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I love the main ship as much as anyone but let’s not forget who the real power couple is in this show
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idk if this has been done yet but 
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new ship name for tikki and plagg
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Doodled the smols
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The little black kwami blinked up at his charge for a second. Like always, the boy had missed the key statement and had jumped at defending Ladybug. It may have been a flaw, but Plagg couldn't help but slightly admire it. “I don’t recall saying you had to. I just simply said I don’t understand why you don’t just find out who she is if you are serious about her,” he said evenly as he floated up so that he was face to face with Adrien. A wide grin that said he knew more than what he was saying grew across the kwami’s lips. 
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“You’ve had so many opportunities to find out and yet you turned away. So, that leads me to think that you’re worried you’ll be disappointed by who’s under that mask.” Plagg knew that it was a little bit of a low blow, but quite frankly he was sick and tired of watching Adrien chase his tail around some girl that may never be his in the end. 
Only then did he snap out of his trance, looking up at Plagg, smile faltering. He didn’t see a problem with his daydreaming. So what if he didn’t know her secret identity? She didn’t know his, either, and he was well aware that the chances of her falling for him were slim to none. Noting the need to purchase more cheese, he answered his questions.
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“ I know I don’t stand a chance, Plagg. You don’t have to rub it in my face. “ Or your cheese, for that matter. “ And I know I probably won’t ever know who’s behind that mask. But I can’t just magically whisk away my feelings for her. You can’t choose who you fall in love with. “
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Is this heaven? Look at all this cheese!!<3 </p>
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“There’s not much camembert left, you know. You’re going to have to go out and get me some more soon,” Plagg went on as he nibbled on a piece of that very same cheese next to Adrien. The cat kwami couldn’t believe that the boy was still obsessing over his mystery girl. He was starting to think that was all the blonde was willing to do when he wasn’t trying to please his father.
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“Maybe someday I’ll get all the cheese I could ever want in the world. Adrien, are you seriously day dreaming about her again? I don’t understand what it is with you humans.” Shaking his head, Plagg finished off the rest of his treat and turned to face his charge. “What is it about Ladybug that you just can’t face? I mean, you don’t even know who she is.”
Laying in bed all morning hadn’t exactly been his plan, but having no modelling, volunteer work or classes to attend today, he fully planned on being lazy. Sure, it was almost eleven in the morning now and he’d only gotten up once to use the bathroom, but he had zero obligations anyway, assuming there were no villains stirring up trouble.
Right now, he was letting his mind wander to Ladybug, eyes closed. Dieu, she was beautiful. Of course, there was no chance she’d ever feel the same way as he did, but it was always nice to dream about it.
Even though Plagg was going on about something, he wasn’t paying much attention, instead smiling to himself, letting his little fantasies go on in his mind.
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“ Maybe someday. “
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“Good. Can’t have you backing out on our little wager now,” he said with a smug look. She was right, though. Every duo they had mentored over the years eventually found out one way or another. However, riding on how much Marinette wished to keep it a secret, these two could possibly never know who the other truly is.
Pulling out a piece of camembert for himself, Plagg’s green eyes shifted back over to Tikki. “I thought you were supposed to bring the tea.”
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“Nah. It’s to much fun to watch them stumble around in the dark.” she snickered, accepting the cookie piece with a small nod. “Besides, if we just told them everything they wouldn’t learn anything.” Every other Lucky Duo figured it out for themselves. Marinette and Adrien would be no different… even if they are taking the longest it has ever taken
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“You always were the better one,” Plagg replied distantly. Though he had wagered against the two for the sheer amusement of watching them, there was a small part of him that hoped they would eventually realize that ladybug and cat noir were truly meant for each other.
“You think we should say something?” He asked the luck kwami as he passed her a small piece of cookie he had stolen from Adrien.
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“That’s definitely one way of describing them.” As bad as she felt for her poor charge, floundering about her love life… It was far to amusing for the luck kwami to actually intervene.
“Unfortunate would be a kinder way of putting it.”
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“Will you take a look at that? Pretty pathetic, huh?” the kwami said nonchalantly as he sat down next to the little red lady.
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Send ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ if we haven’t rped yet and you want to change that!
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okay but I’m too tired to make an actual promo so - like/reblog if you’re a ML rp blog or wouldn’t mind interacting with a chat noir from ML?
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“You should know that I can smell Camembert in my sleep. 
                                                                      It’s one of my many talents.”
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