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verumaeternus · 5 months ago
YESSS I finally got access back to this acc 😭😭😭
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
i unfollowed like 2/3 of my list to clear out inactives/nonmutuals so anyway, like this if you'd like me to approach you for plotting
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
i'll gradually work on an official carrd for it but i decided i'm going to move mimic onto this blog! i also will be privately writing kai here too (meaning hes essentially a secondary/guest muse for plot purposes but i'm willing to try writing him more concretely for close mutuals)
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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"... Maybe I would crush you. Or maybe this is why you should not lean so far back in your seat?" He murmurs placidly, allowing her to use him to right herself.
"... I think everyone does well enough... keeping me... "on my toes", as you say. Besides, I thought being on the ground was MIMIC'S job."
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"... Maybe I would crush you. Or maybe this is why you should not lean so far back in your seat?" He murmurs placidly, allowing her to use him to right herself.
"... I think everyone does well enough... keeping me... "on my toes", as you say. Besides, I thought being on the ground was MIMIC'S job."
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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He budges a little, but she doesn't have enough weight or momentum to dislodge his footing; instead, he yanks her up onto her feet in retaliation rather than being gentle as he initially intended.
"-- Oh please; I would not be a PRECEPT if my own staff could so easily antagonize me. You give me far too little credit, Aiko-chan."
@verumaeternus replied: He doesn’t even say anything, instead silently offering a hand to help her up.
Overcome by the sudden urge to misbehave, Aiko takes his hand and does her very best to pull him down with her.
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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.... Bites her in return.
@verumaeternus "… Was that… necessary?" His skin is girlfriend-resistant, thankfully.
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"Extremely." She says simply, placing a little kiss over the faint bite mark.
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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                In truth, a lot of his summers are better spent with his dear friend Nia– it detracted from the monotony of cycling from the late-winter scheduling to the spring scheduling. It’s a somewhat peculiar sensation– that being around another in this way can make him feel so… normal.
Especially when his life has been anything but, between being more or less born into his family’s criminal legacy after his impromptu adoption and spending the entirety of his life behind these walls. He’s uncomfortably aware of his eccentricities and abnormalities– oh how he yearns for a less complicated life; one where he could cohabitate and coexist with strangers without all of the hostility and discomfort. In a way, being friends with Nia– it was objectively perfect for that reason alone, and oftentimes, in his worst of mindsets, it was the only reason HARI even bothered pursuing any semblance of “friendship” with this one.
               Vivid sapphire eyes slowly crack open upon being addressed, blinking back to awareness as he glances over towards Nia questioningly. Oops, he must have begun to doze off… Between the fresh, cool breeze and the steady warmth of dappled rays of sunlight, it’s hard not to feel drowsy. 
“... Hm…? I--… Oh.”
              On one hand, it wasn’t a particularly pleasant topic, his childhood– in fact, he often preferred to omit any acknowledgement of the circumstances of his upbringing; he denies any notion of even existing prior to the SHIE HASSAIKAI. Yet… On the other… it’s a harmless question. More importantly… With the life he lives in service to Kai, realistically, he doesn’t have long to live. Eventually, he will exhaust his purpose, and subsequently be “retired” from his service.
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“... I wanted to be a doctor. I dreamed of helping others.” HARI murmurs, a faint, amused smile pulling at the corners of his pale lips. “I, ah… I enjoy caring for others in their moments of vulnerability. I suppose… that I enjoyed the whimsical assumption that doctors made people… feel better. Especially when I possessed such a harmful mutation.”
              “... I did not dream very much. I still don’t. I may not possess the imagination for it.”
@verumaeternus​ || liked for a starter!
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     “Hey, Hari….” Nia calls to his attention, her words broke their peaceful silence. Something had been nagging at her mind, however, and it wouldn’t let her be until it found it’s way out of her mouth. “What did… you dream about… when you were… a child?”
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
i wish i had a cute sexy drawing of hari at the ready for this post but anyway hari is 100% babygirl vibes
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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Pov: hari is in love with u
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
hii, just a heads up but this blog is low activity! i actually have a LOT of muse for hari, but a lot of my old rp partners are either inactive, changed muses to ones i need to re-familiarize myself with, or simply moved on, and  in addition to that, i haven’t kept up with the manga at all so my blog canon is 100% canon divergent with little to no ties to current canon events since i dont even know whats going on anymore LMAO 😂😂
if you would like to still roleplay with hari, i would suggest sending in asks instead of waiting for me to post new starter or plotting calls because there’s not a lot of potential interest
[as a heads up though, replies are now formatted with the new text editor]
additional muses available for request: mimic and skept.ic
i would also suggest you add me on discord for plotting/muse request purposes! [ DUMMY THICC SIGMA#4715 ]
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
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@curiouskinetic​ said,
Hari will receive... a smooch! Right on his cheek! Not all little gifts have to be material, right? And judging by her own pleased expression she's confident this is sufficient.
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                      “... Hello again, Sora...“ HARI murmurs, unable to help the creasing of a smile from contorting his habitually glacial features as his girlfriend shuffles up to plant a chaste kiss to his cheek. Difficult to tell whether or not she’s pretending to match his demureness, but it charms him all the same, the delicateness of the gesture. Clawed hands carefully come to rest around her waist, drawing her closer to himself despite the thick padding of his raincoat. Bowing his head forward, HARI presses a delicate kiss of his own to the bridge of her nose affectionately.
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
@mirrcrmcve​ // ♥
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                “-- Er, while I could... understand... the benefits behind having doctors collaborate and-or sharing, ah... Footnotes....“ HARI isn’t.... Particularly compelled to do so-- well, not of his own volition, at least. Actually, it was extremely inconsiderate to volunteer his expertise and time to the other faction without first consulting HARI’S schedule FIRST-- however...
That isn’t to say it was the other doctor whom he should find contempt with.
                 “I-- ah...“ How does one articulate this as politely to Shigaraki’s official representative as possible? Although the smaller man seemed rational enough, HARI knows from experience just how temperamental and easily frustrated the LEAGUE tended to be. Pale blue lips crease into a steep frown as sapphire eyes scan Prometheus, analyzing his body language carefully, albeit remaining ever-poised. “... I would... simply appreciate a short summation as to why the primary care provider for the LEAGUE, yourself, should require any... Additional notation...”
That...May not be the way to word it.
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                    "... Hm. That... came off a little rude, didn’t it...? I... do apologize, Prometheus-san.” The Precept continues with a curt bow of his head. “I merely find that this... arrangement... may conflict with my own work and routine tasks... And my efficacy will become unsatisfactory. That is all.” HARI murmurs in a soft-spoken, dreamlike lilt-- dampened by the perpetual silence of the visitation facility. “I am... Not exactly just some doctor-- I am primarily our medical director, when not performing operations... I am... a little less involved with bedside etiquette outside of observation and diagnostics. That... is what my staffing is for... Are you absolutely certain this arrangement is... necessary? And more importantly, how will you be, er... “shadowing“ my rounds...? What exactly do you plan on doing? Merely... observing? Or...?”
“I... suppose... I just do not see much appeal in doing so...“
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verumaeternus · 2 years ago
like this if you’d like to plot something out
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verumaeternus · 3 years ago
yes, babe, you’re sick and twisted, will you come back to bed- what? yes, of course you’re evil and irredeemable. now can you please cuddle with me
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verumaeternus · 3 years ago
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Brené Brown, Daring Greatly
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verumaeternus · 3 years ago
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All the Blood Involved in Love, Maya Marshall
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verumaeternus · 3 years ago
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friendly reminder to stay hydrated
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