livesforgttna · 3 years
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 ft. muses from: tangled, star vs the forces of evil, ducktales, amphibia and more!
                                          template credit | rules doc
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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 ft. muses from: tangled, star vs the forces of evil, ducktales, amphibia and more!
                                          template credit | rules doc
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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 ft. muses from: tangled, star vs the forces of evil, ducktales, amphibia and more!
                                          template credit | rules doc
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livesforgttna · 3 years
I just have 3 more muses to make icons for and then I’ll be ready to move ahHHHH
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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❝ unprompted ❞
@livesforgttn​ said: ❛ …Papa Bear? ❜ Kit approached the bear slowly, the letter still gripped in his hands, a nervous look on his face. There he was, for the first time in years Kit was seeing Baloo.
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It didn’t take a moment for the older bear to swing his head around at that voice. It was… familiar, in a way a lot of things had not been since he’d woken up, baffled and with barely a memory to his name, in a hospital in Delhi. He spoke Hindi- that’s why he’d been taken there. But he spoke English too, even if he wasn’t quite as fluent. A simple wedding ring hung around his neck by a chain, and despite the lack of his signature cap, he looked much the same as he had the day he disappeared…
Accounting, of course, for a decade of time that had lightened the fur on his muzzle a bit and a few extra pounds added on.
But though he had changed little physically, the more troubling thing was the lack of recognition in the old sloth bear’s expression as he regarded Kit, puzzled and thoughtful. Everything that made Baloo Baloo was there in his expression- the way his ears lifted then flicked back, how his muzzle scrunched up, and the faint squint, as if trying to determine if he should remember the person he was looking at.
A brief flicker of something crossed his face, but in the end, his expression fell and he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, an almost sad frown coming to rest on his face.
“Don’t know that I’m the bear you’re lookin’ for, son.” He sounded… uncertain. “Don’t remember havin’ any kids. But then again, I can’t remember much of anything these days! Can’t help but feel like we’ve at least met somewhere before, though.  What’d you say your name was, kid…?”
            Kit didn’t come any  closer,  fighting  every  single  urge  he  had  to  just  hug  Baloo  right  then  &&  there.  But  as  he  spoke,  it  became  more  &&  more  obvious  that  he  didn’t  know  who  he  was.  A  sadness  washed  over  him,  but  he  kept  staring  at  Baloo.  It  was  definitely  him,  there  was  no  doubt  in  his  mind  about  it.  He  knew  his  Papa  Bear  when  he  saw  him.  
            At least Baloo kind  of  recognized  him!  That  meant  that  whatever  had  happened  to  him  wasn’t  irreversible.  At  least,  that’s  what  Kit  was  going  to  believe.  He  was  feeling  desperate,  however.  Despite  that  for  once,  Kit  did  his  best  to  remain  calm.  He’d  need  to  take  things  slow  so  not  to  overwhelm  him.  
                                  ❛  My name... my name is Kit. Kit Cloudkicker. I came all the way from Cape Suzette to see you...  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
He genuinely didn’t know how Katie did it all. Between her morning routine - which had far more in it that Jeff’s ever had - and getting the little nugget up and ready and to school plus her own work, it would have driven him mad. But here she was, with a smile and kiss and lunch for him, day in and day out. He’d never held a candle to her and he’s honestly okay with that.
“You’re amazing. Absolutely amazing. I’ll run by the store on the way home from work, if you have the list ready.”
            Katie just smiled at  the  compliment  &&  turned  around  to  grab  the  list  off  the  counter.  She  was  always  prepared  with  their  list  &&  the  coupons.  She  had  even  sorted  it  by  each  aisle  in  the  store  so  that  everything  could  be  done  efficiently.  She  liked  their  routine.  It  was  nice.  Her  husband  made  things  so  easy  for  her  to  keep  things  running  this  way  &&  even  with  their  very  energetic  five  year  old,  she  managed  to  get  her  ready  on  time.  
                                  ❛  Make sure you check the coupons before crossing anything off the list, okay? Thank you my love. I’m going to get Ginni’s lunch && then we have to leave, but I will see you tonight, okay? I love you && I hope you have a very good day at work.  ❜
            Alright, she could give  him  one  more  kiss.  As  a  treat. 
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“You know, Cloudkicker, you still have decent potential as a pirate. You’d make much more money and be threatened far less.” / @tunnagan​​ 
            Honestly, the offer wasn’t  even  a  little  bit  tempting.  He  hadn’t  been  a  sky  pirate  since  he  was  about  twelve  years  old.  Kit  just  shook  his  head  at  Don  &&  sighed.  He’d  always  been  ridiculous,  but  this  --  to  Kit,  at  least,  was  an  entirely  new  level  of  crazy.
                                  ❛  That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I don’t want to come back. I’ve never wanted to come back since I left as a kid. I like my life, thank you very much.  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
Just a reminder that I am still working on my blog move! That’s why my activity has slowed down over here; I’m currently just getting some icons made for all of my muses and then I should be pretty much ready for the move. It’ll still be a bit though because I have 20-something muses that don’t have any icons made at all. 
But yeah, just an update on how that’s going! I have new muses on the list for the new blog, but I will still write them over here under a temp muse tag! 
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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The tip comes in the form of a letter, written in Hindi. The writer, a doctor in a small town in India several miles outside of Delhi. The writer is polite, but it had just happened that he had noticed a resident of his town resembled a missing person and was compelled to send a letter.
Included in the letter is a photo of a gruff but familiar gray sloth bear in a button-down shirt, tending to an agricultural plane in a hangar, and an address. Maybe it's too good to be true, especially after all these years. But there couldn't be any harm in checking it out, could there? / @calisotamuses​ 
            Kit was already on  edge  receiving  the  letter  --  &&  to  see  that  it  was  in  Hindi  only  solidified  that  this  had  to  be  about  Baloo.  It  took  Kit  longer  than  he  liked  to  read  the  letter;  his  Hindi  was  rusty.  It’d  been  so  long  since  he’d  used  it,  but  he  got  the  gist  of  it  pretty  quickly.  Baloo  had  taught  it  to  him  when  he  was  still  a  kid  after  all,  so  it  stuck  with  him.  
            The picture of Baloo  sent  Kit  running  to  find  Molly.  Maybe  he  should  have  slowed  down  a  bit,  called  Rebecca  or  something,  but  the  only  thought  in  his  head  was  go  go  go  go  go.  It’d  been  far  too  long  &&  all  Kit  wanted  was  his  Papa  Bear  back.  
                                  ❛  Molly! Molly, we need to go right now! Fire up the plane - C’mon, no time to waste!  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“Why did you get rid of the home button? It was so much more convenient then this new system. Buttons aren’t evil, Marcus.” Marianna frowned at her brother, slipping the phone back in her purse. “You can’t sacrifice function for flash, you should know that by now.” / @sidestreetmuses​ 
            An exasperated sigh from  the  parrot,  his  eyes  coming  up  from  his  own  phone  just  for  a  brief  moment.  She  was  hopeless.  Clearly,  she  didn’t  understand  the  way  it  all  worked.  It  wasn’t  even  that  difficult  of  a concept!
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                                  ❛  Mariannaaaaaa pleeeeeeease! All you have to do is swipe! It still functions just fine. It looks cooler, first of all && secondly, we got rid of it to make the screen bigger. Better functionality. C’mon, sometimes I know what I’m doing you know.  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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             Never before have two souls joined so freely                                                And so fast 
                                      @deathxdefied       💚         @thefrcg​
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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"Hey Kit I got the coolest idea!" Don't mind Molly, she's just going to climb up to sit on his shoulders, arms folded on top of his head. "So the stunt flying thing is cool and all but I miss adventuring and shit, and there's so much we could see out there! So what do you think? Do the navigator thing again? We can build a business helping people find important lost things!" / @calisotamuses​ 
            Kit knew immediately that  whatever  this  idea  was,  was  going  to  be  something  crazy.  Molly  was  just  like  Rebecca  that  way;  but  he  had  to  hand  it  to  the  Cunningham  women.  Their  ideas  were  usually  pretty  amazing.  Kit  barely  reacted  to  her  climbing  onto  his  shoulders  --  by  now  he  was  used  to  her  shenanigans.  But  her  idea  was...  actually  pretty  good.  He  was  itching  for  adventure  too,  in  all  honesty.  
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                                  ❛  I haven’t been a navigator in... a long time, Molly. But I guess I can take it up again. Like riding a bike. Just don’t put me in charge of anything too important.  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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@livesforgttn​​​ asked :
“   i   like   it   when   you   smile  .   ” - millie to blitzo :D
                   oops ! all angst. // accepting.
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        ❝ thanks for the ass kissing today, mills. really needed it. ❞ although his expression didn’t change. it was still neutral. as unchanging as it could get after all that’s happened. it SUCKS that business had been slow because of the result of what happened at ozzie’s. FUCK – he needed to kill something NOW, but there was no MONETARY GAIN. so instead he just sits at his desk, head coming to rest on his desk.  
            It didn’t go unnoticed  that  Blitzø  was  still  down  about  what  had  happened  at  Ozzie’s.  So  Millie  was  taking  it  upon  herself  to  help  him  feel  better  if  she  could.  To  her,  he  wasn’t  just  her  boss  -  she  considered  him  a  friend.  But  whatever  was  going  on  was  clearly  deeper  than  she  could  see.  Instead  of  leaving  though,  she  just  came  closer  &&  patted  his  head.  
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                                  ❛  It’ll be alright, Blitz! You’ll see, I’m sure we’ll have some new clients today! Then we can go kill some people && the day will turn around!  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“I’m not a supervillain.”
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                                  ❛  Is that so?  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“Exactly. So glad you see it my way. Things are always smoother when people do that.” a pause. “Wait-”
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                                  ❛  You can’t have it both ways, Eugene. It’s either cute or handsome. Your choice!  ❜
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livesforgttna · 3 years
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“Blondie, I’m not sweet, I’m ruggedly handsome with a spicy personality.”
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                                  ❛  Oh, my mistake! Of course you are! Very, very handsome and not at all cute! The most handsome guy in the entire kingdom!  ❜
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