Mr. Potato & Lady Dinosaur
While Quinn was still digesting the thought of a restaurant actually serving grilled cheese sandwiches on the menu, she decided to go with the flow. After all, Finn lying was one thing, but Rachel doing so as well? That was a complete other story. As Quinn drove, she was once more, held with the strain she always was, when driving. Not a day passed by that she didn't loosen her grip on the wheel whenever she was going somewhere. Some days she had to take a bus, or even the subway because it was too much. She was used to the back and forth, and only saw it as getting by. Maybe one day it would be different, but for now, facing the fear was the best she could do.
As she entered a nearby parking garage, she scanned the area for a space, and swirved directly in one, without having to adjust the car. She smiled to herself contently, and checked herself in the mirror. Some of the cover up she had placed earlier was now fading away, and her scar below her eye could be seen. Quinn frowned, and rummaged through her purse to find her foundation, but it wasn't there. Stressed out, she took a deep breath, allowing herself to count to 40 in her head. There was an emergency pack, where did I put it? she thought to herself. She opened her eyes, and slid back the driver seat, as she commenced to look at the hidden compartments in her car. She found a couple of things, but none that could help her. She was about to cancel on Finn, defeatedly, when she remembered she kept an emergency back in the trunk at all times. 
Getting out of the car with her purse, she opened the trunk and sure enough, there it was. Quinn breathed a sigh of relief, releasing the tension that had begun to formulate in her shoulders. As she did her touch up, she locked her car, and closed her foundation mirror. "Alright, off to view the impossible." she murmured to herself, as she proceeded out of the garage, in search of the place that Rachel had instructed her to go. The location wasn't that hard to find, it was quaint, and it wasn't exactly five star, something that she vaguely remembered Finn exaggerating about. She chuckled to herself, before flicking her scarf to the side, and walking in. Searching the area for Finn, she took a couple more steps. For some odd reason, it didn't occur to her to message him that she was there.
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Text || Quinn
Finn: Well, Puck totally broke the Bro Code the other day, so I don't care about what he thinks anymore.
Finn: Okay. I was too busy, like, seeing my ex-girlfriend for the first time in five years to think about that. But I think I remember where it is. Text me when you're on your way.
Quinn: Don't you think you're taking it to the extreme, he's allowed to break the bro code every now and then...
Quinn: Well alright then, I'm on my way.
Finn: I've never broken the Bro Code when it comes to Puck, so no.
Finn: See you there.
Quinn: Never say never, Finn.
Quinn: Doubtful. You're the distracted type, remember? I'll see you there first XD
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Good, you better.
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Still laughing from the anons.
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Completely worth it. I love you too.
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#i'm going to be beat finn
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Text || Quinn
Quinn: Whoa. Did I just hear Peanut Butter being thrown under the bus? Puck will not like this.
Quinn: ...you're so paying for that, and how hard is it to ask for a business card Finn? Rachel gave me the name of the place, I'll call it.
Finn: Well, Puck totally broke the Bro Code the other day, so I don't care about what he thinks anymore.
Finn: Okay. I was too busy, like, seeing my ex-girlfriend for the first time in five years to think about that. But I think I remember where it is. Text me when you're on your way.
Quinn: Don't you think you're taking it to the extreme, he's allowed to break the bro code every now and then...
Quinn: Well alright then, I'm on my way.
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Texts || Kurt
Quinn: I'm sure they will, I took care of it rather quick. Your shop? My my my Kurt you have been busy. You have a shop now?
Kurt: You didn't hear? I moved Hummel's Tires & Lube to New York! It gets good business, but I never seem to have time to myself during tourist season-- which is the whole year.
Quinn: That's amazing Kurt! Have you ever thought of sharing the responsibility with a co-owner? New York can be really demanding...I mean it is.
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Text || Quinn
Finn: I know what I ate I just don't know how you find it weird that they serve grilled cheese at a restaurant.
Finn: ... they didn't because the grilled cheese was all I ate and you remind me so much of Kurt right now and it's very annoying.
Finn: ... What, you think I'm lying?
Quinn: It's like ordering for peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's just not done.
Quinn: You're calling me, annoying? Really?
Quinn: ...Text me the address.
Finn: Do NOT compare the epic epicness of grilled cheese with peanut butter. No gets me.
Finn: Yes, I am. Because, when you talk like that, you are. Deal with it.
Finn: Texting you the address as soon as I figure it out myself.
Quinn: Whoa. Did I just hear Peanut Butter being thrown under the bus? Puck will not like this.
Quinn: ...you're so paying for that, and how hard is it to ask for a business card Finn? Rachel gave me the name of the place, I'll call it.
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Of course after I took off the lens cover, Mr. "Quinn, why is it so dark?" 
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By all means, live in denial, Finn. I don't know what you're talking about, and I did answer your texts.
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Then you would agree, a two year old learning how to read, finding your tumblr, and asking you to adopt them, is completely ludicrous, Mr. Winner.
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Sam trying to figure out how to work my Nikon while we were at the park. 
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Texts || Kurt
Quinn: Hey Kurt, How have you been?
Kurt: Lovely, thank you for asking! I'm surprised you have my number. How are you?
Quinn: Well I did have to kill a couple people to get it, since someone didn't offer it before :) I'm doing swell, and you?
Kurt: I apologize. I hope those people rest in peace. I'm doing amazing. I look forward to going back to my shop soon.
Quinn: I'm sure they will, I took care of it rather quick. Your shop? My my my Kurt you have been busy. You have a shop now?
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Then you would agree, a two year old learning how to read, finding your tumblr, and asking you to adopt them, is completely ludicrous, Mr. Winner.
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Well, alright, it seems valid. But Finn, can you tell me this? Have you ever had a moon before? Do people get engaged a lot? Is that common?— How many people have actually been to the moon, Finn? But hey, congrats.
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Me too. It was worth the wait to get here, I love you.
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Still laughing from the anons.
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Neither am I, we learnt from our mistakes.
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Well, alright, it seems valid. But Finn, can you tell me this? Have you ever had a moon before? Do people get engaged a lot? Is that common?-- How many people have actually been to the moon, Finn? But hey, congrats.
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Finn, first off. Note the sarcasm in me letting you win. Secondly, the marriage proposal was to your mother, who’s already married to Burt. So as far as it goes with me, your arguments are invalid.
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However, let’s just say I’m in a good mood, so I’ll let it pass. Moon trumps baby
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It's good to have you back, Kurt. 
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I find it dreadful that I always miss out on the fun going around.
However, I can’t help but smile at the interaction between all of you. Brings back delightful memories.
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Neither am I, we learnt from our mistakes.
Still laughing from the anons.
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And we should be able to catch that, shouldn’t we? 
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