Just like how Hercules got his strength back due to his love and want to save Meg who is his precious person.
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Hercules really did have the answer.
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maiqua · 6 months ago
So I recently was replaying KH3 and while in the toy story world I noticed something that made me pretty excited. The focus on Woody and Buzz reaching their hands for each other and holding onto it.
In this scene here Woody was climbing and Buzz reached his hand for him to grab to help him stand up.
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And at first I was like oh okay until I noticed who was staring at the scene taking place while everyone was looking the opposite way.
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Was he thinking of Riku here? Cause as the player we have seen multiple times how much Sora regrets not taking Riku's hand. Now at this point I was on notice for any other time Woody and Buzz reached and held each other's hand.
And later on in this world Young Xehanort used Buzz darkness to have him took over. And he says this to Sora.
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This to me feels like such a call back to KH1. Buzz is in the place of Riku and Young Xehanort is in the place of Ansem. Young Xehanort uses Buzz's darkness here against him like how Ansem used Riku's against him. Sora though not intentionally made Riku feel distrust and doubt in KH1. Just like Xehanort is saying Sora is doing here.
Im not saying Sora's reaction here is fully because he was making the connection to what happend in KH1. I do truly believe Sora wanted to help Buzz here cause he considers him his friend! But I wouldn't be suprised if it reminded him of KH1 and thats why his reaction was so extreme here.
Im not sure what Young Xehanort says in the Original JP dialogue in this scene but Im assuming its something similar.
Now another instance of Woody and Buzz reaching each other's hand is after Buzz is saved. Woody reaches his hand to Buzz and Buzz accepts it.
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I do think since in this scenario Buzz is being shown to be Riku I feel it's safe to say Woody here is Sora. In the first example Buzz reached for Woody and now in the second one Woody reached for Buzz. Like how Riku reached for Sora in KH1 and since then Sora has been reaching for Riku. But in both cases on Sora and Riku's sides they haven't been able to reach and hold onto each other's hands like Woody and Buzz can yet.
And of course what really drilled this into me was this scene in the last few minutes of the Toy Story world.
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Buzz who is the Riku parallel of this world reaches his hand out to Sora. Expressing his guilt.
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And Sora accepts it.
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maiqua · 6 months ago
KH2 final mix cover art really gets my Riku and Sora are the children of destiny and Riku is the physical avatar of Kingdom heart's theory brain working cause like
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Sora and Riku are in the heart which I assume is meant to be a representation of the Kingdom hearts moon right?
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But what gets me it isn't just the kingdom hearts heart! It has part of Riku's symbol. The curves on the heart.
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And like the curve's didn't even need to be there. It could have just been a heart to resemble the KH moon but nope! The curves on the heart were added. With Sora and Riku inside that very heart.
Like it could mean nothing. But I feel like It does mean something.
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maiqua · 6 months ago
I got very bored one night and was thinking about Sora and Riku heart imagery and was seeing If I could find anything else. And I realized if you put Sora and Riku's COM art's together they make a heart
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maiqua · 6 months ago
So I was really thinking hard about this scene last night and It gave me a few thoughts so I wanted to share it
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Sora is actively reaching for Riku here who is the light even if he doesn't fully realize it which I knew. But what really got me..Was the star on the Memory's Skyscraper with arrows pointing at it above Riku's light.
Now it could very easily be like stars are bright so is light. And arrows pointing at it in hopes for Sora and the player as well to notice it. And though I do think thats what It Is I in my deep Soriku thoughts came up with another meaning for it as well.
This is probably VERY MUCH be a reach on my part but still thought to share it anyway!
What are meteors often called? Shooting stars.
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NOW I SEE THAT IS JUST A STAR ON THE BUILDING! But if you look at the design that surrounded the arrows pointing to the star it can look similar to how people tend to draw shooting stars
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Its got the lil burst on both sides of the star see? So If you want to consider it subtle shooting star imagery it can very well be! And I thought the fact It was on the Memory's Skyscraper which literally has memory in the name really fascinating.
Also Sora's vision is blurry while he's running to the Memory's Skyscraper but once Riku's light shows up none of it's blurry anymore. He can see the shooting star above Riku's light cleary.
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Maybe its trying to show us once Sora realizes Riku is the light everything will become clear? Like their meteor shower promise?
So it could have a double meaning. The arrows pointing to star above Riku's light to try and show Sora and the audience Riku is the light. And It could also be a showing of Sora and Riku's forgotten promise and thats why you can see it pretty well above Riku's light.
I dont know I just think it being on the Memory's Skyscraper says alot. Specifically cause the meteor shower promise is a forgotten memory of Sora's.
This very much could be a reach on my part but hey maybe Its not! Just wanted to share my thoughts anyway even if they are a reach.
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