savsfck-blog · 10 years
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
duharchie: @savireton hm. sarcasm is hard to tell over text but...yay?
savireton: @duharchie It's partial sarcasm, so the yay would apply to two of the three C's.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
savireton: You know you're living the life when your day consists of cupcakes, Criminal Minds, and Calculus. #party
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Well, we are in Canada and I’ve lived here a while.
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Of course, but I’ve met many an American and European that it doesn’t feel quite like Canada at times.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Maybe funny how we went from asking her father for permission to marry to eleven year olds who have sex.
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It’s just too young, and the girls on Maury are an indication of that.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Like Kim Kardashian?
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Precisely. Her, her family, the cast of the Jersey Shore, every show on MTV…
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Probably, though it’s definitely odd to see a twelve year old walk into the same store I’m in and buy sluttier clothes than me which is saying a lot.
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It’s the media, it’s them and their sudden surge in teen dramas and poor role models.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Not to mention that Aeropostale has their name on almost every article of clothing, it’s not even that good of clothing. I don’t see why preteens go there when they can just go to a local prostitute for clothes.
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That and the clothes are nothing new. And shouldn’t they still be shopping at Old Navy and Walmart?
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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And why would your heart get broken? Over the cat?
What else would break my heart?
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
Tell me about it.
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That’s why I make sure to avoid stores like American Eagle and Aeropostale, an abundance of preteens flood the place and take clothes they shouldn’t even be wearing.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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Sounds great, Princess.
The possibility of my heart being broken, the very definition of great.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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I have somewhere to be and you’ll be gone for one evening. The creature isn’t going to starve to death.
The creature obviously won’t, I’m bringing him off of malnourishment. But a teacher or some superior could come around and take him.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
I guess you have a point there, but seriously hate the whole process. And it’s weird because it’s only clothes and that sort of thing, books I’m okay with, same with groceries.
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True, and getting involved in the long lines at the cash register for one pair of jeans is absolutely exasperating.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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This is not about balls or proving you “wrong”. This is me not wanting to do something so I’m not going to.
Don’t get snarky, you can enjoy your party for one. Oh, and would you watch my cat while I’m out? It would really help me out.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
It has its pros and cons, but at least you can be more shallow than ever for a few hours.
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I forgot how much I hate shopping.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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Then you can go to the stupid thing and crawl up naked in my bed afterwards.
Sorry, love, but I believe that would be a breach in your attempt. Besides, if you don’t have the balls to prove me wrong on this as well, it definitely won’t happen.
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savsfck-blog · 10 years
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Actually, I’ve had enough of mystery that I don’t get amused by childish games.
Childish? If that’s what attending this makes me, so be it. I’m not going to ignore the chance of social interaction, getting out of the dorm and feeling some sort of joy is better than being antisocial because it isn’t up to my standards.
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