3rd Life TTRPG project!
102 posts
An emerging fan project aiming to create a Life series inspired TTRPG manual! Current status: The development begins! (Brainstorming)
Last active 2 hours ago
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 17 hours ago
Funfact: this way the first piece of project art that was dropped on the project Discord.
Funfact 2: it made Admin Excel audibly squeal
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wanted to start visualizing for a super cool and awesome life series project I'm apart of :D
psst. psssst. follow the project here: @lifeseries-ttrpg
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 2 days ago
Life Series TTRPG Devlog announcement!
Hi guys!
Admin Excel here, breaking away for a moment from the busy project server. It's only been a few days since the project properly began production, but we're already making great progress!
Which is why I'm here today to announce our side project: Life Series TTRPG devlog!
Basically, once every two weeks (that period of time might change later, but that seems like a good start), a post will be published on our Tumblr, documenting the progress we've made on the game. What can you expect from our devlogs?
Updates on what we've been working on
Discussions on the developed mechanics, characters and scenarios
Sneak peeks of artwork and writing being created for the project
Memes, jokes and overall shenanigans happening on our server.
This way, you can stay updated and show support for our project! Everyone wins with this
The first devlog will most likely be published March 21st, which is next Friday. It will mostly recap week 1 of the project and everything that's happened on the server. And believe me, a LOT happened. (including, but not limited to: starting cults, making nicknames for each team, team work ranging from chill dillydallying to locking in from hour 1)
See you all soon!
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 2 days ago
Thank you anon, we appreciate the enthusiasm!
Here, have some Desertduo
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 2 days ago
Hi there! I just learned about the project. I’m not sure if this has been added yet or if you were already thinking about this but would you please consider adding non-third lifers? I am new to the fandom and I actually haven’t seen third lifers and would like to see my favs included ^_^ it may not be possible or it may not interest your team and thats alright but please consider! Thank you all for making this project btw !!!
Hi! Happy to have you here!
In the current shape of the project, we can't be 100% sure whether this version of the manual will include non 3rd Life Lifers. We're debating putting them as optional characters, but the decision had not been made yet.
But no worries! If the project goes on so far that we manage to finish the manual, we're definitely thinking of making expansions based on the other seasons. And then, the remaining Lifers will for sure be included as actual characters.
We'll keep you guys updated!
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 4 days ago
Tis not letting me send DM’s 😭
could be because I use mobile browser my bad 😭
No worries, I figured there is a problem as another person had issue dming us.
I tried dming you instead but I see you only have dms on from profiles you follow. Either disable that or follow my priv account @izelthewashbear so that I can message you and figure this out privately.
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 4 days ago
Genuinely don’t remember if I signed up or not, but I don’t see an email, do you by chance remember seeing my application 😭
Hi! I can't find your application right now, but if you could dm us with your Discord username for easier identification, that might help finding if your application is somewhere there.
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 4 days ago
Hey, I didn't get a response email and I double-checked my spam folder, do you know what could have happened?
This is a pretty strange situation, we don't know what could've possibly happened. Could you please dm us with your discord username, so that we can check your application status?
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 4 days ago
My discord crashed…
The project discord is so lively today that the app itself can't handle it /silly
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 5 days ago
Update: All of the emails have been sent out!
Keep an eye on your inbox today!
The response emails are being sent out as we speak! The first batch has been officially sent, the next one will go out in about half an hour to avoid being treated as spam. All of the emails will be sent out today, so if you don't get an email from us by the end of the day, check your other inboxes, especially spam - and if it's still not there, contact us to figure out what happened.
We can't wait to see you guys!
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 5 days ago
Keep an eye on your inbox today!
The response emails are being sent out as we speak! The first batch has been officially sent, the next one will go out in about half an hour to avoid being treated as spam. All of the emails will be sent out today, so if you don't get an email from us by the end of the day, check your other inboxes, especially spam - and if it's still not there, contact us to figure out what happened.
We can't wait to see you guys!
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 5 days ago
im going to combust im so excited to see the tomorrow, regardless of if i get in or not ‼️
We're so excited as well! :DD
We wish we could've gotten everyone on the team, but with how many people applied for the project, it would make things very difficult to handle. It was really hard to choose who gets in, and we're very thankful for every application, both from people who got into the project and from those who didn't 💞
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 5 days ago
im scared
Aren't we all? We all wander his Earth with no idea what we're doing. But the good thing, we're all in this together.
Oh and also the application result will start being sent in ~12h from now depending on when I wake up tomorrow so that's also a good thing.
Have some Mean gills for your troubles, anon
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 6 days ago
Applications results announcement!
Hi guys! Admin Excel here, writing this just before I leave to go for my uni classes :D
Thank you all so much for patiently waiting for the results of our application period! I'm happy to announce that the response emails will be sent out this Friday (March 14th)! They'll be sent in batches throughout the day to avoid being treated as spam, so I can't tell you exactly the time when you can expect to receive your response.
The responses will be sent both to people who got into the project and people who unfortunately didn't qualify - so don't worry, we won't leave anyone hanging without a response. If you don't receive your email by the end of the day on Friday, please check your spam inbox, and if you still cannot find the mail, please reach out to us so that we can figure things out.
We don't expect any further delay with the responses, but if something pops up at the last second, we will keep you informed.
Again, thank you so much for your patience and we can't wait to meet you all!
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 7 days ago
Checking this blog with so much nervousness every day since monday <3
Cant wait for application results you guys!!
We also can't wait to tell you guys the results! We've encountered a few issues and delays due to some irl stuff, but we're getting there!
Btw, does someone have about 60 postal pigeons to lend by Friday?
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 11 days ago
will there be an expectation for mechanics and lore writers to coordinate (i.e. lore should correspond to mechanical effects) or will there only be loose correlation?
Great question! So far, the idea is to keep the lore in a loose correlation with the mechanics, so that it can be easily skipped if someone prefers to play without the lore. There are only two mechanics that are tightly connected to the lore, at least in their current iterations - one statistic and one 'currency' ig you could call it? Or a system of points, it's hard to explain
When it comes to the overall lore in the system, we want it to mostly be loose ideas that the players can expand on based on their own ideas and headcanons. The lore developer role is still very important to us however, because we don't want the lore we do include to end up accidentally contradicting itself.
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 14 days ago
something I completely forgot to mention on the application cause I was rushing to get it done on time, I actually went to school for game design! I got a degree in this sort of thing and even if I don't wind up on the writing team I'd love to help out in any way you can use me :3
That's actually awesome to hear! I'll add this to our notes about your application so that we can consider it while reviewing it ^^
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lifeseries-ttrpg · 17 days ago
Life Series TTRPG FAQ!
Hi guys!
After receiving a lot of valuable questions about the project in the past few weeks, we decided to make a project FAQ. Thus, if you have any question about the whole project, please check here first, to see if maybe there's already an answer. If not, feel free to leave a question in out ask box, or dm us!
This FAQ might be updated or expanded in the future, depending on the state of the project or if new important questions pop up.
What is the project?
Life Series TTRPG project is a collab project of the Life series fandom, aiming to create a TTRPG (tabletop roleplaying game) manual based on the events, characters and lore of the Life series. We aim to create a fully developed, fully illustrated manual for anyone to play, both for people who know the series, and people who are completely new to it.
The project is led by Admin Excel and their amazing team of mods (who you can meet through this post.)
How much of the Life series is the project going to cover?
For now, this iteration of the manual will only cover the events and mechanics of 3rd Life. If the manual turns out to be a success, we're planning to create extensions to the system based on the next seasons.
Depending on what the team decides, this version of the manual might include optional elements from other seasons, such as a Boogeyman curse mechanic, or inclusion of non-3rd Life Lifers (Mumbo, Lizzie, Pearl and Gem).
Is this project going to be an extension of another TTRPG system?
No, we want this system to be completely independent from other systems. We do take inspirations from other RPG systems in elements such as mechanics or structure, and of course we reference the characters of Life series and worldbuilding of Minecraft as a whole, but you'll be able to play this game without the need of any other RPG system.
This system will also most likely include original ideas that weren't present in the canon Life series, such as new locations or some of the NPCs (Lifers) being hybrids or other non-human species.
Will the story include Watcher lore?
We have a few ideas for the inclusion of Watcher lore in the system, including things like new locations, a sort of currency that lets you change the outcome of a situation thanks to the supernatural, or a whole statistic dedicated to interacting with the lore.
The lore will most likely be an optional element however, so people who aren't interested in it can skip these rules. Also, it won't be be based solely on a single interpretation, like Martyn's Eyes and Ears AU - more so, it will be a combination of common fandom headcanons and original ideas.
Where is the project currently in its development?
We just started the development period of the project. We have almost all of the contributors on the server and we're currently dividing tasks between everyone and figuring out the most fundamental elements of the system.
This question will be updated based on our current status.
What is the project schedule and where can I find it?
Because of the scope of the project, we don't have a strict schedule yet. We expect to publish it in late March or April, after we get the team together and have a feel of how smoothly the development is going. When the schedule is done, we will link it here. The schedule might be a subject to change, both due to the size and complexity of the project, as well as our participants' own projects and day-to-day responsibilities.
The roughest estimation we currently have is that we'd want to start beta testing around July-August, and release the manual in the latter half of 2025.
How can I help the project if I'm not in the development team?
The easiest way to help us is through sharing the project and telling your friends about it! We want to get as many people interested in it as possible and every like and every reblog helps. And by following us, you will be able to see updates in our work!
You can also leave suggestions and ideas for things like mechanics, story beats or character quirks in our ask box. We can't promise we'll include every suggestion, but we'll look through them and discuss them.
Another way in which you can help is signing up as a beta player! Once we get the system rules figured out, there will be an application form open for our beta players. If you sign up, a beta version of the ruleset will be sent to you. Your task will be to organize at least one session of the system with your friends, and then fill out a feedback form to let us know what worked, what didn't, what would you change etc. Once the beta player application opens, it will be linked here.
How will the manual be distributed?
Once the manual is finished, we plan to make it widely accessible for people to download for free - most likely on a site like Gumroad.
We were once asked about a physical release, and all we can say at this point is - it would be a dream scenario to have the manual release physically, but we can't promise anything at this point.
Where can I leave ideas or suggestions for the project?
You can leave them in our question box, and we will try to respond as quickly as possible! If you feel like the question is more private or serious, you can also dm us.
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