m33p2 · 6 days
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m33p2 · 6 days
“Ah sorry I’m just dumb” (having ADHD my whole life has meant that I’ve been criticised heavily for making mistakes that come part and parcel with the condition. Even the people I love most in the world have chastised me for mistakes that I spend much of my life worrying about and trying to avoid. It’s much easier to tell you I’m just a silly guy than explain to you that no matter how much effort, how much thought, how much stress I put into avoiding these same mistakes, I will keep making them over and over again. My brain is structurally built to thwart me throughout it all.)
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m33p2 · 11 days
dear universe: thank you very much for crumbling castle by king gizzard and the lizard wizard
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m33p2 · 11 days
i feel really bad for all the powerscalers born in medieval europe for having to spend all their time chronologging and ranking demons because they didn't know who goku was yet
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m33p2 · 13 days
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It is with great pleasure that I inform you all that today is the most Wednesday-ist day of the year
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m33p2 · 15 days
the inherent yonicism of the penis
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m33p2 · 16 days
Was going to blank out the minecraft movie from my mind but I noticed something odd. There are no writing credits on IMDB. The writers are also not listed on the Warner Brothers page. I only found them listed on Wikipedia with screenplay credits. The wiki link leads to a 2022 deadline article. Did They Write It? Do They Not Want To Associate With It? What's the deal?
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m33p2 · 18 days
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m33p2 · 20 days
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Life changing
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m33p2 · 20 days
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m33p2 · 20 days
what u think of my gunpla
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m33p2 · 27 days
good morning let’s hear it for Mildly Cool Outside a round of applause for Mildly Cool Outside
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m33p2 · 27 days
The woman at the drug store recognized me from when I was there as a toddler with my mom. I can never go there again
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m33p2 · 1 month
My guilty pleasure right now is watching luxury hotel reviews and I found this british guy who keeps accidentally clipping into the backrooms.
He's unintentionally making the best liminal horror content on youtube
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m33p2 · 1 month
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m33p2 · 1 month
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today's bug things are these metal pill bugs by Matt Noris!
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m33p2 · 1 month
anybody gonna match my Sweet….?
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