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a professional teacher in the making
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lykaloka-blog · 6 years ago
You’ll love Zwerl. Ask and Answer questions to receive rewards. Sign up using my code and reach 500 Rep to receive a $5 reward. Click here to get the app:
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lykaloka-blog · 6 years ago
This really is amazing
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Amazing Deals On Brand Name Makeup - Follow for more like this !!
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lykaloka-blog · 6 years ago
Wanna have one
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Amazing Deals On Brand Name Makeup - Follow for more like this !!
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lykaloka-blog · 6 years ago
i'd love to be in that place
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Photo by: Bryan Daugherty | Instagram | Tumblr | Website
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
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stuff #educ
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
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Life’s a maze. It aMAZEs me. #Amaze#aMaze
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
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nothing’s more relaxing than a night answering your book with a little chitchat of a close friend and a seductive look of a chocholate.
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
Iloveyou John. Goodbye.
By: Lyka Walin
t’s been dark outside. Suzanne sat on the bed in a room illuminated by candlelight. Tonight, was a usual event in her life, she has nothing to do but close her eyes and look back at the memory of her husband who died 2 years ago, of this date. Last year’s death anniversary was just like this night, reminiscing. She thought of how loving he was, how he had turned her life from a sorrowful one, because of her parent’s death, to something meaningful. They were schoolmates before; he was so bright and excels in most of his subjects while she was a brat. He had been stalking her for months, since he was a senior and Suzanne was a junior then. It was on the school cafeteria one morning when they finally met, as in the moment she have had the idea of his existence, although he was a heartthrob and a varsity player, she doesn’t know him or knew him either but is not used to minding other people, unfortunately it was an accident; he had struck her when he fell upon her face, Suzzane, on her over acting expression shouted in anger, everybody cares to look at them since they both were famous at the campus, aside from the good looking faces, they came from well-known families. She was annoyed as her lemon tea leaked and the Hungarian sausage slipped off its cover then walked out. He looks so fool by that time, he turns pale. It was like he had a 0.00 chance of being her friend when it was just the first time he’s given the opportunity to see her face serried yet he aggravated her, but at least. She finally lies down her bed, theirs ‘actually, as she came into her senses; crying by this time, Suzzane remembered when she had slapped his face when he confided his feelings towards her with a bunch of red, pink and white roses, it was on the recognition day. That was the day he thought would be perfect to tell her about what he feels because tomorrow will be his graduation. She wasn’t happy still. “Well in fact I’ve never made her happy, not even once, maybe it’s time for me to give her up” he murmured. That was the last time he saw her before they met in Starbucks five years ago. They were already successful. He says hi as he saw her sitting on the bench alone, having no assurance that she won’t be that rude to him again. He easily recognized her through the mole near her upper lips, which he liked much about her; howbeit she has changed a lot. More attractive and sophisticated than she was when they were yet in high school. Her eyes grew bigger with complete puzzlement as the man walks his way toward her andis greeting her, on her shock, she looks at the back to confirm if it is really her, he was trying to get the attention. Then, he sat back on the chair in front of her and offers a handshake “This is John, your nightmare, I mean the one who…” "Oh yeah”, then they both chuckled. I can never forget you. They became friends and finally she allowed him to court her. It was like a dream come true to him. Although they’d been apart, love hasn’t faded. And just a year after the "knowing each other deeper” stage, they decided to get married. They lived together for two years before he died. The moment she knew through the cell that he was killed by a car crash, everything turns vague. She hurried to the hospital, saw her husband’s corpse and cried with bitterness. Acceptance has no place in her heart until now. Suzzane gets off her bed sobbing, realizi she hadn’t eaten her dinner yet and it’s past 11. Minutes later, she saw the sofa bed to where her husband usually falls asleep, hugged the pillow. I’m not getting any younger now, maybe I should move on with you, but how can I forget the man who never stop loving me? Han, you will always be the love of my life, even when I accepted the proposal of another man named Josh. He’s too close your attitude and I thought it’s time for me to let go of your memories. Iloveyou John. Goodbye.
(via lykaphobia)
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
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A sense of belongingness
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lykaloka-blog · 7 years ago
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There is a part of the world that is peaceful; in the heart of every flower.
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
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cupcakes from the heart of my student.... 
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
 Lyka Walin
It was never about the brand of shoes you wear but of how comfortable you have been whenever you're using them.
Shoes have been one of the most important fashion all of us needed. And as time goes by, the demand for shoes opens an opportunity for shoemakers and businessmen to create their own styles and name, and be known in this industry. Livelihood projects were opened and the emerging shoe industry provided and introduced so much more than what most have expected. But what must be the reality behind this foot wears? People have different preferences of the foot covering they would want to wear in which they consider things like: where am I going to use it? What kind of event will I be attending in? And, what kind shoes perfectly fits me? Knowing the answers of the staid points would give someone a perfectly adorable and completely amazing look. Shoes, since before, are one of the bases of how successful a person is -status. Lawyers, teachers, models, athletes, and other professionals mark distinct shoe styles. Stilettos were designed for models, special and or romantic events and so. A fine hard shiny shoe brings the look of a lawyer or of an honorable politician. A two inch pointed close shoe carries the name of a professor. Rubber shoes however, symbolize athletes.
Designers nowadays opted to create enormous shoe designs that would really capture the hearts of everyone since we all are shoe lovers. Gucci, Memorata, The Iron Shoe are just labels, they do not matter anyway. In fact Instagram, Facebook and Tumblr are open for postings. Take photos of your shoes and be known for creating your own fashion. In accordance to this, the emerging world of photography comes with the discovery and practice of SHOEFIE.
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
A Letter from my Conscience
 By: Lyka Walin
I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound, the past that had been haunting me for years. Crying in despair -could not get out of the crime I am guilty of. The cry of an angel is a nightmare to my head. The sound of mourning is in the air of my heart. I am cursed over all the women of the earth, cursed from mine head to the very tip of my nails. I've resisted the greatest blessing I could ever have, and even my life will never be an adequate compensation to my immortality. I blame myself for not being wise, I pity myself for the loneliness I deserve, and I’m subject to punishment and sufferings. I have to deal with this alone when in fact I could have had a companion. Only if life is a contract in which I can renew the same: time and circumstances. And every time I look at the mirror, it reminds me of the missing part of myself. I am of a great misery up to the uttermost part of my being -the death of my own blood. Take my hands, Oh justice! These killed my son. Curse the ground to where I burry his soul, and curse be unto my womb for my sake, which hath conceived and denied him.
You look like me and half your dad, you’re so handsome. How are you in there son? Do you miss mommy? Son, I've been so fool, and I regret aborting you. I wasn't on my mind then, no one to hold on to. I'm sorry son, I really am sorry. Only if I can hug you tonight, Uhm please see me on my dreams son. I've sinned a lot to you and to God. How I wish I was holding you in my arms tonight, dancing with you in the lullaby. Forgive me. Forgive me son.
This is:
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
Insecuritykills ><
I’m so privileged that they were almost dying just to spread gossips about me. How stupid ><  
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
It's not me when they don't feel offended
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
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Fr: Mr. Goo
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lykaloka-blog · 8 years ago
Never grow weary
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