luminarygame · 4 months
Welcome back! Wishing you luck and happy writing/coding!
Thank you!!
I've been talking to my brother about my stories and it's really helped me be inspired to write and world build again. I've always been more of a storyteller than a writer, so I think it's helping a lot.
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luminarygame · 4 months
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luminarygame · 4 months
So, I'm rebranding
I know it's been a hot while, but hello hello!
This story originated as a Choicescript game, but moving forward I plan to switch over to using Twine to code everything. I'll hopefully get to the point of adding art and music, but for now I'm focusing mostly on rewriting!
I've been writing as Theseus of Aalto Games for a while, but from here forward I'll be posting as Daedalus Creations.
Thank you so much for all the support and love you've given me and my creations, and I hope you enjoy what I continue to do in the future!
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luminarygame · 3 years
Official Hiatus
You may have seen this coming.
The short of this is that I simply don’t have the energy to focus on writing right now. My health has never been the greatest but despite my best efforts it’s taken a downturn that I need to focus on, and I just don’t know when I’ll be able to focus on writing again.
Luminary is near and dear to my heart, and I really want to continue working on it in the future, but the fact of the matter is I can’t do that right now, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to. I’ll try to keep posting things like aesthetics and character facts, but for now I simply can’t write.
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luminarygame · 3 years
Dunno if you've done this already, but can you give detailed descriptions of what the ROs look like? Thanks so much!
There should be a link in the description to it but if there isn’t please let me know! Here’s the link to it
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luminarygame · 3 years
Not sure if you've answered this before, but what order are the triplets in?
Wormwood is the eldest and Oleander is the youngest! Poor Hawthorn gets a lot of middle child jokes from their dad.
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luminarygame · 4 years
the hardest part about writing luminary is that it is a horror story from any other perspective
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luminarygame · 4 years
Hey there, hope you're doing okay. When you're feeling up to it (no pressure), I was wondering what the ROs MBTI types were?
i have very little understanding of MBTI types but i’ve done my best :)
Angelos: ENFJ
Hawthorn: ISTP
Oleander: ESTP
Seonghui: ISTJ
Aoibheann: ESFP
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luminarygame · 4 years
dont know what the other person was asking about specifically but I would like too know what the status with Caliginous, its the first game of yours i played.
As of right now, I’m not able to work on any of my games because of health issues. I’m working on getting able to write again, but I’m not stressing myself out in order to do that.
Caliginous is something of a vent project for me, and it’s something I work on when I’m jonesing for eeriness and horror. It doesn’t have planned regular updates like Luminary and Era 404 do.
I’m happy to answer questions about my projects on their blogs.
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luminarygame · 4 years
hey are you okay? you haven't post in a while and your forum is inactive, i hope you're alright. much love for you! 🌻🌻
Hey! Thank for asking<33
I’ve been going through a lot of health issues lately that have left me without the energy or inspiration to write :’) I’m working towards getting back to it but I’m prioritizing my health at the moment. 
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luminarygame · 4 years
Whats up with Caliginous
what about it?
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luminarygame · 4 years
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day to those of us in the U.S. that celebrate it, and happier Native American Heritage Month. I’ve already made a post like this, but I’d like to make another post of donation links! This time to help food scarcity on Native reservations and in Native communities.
Here’s a list of organizations promoting Indigenous food sovereignty around the world!
Have a happy November!
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luminarygame · 4 years
Tumblr media
We’ve made it to 50k per playthrough!! [link to the demo]
Word count w/command lines: 171,311
Word count w/o command lines: 153,325
Words per playthrough: ~51k
Heterochromia option now available in character creation!
Fixed some stats page issues
Continuing personality balancing – most options should be fairly equal by now*
Friendship and amiability v. rivalry balancing
We learn more about the goings on at the museum!
And learn a little more about both Isla and Fatima’s backstories.
*Note: When I’m personality balancing, I don’t include any traits that only happen in flirt scenes, species specific scenes, or other unique identifiers that prevent other players from achieving them. So things should be more balanced now in general.
Right now the only RO scene fleshed out even remotely is Isla and Fatima’s poly scene (as in, you talk to the both of them at once, these scenes by no means lock you in to any romances and are meant to develop your character’s relationship with the others, whether that be romance, friendship, or enemies)
This is the last update of the year!
It’s definitely not where I wanted to be but as I was writing the museum scene it just became more and more complex (which is a good thing!) so I suspect most of my time is going to be fleshing out all those scenes over the holidays to give y’all a big update in January.
Changes for 2021:
The first update will be January 15th, 2021. All future updates from then on will be on the 15th of that month.
Public updates are moving to once every two months.
Patreon updates are moving to once a month
Patreon rewards and tiers are going to be seeing some changes once I get things organized–good changes, ofc
I hope you all enjoy the update even though its a relatively small one! 😊
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luminarygame · 4 years
75 random dialogue prompts.
feel free to change pronouns as you’d like; no need for credit.
“Why…why did you just take off your shirt?“ 
“Please don’t scare me like that ever again.” 
“I couldn’t live without you.” 
“As long as you’re breathing, standing here with me, nothing else matters.” 
“You see, this is the part where you tell me you’re proud of me.” 
“Why’d you run away?”
“Do you need anything else?” 
“Say something. Are you hurt?” 
"God, I’m so angry I could just hit someone.”
“I’m yours, in every way possible.” 
“I don’t need anything more from you.” 
“He has his heart set on it, trust me." 
"You…do not look happy." 
"If you truly believe you can get me out of bed before ten a.m. then you’re delusional." 
"You’re all drugged up. You don’t know what you’re saying." 
"Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“Funny. And by funny, I mean not funny at all." 
"God, why couldn’t I have taken more weight lifting classes.”
“He’s always done his best to keep your hands clean, keep that innocence intact." 
"You’re not making it easy on me right now.”
“Sometimes I think you have a deathwish." 
"Your idea of torture is withholding dessert after dinner." 
"I’m kidding, sheesh." 
"Well done, you." 
"You have until the count of three to remove your arms from my person, or so help me…!" 
"Yeah, like I haven’t heard that one before." 
"I know where you sleep.” 
"You keep him on his toes." 
"Hello, nice to meet you…sort of." 
"That’s unnervingly on point." 
"You two are the closest thing I have to a television." 
"Stop! Please, stop! You’re going to kill her!" 
"I’d be safer facing off a pack of wolves." 
"If you’re going, I’m going.”
“Whoa. Easy, easy. I’ve got you.”
“When I say run, that means keep running." 
"You got me, and I’m not so bad, right?" 
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” 
"Come back here. Don’t do this… Come back here right now! Come back…" 
"Thought I told you to stay by my side, eh?" 
"It’s like watching a chihuahua provoke a rottweiler." 
"She has the heart of a lion." 
"Come on, it’s me. I’m good at this sort of stuff, remember?" 
"That is my choice! My decision to make, not yours! Not anyone else’s! Mine!" 
"Now, before you get upset, I didn’t lie to you. I just…failed to mention it." 
"You are out of your mind.”
“Tell me what you want me to do." 
"And even if you don’t feel the same, that’s okay - I’m always going to be here for you." 
"And before you say anything, a ‘no’ would be a very poor answer.”
“God, I love you.”  
“What? You want my heart? My soul? Go head, take them. Take everything I have.” 
“Does my being half-naked bother you?” 
“I wasn’t going to do anything until you wanted me to.” 
“Wh – what? [Name], this is serious!" 
"Hush, now. He is a nice boy, but a boy he still is." 
“I can’t willingly or unwillingly ever bear to leave your side.” 
“You’re trying to distract me.” 
“Well, this moment certainly got away from me.” 
“You can’t do that to me.” 
"You move, he moves.”
“You can have it, because I don’t want it without you." 
"Take it, it’s fine.”
“If you need it, you take it. What’s mine is yours.”
“I am very young, very foolish, and very in love with you.” 
“Of course you’re tired, you haven’t slept in two days.” 
“And when I come back there better not be so much as a scratch on her body and a hair out of place.” 
“Speak for me again, and I’ll punch you in the throat.” 
“You have me right in the palm of your hand and you know it.”
“You and I are not finished.”
“You know what? Never-mind, you’ll know I’m lying to you anyway.” 
“How’s the weather down there, babe?” 
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to learn things about you.” 
“All my best parts come from you.” 
"You make me brave.”
“Just jump, I’ll catch you.” 
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luminarygame · 4 years
Waxing & Waning Demo V 0.2
*Added pronoun choice, so character creation is (mostly) complete! *Introduced two new love interests, Therapho and Saph! *A couple of flirt options! *Minor fixes!
Play Waxing & Waning here!
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luminarygame · 4 years
demo please*
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luminarygame · 4 years
^^ Headcanon Exploration ^^
Send me a number, and I will write a headcanon based on that word.
If sending to a mutlimuse, please specify the muse you would like me to write for.
001. Light. 002. Shadows. 003. Truth. 004. Lies. 005. Fall. 006. Secure. 007. Purpose. 008. Meaning. 009. Past. 010. Future. 011. Star. 012. Sun. 013. Scar. 014. Solitary. 015. Penance. 016. Sinner. 017. Saint. 018. Unconditional. 019. Rules. 020. Tales. 021. Amazing. 022. Special. 023. Sick. 024. Exhaustion. 025. Choice. 026. Dream. 027. Sex. 028. Passion. 029. Intense. 030. Soft. 031. Unforgiving. 032. Almost. 033. Messy. 034. Memory. 035. Forgotten. 036. Time. 037. Gift. 038. Red. 039. Yellow. 040. Blue. 041. Gray. 042. Sloshed. 043. Regression. 044. Laughter. 045. Debt. 046. Work. 047. Pain. 048. Hidden. 049. Power. 050. Animal. 051. Pretend. 052. Pillows. 053. Cigarette. 054. Leader. 055. Follower. 056. Ring. 057. Journal/Diary. 058. Flowers. 059. Tree. 060. Nature. 061. Gold. 062. Silver. 063. Games. 064. Foreign. 065. Comfort. 066. Music. 067. Air. 068. Water. 069. Fire. 070. Earth. 071. Definition. 072. Forever. 073. Never. 074. Learn. 075. Teach. 076. Grief. 077. Leaving. 078. Mundane. 079. Picture. 080. Crazy. 081. Repression. 082. Tragedy. 083. Comedy. 084. Romantic. 085. What if. 086. Paternal. 087. Maternal. 088. Better. 089. Worse. 090. Coping. 091. Young. 092. Old. 093. Crisis. 094. Body. 095. Soul. 096. Mind. 097. Reason. 098. Illogical. 099. Hypnotize. 100. Wisdom. 101. Destiny. 102. Groggy. 103. Morning. 104. Noon. 105. Night. 106. Coffee. 107. Moment. 108. Year. 109. Month. 110. Week. 111. Day. 112. Hour. 113. Glory. 114. Pride. 115. Lust. 116. Intemperance. 117. Greed. 118. Envy. 119. Wrath. 120. Sloth. 121. Holy. 122. Moderation. 123. Carelessness. 124. Quitting. 125. Observe. 126. Favor. 127. Spiritual. 128. Sacrifice. 129. Incompatible. 130. Obsolete. 131. Journey. 132. Beginning. 133. End. 134. Importance. 135. Numb. 136. Innocent. 137. Unhealthy. 138. Destruction. 139. Protection. 140. Love. 141. War. 142. Peace. 143. Name. 144. Glass. 145. Sea. 146. Sky. 147. Land. 148. Fly. 149. Outside. 150. Inside. 151. Together. 152. Alone. 153. Dead. 154. Alive. 155. New. 156. Act Out. 157. Restrictions. 158. Cry. 159. Brave. 160. Afraid. 161. Irked. 162. Chipper. 163. Quixotic. 164. Enthralled. 165. Hopeful. 166. Melancholy. 167. Classic. 168. Change. 169. Tradition. 170. Bolero/Waltz. 171. Serenade. 172. Requiem. 173. Lullaby. 174. Seduction. 175. Failure. 176. Savage. 177. To forget. 178. Polite. 179. Wish. 180. Alternate. 181. Confusion. 182. Pineapple. 183. Tarnished. 184. Moon. 185. Addiction. 186. Twisted. 187. Dance. 188. Fight. 189. Hit. 190. Eat. 191. Hungry. 192. Dessert. 193. Landscape. 194. Shopping. 195. Silly.
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