littleredd93 · 4 years
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>> This is the male version. It's the same as the female one, just with different pronouns. <<
"Why are you always such an ass to y/n?" Dabi asks, pushing Tomura into a wall. "He's in the other room crying because of you." Dabi continued, anger present on his face. "He's crying?" Tomura asked with a concerning voice. "Yeah, he is. Not that you care." Dabi snapped. "I do care." Tomura responded. "Really? Then why do you treat him the way that you do? You're always mean to him. You treat him like he is bubblegum on the bottom of your shoe, and I'm sick of it. You need to apologize to him and get your shit together." Dabi continued yelling at Tomura, shoving him one last time before leaving the room to rejoin the others.
After Dabi left the room, Tomura punched the wall, which was a rare thing for him to do, but he didn't know how else to respond to such a situation. He had never felt this way about anyone before and it pissed him off. He didn't want to care for y/n so he just kept pushing him away with harsh words. He never imagined that it would effect y/n like this. He just assumed that y/n hated him and it never mattered to him. But now, knowing that he made him cry, the only feeling he has is anger towards himself and no one else. He knows that this time there is no one else to blame.
Dabi rejoins the others in the bar. "It's okay, y/n." Toga says, cuddling against him. Y/n continues to cry. "I just don't understand why he hates me so much. What did I ever do to him?" He asks through sobs. "I'm sure he didn't mean it, he's a nice guy. He's an asshole." Twice states, causing Dabi to roll his eyes. "You're not helping, Jin." Dabi said, making Twice upset. "I'm sorry." He said, shutting up. "I don't know what I did to upset him so badly. It's not like I mess up on missions or anything. And I never complain about the tasks I'm given, so why does he treat me so badly?" Y/n continues, a couple more tears falling from his eyes.
"I'm gonna kill him!" Toga exclaims, grabbing her knife off the bar and heading in the direction Tomura is. Y/n stopped her, though. "Don't. You know how I feel about him, Himi. I don't want him to get hurt." Toga sighed. "I know y/n, but it's not fair. You need to get over him, and find someone better. Perhaps someone like Dabi." Toga said to y/n, causing Dabi to look away, his face beginning to turn red. "Y-yeah, you're right. I need to just let it go and stop letting it get to me." Y/n said, forcing a smile. He sniffled a bit, and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.
The tears didn't start to fall again until Tomura stepped into the room. Y/n looked away, trying to stop himself from crying again. Dabi came to his side and gave him a hug, glaring at Tomura who stood in the doorway. All eyes were fixed on Tomura, except for y/n, who's face was buried in Dabi's chest. Tomura cleared his throat before speaking. "Can I, uh.. talk to y/n?" He asked, scratching at his neck. Y/n sniffled again, letting go of Dabi and wiping his eyes. "Sure." he said, trying to regain his composure. He didn't like the idea of showing weakness in front of Tomura. He's liked him ever since the two of them first met, and the thought of seeming like a frail little boy in front of him was one of his greatest fears. Tomura already hated him enough, the last thing he wants is for him to see himself all vulnerable. 'Is he going to kick me out of the league?' Y/n thought to himself, starting to panic. Y/n loved the members and couldn't stand the idea of leaving them. This thought made his eyes begin to water again, but he did his best to keep the tears from falling down his face. Y/n wasn't allowed to cry. Not in front of THE Tomura Shigaraki.
Once y/n and Tomura reach the other room, he turned to y/n. "Please don't kick me out of the league. I promise to work harder and try and hide my emotions from now on." Y/n blurted out before Tomura had a chance to say anything. "I'm not gonna kick you out, y/n." He spoke, scratching his neck once again. "R-really?" Y/n stuttered. Tomura sighed. "I'm.... sorry." He mumbled, shocking y/n. "You're, sorry?" Y/n repeated in disbelief. "Yeah. I'm sorry. And for the record, I don't hate you." He stated. For some reason this statement got under y/n's skin, giving him a little boost of energy.
"You don't? Well damn, you sure fooled me." He rolled his eyes. Tomura sighed. "Sorry. I know that I treat you worse than I do the others, but it's just because.." He trailed off. "Because of what?" Y/n asked, his left eyebrow raised. Tomura's face turned a shade of red. "It's because I like you, okay?" He blurted out, causing y/n's eyes to widen. "You what?!" Y/n shouted. "Sure, because that makes total sense. I like you, so I'm gonna make you feel worthless." He rolled his eyes again. "You can stop making fun of me now. If you're gonna kick me out, just tell me. Stop toying with me." Y/n continued, rambling on and on.
He grabbed y/n with 4 of his fingers, pulling him to himself, and planted his lips onto y/n's. "I'm not lying. I really do like you. I don't want to. I dislike the idea of having feelings for anyone, but with you I just can't help it. And it sucks for me to see you all cozy with the others. I suppose you could say it makes me jealous, which just adds to my frustration. I'm sorry for treating you so badly. I never imagined that it would cause you so much pain." Tomura said, this time his eyes were the ones starting to water.
Y/n reached up and wiped his eye. "Don't cry. I don't ever want to see you cry. You're the leader of the 'League of Villains'. You're the most notorious of all the villains. You can't cry." Y/n told him, cupping Tomura's face into his hand. He leaned into him. "I really am sorry." Tomura whispered. Y/n sniffled. "I forgive you. But I swear, if you ever do it again, I'm letting Dabi and Toga kick your ass." Y/n said, causing both he and Tomura to laugh.
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littleredd93 · 4 years
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>> This one is for female readers. The same one will be written for male readers as well. <<
"Why are you always such an ass to y/n?" Dabi asks, pushing Tomura into a wall. "She's in the other room crying because of you." He continued, anger present on his face. "She's crying?" Tomura asked with a concerning voice. "Yeah, she is. Not that you care." Dabi snapped. "I do care." Tomura responded. "Really? Then why do you treat her the way that you do? You're always mean to her. You treat her like she is bubblegum on the bottom of your shoe, and I'm sick of it. You need to apologize to her and get your shit together." Dabi continued yelling at Tomura, shoving him one last time before leaving the room to rejoin the others. 
After Dabi left the room, Tomura punched the wall, which was a rare thing for him to do, but he didn't know how else to respond to such a situation. He had never felt this way about anyone before and it pissed him off. He didn't want to care for y/n so he just kept pushing her away with harsh words. He never imagined that it would effect her like this. He just assumed that she hated him and it never mattered to her. But now, knowing that he made her cry, the only feeling he has is anger towards himself and no one else. He knows that this time there is no one else to blame. 
Dabi rejoins the others in the bar. "It's okay, y/n." Toga says, cuddling against her. Y/n continues to cry. "I just don't understand why he hates me so much. What did I ever do to him?" She asks through sobs. "I'm sure he didn't mean it, he's a nice guy. He's an asshole." Twice states, causing Dabi to roll his eyes. "You're not helping, Jin." Dabi said, making Twice upset. "I'm sorry." He said, shutting up. "I don't know what I did to upset him so badly. It's not like I mess up on missions or anything. And I never complain about the tasks I'm given, so why does he treat me so badly?" Y/n continues, a couple more tears falling from her eyes. 
"I'm gonna kill him!" Toga exclaims, grabbing her knife off the bar and heading in the direction Tomura is. Y/n stopped her, though. "Don't. You know how I feel about him, Himi. I don't want him to get hurt." Toga sighed. "I know y/n, but it's not fair. You need to get over him, and find someone better. Perhaps someone like Dabi." Toga said to y/n, causing Dabi to look away, his face beginning to turn red. "Y-yeah, you're right. I need to just let it go and stop letting it get to me." Y/n said, forcing a smile. She sniffled a bit, and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. 
The tears didn't start to fall again until Tomura stepped into the room. Y/n looked away, trying to stop herself from crying again. Dabi came to her side and gave her a hug, glaring at Tomura who stood in the doorway. All eyes were fixed on him, except for y/n, who's face was buried in Dabi's chest. Tomura cleared his throat before speaking. "Can I, uh.. talk to y/n?" He asked, scratching at his neck. Y/n sniffled again, letting go of Dabi and wiping her eyes. "Sure." She said, trying to regain her composure. She didn't like the idea of showing weakness in front of him. She's liked him ever since the two of them first met, and the thought of seeming like a frail little girl in front of him was one of her greatest fears. He already hated her enough, the last thing she wants is for him to see her all vulnerable. 'Is he going to kick me out of the league?' Y/n thought to herself, starting to panic. She loved the members and couldn't stand the idea of leaving them. This thought made her eyes begin to water again, but she did her best to keep the tears from falling down her face. She wasn't allowed to cry. Not in front of THE Tomura Shigaraki. 
Once y/n and Tomura reach the other room, he turned to her. "Please don't kick me out of the league. I promise to work harder and try and hide my emotions from now on." Y/n blurted out before Tomura had a chance to say anything. "I'm not gonna kick you out, y/n." He spoke, scratching his neck once again. "R-really?" Y/n stuttered. Tomura sighed. "I'm.... sorry." He mumbled, shocking y/n. "You're, sorry?" She repeated in disbelief. "Yeah. I'm sorry. And for the record, I don't hate you." He stated. For some reason this statement got under y/n's skin, giving her a little boost of energy. 
"You don't? Well damn, you sure fooled me." She rolled her eyes. He sighed. "Sorry. I know that I treat you worse than I do the others, but it's just because.." He trailed off. "Because of what?" Y/n asked, her left eyebrow raised. Tomura's face turned a shade of red. "It's because I like you, okay?" He blurted out, causing her eyes to widen. "You what?!" She shouted. "Sure, because that makes total sense. I like you, so I'm gonna make you feel worthless." She rolled her eyes again. "You can stop making fun of me now. If you're gonna kick me out, just tell me. Stop toying with me." She continued, rambling on and on.
He grabbed her with 4 of his fingers, pulling her to him, and planted his lips onto hers. "I'm not lying. I really do like you. I don't want to. I dislike the idea of having feelings for anyone, but with you I just can't help it. And it sucks for me to see you all cozy with the others. I suppose you could say it makes me jealous, which just adds to my frustration. I'm sorry for treating you so badly. I never imagined that it would cause you so much pain." Tomura said, this time his eyes were the ones starting to water.
Y/n reached up and wiped his eye. "Don't cry. I don't ever want to see you cry. You're the leader of the 'League of Villains'. You're the most notorious of all the villains. You can't cry." Y/n told him, cupping his face into her hand. He leaned into her. "I really am sorry." He whispered. She sniffled. "I forgive you. But I swear, if you ever do it again, I'm letting Dabi and Toga kick your ass." She said, causing both her and Tomura to laugh.
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littleredd93 · 4 years
villain trio hcs || seeing you in their clothes
let’s be real this guy wastes no time teasing the hell out of you
dabi: aw does y/n like my clothes?? want to sleep in them? do they remind you of me when i’m not there??
you: you’ve got three seconds to shut up before i throw them away
he secretly thinks it’s cute you’re wearing it and he would definitely love to take you to the bar to rub your ‘wholesome relationship’ in everyone’s faces even though let’s be honest your relationship with dabi is probably 40% snarky banter 40% smirking and 20% actual relationshippy things 
dabi does need them back for missions though because have you seen him? his dramatic ass has an aesthetic and so help him he’s sticking to it
dabi: ok thats cute and all but i need it back now babe boss gave me a–
you: no
dabi: mis–what
you: no
dabi: y/n
he stops himself from showing how much he actually loves that coat because he thinks he looks great in it (and yeah he does but like will you ever tell him that?) and if you found out how much he actually did you’d tease the hell out of him
but when he goes to the rest of the league and they’re all like ‘dabi you look naked without that raggedy coat on but whatever’
he swears he’ll get it back
that is until he goes home and sees you sleeping in it and his resolve crumbles to ash
okay he might have a soft spot for you
toga squeals
and then engulfs you in the tightest hug ever because you are SO ADORABLE!!!
if she knew that earlier she would have gotten extras of her middle school uniform because you two need matching selfies together and no she can’t just turn into you because then how would she get a picture of both of you together???
but speaking of getting extra uniforms…
toga: i’ll be right back y/n-chan!
you: wait, toga you–don’t–
one hour later
you, watching tv with your face in your hands: police are still investigating the robbed school uniform store where only uniforms from a specific middle school, remaining unnamed for legal reasons, were taken…
toga, bursting through the door with bags in her arms: IM BACK
she ropes magne into taking pictures of you two, and magne, being an absolute legend, goes full out and positions you both so you guys get the Best angles and lighting
and of course toga got like the biggest sizes she could find just to see you drown in the sweater (in all honesty though, it’s not that big because like… it’s a middle school uniform)
but now she absolutely totally definitely must try your clothes this time!!!
really what did you expect when you decided to wear her clothes though
shigaraki gives like zero craps unless it’s mission time and he needs the coats back so too bad if you were trying to get his attention. even if he needs it for a mission but you’re a stubborn person he’ll just shrug it off, maybe lowkey confused because it’s just a coat? and you have your own clothes? but whatever 
dont try your luck with father though
if you’re trying it for the sake of trying it, well you’ve got the best boyfriend for that; shigaraki won’t really mind
walk into the bar and everyone does a double take but they aren’t really sure if they’re meant to react or not
though of course some of them don’t really have filters
toga: aw yn-chan’s wearing their boyfriend’s clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuuteee - but i didnt think tomura-chan would be the type to let you…
shigaraki’s like what do you mean toga choose your next words carefully
so compress chimes in “apparently it’s a trend for good boyfriends to lend their partners clothes, specifically hoodies if i recall” (compress out here trying to keep up with the Trends)
still shigaraki’s like whatever 
but then dabi starts snickering and teasing you and shigaraki gets irked because he doesn’t care but you like to wear it and if you do then no one has the right to say anything against it because it makes you happy
so he’s like “at least i have a partner dabi” and of course it starts escalating to the point where you’re like “maybe i should take it off…”
only for shigaraki to go “NO dont its yours now keep it”
its surprising, rough as usual coming from him but
it does make you feel all fuzzy inside
quick and random but i hope its alright - thanks for reading!! tell me if you liked it?
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littleredd93 · 4 years
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It’s time we do some hunting, Natsu! Dragon hunting!
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littleredd93 · 4 years
I’m right and yall know it
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littleredd93 · 4 years
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littleredd93 · 4 years
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Adam’s apple
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littleredd93 · 5 years
BNHA Imagines-
You: *kisses Tomura*
Tomura: “What was that?”
You: “Affection.”
Tomura: “Disgusting.”
Tomura: “Do it again.”
        ✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤     
You: “Why do you feel the need to do these risky things?!”
Deku: “Risky is my middle name!”
You: “No it’s not, now please stop breaking your bones.”
      ✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤ 
You: “It’s so damn hot!”
Dabi: “You’ve said that a million times.”
You: “Well, it is-”
Dabi: *pushes you against wall and traps you between him* 
Dabi: “If you complain one more time, I’m going to make it a whole lot worse sweetheart.”
  ✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤   
Denki: “It’s your fault, you dared me too!”
You: “No, I said ‘Don’t you dare!’ and then you yelled ‘You’re not the boss of me!’
Denki: …
   ✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤   
Kirishima: “You’ve gotta stop that Y/N!”
You: “Stop what?”
Kirishima: “Stop saying things that make me want to kiss you!”
✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤   
You: “Fuck you!”
Bakugou: “Fuck me yourself, coward!”
✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤   
You: “I like your shirt Momo.”
Momo: “Thank you! It was 25% off!”
You: “I’d like it 100% off…”
Momo: “Why would it be 100% off? You can’t just give away clothes, the economy would crash! That’s a terrible way to run a business Y/N!”
You: …
 ✤ 𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘𐩘✤   
 A/N-  If you want to be on my tag list, comment, DM, or ask!
Tag List- @tooloudarts @redeyeddemonbl @mikuchuwara @burnedbyshoto
(Message or ask to get on the list!)
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littleredd93 · 5 years
Hcs for shigaraki and dabi with their s/o who seems obsessed with patting them on the head please? Like she just loves playing with their hair in general ^_^ thank you!
Yesss, my babes
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This guy isn’t used to affection of any kind, so having an S/O who does this will definitely catch him off-guard.
Not only is he not used to being smothered like this, it also really flusters him (even though he doesn’t like to admit it). When you first start doing it early on in the relationship, he’ll probably grumble under his breath and tell you to cut it out.
Over time though, Shigaraki actually comes to crave your attention. He doesn’t know how to deal with contact with others since he’s been touch-starved for so long, but he realizes that the sensation of your fingers stroking his hair is incredibly soothing, and makes his chest feel oddly light. 
It might’ve taken Shigaraki a bit of time to get used to, but he just can’t seem to get enough of your touch once it’s become a regular thing. If he’s ever just sitting at the bar at the hideout having a drink after a long day, he likes for you to pat his head and calm him down. He’s a bit of a moody guy, but having you there for him can be very comforting when he needs it. 
When he’s gotten over his initial awkwardness and is comfortable enough with your relationship, he might outright demand for you to pet his head at times: “(Name), I’m in a shitty mood—come here and rub my hair.” 
Shigaraki always has to be careful not to hurt you with his touches, so he likes to be on the receiving end and have you caress him to his content. He likes to bury his head in your chest when you pet his head, or rest it in your lap and close his eyes to get a bit of rest in. He has very poor sleeping habits, but he always finds that having you stroke his head helps him to fall asleep.
Even though he might be a little against it at first, Shigaraki honestly needs someone in his life who can give him the affection he craves and is willing to go the extra mile to make him happy.
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He’s not adverse to your touches, and will gladly welcome them with open arms. 
Dabi is generally pretty mellow and chill, but the life of a villain can be quite rough and it helps for him to have someone to cheer him up. The first time you do it he might be a bit surprised, but he’s quick to let out a throaty chuckle and ease into your touch.
That being said, he loves teasing you and will use pretty much any opportunity to do so. If you pet his head, he’ll smirk before ruffling your own hair and pulling you in for an impromptu kiss. Dabi just adores pretty much any chance he gets to take you by surprise and get you all flustered.
He likes to smother you with cuddles and is usually the big spoon, but likes it when you pet his head while he holds you close. Dabi never thought that such a simple gesture could make him feel so warm. 
Dabi never gets embarrassed, so he doesn’t mind if you rub his hair in front of others. He actually likes being spoiled this way, and will flash a cocky grin in the direction of whoever’s watching, as if to say “I’m the only person who gets to have (Name) touch them like this”. 
More often than not, you petting his head or stroking his hair will lead to a bear hug or an array of kisses. It’s a very sweet, innocent gesture, but Dabi can turn pretty much any situation into a dirty one.
If he’s ever feeling more tired or burnt-out than usual, he definitely finds that it helps for you to pet his head. Honestly though, as long as Dabi can feel you close to him, he’s already happy enough.
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littleredd93 · 5 years
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littleredd93 · 5 years
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littleredd93 · 5 years
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Bakugou is me as the mom friend.
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littleredd93 · 5 years
Aizawa is a whole mood tbh
when your social battery runs out
person: so where’s your friend?
my friend: *points over to me*
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littleredd93 · 5 years
What if Shigaraki, Toga, and Dabi had an s/o that was a literal ray of sunshine and they all became big softies for them and then a hero sees this villain being all soft and sweet with a normal person and are like ???????????????
That's so cute omllll
Okay so Shiggy is a softie, he loves your sunshine personality and is so affectionate with you
Like he let's you just hug him whenever and kiss him whenever you want
Like bro hes whipped
Deadass hell be fighting a hero, and you'll be there like "😊😊 you got this tomu!!"
He manages to beat down the hero and they're like getting up but then they turn to see you running up to him and giving him the biggest hug
"Yay! You're doing great baby!"
And tomu hugs you back and gives you a little kiss and is like "thanks, after i kill him we should get some take out and cuddle"
Like he doesn't care! The hero is standing there like wtf one why is he so casual about this and two hes being so soft? What even
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He thinks you're so cute honestly
Hes trying to hold his reputation of 'imma dark mysterious bad boy' but then you run along and glomp him kissing him all over his face
What's he supposed to do? Say no!??
He wont let you all over him during a fight - cause ya know, reputation, but say you're walking around the city and a hero spots you guys and is like 'oml its that villain guy'
And goes to fight him only to see Dabi being all cute with you, cause like you're holding his hand and swinging it around and hes laughing and saying how cute you are
And he watches you kiss and hes like what's going on???
Honestly it kinda sucks for you cause dabi was too busy kissing you to notice the hero, and now the heros know he has a significant other and a soft spot
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Honestly you two are just crazy affectionate lovers
Like she's basically a ball of sunshine too- a violent one, but still sunshine
So how can she resist you're cute face when shes in a fight and you're there helping her out
"You're so cute!!!" She runs up to you after stabbing the hero and gives you a bunch of smooches
The hero is like close to passing out from blood loss but he sees the villain who's ultimately gonna kill him just hugging someone and giving them kisses?
She already forgot about him lmao shes focused on her baby
But hes like 'wow, I really lost to that' and tries getting up and going for you instead, then instantly gets killed by toga
No ones allowed to hurt her sunshine!
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706 notes · View notes
littleredd93 · 5 years
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littleredd93 · 5 years
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gap crush
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littleredd93 · 5 years
Light: why do people think i’m incapable of doing anything nice?
L: experience.
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