the amount of love and happiness you will be able to find if you always do your best will make you the most successful person you've ever seen.
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Living forwardly :)
So, you have a problem, this is how you process it ... generally you FEEL it before anything. In the form of sadness, anger, anything generally emotionally negative in a problems sense, this is for any emotion... Now this emotion you feel. You then proceed to THINK about the feeling you're having. Thats just the natural course. So let it be the natural course. But you must be purposeful in your thinking because you are thinking to KNOW. To know is to understand it fully and let it become like breathing or blinking, emotion understood. You mustn't judge the thought or become a victim of it for that is not knowledge, it is suffering. So thinking to knowing is where most people find problems because they will judge or become a victim of the thought or feeling and it takes over in the form of your ego. Now is where it gets really fun! After you know, you are aware, you can BE. Being is the great exploration of your Self. Its who you are without judgement or being a victim. It's the writing of your story! :) this is the point of Being because you must understand and be aware of your emotions so they dont clog your thoughts. This idea nd its steps have importance in that if Being is the precedent to feeling then you have a preconceived idea of who you are and that would be the ego. Being is difficult and constantly changing but it's yours to make. Naturally after the understanding of Self you DO. That is the final step here. You DO. You make the Being. :). TLDR: feel - think - know- be - do.
Now is the fun part !! :)))
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To be purposeful.
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I literally want to live near a sasquatch farm, hypothermia.
no matter what, she'll always be my first great love.
#love #tru
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One’s truth, extravagantly. <3
What a beautiful Bird,
an accident with a Crown.
Stricken by the burden of Identity.
The Mother asks, “Where would you go”?
We, The Crowned Beauty remove the crown and 
No longer a burden - A purpose of SELF.
Remove the crown
Where do you fly?
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english people
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Fern picture
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