midnight boom
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magnolia sawyer president of gamma psi alpha
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“With it still being the holiday season, it’d be rude for me to hand in the bottle so early — don’t you agree?” Lance glanced over his shoulder at the nearby figure before hauling himself up from his bar stool and approaching them, equipped with a glass of scotch in either hand. “So, are you going to wimp out like a pussy or are you going to join me? Pussy.”
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“I’d rather die than drinking with you. Go away please.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“It’s not like I said it in a mean way, there were better ways I could have said it, it wasn’t perfect I will give you that but I didn’t think it was mean. It’s not like I was kicking you out.” Scott couldn’t stop himself from pointing out. “Well, I’m sorry for being a petty asshole. I’m sorry my behavior is not what you were hoping for. I’m sorry however you expected me to react to this isn’t how it’s working out for you and that you have to deal with me. I’m sorry if you feel like I’m not respecting or understanding your feelings because of how I’m reacting and you may not be trying to hurt me, but you are and saying that you’re not trying to doesn’t change the fact that you are, ya know.” Scott shook his head. “I don’t think you’re an emotionless robot who doesn’t appreciate me. I’m sure you do appreciate me, but you came in with this expecting me to shove down my feelings because this is what you decided however long ago. Like you forget that you’ve been thinking about this for however long and you’re just fine with this and don’t get that for me this is the first time you’re talking to me about it period. You’ve been gone, I haven’t seen you, you haven’t talked to me about anything we haven’t discussed this you didn’t even ask me how I felt about the way our relationship was going, you just shut me out  instead of talking to me which you continuously tell me not to do and I finally do see you after a week of not talking and you’re telling me you need space. You see how that’s kind of fucked up? So I have a right to feel the way that I feel. Not like this is just a break, and it’ll be fine but like you’re dumping me and the only thing you care about is you. So yeah I’m not handling this well, but it’s not like you gave me a chance to. This came out of nowhere for me.” 
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“Well you sounded mean. Thanks for not kicking me out I guess. For some reason I was expecting that.” Magnolia shrugged her shoulders, her tone was slightly shaky. She was feeling guilty -- she didn’t why because she didn’t do anything wrong or bad but she was still feeling guilty. “I know.. I just wanted you to know that I don’t wanna hurt you.” She repeated herself, looking down as he spoke. “I didn’t know what to say without hurting your feelings. I thought it was just a moment of confusion or it’d go away but it didn’t. I am not shutting you out, I am just asking for time. You absolutely have right to feel the way that you feel, I am not objecting that.” She nodded. “I am not dumping you.. I promise I am not.” Magnolia promised. “I just feel like we need a break from each other. There’s a lot going on in my life right now and I wanna be alone.” She explained. “I am so sorry for being like this. I really am, I wish I was more open, more affectionate person but I am not. I need my own space when I am in a bad place and this is the case right now. I hope you’d understand.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Text to Magnolia
Giselle: I hate it.
Giselle: Zach is lovely. And I guess the rest of the Lambda's are great EXCEPT for andrew who is the dick of all dicks.
Giselle: My parents yelled at me because they were upset with what andrew said would ruin my image. They also thought that it was true which it wasn't.
Magnolia: I don't blame you.
Magnolia: He can be a dick. We had few disagreements in the past but currently we are fine. We kinda have to, after all we work together as presidents.
Magnolia: Ahh, I see now. I am sorry again, that must be awful.
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“Making Gamma the top house again, nice,” he nodded. “I think you can do it, maybe. Your sisters are quite.. tenacious, I think is the word I’m looking for,” he joked. “I don’t have any resolutions, yet. But yeah, I’m staying. Ringing in the new year at CRU.”
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“That’s the idea.” She sighed deeply. Truth be told, Magnolia couldn’t adjust to new chapter of Gamma. “I get what you mean. They are something, aren’t they?” She forced a smile. “Definitely they made me miss Charlotte and Rose already.” She nodded slowly. “You are staying? Well that’s great -- at least someone I like is staying.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“Alright, we won’t talk about it then,” he shrugged before changing the subject. “Staying on campus for New Year’s? Got any resolutions in mind?” he asked, hoping to distract the girl from whatever was going through her mind.
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“Thanks.” Magnolia smiled, crossing her arms together. “Mhmm, I am gonna be here. I have few resolutions in mind actually and one of them is making Gamma the top house again.” She nodded. “How about you? Are you staying?”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“Of fucking course, that’s how you took it because you only hear what you want to hear all the fucking time.” Scott rolled his eyes in annoyance really not in the mood to be yelled at right now. “What I said was If you wanna leave you can leave that’s fine, but I. Don’t. Want. You To.” He enunciated the words so that she would hear them this time and ran a hand through his hair. “Just give me a minute cause this is a lot right now. That is what I said. I was not being childish. I’m not trying to be an asshole and I don’t hate you do not get mad at me for a bad choice of words and the fact that you pick and choose what I’m saying so you can turn into me being difficult. Not all of us can be emotionless robots and handle shit correctly all the time some people need to process things.” He snapped at her. “I already said okay. If you need time take some time I’m not trying to convince you not to. I’m trying to deal with it and I know what’s wrong with me I get that I can be too much for you. I get it. You don’t have to keep telling me what’s wrong with me. I get it. I got it the first time.”
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“You said get the fuck out, how else am I supposed to take it? There are better ways to put things Scott.” Magnolia said angrily, putting her hands on her hips. “You could’ve said that nicely.” She shook her head as rubbing her temple. “You always claim you are not trying to be an asshole but, for some reason you usually end up being one. I don’t have anything against you processing this, trust me I don’t but I hate when you get petty when things don’t go your way.” She didn’t lower her voice, rolling her eyes as she spoke. “Yeah fine I am the emotionless robot who doesn’t appreciate you, keep thinking that.” Magnolia chuckled bitterly. “I am not keep telling you that, I’ve only said twice and I was just explaining how you make me feel, that’s it. I am not trying to hurt you.” She explained. “God, I should’ve gone.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Text to Magnolia
Giselle: he said that i sucked dick to get things basically and then he said that i try to get with taken men. With practically the who's who of every fucking town in america and overseas saw that shit and I'm the laughing stock of my rich kid social circle. SO CLEARLY MY LIFE IS IN RUINS RIGHT NOW.
Giselle: TOO BAD.
Giselle: Do we even need a brother frat? I denounce them. Fuck lambdas (especially andrew)
Giselle: I'm pissed.
Giselle: I had a panic attack and I cried.
Giselle: and my parents yelled at me so it wasn't fun.
Giselle: I want a drink and a pint of ice cream.
Magnolia: oh boy.. that's so messy, this is why I rarely tweet because I don't wanna deal with the drama. a lot worse happened to me on twitter and it was awful, so i get you.
Magnolia: Let's not drag all lambdas, they are not bad. Take Zach for an example, he's like one of the people in CRU.
Magnolia: I am sorry Gis! Why did your parents yell at you?
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Was this really how Scott wanted to leave it? Him being a jackass while she let him. Not really, but he didn’t know what else he was supposed to do, it was a lot to take in and he sighed. “No, you shouldn’t… I mean unless you want to then I won’t stop you cause I‘m not like holding you hostage it’s a free country, the door is open feel free to get the fuck out and never come back if you so choose to but I don’t want you to.” He rambled internally wincing at his own words. “I just… I know you need time to think about us, but and I don’t know how I can make this any clearer, I don’t.” Scott shrugged his strait on now starting to sink into his voice little by little. “I did all of my thinking when we weren’t together and I’m sure so right now it’s like.” He paused to lick his lips mind working to put this into the right words. “It’s like I know what being the happiest I have been, is because you make me so happy and knowing there’s a possibility I will never be that happy again that is what this is right now. I just… I need a minute." 
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Magnolia snapped once she heard the phrase get the fuck out. “Excuse me?” She raised her voice, furrowing her brows angrily. “Is this how you gonna react if we break up for real? Are you gonna hate me? Good to know.” She crossed her arms together, scoffing. “Well you don’t need time but I do. Why don’t you just respect instead of being childish? You expect me to accept you with your flaws, with your childish behaviour yet you can’t deal when I ask for some time.” She shook her head, her voice was filled with anger. “Scott you make me happy too but sometimes it’s so hard. Being with you is not easy, you always want my attention and I can’t give you that all the time. I am not that kind of a person and it’s overwhelming.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“Well, I can’t deny that. Sorry, though, I’m flying out to California tonight, but I’m sure I must have taken pictures. I’ll have to post it to Instagram later.”
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“Ahh I keep forgetting people are going to visit their families, since my family is already here. Yes! Post those, so I can like and make obnoxious comments.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Text to Magnolia
Giselle: No :) not anymore :) because Andrew wanted to be a fucking dick on twitter and ruin my life as i know it :))).
Giselle: He is satan I am convinced.
Giselle: New house rivalry? I think yes. I need every last one of you to avenge me,
Giselle: Oh that's nice.
Magnolia: what happened? i didn't get on twitter
Magnolia: well he's Andrew, i am not surprised at all.
Magnolia: new house rivalry with who? lambdas? well that's kinda impossible because they are our brother fraternity
Magnolia: yeah it was alright.
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Text to Magnolia
Giselle: I loved it, its so cute!
Giselle: Yass.
Giselle: A few days before the semester starts back up again!
Giselle: What are you doing for your holidays btw?
Magnolia: ahh i am glad! :)
Magnolia: so after new years? are you having fun there at least?
Magnolia: i am in Ohio, since my family is here too. we visited Connecticut last week, we had this huge dinner in my grandparent's house, since this year we are gonna stay in Ohio, my mom wanted to see them last week.
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“’Cause, you know…Vampire Diaries? They don’t burst into flames while stepping on the sun because they have nice rings and stuff like that.”
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“Andrew what makes you think I’ve seen Vampire Diaries? I am offended.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
“So wait, your dad got mad because you went home with Scott already or something? I’m just a little confused here, Mags. If you need, I can always deal with your dad. I’m a great smooth talker.”
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“We spent Thanksgiving together and of course my dad didn’t like him.” Magnolia sighed. “Let’s not talk about my dad. I’ve had enough of him for the last 10 days. I’d be happy if I don’t have to see him ever again.”
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
In all honestly, Scott couldn’t deal with this right now it was too many emotions and nothing about this sat well with him after her words, so he did what he did best and restored to immaturity. With a scoff let go of her hand before moving away from her a bit. “Sure.” He muttered and in his best attempt to pull himself together Scott took a deep breath and wiped his face with the front of his tee-shirt. “Okay well, I gotta go pack for this thing called holiday break. I was gonna hang around CRU, but I don’t have a reason to do that anymore and I can’t be here so might as well go see my family. Not like Chrismukkah, that’s Hanukkah and Christmas by the way, was ruined for them so maybe some of that holiday spirit will do me some good.”
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“That works.” Magnolia forced herself to smile but she just couldn’t. “Maybe while you are there, you can do some thinking about us. I don’t know..” She shrugged her shoulders. She could see how upset he was, unfortunately she didn’t know what to say. The situation was upsetting itself, giving dumb advices would make it even worse. “I am pretty sure holiday spirit will do you some good.” She pursed her lips together.  After a brief of moment of silence, Magnolia took a deep breath and forced herself to say something. “I should go.” She said silently.
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
Text to Magnolia
Giselle: You are so fucking lame i love you sm
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
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Happy Holidays Gammas,
The top part of the key, the heart, shows our love for each other as the key signifies the lock and unity we have as sisters of Gamma. 
xoxo, Magnolia
@kennedyprescott @amaraxhirsch @gisellebelle @cassieslockedhart @ro-rivera @wehartjesse @lovekarmaxx
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magnoliasawyer-blog · 8 years ago
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got you these before ya know and I can’t do anything with them so yeah. Merry Christmas. 
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