"Well, we met each other in Medali and hit it off pretty much immediately. He reminds me of someone I know, and I think I remind him of himself. So we decided to stick together to figure out what the hell's going on."
{Off-Screen Post!}
(@phantomjokerofhearts, @the-outcast-conman)
[You can hear some birds of some sort squawking in unison, as well as a familiar voice screaming for them to hurry up]
[Looking up, there's some sort of skytram, except it's not attached to anything and is being flown through the air...by the squawking flock of birds]
(He stares confused for a moment only to squint at the tram and finally see)
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[Akira hops out of the cab after Stan, giving the driver an apologetic smile, before turning to wave at Mira.]
"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Akira, and you already know this is Stan."
{Off-Screen Post!}
(@phantomjokerofhearts, @the-outcast-conman)
[You can hear some birds of some sort squawking in unison, as well as a familiar voice screaming for them to hurry up]
[Looking up, there's some sort of skytram, except it's not attached to anything and is being flown through the air...by the squawking flock of birds]
(He stares confused for a moment only to squint at the tram and finally see)
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[Akira pokes out of the window behind stan]
"She has a point, Stan, you were being pretty rude to the birds--"
{Off-Screen Post!}
(@phantomjokerofhearts, @the-outcast-conman)
[You can hear some birds of some sort squawking in unison, as well as a familiar voice screaming for them to hurry up]
[Looking up, there's some sort of skytram, except it's not attached to anything and is being flown through the air...by the squawking flock of birds]
(He stares confused for a moment only to squint at the tram and finally see)
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". . . Didn't you tell me your family was dead?"
[behold, confused akira face]
"I'm fairly sure you said your family was dead."
{Off Screen Post}
[Stan look up from his phone and glances over at Akira, who's sitting next to him looking somewhat concerned]
"Hey, kid, can you check that guidebook and see if there's anything about public transportation or this place called Tagtree?"
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"Oh, sure thing!"
[he nods, pulling out a paperback guidebook to Paldea and flipping through it]
"If I recall . . . there we go, found it. There's some sort of flying taxi we can probably take, we just probably need to head into town to see if there's any around because I don't know if we can signal any ourselves."
[he turns some more pages, this time going towards the front, looking for a map]
"And I think Tagtree is . . . here!" [he points to the map]
{Off Screen Post}
[Stan look up from his phone and glances over at Akira, who's sitting next to him looking somewhat concerned]
"Hey, kid, can you check that guidebook and see if there's anything about public transportation or this place called Tagtree?"
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I'll keep a note to do that
Hey, is it normal for this egg to have turned into an entire cat? Because I'm pretty sure cats aren't supposed to come from eggs.
[Image File: a very confused Stan holding a Meowth in front of him, who is limp in his hands and smiling no thoughts head empty]
(The kid, Akira, helped me take this picture.)
But seriously. Are cat eggs just . . . a thing here?
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Yeah I think he just learned his brother is alive or something
Hey, is it normal for this egg to have turned into an entire cat? Because I'm pretty sure cats aren't supposed to come from eggs.
[Image File: a very confused Stan holding a Meowth in front of him, who is limp in his hands and smiling no thoughts head empty]
(The kid, Akira, helped me take this picture.)
But seriously. Are cat eggs just . . . a thing here?
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Stan is currently muttering to himself in shock over a realization he just had, but I'll pass this message along once he's feeling better
Hey, is it normal for this egg to have turned into an entire cat? Because I'm pretty sure cats aren't supposed to come from eggs.
[Image File: a very confused Stan holding a Meowth in front of him, who is limp in his hands and smiling no thoughts head empty]
(The kid, Akira, helped me take this picture.)
But seriously. Are cat eggs just . . . a thing here?
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He also named the cat Frieda. He seems to like her a lot already.
Hey, is it normal for this egg to have turned into an entire cat? Because I'm pretty sure cats aren't supposed to come from eggs.
[Image File: a very confused Stan holding a Meowth in front of him, who is limp in his hands and smiling no thoughts head empty]
(The kid, Akira, helped me take this picture.)
But seriously. Are cat eggs just . . . a thing here?
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Reblog for free money sent via Pelipper Mail
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I agree with other me, that looks like a weird griffin and also I hate your vibes
[It's a video.]
[The camera pans up to a large, griffin like Pokémon. The air around it crackles with electricity, and it lets out a shriek. You can see Harmony slowly approaching it, blinking rapidly through the rain. "Great protector of the skies! Hear my call! Help me reestablish order between humans and Pokémon!" The electricity crackles once more before.... the legendary Pokémon bows its head.]
Your day of reckoning is near, Rotumblr.
Tumblr media
//the legendary is this guy, Horustorm, that I made a couple years ago while I was bored during a test...
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Larry's cool :)
He is! Overworked from what I can tell, but a great guy.
//YEAH TWINSIES!! I made this blog at the same time as @foolish-trickster for that purpose so maybe actually Triplesies?
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Larry's cool :)
He is! Overworked from what I can tell, but a great guy.
//YEAH TWINSIES!! I made this blog at the same time as @foolish-trickster for that purpose so maybe actually Triplesies?
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Larry's cool :)
He is! Overworked from what I can tell, but a great guy.
//YEAH TWINSIES!! I made this blog at the same time as @foolish-trickster for that purpose so maybe actually Triplesies?
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Larry's cool :)
He is! Overworked from what I can tell, but a great guy.
//YEAH TWINSIES!! I made this blog at the same time as @foolish-trickster for that purpose so maybe actually Triplesies?
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Larry's cool :)
He is! Overworked from what I can tell, but a great guy.
//YEAH TWINSIES!! I made this blog at the same time as @foolish-trickster for that purpose so maybe actually Triplesies?
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Wow, Jokers really are either aroace or bisexual with no in-between.
Anyway welcome to Paldea! Naranja-Uva Academy has good food. And good people! Like me maybe! I dunno. I’m typing this off two hours of sleep.
If you see a 5’0” redhead with red eyes come say hi! I don’t bite.
[ @ziodyne-amax saying hi!]
…I’m sorry, what was that first thing?
But besides that, thanks for the welcome!
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