this is amazing !!! you angel !!! thank you so much 💘

Another favorite from the Gendrya AO3 is Let Me Help by lightninginabottle0613. Short and sweet and smutty with a dash of angst, definitely a great combination! My favorite part is the one where Arya is wearing Gendry's rowing team shirt but I also looooove the epilogue, so here we are.
I'm definitely on a roll with these fic-inspired works. The Gendrya writers are very inspiring! I'm also having too much fun with doing poses. Hoping to do more in the following days.
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5 days ago when i told @yanak324 i would make a tumblr reappearance, and then i did what i do best these days - i didn’t :-)
can’t say for sure how regularly/how long i’ll be back, but let’s just see how this goes!! hey y’all what the heck did i miss!!
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bitch if you’re wiping the dust off, i’m wiping the dust off. hallelujah 🙌🏻
six sentence sunday ❄️
Oh look what happens when you dust off your laptop and write a scene and a half of your WIP after months of not touching it - a snippet from Ch 20 of The Last Time. A sincere thank you to everyone who still cares even a modicum about this behemoth of mine. My endless gratitude for you in 2020 and beyond.
Cold wind whips around her, pushing her hair into her face but Arya doesn’t pay it any mind. She’s already mentally discombobulated, anger and disbelief keeping her in some tightly wound vice as she tries to breathe through the lump in her throat.
It won’t go away, no matter how many deep inhales she takes, and neither does the rushing in her ears.
The last time she’d felt like this, she’d also been choking on flames and staring her dead partner in the eye.
She’d promised herself not too long ago that she’d never again give into the numbness starting to spread through her limbs. And so there’s really no other choice but to lean into the anger; let it guide her even if it might ultimately blind her.
The thought seems to erase everything but the rage lighting her up from the inside – and she stops abruptly, turning around and brushing the flakes of snow from her eyes as she waits for Gendry to catch up to her.
Catch up here. 🙃
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Hi there! I hope you’re doing ok and staying save ❤️. Sending lots of love
hi there :’) it is so kind (& crazy) of people on here to still be thinking of me when i have truly become a phantom lol. i promise i’m still lurking and reading and writing, even if it’s one word a week. actually been thinking about writing a life update/reflection type ~post~ very soon, because the end of this deranged year has me feeling every which way. so you will perhaps hear from me soon 💘 sending you all of the love in return. xx
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*takes drag of cigarette & looks up from moon journal* still 2020 huh?
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「 The Baratheon look was stamped on his face, in his jaw, his eyes, that black hair. 」
bastards of asoiaf. [ 15 / ?? ] GENDRY
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Later they passed through a burned village, threading their way carefully between the shells of blackened hovels and past the bones of a dozen dead men hanging from a row of apple trees. When Hot Pie saw them he began to pray, a thin whispered plea for the Mother’s mercy, repeated over and over. Arya looked up at the fleshless dead in their wet rotting clothes and said her own prayer. Ser Gregor, it went, Dunsen, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei. She ended it with valar morghulis, touched Jaqen’s coin where it nestled under her belt, and then reached up and plucked an apple from among the dead men as she rode beneath them. It was mushy and overripe, but she ate it worms and all. – Arya I, A Storm of Swords
Arya Stark by Gary Gianni in A Storm of Swords: The Illustrated Edition
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long overdue for a scream in the woods
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i can’t wrap my head around your talent @yanak324 😪 you/this story will allllllways keep me coming back to this fandom, i swear.
if you’re not reading this story - hello! quick question. wtf are you doing instead
The Last Time: Ch 19 is up!
Chapter 19: not enough time (e)
“I know my sister.”
There’s no question which sister Bran is referring to, and Gendry doesn’t bother clarifying.
“It might take some time for her to adjust to this, but she’s not going to let this overshadow everything else.”
“You sure about that?”
Bran opens his mouth to respond, but never gets a chance to.
Catch up here.
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It’s strong enough.
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they seemed almost old friends
Arya and Dany in Winterfell for @mizznancywheeler <3
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Very patiently waiting for whatever you post next 💖 and i hope you are doing okay!
i’ve gotten a couple of these messages in the last few weeks, and i have had suuuuuch little energy to do much of anything lately, so they have been just sitting here! idk if they’re all coming from the same person, or if it’s a bunch of you cuties, but the truth is that i could C R Y just thinking about human beings i’ve never met before wishing me well.
i’ve been writing a little bit every day, and it feels really good. it felt really bad for a long time tbh! it was sad! i thought i was losing it - not my love for these characters, but like ... any capacity for creativity lol. anyone else working their 9-5 from home & spending their nights just floating outside their body bc they’re so exhausted? that’s where i’m at. it’s beyond privileged that that’s my biggest stressor, but that’s where i’m at.
i have no clue when i’m gonna post what i’m working on. i think it’s almost done (key word ‘think’). i really like it. so hopefully soon it’ll be available for other people to maybe like, too! but until then, just know that i am still here :’) i am quiet lol, but i am here :’)
(tagging the fandom, bc i’m talking to y’all specifically when i say - i loooooove u 😌)
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@yanak324 she owns me
cats be like you want to pet me so bad it makes you look stupid
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Hi there! I just wanted to say that you’re wonderful and I hope you are doing okay during this crazy time 😊
with people as sweet as you/messages as sweet as this, i imagine i will alllllways exist in this lil corner of the internet :’)
thank you for somehow knowing that i needed to hear this! & i hope you’re also doing okay, whoever you are 💘 hang in, friend
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omg whhhhhhh - !!!! i’m !!! on the floor !!!
i have been having the hardest time dialing into fandom recently amidst a lot of real life stuff, so to see this grace my inbox legit made me emotional wow. i haven’t even read this yet and i already love it, are you kidding me.
this is so lovely!! you are so lovely!! thank you @livhatesolives 💘 my long-time CIWYW fic dream come true, i am a happy girl.
Would You Run Away With Me?
read it on the AO3 at https://bit.ly/37fonnt
by Liv_Hates_Olives
When she stares at the ceiling at night, she wonders what happened to that girl who brought her lord father purple and yellow flowers with a wide smile on her face. As she walks through the grounds of Winterfell now, the air is cold and the land is barren, save for the thorns on the wood remaining when the leaves and vines have died out.
So she heads down to the forge instead, where Gendry is at work and the nearest anvil has a grain sack settled on top of it just for her.
A little “Call it What You Want” Gendrya drabble where they go back on the road together and Arya reflects on everything that’s happened and maybe everything is still a little sad, but maybe everything is also a little closer to being right.
Words: 1600, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Arya Stark, Gendry Waters, There’s like a one or two word mention of Sansa and Daenerys that’s not worth tagging
Relationships: Arya Stark/Gendry Waters
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, I guess this is a, Songfic, Oh my god how and why did I write a songfic, Introspection, Light Angst, Instead of going west of Westeros, Arya and Gendry screw off to the Riverlands for some reason or other, happy-ish ending, Kind of ambiguous and kind of happy
read it on the AO3 at https://bit.ly/37fonnt
#gendrya#never has there been a more gendrya song sorry!!!#i'm so glad this exists somewhere else now!!!#other than inside the deep recesses of my brain!!
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happy sunday INDEED
A bit of The Last Time...🥰🥰🥰
My muse woke up a little bit and I could not be more grateful. Chapter 19 of The Last Time is on its way…and my goal is to post in the next two weeks. Surprise…it’s another Gendry POV, because my bull without horns simply won’t leave my mind. @jepshe asked for a tense convo and she’s got one. Enjoy xoxo.
“I know my sister.”
There’s no question which sister Bran is referring to.
“It might take some time for her to adjust to this, but she’s not going to let it overshadow everything else.”
It irks Gendry suddenly that Bran can see so easily through him, and he doesn’t stop the question from slipping out.
“You sure about that?”
Bran opens his mouth to respond, but never gets a chance to.
Arya appears so suddenly in front of them, Gendry barely has a chance to steel himself for the sight of her rosy cheeks, and bright smile, and the flurry of energy that seems to follow her lately.
It’s something he thinks he’ll never get used to, much like the calming effect she has on his nerves, chasing away the tension by just leaning into him.
Catch up here.
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