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♡Little space terms! ♡
(and advice on how littles can talk/not talk)
☁here are some terms to know that maybe will help you understand a close friends/partners little space! or even your own!
note: this if of course not a full list!
☁ little: one who regresses
☁ caregiver(cg): one who takes care of their little
☁ age regression: this is what the little uses to cope with either trauma or stressful situations. or they can just regress just because they want too
☁ little space: the headspace of a little where they go into a younger mindset!
☁ caregiver space: similar to little space, it is where the carer of the little goes into a headspace of being more caring
note: cgs do not have to be in cg space to take care of their little one!
☁ little gear: this can be anything that makes the little go into their space! they are tangible items like a pacifier, a onesie, or even a stuffie!
note: some littles don't have very many little gear items and that's oki! some may not even use little gear! it's all about preference!
☁ little age: this is the age of the little when they regress!
☁ big age: this is how old they really are! when they aren't little
☁ non-verbal: some littles will regress to a very young age! and they may either not speak at all, or try too but just can't and that's okay!
♡now to talk about little language ♡
note: not every little will talk the same it all depends on their little age!
☁ many littles will replace their "r's" with "w's
example: really = weally
☁ they may also replace their "t's" with "d's"
example: that= dat
☁ a good thing to remember is when a little is regressed they can't say many "big words"
☁ a little can also be non verbal! they might not be able to speak and will communicate physically with "grabby hands" and many other things. do not force this little to talk.
☁ even if a little says their age is, for example, 5 they may still be able to form full sentences! it's a spectrum!
☁ littles have many words for their belongings! but you have to ask them. point at something when the little is regressed and they'll say what it is to them!
example: pacifier= paci
☁ talk to them! even if you don't understand act like you do, eventually you'll pick up what they mean when they say or do certain things!
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I talked to my partner about me regressing in front of him next time we hangout and he is excited! I can’t wait to show him all the drawings I’ve made for him while little.
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Society sometimes puts this pressure on us to stop liking cute things, but I think it’s silly- let yourself enjoy cute things and find happiness from them! ( ^◡^ )♡ It’s kind of a simple thought, but even I felt worried about calling my own art “cute” for fear that it wouldn’t be taken seriously. I don’t worry about it now, and I’d love to help spread the acceptance! Yay for cute things! (o^^)o
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*runs around with favorite stuffie* this is truly living 
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I’m out of vanilla so I can’t make angel milk, but I put cinnamon in my milk and it’s really good.
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accidentally slipped into little space last night cause I found a rubber duck and sat down and sang “rubber ducky your the one, you make bath time lots of fun” for half an hour.
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Babie syndrome
grabby hands
baby talk
is playful
is bratty
kicky feet
bites e v e r y t h i n g
repost if you have baby syndrome!!
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One if my favorite things to do in little space is run around and laugh at everything 
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and if your living someplace where you have to hide your regression Hot Topic sells fandom plushies 
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How to have a little outing at the mall
Build a bear (if ur shy/may have social anxiety about going alone or ur worried what ppl may think you can make a bear on their website and have it delivered to ur house)
Forever 21 (great for cute little clothes,accessories.they also have candy and other fun stuff)
Urban outfitters (they have stuffed animals-you have to really look hard or just ask an employee ,cute books and sheet masks)
Lush (great for picking up fun stuff for bath time like bath bombs,bubble bars,bath oils .p.s. they have products that cater to ppl with sensitive skin)
The Disney store - do I rlly have to explain??
✨Remember to have fun ✨
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guess who just got a new paci
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I’ve been involuntarily regressing all day and I’m finally home alone so I can enter little space and have fun
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some of my favorite sockies when little:
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to all my fellow age regressors: 
I hope your having a wonderful day in or out of little space
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@ boys who regress: you are 100% valid and adored!! 💕
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Feel Confident
Littles… Feel Confident in yourself. I know it’s difficult, believe me, I do. But it’s so important for your happiness. If you wanna be little in places you normally can’t, do it anyways if you want!
-Wear what you want. Even if it doesn’t match or is “too little.” You rock that onesie and tutu!
-Dont be afraid to talk to your caregiver in your baby voice in the store. Who’s gives a quack about everyone else? Be your cute little self.
-Dont be afraid about going “too deep” into littlespace. You’re Caregiver will think you’re adorable. If you’re still worried, talk to them about it beforehand.
-Dont be afraid to look at the baby section if there are people around. Chances are, they’re not even paying attention and shouldn’t be either.
-Are you super thin and are self conscious to wear that onesie because it fits too loosely? Same here. But honey, do it for you. You’re perfect the way you are.
-Feel too chubbs to wear cute little outfits? Sweetheart, I can promise you’ll look absolutely stunning. Keep your head held high and strut your stuff!
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