liminalwalks · 2 years
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                    INTRODUCING MINNIE⸻
wait a minute, is park 'minnie' min-ji still in town? i thought i saw a flash of (a delicate cross dangling between your collarbones, heart-to-heart talks during a sleepover, messy hair thrown up into a bun)! last i heard they were working as a sunday school teacher nearby. when it’s the (cancer)’s birthday on 07/14 i forget that they’re sensitive and celebrate that they’re good-natured. i hear bella’s lullaby by carter burwell every time i think of them. ..   ( @liminalintro )
faceclaim.   bae suzy
full name.   park min-ji
nicknames.  minnie
age.   25 years old
gender, pronouns.   cis woman, she/her
sexuality.   bisexual
relationship status.   in a relationship
time in centralia.   25 years
more in depth,
triggers:  mentions of religion
›   was born and raised in centralia  &  doesn’t know anything different
›   the parks are fiercely religious family. they truly believe that the fires are a sign from god that the ‘end of days’ are coming and they passed on those views to their children  (minnie is the middle child of 3 kids)
›   the outward image of their family is very important to minnie’s parents and to the townspeople, their family are picture perfect. but as cliché as it is, behind closed doors was a whole different story
›   hasn’t strayed too far from the path her parents wanted for her. she went from high school straight into teaching at the local church;  she honestly really enjoys it. minnie also volunteers frequently
›   an absolute sweetheart. she tries to see the good in everyone and that sometimes comes around to bite her in the butt but she’s also the type of person to give 3, 4, 5 chances.... so yknow....  * cringe emoji *
›   bakes the best brownies and gives the best hugs
connection ideas,
her lover!!!! 🥺
a best friend she’s known since childhood / she’s known for a long time
maybe a penpal she had that ended up being in centralia??
enemies, frenemies, someone who picks on her / takes advantage of her kindness
someone who’s protective of her; probably fought someone who was making her uncomfortable<3
a newer person in town who she showed around and became friends with
a bad influence👀👀
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liminalwalks · 2 years
status   ›   open  /  @liminalstart​
character   ›   devaj ali, 39, $5 tattoo artist
synopsis   ›   our muses both snuck into the graveyard for one reason or another  (separately)  and gave each other quite a scare!
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devaj had watched a few ghost hunting videos on youtube  &  now, all of a sudden, he thinks he can do it too. so there he is, in the middle of the night, standing alone in the middle of a graveyard;  all of his gear is laid out on a picnic blanket. but before he can begin anything, he hears something in the distance.  “h - hello?”  the homme calls out, praying that nothing supernatural calls back.  “is somebody out there?”
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liminalwalks · 2 years
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liminalwalks · 2 years
*  devaj      —      circe.
location: the farmer’s market
status: open! ( @liminalstart​ )
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“ah! be careful!” ring-covered hands dart out to block the person passing by her table, a look of warning in her eyes. “someone just brought their dog through here and were not cautious about what they were doing, which unfortunately resulted in the dog relieving himself just a few steps ahead.” the incident had left her irritated, but she hadn’t been quick in cleaning it up and had watched in horror as someone had suffered a misfortune. now she was quick to warn anyone that got too close. “i’d hate for the rest of your day to be plagued with that, let alone the rest of your week.”
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a farmer’s marked isn’t exactly devaj’s scene but his sister asked for fresh fruits and veggies  &  he wasn’t about to say no to her. he’s lost in thought when the other blocks his path;  which immediately brings him back down to earth.  “huh?”  a confused look washes over his face. but then he glances down at the mention of a dog relieving itself. nose scrunches.  “oh, uh. thanks.”  he steps over the pile but lingers in front of the table.  “what, uh. what do you have here?”  the least dev could do was buy something from her as thanks for keeping his shoes poop-free.
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liminalwalks · 2 years
*  devaj      —      sabrina.
location: the tattoo shop open starter @liminalstart​ 
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“Hi there,” Sabrina perked up at the sound of the bell above the door, quickly tucking her pencil behind her ear.  “Did you swing by to check in on lil ole me?  Or are you here for one of our artists?”
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“hey, you.”  smiles devaj as he walks into the parlour.  “both, actually.”  he leans against the front desk.  “i was here to ask to book an appointment but then i noticed the time  &  also wanted to ask if you’d like to go out for a quick lunch break?”
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liminalwalks · 2 years
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liminalwalks is a dependent writing blog happily affiliated with liminalhq    ♡    penned by amanda  (22, she/her)
devaj ali   /   39  -  he/him  -  tattoo artist
park “minnie” min-ji   /   25  -  she/her  -  sunday church teacher
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liminalwalks · 2 years
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                     INTRODUCING DEVAJ⸻
wait a minute, is devaj ali still in town? i thought i saw a flash of (stick and poke tattoos, never taking off the bracelet your younger sibling made you, unsent letters)! last i heard they were working as a $5 tattoo artist nearby. when it’s the (aries)’s birthday on 04/01 i forget that they’re secretive and celebrate that they’re imaginative. i hear heart of glass by blondie every time i think of them...   ( @liminalintro​ )
faceclaim.   riz ahmed
full name.   devaj ali
nicknames.  dev
age.   39 years old
gender, pronouns.   cis man, he/him
sexuality.   bisexual
relationship status.   single  (open to starting a relationship)
time in centralia.   22 years
more in depth,
triggers:  brief mentions of parental death
›   both parents died in a freak accident when devaj and his younger sister, dania, were very young and they were put into a foster home together
›   the adoption center wanted to separate them but 17 year old devaj was having none of it; he was afraid they would never see each other again so he packed up their things and went on the run. the duo hitchhiked as far as they could and eventually stumbled upon centralia
›   by the time they found centralia, they were incredibly tired and decided to stay put. he thought it was a good idea so with the little money he had left, devaj bought them a little mobile home and they settled in
›   he hadn’t listened to the warnings people gave him when they first arrived and over the years, he started to hate the town. but at least he and dania are together .. right?
›   hates living in centralia  💀  but he hasn’t been able to save up enough money to move out so he and his sister are pretty much stuck here
›   devaj adores his little sister to bits. no one in the world means more to him than her  -  he will not hesitate to fight some bitches if they cross her!!!!!!!!!
›   grumpy towards everyone but soft for the right person... you know the type
›   he’s a very talented artist!!! he knows how hard it is to get by so he decided to open up a $5 tattoo parlor where literally every tattoo he does is only $5!! he loves his work so much
connection ideas,
the first friend he made when he got into town
his roommate  (dw he moved out of the mobile home by now)
first lover!!!!!!!! first kiss!!!! person who took his virginity!!!
exes on good or bad terms
regular clients who visit his tattoo parlor
enemies, ex-friends because of a misunderstanding, frenemies
neighbours :D
blind date that ended well or ended horribly
one night stand  (perhaps they have a kid together? perhaps he doesn’t know? *eyes*)
friends with benefits / casual hookups with no strings attached
best friends<3
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