direction to perfection
23 posts
LUCKY PALERMO, 31, TOWN MAYOR. another head aches, another heart breaks. my affection, it comes and goes. these changes aren't changing me, the cold-hearted boy i used to be. when there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
luckypalermo · 4 years ago
mr mayor what are 3 ways u plan on improving irving?
“First, I’m going to improve the Internet situation in Irving. Everybody, regardless of who they are or where they live in the city, should have Internet access. I’m planning to implement this WiFi-for-all scheme soon. However, there are some deeply annoying people who are opposed to the idea because ‘they don’t want us to microchip them.’” Lucky shakes his head. “You think I want to listen to other people’s thoughts 24/7? I can barely stand to hear mine.
“Second, I’m considering making uniforms mandatory and free for public schools, so that poorer kids don’t have to fret over their clothes.
“Third, I’m considering reading every piece of mail being sent to the Town Hall letterbox individually, to attain a more comprehensive grasp of the townspeople’s problems and concerns. But I guess this isn’t such a good idea after all... too many people asking me to watch their Twitch streams and song covers on YouTube. Look, just because I’m a #millennial doesn’t mean I’m here to watch you play Minecraft, okay?”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
💘 !
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Attention. The Palermo parents were notoriously negligent, so of course Lucky wants everybody he loves — whether it’s romantically or platonically — to be aware he’s paying attention to them. Gifts as well. Also, cooking. The fact that he’s so bad at cooking, but always tries to nourish people with food, is quite telling.
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
sex+romance headcanons!
Send me a symbol. Please note that some answers may be NSFW.
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation? 💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity? 😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date? 😊 Would my muse ever ask someone on a date? 👍 Does my muse prefer to be asked on a date, or would they rather do the asking? 😉 What are my muse’s fetishes/kinks? 💬 When did my muse go on their first date? 💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? 💗 Has my muse ever been in love? 👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like? 👰 Would my muse ever get married? 🌼 Would my muse prefer a big wedding or a small wedding? 🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch? 🏩 What was my muse’s first time like? 🎆 Is my muse into monogamy? 💕 Would my muse ever be in a polyamorous relationship? 🔥 Would my muse ever be up for a threesome? 👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public? 💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak? 💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? 💋 How many people has my muse slept with? 👀 Is my muse the type to sleep around? 👎 Would my muse ever cheat on their partner? 😳 What was my muse’s worst romantic/sexual relationship? 💲Would my muse ever date/marry/sleep with someone because they were rich? 👓 Would my muse ever lie for sex? 👿 Would my muse ever blackmail someone into sex? 🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush? 🎀 Who would my muse sleep with if nobody ever had to know? 💍 Has my muse ever had a one-night stand? 💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day? 💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
😃 : a happy voicemail 
😍 : a loving voicemail
🤪 : a goofy voicemail
😞 : a disappointed voicemail
😔 : a sad voicemail
�� : a worried voicemail
😠 : an angry voicemail
😳 : an embarrassing voicemail
😨 : a scared voicemail
😯 : a surprised voicemail
🥱 : a sleepy voicemail
🥴 : a drunk voicemail
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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TARON EGERTON at the 72nd Annual Cannes Film Festival 
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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“genius?  pleasure  to  have  in  class?  your  favorite  person?  irvings  biggest  brain?  i  know,”  he’s  such  a  shithead  —  which  eli  is  sure  what  was  going  to  come  out  of  his  brothers  mouth  if  he  didn’t  have  his  mayor  hat  on.  or  maybe  not.  either  way,  gives  him  an  advantage.  can’t  have  the  mayor  look  like  a  jerk  to  his  little  brother.  that  and  elijah  would  cry.  manipulative?  yes.  and  he’d  need  it  after  this  request  -  or  favor,  as  he’d  put  it.  makes  it  sound  better.  “need  the  keys  to  the  city.  like  the  big  ones,  you  know?  they  give  to  all  those  celebrities?  like  in  toronto.  yeah.  those.”
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“elijah...,” lucky begins to say. “you’re my little brother. i love you. we’re family. but i have to ask: what the fuck are you talking about? keys to the city? you’re already... inside the city. it’s not locked or anything.” he scratches his head, frowning. “was that a joke? do you actually need something that i can provide or what? if that was a joke, then ha ha.”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
Mercy’s not paying attention in the slightest, barely even knows what time it is - sunglasses do little to help with his hangover, chain smoking just to be able to tolerate the day. The hollering doesn’t help. Yanking the plastic wrapping off his new pack of cigarettes, brows furrow and nose sneers, the spitting image of a disgusted grimace, “What the fuck are you going on about over there, Rambo?” Placing a smoke in between his lips, it’s pointed when he scrunches the warning sheet and wrapping into a ball, shouting a halfhearted, “Catch,” before chucking it at the other’s feet, careless as always - even if Mercy knew who he was talking to it wouldn’t have him considering the consequences of his actions. If anything, he might’ve been worse, attempting to push just to see how far he could take it, “Our actions must be kind, helpful, and necessary? Are you trying to get laid, ‘cause I’m not the guy for you. I don’t know - I’d try anything once, but I don’t know if I could handle a lecture during a fun little romp in the hay. I’d definitely suggest getting lucky though, seems like you need it. You’ve got a vein popping out of your forehead. Super distracting.”
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Lucky’s features contort into a look of sheer vexation. He doesn’t even bother catching the cigarette wrap being tossed at him. He attempts to reply, but the younger guy babbles. He purses his lips, letting him speak, but it’s not long before he wishes he hadn’t allowed the stranger time to talk. “You don’t need to worry about going on ‘a romp’ with me. I’m only attracted to women,” he says frankly, but also as respectfully as he can. Even when he’s annoyed, and the other guy’s probably just trolling, he hates being put in the position of rejecting someone while on mayor duty. “In case you’re unaware, I am also mayor of Irving.” In other words: don’t pry into my sex life, weirdo. He sighs. “I was just talking about the importance of good behavior, but someone has recently tipped me about a guy named Ezra Mercer.” He shows the stranger a rough sketch of this Mercer figure, based on what he’s heard. “Apparently, he’s guilty of multiple counts of arson near the Town Hall. Have you heard of him?”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
Magda nodded thoughtfully when someone else pitched in, taking another bite from her granola bar as if she was merely reading a newspaper article at the breakfast table as her kids ate cereal before shuttling off to school, suddenly in role as a husband hiding an affair with his secretary. “Uh,” she paused, idly brushing a crumb away, “I wasn’t joking. Pretty fucked up to make light of a citizen’s suggestion, like that.” Briefly crinkling the wrapper of her granola bar, she folded it in half, lazily stuffing it into her pocket. “Am I not being taken seriously ‘cause I have such bountiful fucking bazoingas? Be honest, Mr. Mayor.” Magda paused for dramatic effect. “If that’s even your real name.” To her right, a middle aged woman actually drew a hand to her chest and gasped like this was Jerry Springer and the paternity had proven positive.
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“Are you serious right now?” He sighed, hand meeting his temple. “What the hell is a bazoinga?” Lucky took a moment to think about it, before glancing down at the young woman’s chest, and averting his eyes just as quickly. “God,” he muttered. At a louder volume, he said, “That is so inappropriate! I am the mayor of this town!” And she looked barely out of high school, as far as he was concerned; he didn’t want to catch a case or something. “It’s not because of your ‘bazoingas,’ if you were alluding to your...” He trails off, not even bothering to finish that. “I am not going to beat people up, okay? And my real name is Lucky Palermo. It’s pretty weird, I agree, but that is my real name. Are we good? So what was I saying?”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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“     were you not just   playing   polite politician?     ”     though habitually tame ,      there is something undeniably predatorial on how she moves  ,       beckoning with calculated steps   ,    violating unspoken rules of proximity with such blasé mien .      “    a necessary evil ,      i suppose …   i’m proud ,    i am .     ”      it might be comforting ,    it might not  —- coming from her ,      difficult to say ,   given the circumstances .     “     i even sent you a gift …      did you get it ?     i tied the bow myself .     ”
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“well, that’s my job, addie. that’s...” that’s not yours, he means to say. but he stops, afraid to wound her ego if he reminds her that there are things in the world not revolving around her picture-perfect blonde head. “umm... i’m not sure. there’s lots of stuff at my doorstep these days. the usual mail, gifts for my kids — even some good ole assassination attempts, you know. rite of passage as mayor, i think. i got a bottle of poison the other day. it was expensive, crystal... that wasn’t your gift, was it?” he smiles at her, hoping she’ll appreciate the gallows humor. pretty as her exterior may be, he doubts she’s a stranger to things dark and morbid.
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
THREE SECONDS AGO, SHE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW there is a bush outside the town hall and now, she’s about to be throwing someone under the bus for something they probably didn’t even do. “it was ezra.” informs, matter-of-factly. “mercer.” clarifies, nodding her head along as if to confirm it’s a hundred percent pure truth and nothing but. “yep. i saw it. also, he just won’t stop talking about it. said he hates and nature and wants to overthrow the government. two days ago he tweeted a picture of the bush with four fire emojis, and that was after he sent ominous chainmail to the city attorney. the guy’s sketch-y, i’ll tell you that.” tells him with a genuinely concerned expression, one she’s got to hold onto even when he has the little outburst. stomps on one of the cups, crushing it under her shoe and preventing it from traveling any further. picks it up, examines, before dropping it into the nearby trashcan. “no, dude,” she says to the literal mayor. “go off. it’s chill, i’m not gonna tell anyone you dropped the f-bomb in front of a minor.” with her being the minor in this scenario. fishes a pack of cigarette out of her pocket, grabs one for herself before… “want a smoke?” brows raise slightly, an encouraging hand holding out the pack. “you deserve it.” for being kind, helpful and necessary at all times, of course.
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“ezra mercer?” he repeats, taking his phone out and tapping away to record the name. his eyebrows furrow as he listens to her describe the guy. “do you have any idea what he looks like?” lifting a brow, he asks, “also, how do you know all of this, young lady? are you some accomplice of his or whatnot? are you his friend... or...?” the comment about him cussing in front of a minor causes him to recoil for a moment, but he supposes there’s nothing he can do. “sorry. i got carried away by my love for the town.” he refuses the cigarette (not that he doesn’t smoke; it’s just not appropriate to accept one from a kid).
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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           A moment of quiet was all the brunette could’ve asked for and she should’ve known it would be close to impossible to get outside of the walls of her home. The one place she needed the most distance from today. Having it disturbed not only once, but twice seemed to be enough to have the annoyance rising within her— not that it was hard. With dark colored hues shifting up from the book in Winter’s grasp, they bounced between the mayor and the group he’d been talking to. With everyone else that surrounded finding his ted-talk to be entertaining, she rolls her eyes and roughly slams the cover of the novel shut.  “Kind and helpful, my ass..” she muttered under her breath, not really caring if anyone could hear.  “Jesus, I’ll clean it up if it gets you to shut up faster.” Rising from her seat, Winter stands in the line of fire, bending at the knee to retrieve the few cups she could fit within two hands. 
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“I mean, it was more of a preemptive thing, you know? Like, next time, let’s not litter,” said Lucky, embarrassed by his own conduct. But as the brunette picked up the litter, he decided it was progress. “Okay, okay, see! This is the kind of youth we need to see around here. Proactive, assertive...” He gestured for the others in the group to give her a round of applause, resulting in some faint, halfhearted clapping. He approached her and tried to put a hand on her shoulder. “What’s your name, young lady?”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
Magda wasn’t sure how she’d managed to absorb into the small crowd that Lucky was conducting what appeared to be some kind of fucking bizarre speech to, but as her eyes scanned the others in attendance, her lips couldn’t help but twitch. She stood out, somewhat, what with a tank she’d safety pinned to keep in tact and acid wash jeans – somebody was actually wearing a cardigan. Rather noisily, she opened the wrapper of a granola bar she’d been holding, crinkled halfway for her to take a bite – a stranger besides her let out a noise of utter disgust below their breath when some crumbled to hit the pavement, to which Magda simply shrugged. Is it helpful? It it necessary? Chewing slowly, Magda watched as Lucky stepped forwards, only blinking once when he erupted with a bellow worthy of Thor commanding thunder. Snickering quietly to herself when his eyes shut, this attracted three different glares from the crowd. Lifting a free hand, she cupped it around her mouth to funnel the following sound. “Beat up the litterrrrr,” she dragged on, halfheartedly hollering, still holding the granola bar she’d yet to finish, crumbs fluttering with the breeze. “Beat it with your angry little fists, Mr. Mayor. Let it out!”
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The girl’s voice egging him on was effective at frightening him out of his anger. He was scared to lose control. “No. No. I won’t do that,” he responded. “Mayors shouldn’t beat up the citizens, okay? Even if they’re litterers. If you ever witness a politician being violent with the citizens, you can report them to me.” Another person in the crowd said, ‘So you can beat them up?’ Lucky’s mouth fell open. “What? No. No. No one is beating anyone up.” Addressing Magda, he said, “Young lady, that wasn’t funny. It’s not funny to joke about, okay? The mantra ‘Is it kind? Is it helpful? Is it necessary?’ also extends to our words, not just our actions.”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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“’cause  it’s  funny?”  maybe  not  the  right  thing  to  say,  but  elijah  has  never  had  trouble  with  saying  the  wrong  thing.  or  never  shutting  the  fuck  up.  his  own  cup  flinging  around  wildly  in  his  hand  but  the  lid  does  it’s  job  of  keeping  his  drink  inside.  eyebrows  raise  and  he  sits  in  one  of  the  chairs,  georgia  making  herself  comfortable  by  his  feet.  yes,  he  is  going  to  be  a  living  menace  because  his  brother  is  mayor  and  that  gives  him  menace  privileges.  that’s  like,  law  or  something.  “maybe  y’should  ban  plastic.  not  like  i’m  saying  you  should,  because  then  they  might  burn  down  your  office,  but  that’s  an  idea.  you  didn’t  hear  it  from  me.”  minute  pause,  sip  of  his  drink.  “i  need  a  favor.”
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“you’re such a...” it’s not difficult to imagine what he would’ve said to complete the sentence. after all, they’re siblings, and it’s what siblings like to do: fight. but then the younger brother asks him for a favor, and lucky’s guilt comes crawling back — guilt, at not having been the best older brother he could be to elijah. quite a shitty one, all things considered. “okay.” adopting that authoritative, polite tone again, he replies, “what favor is it?” he adds, for good measure, “you know you can always approach me when you need anything.” which is probably part of the problem, but he really does have a lot of things to make up for.
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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“   please ,    mr.mayor …     don’t you think you’re a bit too young for a heart attack ?      ”    casual jest’s cushioned at the den of her tongue in a soft - voiced plea that begs for leniency ;      meekly ,    adelaide makes her way within his confinements  ,    calculated steps breaching an opening with ease with the help of that intangible halo ,    hanging just above gilt ringlets .       “    i’ll pick it up if it upsets you so much ,    ”      she offers humbly ,     mouth reeling  ,    adjusting the margins of hollowed cheeks into that of playful empathy .     “    give them the exemple ,   if you will .      ”
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he huffs incredulously. adelaide is a dear friend, she really is. ( and he may well be her only one. ) with her, though, that mostly means there are few people more familiar with her bullshit. “there isn’t a lot of people paying heed, addie. no need for theatrics.”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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PERHAPS  IT  WAS  THE  WEED  infused  gummies  talking  ,  well  ,  not  talking  but  maybe  laughing  ,  is  a  more  adept  word  . bitten  lips  and  breath  stuck  in  her  throat  ,  perrie  could  barely  focus on  the  words  he  was  spouting  .  and  then  his  cursing  started  and  she  couldn’t  control  the  giggling  .  her  mind  mocks  him  ,  silently  of  course  ,  is  it  kind  ?  is  it  helpful  ?  is  it  necessary  ?  oh  boy  would  she  be  in trouble  if  they  knew  so  she  tried  ,  at  least  ,  taking  a  steady  breath  ,  schooling  her  features  .     ❝            kids  these  days  ,  they  don’t  care  ,  ya  -  know  ?  ❞     she  speaks  as  if  she  weren’t  a  kid  ,  as  if  twenty  made  her  an  adult  .  but  the  way  her  words lace  together with  indifference  proves  that  she’s  barely  that  .
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“they sure don’t,” replies the man, both countenance and tone blank. does she think he’s stupid? like he can’t tell she’s barely an adult or that she’s mocking him? but he really does not want to seem too angry. be gentle, be gentle. that’s his mantra. he picks up the cups and tosses them into the nearest dumpster. “but i'm glad to see SOME of you are taking a stand. you, young lady, do you have an idea on what we should do to make people of your age care more?”
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luckypalermo · 4 years ago
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“i would like to know why someone constantly sets a bush on fire outside the town hall,” says lucky. “however, i doubt that any of you will own up to it, given that there will be repercussions. after all, this is arson, and arson is illegal. but i want to be gentle. instead, i want to start a dialogue about the state of irving in general.” he says, “before we do something, we must ask ourselves. is it kind? is it helpful? is it necessary?” the mayor takes an emphatic step forward, but then a bunch of empty fast food cups brush against his leather shoe. “what the fuck? LITTERING? don’t you know this is fucking bad for the fucking environment?” his hand turns red from how tightly he’s clenching his fist. but then he shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath as he tries to calm himself down. “i’m sorry for that brief display of extreme emotion. again, our actions must be kind, helpful, and necessary at all times.”
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