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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 9 months ago
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Date: June 20, 2012
Location: Svendborg, Denmark 🇩🇰
Five years ago today, I left the best company I have ever worked for in my career and I regretted it the very next week. It took me 4 years and 4 months to return and I am grateful to be back today. 🥰
✔️ Compensation is not just salary, it’s the full package - salary, yearly bonus, 100% paid benefits, 10% 401k company match, paid holidays and time off, flexible work schedule, all technology and supplies to get your job done, paid travel, dinners, lunches, free swag, and much more!
✔️ Company Culture is not just a concept, it’s a reality. Diversity and inclusion can only be achieved by a global organization that values and accepts different nationalities, cultures, races, religions, but most importantly, horizontal management.
✔️ Advancement Opportunities are not just title and salary changes. For smaller organizations, it can be learning opportunities such as taking on challenging projects, process improvements, and making valuable contributions to an ever-changing and growing organization. If you enjoy the work you do, it’s not labor.
Maybe it’s not the company or role for you, but if you want to make a change, weigh the pros and cons carefully before you make any life changing decisions.
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 2 years ago
What she said! 👇🏾
"It is literally impossible to be a woman.
You are very beautiful and very smart... and it breaks my soul that you think you're not good enough, like we're always supposed to be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.
We have to be skinny, but not too much and you must not say you want to be skinny. You must say you want a healthy weight, but also… YES you have to be skinny.
You must have money, but you can’t ask for money because that would be rude.
You gotta be a boss, but you can't be tough. You must lead, but you cannot crush other people’s ideas.
You’re supposed to love being a mom, but you don’t talk about your kids all the time.
You have to be a professional, but also always take care of everyone else.
You are responsible for men’s misbehavior, WHICH IS CRAZY, but if you notice that, you’re accused of being a whine.
You're expected to keep yourself pretty for men, but not so pretty you 'try them too much' or threaten other women… because you're supposed to be part of the sorority.
You must always stand out and always be very grateful… but never forget the system is fixed, so find how to acknowledge it but remember to be grateful.
You must never grow old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never stumble, never fail or show fear and, of course, you must never be sassy.
It's very hard, it's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you. And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything WRONG, but also, everything that happens is YOUR FAULT.
I'm tired of seeing myself and every woman doing the impossible for others to love us.”
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 3 years ago
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An Admirable Example of an Immigrant
My father-in-law, Don Sergio, once told me a story. When he was working in his family farm in Cebú Janico in the Dominican Republic, he used to look up at the planes flying overhead, and dream of taking one day and go to New York. His brothers would make fun of him, but he got his chance in 1964. He needed $20 and a passport to go to the U.S. embassy to request a visa. He borrowed the $20 from a neighbor farm owner, and kept his word to repay his debt. He arrived in New York, and the very next day went to work in a restaurant in Long Island, and rented a room to live in. He was one of the admirable examples of an immigrant. With an elementary school education, and no English, he worked hard, and saved to buy the American dream. He bought and sold several businesses and homes. He paid it forward by requesting his family and his wife’s family to migrate the U.S. I am a witness that not everyone did that. He retired back home with his wife and 6 children at the age of 40, and unlike many other families, he was able to remain there thru his savings and businesses. Doña Milena, Mery, Canaan, Anneris, Henry, William, Yohany, Jonathan, Kevin, Henry, Jr., Jason, Arleny, Demi, Adam, Meleny, Victor Alejandro, Janyla, his surviving brothers, Nelson, Narciso, Andres, Eduardo, Alonzo, Milo, Benito, and all of his Family and Friends should be proud of him. Nobody’s perfect, but my utmost respect for him.
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 3 years ago
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Remembering 2 of my favorite musicians before another difficult year ends. 😢 Their music and legacies will live on! ❤️🇩🇴 #inmemoriam #elcaballomayor #johnnypacheco #merengue #salsa
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 3 years ago
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NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! 😫 #2021 #2022
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 3 years ago
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Interesting 🧐
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 3 years ago
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For one brief moment 20 years ago, we forgot our differences, and feared for our country and way of life. If only we can collectively remember that feeling to unite now. 🇺🇸 #unitedstates #neverforget #911
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 4 years ago
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2 Days late, but shout out to NY State's law banning plastic bags effective on 3/1/2020. 🍎Businesses are required to collect a 5-cent fee on paper carryout bags. You can avoid it by bringing your own reusable bags to stores. Thanks for making us do our part to help our environment, every little bit helps! #happyearthday🌎
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 4 years ago
As I am relieved and hopefully for an administration that represents me and mine today, I felt the same sadness and hopelessness half of the country is feeling today. I expect that ours leaders represent and protect all Americans, so this threat to democracy doesn’t happen again. As an immigrant, I know I will never live in another country with everything the U.S.A. has given me. I am fortunate not to have been affected by the economy due to the mismanaged pandemic, so I have to thank EVERYONE in the front lines, who have made it possible for me to continue to live my healthy, comfortable, protected lifestyle, including my husband, Canaan Taveras, an essential employee making sacrifices, and all I have to do is wear an annoying fucking mask, social distance and hand sanitize. We can disagree, but we can make a more perfect union, so we don’t make our enemies dreams come true like we did last week. ❤️🇺🇸
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 4 years ago
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 4 years ago
And finally! #fuck2020 #johnoliver
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 4 years ago
We have a major projection right now…
Election Coverage
The anxiety four years later! 😩 Regardless of the outcome, we are the United States of America and we must unite. 🇺🇸 Above all, even with all our differences, we are born without prejudice ready to be loved and protected and we should want that same for our fellow inhabitants. We are citizens with alienable rights that residents in other countries do not have. No government is perfect, but as a first-generation immigrant there is no other country, I’d rather live in this whole world. If you want change, get involved in the process or others will do it for you.
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 5 years ago
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It’s embarrassing to admit that I grew up in an environment where the citizens did not care about voting, because “all politicians lie”, “all politicians are corrupt” or “it won’t make a difference”, so I did not vote until I became an adult and understood the importance of doing so. I can also admit that Biden was not my choice for the Democratic Presidential nominee. He is too old and inarticulate (sounds familiar?), but if Trump can be President, then anyone can! If we accepted Biden as Obama’s Vice President, then I can accept him as President. Apart from his political track record, it is very disheartening when Biden’s personality is brought into question, when we have the most misogynistic, narcissistic, racist as President, which we knew or were warned about, but still did nothing about it. The Biden-Harris ticket is not perfect, but I think we can all agree that NO ONE is perfect, so let’s go with the option that’s in our best interest. For me it is: To defend women's rights to choose and make decisions regarding their bodies (I don’t have to tell you what to do with your guns, don’t tell me what to do with my body!); To protect us from climate change and pandemics; To protect our family and friends in the LGBTQ+ community; To stop the normalization of white supremacy and prejudice; For Dreamers and illegal immigrants, already working here, to get a path to citizenship and pay their share of taxes; For affordable – NOT FREE - health insurance; And last, but not least, Free higher education for those that want to go to college, so America can be first in education and innovation again. We seemed to have regressed to the Middle Ages. Luckily, my family has not been affected by the economy or the pandemic, but it amazes me how the citizens that get the most, and take advantage, out of democratic policies, choose not to vote to protect their rights. The current Presidency reminds me of those of third world countries where a lot of our parents escaped from, in which the family and supporters of the President are protected and can get away with anything like an authoritarian regime. This is not the America we know or want. If YOU sit this one out, YOU will regret it one day. If you don’t want to vote for yourself, then do it for someone you know will benefit from it or for future generations. If you can’t vote by mail, put on your mask, gloves, social distance and go out and VOTE!
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 5 years ago
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“We hold these truths as self-evidence, that all men are created equal...” Let’s continue to hold everyone to this truth. #independenceday🇺🇸 #244years
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 5 years ago
Grateful to be alive and healthy! Sad about everything that’s going on in the world today. Working on correcting the mistakes I made in the last few years.
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 5 years ago
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Happy Mothers Day to the real heroines that work hard to care and protect their children no matter the obstacles. And to the retired heroines that never stop loving and worrying about their grown babies! I hope you get pampered, lots of gifts, and love today and always! ❤️ Enjoy your day! 💐 Cheers to you! 🥂
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madwomanthinkingoutloud · 5 years ago
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#motherearth knows what she’s doing, even if we don’t...😏🌎 #earthday #2020
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