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Don’t waste your thoughts on a dying man.
He hasn’t enough time or energy left to waste his on you.
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Times change and people change with them. Some people love to play the victim.
Dallas Green / Alexisonfire
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Hehe... damn... I almost feel bad about how hard this made me laugh. Holy shit.
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Fuck you mother nature.
I was supposed to be healing. What kind of cruel joke is a blood clot anyways. Its bad enough my shitty heart caused me to miss out on an awesome job... now you are telling me I might wake up from this without a right leg? Im about fucking done with all of this.
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I feel pitty for those who trade love for lust. Especially when they convince themselves it makes them happy. They always end up realizing they gave up the life they wanted for a hollowed out shell of their dreams.
J. Taylor with H. Stern
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I can’t see where you’re comming from… But I know just what you’re running from. And you feel like you’re feeling now. Doin’ things just to please your crowd.
The Heavy - “Short Change Hero”
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No place for a hero to call home
Not one… not a single one… completely forgotten by the while world.
Just spent the worst week of my life, including 3 days in hospital and at the end of it the whole world forgets me.
Is clicking a button on facebook to say happy birthday too hard now? This year - especially after this week - it would have been nice to think there was at least one person out there who thought of me… just one… was that too much to ask?
But no… not a single one. Not one single word about it from ANYBODY.
Maybe I’m petty to have wanted just one person to remember its “my day”… billions of people on this planet and apparently I don’t matter to a single one of them.
I’m not long for this world, and now I feel completely ok with that.
Pretty sure it will go unnoticed when im gone. I’m not noticed while I’m here.
Thanks world. Glad you could all make that so clear today.
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I’m flattered to be the only guy you ever fucked where you were sober for the first time it happened.
T. Y. Muschley
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I held a man's head as he died this morning... I'm not carrying this well. He overshot his lane cutting around me and slid into the divider. Right in front of me. His wife and 2 year old daughter in the car... both airlifted from the scene. The man was pinned and all i could do was try to hold his head still while we waited for the ambulance. "Stay with me... stay with me, man." He was staring into my eyes when he passed. The fear in his eyes changed to calm. He was gone before help arrived. I will never forget that look. Its already eating me from the inside. I am not carrying this well. If there is a god may they watch over that mother and child. Now im parked down the road... im not sure i can do this today... but i have no choice. Im in the middle of nowhere and alone.
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Time to flip the switch and disappear. I'm only a memory and soon you will wonder if I was even real.
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