I have no idea what's going on, but I'll try to check back every now and then. If you don't hear back from me, send me a message here.
I really hope that we get this all stuff figured out, because I love this rp, and I don't want to see it die.
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[she giggles] I suppose I'll find out eventually. [she smiles softly at him] You shouldn't feel insulted. You're ridiculous and absolutely amazing at the same time. 
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-He chuckles at her tone before tugging at her lip gently- Yes, part…and the rest is for me to know and for you to dot. dot. dot. -he furrows his brows in confusion- Ridiculous how? I’m not one for ridicule Miss Forbes and I am slightly insulted you think so..
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Did something happen to the OOC blog? because it's all of a sudden gone for me.
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Never Let Me Go / Florence + The Machine
And the arms of the ocean so sweet and so cold And all this devotion I never knew at all In the crushes of heaven for a sinner released And the arms of the ocean delivered me
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Your Song And you can tell everybody, This is your song It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done I hope you don’t mind I hope you don’t mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you’re in the world
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[she raises a brow, smiling at him] Part of what makes me amazing? [she laughs up at him] You're ridiculous, did you know that? [she shakes her head] Completely and utterly ridiculous.
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-He chuckles shaking his head at her- Well thanks Blondie, but I think you’re right. That is part of what makes you amazing, and at least I have you. -he murmurs in response with a grin before laughing with her in his arms- Yes Caroline?
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[she snorts and laughs] Oh, Damon. I'm so glad your ego remains unscathed. Well, isn't that part of what makes me so amazing? [she jokes, laughing, though her smile softens] Well, at least we have each other, now. [she smiles up at him as he brushes her hair behind her ear, her smile growing when he says he's glad] Damon! [she squeals, laughing]
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-feigns hurt as she elbows his side- Ow! Blondie you wound me, don’t worry it didn’t touch my ego though, so you’re good. -He chuckles before giving her narrowed eyes with a sneaky grin- There is nothing that is ever plain and simple with you Caroline, but you always had confidence in yourself it was being the second choice that hurt you, trust me I know. - he shrugs before pushing a stray strand of golden hair behind her ear- I’m glad. -he grins sincerely before pulling away with devilish eyes- Hmmm…I’m going to do this..
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Caroline could no longer stop her moans from slipping from her lips. This was so incredibly different from before--from anything she'd ever done in the past. He was so different. Whereas before, their "relationship" had been all about the lay--and the blood, in Damon's case--and not about the emotions at all, this was so insanely different, she found it hard to believe that she was having sex with the same guy. 
His lips trailing kisses up and down her neck only drew more moans and groans from her, and as he pulled her close to him, she let her head fall back, eyes tightly shut as she focused on every move, on every sound, on every single sensation. She opened her eyes when he said her name--said it in a way she had never heard him say it before. It filled her with emotion--something she couldn't quite place--and without a word, she pulled his face down to hers, crashing their lips together again.
Drinking the Pain Away ║Daroline
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[she lightly elbows him in the side again] Oh, shush. If we have this prom, it will be great. And I promise I won't go overboard. I won't even come up with a theme, unlike all those dances back before the outbreak. Just a plain, simple prom. [she smiles softly] Well, Shallow Caroline didn't have much confidence in herself, but I like to think that I do now. More than I had then, at least. [she gives a small laugh] I am. [she replies with a nod and a smile, giggling as his nose strokes hers] Well, what are you gonna do about it? [she asks with a grin]
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-side eyes her with a smirk- Oh I know and well that’s if we do have a prom, but hmm…perfection with you is not something that’s easily accomplished, so good luck to the maybe committee who’ll be working with you. -he grins lightly- Well that I can definitely see, but I sort of liked Shallow Caroline, she had something about her -he chuckles before licking his lips and putting a finger to his chin as if he were thinking- Are you? -he asks watching her smile grow as he strokes her nose with the edge of his own before feeling her lips peck his leaving him with a pout-  Now that wasn’t fair..
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Thank you, Jeremy. Really. And I promise, I'll let you know.
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One bright side of the apocalypse:
I am right— about this at least. [sheepish grin] I’m glad that you told me, though. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.
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[she shrugs with a smile] Yeah, I'm definitely still a perfectionist--hence why, if we do have the prom, I will be in charge of the arrangements. Otherwise, they'll never be done right. [she lets out a chuckle] But yeah, I definitely like to think that things have changed. I'm not the same, shallow Caroline I was back then. [she smiles up at him, letting her eye lids flutter closed as he rests his forehead against hers. Her smile grows at his words, opening her eyes to look into his] I'm glad. [she grins as he licks his lips, just staring at him for a moment before suddenly leaning in and pecking his lips quickly and teasingly]
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-chuckles lightly with a smirk- Well I don’t think the perfectionist part is a part of the past, but I can tell things are different for you now. -gives her an indifferent lopsided grin before feeling her take his opposite hand- You’re Welcome Caroline, and…Thank you, but trust me if I hated you, we wouldn’t be this close. -he grins as he leans his forehead against hers- I do too. -he whispers biting his lower lip watching as she leans in- Hmmm…Then maybe you can -he grins licking his lips waiting for her reaction-
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As Damon began to move, Caroline moaned again, her back arching as she pressed herself flush against him, trying to get as close as humanly--or inhumanly--possible. She couldn't seem to get close enough, even with her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands holding her face, nose pressed against nose, and their lips crushed together.
As he quickened his pace and broke the kiss, her breath came out in short, ragged pants as he trailed kisses down her neck and back up again. Her fingers dug into his shoulders again, reveling in the feel of his lips against her skin. His name slipped from her lips as her hands moved to tangle themselves tightly in his hair, her hips shifting to meet him halfway with every thrust.
Drinking the Pain Away ║Daroline
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[she looks down and smiles, her cheeks flushing] Okay, so it's crossed my mind. But...I don't think I'd make them do the pageants and stuff. I only did those because I was trying so hard. I was such a perfectionist, and I was always trying to be the best. Even though, most of the time, I never was. I'd want them to do what makes them happy. [she smiles, then looks at him sadly as he goes on, reaching out to take his other hand in hers, too--not sure what else to say about his father] Thank you for being here for me, Damon. And know that I'm always here for you, too. And you don't know how glad I am that you don't hate me. I don't think I'd be able to handle that. [she smiles and nods, biting her lip] Mhmm. I do. [her smile grows] Well, I just happen to....really want to. [she leans in, leaving only inches between them]
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Ugh I really need something to do.
-nods almost bashful- Yeah I do and come on Caroline, you’re gonna tell me you have never thought about having kids and being the boss and dressing your daughters in those frilly pageant dress? No who’s lying. -he grins as she gives him a wink- Oh I figured that, or at least you wouldn’t be one to lose that title without a fight. -he sighs before shaking his head slightly- If he cared about her still he wouldn’t have done that nor would he have killed her sons. -swallows roughly but shrugs it off as he tilts his head to the side watching her- I know, that’s one thing you and Elena have in common, but you’re not going to lose her, or anyone. not if I have anything to do with it, but why would I hate you? Because you kissed Klaus? I’m indifferent towards that because it had nothing to do with me. -flares his lapis irises at her as she smiles at him, though he’s stunned- Y—You do? -grins as she giggles and flirts with him slightly- Depends on how much you really want to Blondie. -he chuckles as he leans in closer to her-
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[she smiles softly] You really think I'd make a good mom? I haven't really thought about having kids, though I suppose it could be nice. Oh, I never lost my title, Damon. I'm still Miss Mystic Falls, and you know it. [she winks, but her expression softens as he tells her about his dad] I'm sure he still cared about your mom, Damon. [she shrugs] I guess we'll see eventually. [her expression softens again and she looks down at the ground] I know, I just can't help but worry. I've already lost most of my family, and I'm terrified of losing everyone else that's important to me--just because of something I did. I'm glad that you don't hate me, though. You don't even know how big of a relief that is. [she looks up at him and smiles softly at him] I know. I feel safe when I'm with you. And...And I honestly want to give this a chance--give us a chance. [she bites her lip, but giggles at his teasing statement] Really? Not even if I-- [she looks up at him through her lashes, biting her lip] --really want to?
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Ugh I really need something to do.
I think you’d make a great mom and I actually do see you having kids one day…One day when we all get out of this mess and you reclaim that Miss Mystic Falls title of yours and well, maybe that’s just a phase, don’t all teenage girls go through those? -he gives her a small smile and chuckle as she nudges his side before sighing more heavily than he would have liked- I understand. My father did the same thing after my mother died. for years he wore it, but it seemed more fake than anything seeing as how later on I found out he’d been fooling around with the maid. -He shrugs with a slight roll of his eyes before turning back to her furrowing his brows- Some leave, but I’ve noticed alot more traffic lately, maybe it’s just me. -he chuckles with a small grin before feeling it fade- She’s not going to hate you. You’re her best friend, so you gave in, so what, she did too and she should be the last person to dictate or lecture you on something like that. Sure Ric hasn’t tormented any of us…at least not in a physical way, but Klaus showed you a side of him that no one else knew and he was comforting you about your dad, I can hardly see why she would hate you after that. -blinks stunned at the mention of her and him together- You and I huh? Well I’m guessing that he said it because he’s married, but deep down, he still loves you and…and well I guess that’s somewhat of a good thing then. You’ll always be safe with me. -he murmurs caught off guard by everything but bounces back as he sees her smirk- Well I always have to wait and see, but that’s part of the fun isn’t it? -gives her a wink in response before jutting out his lower lip- Hmmm…maybe…maybe not..depends…
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Something about Damon's grin--so earnest, and not malicious in the slightest--made Caroline's insides twist in a good way, and the way he brushed his nose against hers....it was such a sweet, simple gesture, and it took her off guard. Her heart hammered in her chest, her breath catching in her throat as she felt him position himself, reveling in the feel on his hand sliding down her body.
She smiled up at him again as he brushed some of her hair out of her face, her heart racing in anticipation. She let her eyes flutter closed, a soft moan escaping from her lips as he slowly entered her core, her hands tightening in the sheets again. She returned his kiss, focusing on breathing through her nose as she adjusted to his size (though, it was almost like her body remembered) and she let out another moan as he started to move, shifting her arms to wrap them around his neck, pulling him closer.
Drinking the Pain Away ║Daroline
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