Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Gently he rubbed at the younger demon’s back, trying to calm him. "I know, I know… I’m sorry I put you through that…” One didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that Nero had thought Vergil dead for all these years. The Blue Devil really didn’t want to answer where he had been or what had happened to him. For his own sanity he would keep it vague. “I was captured… When I went to confront Mundus, I…failed and he took me captive… I don’t remember much of anything after that…” While it wasn’t entirely the truth it wasn’t entirely a lie either. There were bits of his time being tortured and as Nelo Angelo that he didn’t fully remember. “I’m not even sure how I escaped him… The last thing I remember is a gate opening before me and someone picking me up before I lost consciousness…” Really he had no idea how long he had been gone but seeing Nero now gave him some idea. Vergil pulled back enough to place a hand on Nero’s cheek. “I’m sorry… I don’t plan on leaving you ever again…”
⌠❖⌡ Luckily for you Vergil the young devil wasn't going to press for more details than what was willingly spoken, as he had his own dealings that he didn't want to speak about nor bring up any time soon either... For instance, what he's done for all the years he and his father have been apart and how only after spending a couple of months with Dante he had run away from the man clad in red. That was something he wasn't looking forward to explaining either, but, for the time being, he didn't want to think about it, hearing the short less detailed version of what happened was more than enough and he could not help but to wonder... If he hadn't been the reason Vergil had gone if that wouldn't have happened, the last thing he wanted to know was it was his fault his father was brought so much pain.
Hearing about that gate, however, caused the younger devil to finally lift his gaze from his father's shoulder and look upon him with a well-defined frown. "That man Angus said he created the hell gates after the original one, that he summoned countless demons and harvested their souls for that armor that attacked me." So it doesn't surprise him that they had Vergil down here captive and in a coma-like induced state for as long as he was. Upon the hand being placed on his cheek, it caused the boy to freeze for only a moment or so, mostly due to the fact he was not used to being touched in such a manner anymore he soon reached up with his devil hand and placed it atop his father's. "I won't ever let you go again." Not that he was older now and could fight for himself, oh, if only he knew what was to come...
#grimscollection#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; twisted fates; dmc4 au#( LOL#( Vergil will double burn it to the ground then
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The pain in his own chest was gone now that Nero’s body was healed. He hadn’t quite realized that it had been very hard to breathe up until this point. Even knowing that Nero was healed Vergil wasn’t surprised that it took the younger demon a moment to get to his feet. Shock would keep anyone from moving. He himself wasn’t sure if he could move very well so he wasn’t about to rush his son. When Nero hugged onto him Vergil didn’t care if he got hurt. He didn’t care if he was sluggish. He hugged the boy tightly, very suddenly fighting back tears.
"I’m so sorry, Nero… I’m so sorry I left you…” The older demon was racked with guilt and it showed in his voice. But now Vergil had him back and did not plan on leaving him alone again.
⌠❖⌡ Unlike his father composure was not something he was even remotely good at, so where Vergil held back the tears he was unable to do the same as they slipped and fell to the ground beneath them. "What happened to you, where did you go...? I thought that..." That Vergil had been killed when he went out to stop Mundus from sending his demons after them, he had run away from Dante so he had no idea if that was the case or not and he was unable to feel his father's presence either until now. Just how long had the other man been here with Yamato, suspended in that state of stasis...? Well, that fluffy hair was likely enough of a tale in of itself, but, he didn't want to make assumptions and just kept his face buried in his father's shoulder clearly horrified that this was just some cruel dream he was going to wake up from and Vergil would still be gone.
#grimscollection#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; twisted fates; dmc4 au#( GOOD BURN IT TO THE GROUND SO IT CAN'T HURT ANYONE ANYMORE.
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The Blue Demon felt Nero’s life surge back into him. Thank whatever gods he didn’t believe in. A slow blink left him when he felt the power shift in his son and he finally looked over to him. The surprise that ran through him when he saw Yamato suddenly repair itself was enough it brought the rest of his body back to movement. However, he was not at all surprised that the blade prioritized Nero over himself. The blade was saving him further by giving him more power. Another blink at Nero’s words. Those were his own that Nero had heard. Clearly he had projected to the boy while he was trapped in the Underworld despite not meaning to.
Carefully, as he didn’t know how well his body would listen to him, Vergil shifted up onto his elbows to watch Nero and Yamato go to work: dispatching the armors that felt all too familiar and driving off Agnus. A glare settled on that fake angel. Vergil was going to remember him and hunt him down later. Seeing Nero drop after all that made his body sit up fully, a little startled by this. Thankfully it settled when Nero looked back to him. With the dust settled Vergil’s heart ached for a new reason… "Nero…”
⌠❖⌡ With his normal hand placed to his chest to feel where he had just been stabbed through mere moments ago repeatedly, it was a shock to feel nothing as if the wounds never occurred in the first place was this his demon half coming through? It must have been otherwise he should have been dead right now, devil arm gripping Yamato's hilt with his shock at the forced Devil Trigger the sight of the Avatar's arms beside him was still something his brain was attempting to process. Not leaving the ground for a few moments longer, it was not until he heard his name spoken that he snapped back into reality and remembered he was currently staring at Vergil.
"Dad..." While he wasn't hurting physically it was the phantom pain that kept him from standing just for a little while, but, his urge to stand and go to his father soon won out over such a phenomenon and he didn't waste a moment of time. For the moment he neared the older devil he wrapped both arms around Vergil, burying his face within the other's shoulder gently as to not hurt him further.
"I thought I was never going to see you again..."
#grimscollection#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; twisted fates; dmc4 au#( THIS IS THE ONE MAN YOU NEVER WANNA PISS OFF#( And Angus commited the worst crime possible LOL
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None of the noise seemed to stir the stasised demon. Nothing reached him. Not the battle, not the ravings of Agnus. Not even Nero shattering the glass to get to the horrid scientist that held Vergil captive. It wasn’t until the young demon was pinned to the wall that Vergil visibly flinched in his ‘sleep’. Why was this? Father and son had a connection that made Vergil feel every bit of Nero’s physical pain. The more intense it was the more pain Vergil would feel. The second bout of pain was what woke the dormant Devil. “…Nero…” Something was happening and he had to stop it.
The third and final intense pain he felt in his chest made his tail form around him. The sharp, strong scaled appendage slammed into the glass covering him and the operating table, the tip of it piercing it like it was butter. The cover shattered as Vergil pushed with his tail and was enough to startle Agnus’s attention away from Nero. Weak though he was, Vergil reached out to his son, projecting himself into the boy’s fading mind. He refused to lose his son again. Not now, not ever. “Nero… You’re stronger than this… Fight… Fight it…! I know you can…!” He spoke aloud from both his dazed state and just in case he didn’t quite reach Nero maybe he could hear Vergil.
⌠❖⌡ While the dark feeling of heavy water was more than just overwhelming, body desiring nothing but to let go for the release from the pain searing through every fiber of his very being. It was the sound of a voice he knew better than anything else in this world, a heartbeat resounds within his own ears as his devil arm began to glow and even soon clenched in what could only be defiance. No, he won't let it happen again he had lost his father for by far too long, he wasn't going to bring him further pain by leaving him with no one else in this world. Teeth grinding the glow within his arm increased and soon the sword within its suspected half-broken state resounded with this, slowly coming back together it snapped back into perfect place and flew out of its containment into the young devil's hand.
Raising his head once more a stark red overcame what was normally lavender ice colored hues, ripping himself off the wall with a roar he used Yamato to blast away every single one of the armors that were coming to finish the job. If Angus wasn't startled before the man certainly was now, this new state was difficult to control and he couldn't quite feel properly even his own words seemed distant. "From that day forth... My arm changed... And a voice echoed, "Power. Give me more power!" And if I become a demon, so be it. I will endure the exile. Anything to protect my family." A strong wave of the sword sent a blast flying only missing Angus by mere inches before blowing up the roof of the containment room. After some choice words of how this wasn't possible and pure 'madness' by the scientist, he flew off and Nero soon dropped to his knees unable to walk further forward and stared at his devil arm in silence to comprehend what just happened. Only, to turn his gaze from it and slowly up at Vergil.
#grimscollection#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; twisted fates; dmc4 au#( They're going to find out hell hath no furry unlike a father protecting his son
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Deep within the castle that the Order of the Sword called its base, a blade floated in a kind of stasis in the middle of the hidden laboratory. Unfortunately, the blade was snapped in two and thus served little purpose until it was whole again. It was uncertain how it was there given that it had been locked away in the Underworld for so long. Even more curious was the man that was held in a similar stasis next to it. The white haired man lie on an operating table completely unconscious. The scientist that held both knew exactly whom this man was. In fact, most of the high ranking Order members did. It was Vergil. The eldest of the sons of Sparda, twin to Dante, and owner of the broken blade.

For the sake of the Order it was best that the Blue Devil remained weakened and unconscious. He had been here the same amount of time as his blade, having been gathered with it. Even so the wounds he bore were still there. Whatever had been done to this man was beyond imagination to keep a would for so long. The stasis likely kept the wound from healing as well but it kept him alive at the same time. The Order had plans for Vergil… So it was best he remained this way. They didn’t need Dante thanks to this glorious find.

⌠❖⌡ While he had been dispatched to chase down to chase after the man in red by Credo, one he knew all too well but refused to accept who it truly was due to implications in the past he could not bring himself to forget or forgive in the least. Who would have thought the Order would have had a place like this hidden within this castle, there were strange things here but he hadn't started to fully question them until reaching the containment room. A large glass window separated this room from the next and soon enough he saw the man behind this whole place's very existence, some banter here, some threats there and soon enough Agnus moved out of the way of a certain 'sight' that he recognized without fail. Freezing in place for a moment or so it was hard for the young man to take what he was seeing as fact, there was no way after so long that...
No, there was no doubt about it that snapped in half-sword and even despite that man in obviously status had rather fluffy hair there was no denying it, the blue outfit was also a dead giveaway as well and it caused the rage to build up within the younger man as his devil hand clenched into a fist. "I don't care what you're doing here, BUT LET HIM GO!" Past the breaking point and after a long fight with by far too many demon blades coming at him he finally managed to break through the glass, going so far as to try and take Agnus down with Red Queen but... Only to be distracted by what the man was saying and struck in the chest by that damnable soul armor and pinned to the wall. It hurt, it was the first time he had ever had something run through his chest before only to be pinned to the wall shortly after, is this what a pinned up butterfly felt like?
One long spiel about what Angus planned to do later and Nero's defiance one of those demon swords was jammed through his chest, was this really going to be it...? When he was so close to his father who he had lost years ago and searched for whenever he was able to, now he was here but was it to be short-lived as this would be his own end here? In a last act of defiance, blood was spat upon Agnus face, a comment made about how he would never be one of the other's experiments, sword drove further into his chest and soon enough... Nothing just a flash of more of those armors coming to take him. "Sorry... Dad..." Spoken in a raspy breath his head hangs completely down.
#grimscollection#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; twisted fates; dmc4 au#( Ohhhh so well#( And use whatever icons you want man XD
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Not a primal? He wasn’t human either despite how close he looked to one. “You do not know what a primal beast is? Tell me, where are you from?” Perhaps he was from the other side of the Basin, but that wouldn’t make sense either. He definitely wasn’t an astral either. “Hm…”

⌠❖⌡ "No, I've never heard of a Primal Beast before, the only creatures I know about are demons." Though he's not sure if the other would even know what those were, considering he didn't call him that in the first place even with that devil arm of his out in plain and visible view. Through at the question of where he's from, one look around told the half-devil that just saying it really wouldn't help the other...
“Fortuna, Red Grave where Dante owns his shop... But I don't think any of that makes sense to you, does it?"
#bloodstainedwhitewings#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; endless blue skies; granblue fantasy#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au
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Alright. So… Either this person is disappointed in this find or… They’re disappointed in this find. Maybe even paid to come here and pretend to? Care about this place?
“ … . Aye. It is.” Piers replies, giving a gentle scritch to the chin of the galarian linoone draped around his shoulders.
“Who might be askin’, mate?”

⌠❖⌡ The voice caught the young devil off guard from how he froze in place for a moment or so, only to turn his head and stare in what is apparent shock and bewilderment. "Wait--Piers!?" This was really real, right? This wasn't a dream? Quite visibly he pinched his own arm decent enough to leave a red mark, one that if you thought about it enough was too harsh to be from a normal human being but things were going pretty quickly. "Oh--My name is Nero..." Slight deflation in his excitement only from the bewilderment, he looks around and then spots the Galarian Linoone.
"A Linoone! I always liked the Galra one better than the normal one."
#teamyellboss#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; pokemon are real!?; pokemon#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au
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⌠❖⌡ Going through a Hellgate always had varying effects you never know what the outcome was going to be, in this case, the last thing he expected to see was a world full of... Pokemon!? Oh, he could get used to being in this world very easily, pokemon was one of his favorite games to play after all and being here in the world itself could be considered a dream come true. Though, he wasn't quite sure if it was exactly like the games were, which lead to the young devil wandering around almost aimlessly till he ended up at a certain city he knew fairly well from playing Pokemon Sword.
"Is this... Spikemuth?"
#teamyellboss#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au#» ❖;; pokemon are real!?; pokemon#( Here you go Cookie <3
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“Clearly you aren’t with them, so for now yes.” It wasn’t long after that he returned the favor slashing away at the beasts that tried to slash Nero from behind. Once those were dealt with red hues shifted to the other’s arm and he seemed to mull something over in his mind all while watching Nero. “I cannot say that I have met a primal like you before.”

⌠❖⌡ "No way in hell I am." The young man replied while keeping an eye out now for anything that decided to attack their blind spots, at one point even going so far as to bring out his devil arm and grab a monster ten times bigger than he was and face slam it into the ground as the battle ended. Brushing off both hands Blue Rose was returned to its hidden position and Red Queen in his none devil hand just as a manner of precaution. "... A primal like me, the hell are you talking about?” That's stark confusion upon his features, out of pure habit he did move his devil arm behind him so it wasn't quite visible anymore, however.
#bloodstainedwhitewings#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; endless blue skies; granblue fantasy#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au
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A responding ‘WOOOOO’ left the hacker as the other showed off his moves. “Heeeells yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” Not wanting to be thought as one who didn’t dance, he did one of his own after the other. “Wrench style, baby!”
⌠❖⌡ "Oh hell yeah!" Now he's really getting into it while the other starts to dance as well, he waits a little while before joining back in with his own dancing. Even turning it up by letting his Devil Bringer wings out, their spectral blue causing quite the light show to behold. When he once more reached the end of his where he pointed, his wing copies his movement and points out as well.
#reysonsmanymuses#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#( LMAO OF COURSE#( also me laughing because we can totally do what we do in COR#( Have the Watchdogs gang know about DMC because video games LOL
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Something seems to take off from the ship in the distance. After a flash there is a blast of light power that slams into some of the creatures missing Nero as if on purpose. The multi-winged being vanishes from sight a moment before reappearing beside Nero and attacking the creatures with his blade.
⌠❖⌡ The moment he felt such a strange power come closer Blue Rose was taken from its place hidden within his coat, seeing the monsters around him felled he didn't drop his guard with a well-trained eye keeping a lookout for... Whatever this was, it was not until the multi-winged being was next to him that he paused and watched the attack. Well, if they weren't going to go after him for the time being, then he wasn't going to overlook this and unleashed Blue Rose's explosive rounds on a couple of monsters that tried to attack the other from behind. "I'm guessing you're here to help me!?" Best to ask now then regret not later.
#bloodstainedwhitewings#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; endless blue skies; granblue fantasy#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au
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Guardians of the Galaxy | @reysonsmanymuses
"There are two types of beings in the universe, those who dance, and those who do not." From Wrench because he wants to be a shit.
⌠❖⌡ "Good thing I'm not one of those that don't dance then!" To prove this he starts dancing right where he was standing, stepping back and forth while even music seems to come out of nowhere as he does the final pointing pose.
#reysonsmanymuses#» ❖;; if this is a job then pay me up front; inqury#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#( These two would cause such chaos together LOL
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Guardians of the Galaxy | @the-thread-of-muses
“You are horrifying to look at, yes.“ Diavolo no don't talk to a Demon Killer --
⌠❖⌡ "Real nice thing to say when just meeting someone, you must be a real hit to talk to aren't you?" Arms cross over the young man's chest, he doesn't move from where he's standing but agitation is more than apparent. All his life he's been ridiculed for his arm, watched people scream and run in terror at the mere sight of it. Demon's and Hunters alike flocked whenever this happened, putting both himself and his father in danger where he wished he could have grown up with a normal human arm and not gained... This.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 … sentence starters
“I am hideous?“
“Ow! My nipples!“
“This is gonna hurt!”
“Hey, there, jackass!“
“We’re all gonna die.“
“I’m immortal? Really?”
“I knew you were lying!”
“Did you make a penis?“
“I’m Mary Poppins, y'all!“
“You people have issues.“
“They killed all my friends.“
“You’re right… we’re family.“
“I didn’t mean to do a mutiny.”
“I win. I bested you in combat.“
“What say we steal some shit?“
“You must be so embarrassed!“
“It’s worse. It’s so much worse.“
“You can do anything you want.“
“I’m gonna make some weird shit.”
“You are horrifying to look at, yes.“
“But, that doesn’t make any sense!”
“You are wasting a lot of time here!“
“So, we’re saving the galaxy, again?“
“This gross bug lady is my new friend.“
“Well, you may not be mortal, but me…“
“I don’t need to hear how my parents…“
“What are you gonna do with your share?“
“You like a professional asshole or what?“
“You put your turd in my bed, I shave you.“
“You don’t know anything about me, loser.“
“Get out of the way! You’re gonna get hurt!“
“Well, then I’m certainly grateful to be ugly.“
“This is an important conversation right now?“
“I can’t believe I fell in love with a spaceman.“
“I know who you are, boy. Because you’re me!“
“It was beautiful. You earthers have hang-ups.“
“Ugh, I’m imagining…being with you physically.“
“No! No, that’s the button that will kill everyone!“
“If you kill me, you’ll be just like everybody else!“
“That’s exactly my point! I have to do everything!“
“When I touch someone, I can feel their feelings.“
“I’m sorry. That was meant to be behind your back.“
“Yeah, I feel a general, unselfish love for everyone.“
“She just told everyone you deepest, darkest secret!”
“I’m sorry… I can only afford to lose one friend today.“
“Dude, come on! I think you’re overreacting a little bit.“
“Well, of course I have issues. That’s my freakin’ father!“
“Well, if he got closer, I’m sure he would be much larger.“
“The crabby puppy is so cute. He makes me wanna die!“
“All any of you do is yell at each other. You’re not friends.“
“I don’t know why they’re after us. What a mystery this is.“
“You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface.”
“We’re gonna have to have a serious talk about your language!“
“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy.“
“You don’t have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you.“
“You shouldn’t have killed my mom and squished my Walkman.“
“Touch me, and the only thing you’re going to feel is a broken jaw.”
“You can go to hell, then! I don’t give a damn what you think of me!“
“I guess David Hasselhoff did kind of end up being my dad after all.“
“I tried to let you down easily by telling you that you were disgusting.“
“It’s called a Zune. It’s what everybody’s listening to on Earth nowadays.“
“I know them scientists what made you never gave a rat’s ass about you!”
“You didn’t know, because you didn’t want to know, because it made you rich!”
“What is your goal here? To get everybody to hate you? Because it’s working.”
“Can we put the bickering on hold until after we survive this massive space battle?“
“You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can’t fool me. I know who you are.“
“Does anybody have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button.“
“There are two types of beings in the universe, those who dance, and those who do not.“
“You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags, but that isn’t true at all.“
“Sometimes, the thing you’ve been looking for your whole life is right there beside you all along.“
“Well, it might take you a few million years of practice before you get really good at it. But, yes!”
“I know you play like you’re the meanest and the hardest, but actually you’re the most scared of all.“
“Yes, Scotch tape would work… Then why did you ask me if Scotch tape would work, if you don’t have any?“
“I was talking about, like, a pretty necklace. Or a nice hat. You know. Something to make the other girls go ‘Ooh, that’s nice’.”
“When you’re ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are… Beautiful people never know who to trust.“
“One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head, the next minute it’s just because you realize part of that head is the hat.“
“Whatever you do, don’t push this button, because that will set off the bomb immediately and we’ll all be dead. Now, repeat back what I just said.”
“You push away anyone who’s willing to put up with you, ‘cause just a little bit of love reminds you of how big and empty that hole inside you actually is!”
“I will hunt my father like a dog, and I will tear him apart slowly… piece by piece, until he knows some semblance of the profound and unceasing pain I knew every single day.”
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⌠❖⌡ What the hell? One moment he was heading through a hell gate and the next here in a strange place, there were creatures that appeared to be akin to demons but did not cause his devil arm to glow... There was no visible way back to where he had arrived from either, no matter whatever tricks were being thrown his way he could deal with them for the most part. ... Wait a second, is that a giant flying ship in the distance? "What the fuck..." Spoken under his breath, the young devil has no idea if anyone else is nearby right now.
#bloodstainedwhitewings#» ❖;; devil trigger; ic#» ❖;; what the hell is this?; general au#» ❖;; endless blue skies; granblue fantasy
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