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maaofallblogs · 4 years ago
Have Forever Hungry Growing Kids At Home? Here Are Some High Protein Snacks For Kids
Have Forever Hungry Growing Kids At Home? Here Are Some High Protein Snacks Low Calorie For Kids. Why am I focusing on high protein? Read to know more. #righttoprotein #growingkids #healthysnacksforkids #maaofallblogs
High Protein Snacks For Kids
Have growing kids at home who seem forever hungry and are always on a lookout to try new and innovative dishes at home can get tiresome. Meal time doesn’t have to end in defeat for us mothers after all. Moreover, due to the current situation post the outbreak of the pandemic, immunity has become everyone’s no.1 priority in all families- especially with growing kids,…
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maaofallblogs · 4 years ago
Perifit Review: The Kegel Exerciser Device
Perifit Review: The Kegel Exerciser Device
Perifit review: The Kegel Exerciser Device
Last few weeks I have been discussing issues like Vaginal Atrophy, Vaginal Laxity etc on my Instagram. Extending that discussion I am sharing my review of Perifit which is a Kegel Exerciser Device. 
So why do we need a Kegel Exerciser Device? We have all heard the benefits of a vaginal birth or normal delivery but what some of us are not aware of it the…
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maaofallblogs · 4 years ago
Protinex Blog: Working Moms Health And Why It Needs To Be A Priority?
Protinex Blog: Working Moms Health And Why It
  Working Moms Health And Why It Needs To Be A Priority?
My friend Ridhima(name changed) called me a few years back and told me that she had been unwell for some time and finally her condition was so bad that she was being hospitalised. Once she recovered, she moved to her mom’s place with the kids for a few weeks. I was a bit taken aback as the reaction she had was due to unhealthy lifestyle and…
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maaofallblogs · 4 years ago
The Reality of My Breastfeeding Journey- It Was Not A Bed Of Roses
The Reality of My Breastfeeding Journey- It Was Not A Bed Of Roses
The Reality of My Breastfeeding Journey
On the onset, I would like to share every mom and in fact, every country has their own facts and beliefs around breastfeeding and I am no lactation expert. However, I can share what I went through and maybe some mom will benefit from my experience and my breastfeeding journey.
My first night as mom. I had a normal delivery and my baby was put in a nursery.…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Parents Here Are Some Ways To Cope With Covid-19 Stress
f you have been having mood swings since the last few days, don't push it away. These are unprecedented times. I know we need to be brave for our kids but we also are humans. Here Are Some Ways To Cope With Covid-19 Stress which I imbibed and helped me.
Ways To Cope With Covid-19 Stress
It has been tough and if I have been finding it tough, I am sure most other moms/dads are finding it tough too. Why do I say that because, honestly it takes a lot for a spirited and optimistic person like me to even feel low. I can literally count the number of times, I have felt low in life and all have been huge events in my life to cause that. So if you have…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Home Grown Brands You Must Check Out And Support - Vocal For Local Campaign
With almost all countries closing up their borders, businesses are at an all time low. We have curated a lost of Home Grown Brands You Must Check Out And Support - It's time to be #VocalForLocal #MOABVocalForLocalIndia
Home Grown You Must Check Out And Support- Vocal For Local Campaign
With almost all countries closing up their borders, export and import has come to an all time low. A lot of companies are suffering, businesses are making a loss and will continue so for a bit. This is why we as a nation need to wake up start making local choices, which will not only boost our economy, but also support local and…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Serving in the Time of the Pandemic: Nestle Remains Committed to Care
I have been associated with the Nestle Healthy Kids Programme for the past four years. I was introduced to this programme in 2016. This year due to the pandemic, they adapted to the situation and changed a few directives. Read more.... #NestleHealthyKids
Nestle Healthy Kids 2020 committed to care even in Pandemic
I have been associated with the Nestle Healthy Kids Programme for the past four years. I was introduced to this programme in 2016 when I visited Mankhurd, one of the many places where this project is in action.
The Programmehas been active since 2009 and it has completed a decade of success. This accomplishment was celebrated in…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
All That's Fair May Not be Lovely
In a very recent news a leading Unilever removed the words ‘Fair’ and ‘whitening’ from the product that is actually a pioneer in the skin segment and it will now be called called #GlowandLovely #MOABSoeaksOutAloud #KhulKeBoloWithMaa
All That’s Fair May Not Be Lovely!
In a very recent news a leading FMCG company Unilever removed the words ‘Fair’ and ‘whitening’ from the product Fair and Lovely, that is actually a pioneer in the skin segment. And while I was penning the article I came across the news the it will now be called Glow and Lovely. Not sure how much of a change that will be and how much will it help in changing…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Are you ready to send your kids to school from the next month/July?
In a recent new article government announced that they are going to ask students of grade 9-12th to start coming to school from the month of July. Are you ready to send your kids to school from the next month/July? #ChallengesOfOnlineSchooling
If you have a school going kid, you can’t miss reading this!
Are you ready to send your kids to school from the next month/July?
The Covid-19 has changed everything around us. How we lives, thought or even reacted has changed. Education for kids and how things are taught will change too. While, as a parent, I have opposed the concept of learning on-screens for years. In the current situation, I…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
A Dad's Take On Mental Health- Riding Life's Troughs With Fortitude
I read of the sad suicide of a very popular, successful and young artist. Apparently he was suffering from depression for some time. The instances are rising: farmers, school children, successful professionals etc. A dad's perspective on #MentalHealth.
A Dad’s Take On Mental Health
This article is penned by Vikram Janakiraman and it first appeared on Linkedin
I read of the sad suicide of a very popular, successful and young artist. Apparently he was suffering from depression for some time. The instances are rising: farmers, school children, successful professionals etc. I think it’s time to realise that mental health issues need to be, and can…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Grandma's Recipes For Baby Skin Care
Grandma’s Recipes For Baby Skin Care
  Grandma’s Remedies For Baby Skin Care
On the outset, I would like to clarify I am not an expert so if your baby has any allergy or specific medical condition, it’s best to refer to a dermatologist but in this post I am going to be sharing recipes/tips that your and mine grandma has passed on to us over the years and also some learnings I have had along the way. Also, some DIYs for Baby Diaper…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Eggless Chocolate Cake Recipe With Condensed Milk
Here is a quick and effective recipe to make an eggless chocolate cake. This is an easy and fun recipe that even the kids can try. #egglesschocolatecakerecipewithcondensedmilk #egglesschocolatecakerecipewithoutcondensedmilk
Eggless chocolate cake recipe with condensed milk
This is an easy and fun recipe that even the kids can try. As we all know egg is what usually gives the fluff to the cake, so we tried this recipe and loved it. Here is how;
1 1/4the cup maida
4-5 tablespoons of condensed milk
1/2 cup sugar- then powder it
80 gms butter
4-5 drops of vanilla essence or extract
125 ml milk
6-7 heapful…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
How to prepare the house before the baby comes in
I still have a crystal clear memory of my first pregnancy and post delivery. I was so unprepared for . what to do once the baby arrives. Which is why, I from then on created a checklist for all #ExpectingMomsChecklist @asianpaints #AsianPaints #RoyalHealth
How to prepare the house before the baby comes in
How to prepare the house before the baby comes in
There are multiple, multiple books on different stages of pregnancy and what to do when you are pregnant but not enough literature on what to do once the baby comes out. The funny thing is that I have realised over the years that women only talk about prenatal stage and go into it prepared but once…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
100 Plus Kids Activities And Free Resources To Keep Your Kids Busy In The Times Of Corona Virus
Here is a list for you to keep your kids engaged, full of free resources and activities from the internet and some activity ideas from maaofallblogs to keep you sane through the tough times of Corona Virus lockdown. #FREEActivities #FreeResourcesForKids
100 plus activities and Free Resources To Keep Your Kids busy In The Times Of Corona
100 plus activities and Free Resources To Keep Your Kids busy In The Times Of Corona
It’s been a few days since there has been a lockdown in my city and I am already breathing heavily. Locked in the house, with bored kids and a restless husband can be a task. Which is why I thought, it was time to make a list…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
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With Holi just around the corner, here is a simple video to make your own Gulal at home with just two ingredients. It's easy, it's safe and non toxic. So go ahead and make it. #DIYHoliColours #MakeYourOwnGulal #Holi #howtomakeholicoloursathome #ecofriend How To Make Safe And Natural Colours At Home With Holi just around the corner, here is a simple video to make your own Gulal at home with just two ingredients.
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
Taj Rishikesh-A Detoxing Holiday
Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas Taj Rishikesh is a destination to head to if you are looking to relax and detox from the daily rigamarole. #TajRishikesh #MoabOnTravel #RishikeshDiaries #Himalayas #detoxholiday #HotelReview
The “Yoga Capital of the World”, Rishikesh was our October family holiday last year. It was a choice very unlike us. I am into yoga but my family not so much, so a family holiday in Rishikesh was an unlikely choice but somehow after much research we all realised we needed a detox and the decision was sealed.
Taj Rishikesh
Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, with the holy Ganges skirting…
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maaofallblogs · 5 years ago
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Most of us use a laptop or a mobile Using a laptop or a mobile for long hours creates a lot of load on our necks. Here are some simples asanas that help relieve you of the neck pain. #yogaforneckandshoulderpainrelief #yogaforneckpainwithpictures Most of us use a laptop or a mobile very often for long hours and during that we are always looking down thus creating a lot of load on our necks.
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