librarivs · 11 hours
x | @malumae
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it’s a marvel of scientific brilliance — unmatched throughout the entirety of her extensive research. she has never felt such an intoxicating fascination with any subject before. the sharp crack of marrow resonates in the air as she observes, utterly spellbound, the sinew weaving itself back together before her eyes. the crimson river pooling on the floor seems trivial, rendered insignificant by her enthrallment with the man sprawled beneath her, entranced by the mesmerizing way he reconstructs himself, piece by piece.
in the soft glow of twilight, she beheld the unrestrained emergence of pain, unfurling like a fragile blossom in the garden of existence. each pang was a brushstroke on the canvas of the soul, a scar intricately inscribed with the artistry of resilience. she remained a silent witness as he crumpled on the floor, the oppressive weight of his tangible suffering enveloping the air like a heavy shroud. her keen ears tuned in to every ragged gasp, captivated by the undeniable romance inherent in his brokenness — a raw intensity that sent electric shivers coursing through her thoughts.
the crimson stains on his skin shimmered like precious gemstones beneath the gentle glow of the lamp, casting an enchanting radiance that quickened her heartbeat. he was a striking juxtaposition of beauty & tragedy; his vulnerability intertwined with the harshness of his contours drew her nearer, an irresistible pull that compelled her to become a devoted witness to the wonders of discovery.
she was enraptured, yearning for the raw, visceral beauty that filled her heart with a deep ache of longing to study. the prospect of evaluating such a profound existence captivated her, entrancing her with the trembling cadence of his breath. she observed how he shut his eyes, battling against the searing agony that must be coursing through him ( but she could only speculate ) — transformed in that grotesque state into a living masterpiece. how romantically poignant this devastation was, stripped of all pretense, revealing the unfiltered essence of life that beckoned her closer, igniting a fierce desire to cradle his shattered form in her hands.
warm palms delicately traced along his cheekbones, fingers gliding with tender precision over the contours of his jaw before coming to rest at the nape of his neck. with gentle care, she cradled his head, lifting it onto her lap as if it were a precious artifact in need of refuge. her dress, already stained with sanguine pools of bodily fluids, bore the marks of her devotion — an insignificant price to pay, as she could easily procure another.
his words faded into mere background noise, overwhelmed by the cacophony of her racing thoughts that theorized & meandered through a labyrinth of ideas. hypotheses & conclusions clamored for her attention, swirling in a chaotic dance as she hummed to the underlying insult, her mind buzzing with the energy of her relentless contemplation.
“ is a lamp truly of import at this moment ? i’d argue that halting the way blood pools from your body like an overflowing fountain is far more urgent. ” yet, there was little she could do — & even less she needed to — since his body appeared to mend itself with an almost ethereal grace, seamlessly knitting together without her intervention. she could only watch in captivated awe, offering the warmth of her own body, still vibrant & alive, a stark contrast to the corpse-like stillness that clung to him, as if he were a soul risen from the grave, defiantly refusing to succumb to eternal rest.
it’s undeniably ironic that a stellaron hunter found himself here, nestled in her space, resting on her lap. fate can be a cruel mistress to many, yet she found herself surprisingly pleased with the circumstances, even as her demeanor remained cool & aloof. her cold blue eyes assessed him with a measured glance, lingering momentarily before shifting back to meet his gaze — eyes that burned like a distant sun, radiating an intensity that contrasted sharply with her own detachment.
“ would you like me to fetch you a towel so you can clean yourself up ? ” her voice betraying a hint of amusement amidst the peculiar situation.
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librarivs · 11 hours
the silence is a persecution, & the silvermane captain instantly regrets his choice. tendrils of discomfort creep across his skin, sending an unsettling chill rippling through him, as if an unseen force is tightening its grip. an expression of understanding worn by a friend might provide a much-needed reprieve, but the smirk of a self-proclaimed enemy only serves to unnerve him further. he can’t help but notice how those lips curve so effortlessly in response to his words, a disarming reaction that leaves a storm of questions crashing against the shores of his mind, each one clamoring for contemplation & reflection. the tension in the air thickens, making it difficult to discern whether it’s the silence or the other man’s demeanor that unsettles him more.
naturally, an iron wall conceals its imperfections, standing as the final defense when all else within an empire collapses into chaos. to acknowledge a weakness, to unveil the slightest tremor of muscle that could disrupt the formidable façade, would be a grave mistake. therefore, he remains steadfast in his silence, for he is a devoted follower of qlipoth — an oath he bears like a heavy mantle, one that shapes his very identity.
( 'doubt begets arrogance, & from doubt springs forth malevolence. as a model for belobog, one should not indulge in overthinking' ) — haunting words that echo in his mind with a startling clarity. he remembers the time when he was still a humble private, devoted to becoming belobog's strongest shield, a steadfast pledge to live & die alongside those who would form the vanguard in safeguarding the city & its people.
this suffocating sensation burrows itself into the crevices of his ribcage, like thorns from a rosebush piercing through his flesh, drawing forth sanguine droplets from open wounds & severed veins. the trickster’s smile has always held an unsettling charm that gepard could never quite decipher, yet now he felt the full weight of its impact. it was as if he were shackled to the dark, abyssal trench of the ocean floor, choking on the murky waters that surrounded him, a desperate craving for oxygen clawing at his throat. each breath felt heavy & labored, his heart pounding like a drum against the confines of his chest, urging him to escape the oppressive grip of uncertainty that enveloped him.
it’s only when sampo finally breaks the silence that he feels the tension within him begin to unravel, enabling him to release the breath he had been holding like a captive within his lungs. as he exhales, a puff of air escapes in a frigid cloud, swirling momentarily in the chill of the air before gradually dissipating into nothingness. the release is both liberating & disconcerting, a fleeting reminder of the suffocating weight that had clung to him moments before, now melting away into the atmosphere like a wisp of smoke.
he reflects, for no logical or rational explanation exists for the unease that settles over him in the presence of the man before him. the conversation had taken him by surprise; he hadn’t anticipated voicing his thoughts so freely, unshackled by his usual reservations. there seemed to be little justification for engaging in a dialogue with a criminal, yet he remained silent, his curiosity piqued as he listened intently. his cerulean irises lowered, tracing the remnants of powdered snow that clung stubbornly to the cobblestone streets, each flake glimmering in the muted light, a stark contrast to the weight of the dialogue.
a sharp exhale escapes him as he closes his eyes, feeling the chill of a cold front settle in, his jaw instinctively locking into place. is it annoyance ? no, that’s not quite it. he finds himself at a loss, unable to pinpoint the tumult of emotions swirling within him, for he has seldom allowed himself the luxury of introspection to truly understand his own psyche beyond the surface of fleeting frustrations. & sampo has certainly been a catalyst for such feelings time & time again.
another person might have scoffed or laughed at his words, but the captain does neither. instead, he maintains his rigid stance, a paragon of composure, as his lashes flutter with a brief blink before he redirects his gaze back to the figure before him. it would be undeniably unwise to let his attention waver from this man, who possesses a slyness akin to that of a fox & the cunning of a hare. he knows that even a moment's distraction could prove costly when faced with such a presence.
( ‘fun’ ) — it feels like a bitter insult. to be regarded as nothing more than a fleeting source of entertainment while he strives to carry out his work diligently & without fail is disheartening. yet, when it comes to the other, failure seems to be a constant. his brows furrow in a silent rebuke, an unvoiced reprimand that lingers on his tongue, even as he presses his lips together to stifle the sharp retort threatening to escape. he did not devote himself to the silvermane & the protection of belobog because it was enjoyable; his commitment was forged from a deeper sense of duty, a steadfast resolve that transcended any notion of amusement.
he grimaces more deeply, his lips drawn tight at the corners in a display of palpable irritation. "unimpressed" would best capture the essence of his expression. he forces himself to maintain that stare, even as the words drifting through the thin air between them strike him as utterly ludicrous. in truth, he would much rather face a predictable adversary, like the fragmentum monsters lurking on the front lines, than contend with the duplicitous man standing before him. the latter's machiavellian nature is far more disquieting.
sampo speaks an effortless grace, as fluid as a river meandering on a warm spring day — or so he imagines, for he has never experienced the serene, soothing flow of water in nature. yet, he finds himself idly contemplating how sampo personifies that very ease, exuding a lackadaisical aura that seems to trail behind him like a gentle breeze. the words glide between them, light & unencumbered, reminiscent of a carefree afternoon.
he raises a hand, the cold iron plating pressing firmly against the bridge of his nose in a gesture of familiar solace. it’s a ritual he often resorts to in an attempt to alleviate the dull throb of stress that has taken residence in his frontal lobe after a grueling week of demands. yet, this moment of reprieve proves fleeting, for the smooth-talking criminal continues his relentless stream of chatter, weaving together tales as if spinning them were nothing more than a casual pastime. finally, gepard lets out a huff, a sound of disbelief escaping his lips as he discovers the will to break the silence, the first noise to punctuate the soft clinking of his armor as he shifts his posture — a rare crack in his facade.
“ you can’t be serious, ” the words escape his lips like a desperate plea to the universe, to the aeons themselves — perhaps even to qlipoth. his steadfast shield feels woefully inadequate against the barrage of absurdities designed to provoke him, a torrent of fabrications that stokes the fire within him, causing his ears to burn with embarrassment. each word is a piercing arrow, striking deep, & he yearns fervently for the onslaught to cease, wishing for silence to envelop them. it’s a struggle to endure, & every fiber of his being aches for an escape from this unbearable torment.
“ well, i can’t say i’m sorry for disappointing you, but as captain, it is my duty to safeguard belobog from all threats — even those posed by you, no matter how trivial they may seem. ” he considers the looming menace of the fragmentum, which, in recent days, has become a challenge more manageable than before. “ unfortunately, i do not see it as my obligation to mend your broken heart if you’ve convinced yourself that my actions were anything beyond the scope of my responsibilities as a guard. ”
he recognizes the jest for what it is — a deliberate attempt to poke at him, to shatter his defenses & make him stumble. yet, despite this understanding, he finds himself answering with genuine sincerity; it’s simply in his nature. adjusting his grip on the guitar case resting in the snow beside him, he gives a slight shake of his head, striving to dispel the flush of embarrassment threatening to envelop his composure. “ we both know how this typically goes, so, what’s your plan for escape this time ? ”
his eyes, icy & unyielding, fixate on sampo with an air of detached indifference, a carefully crafted mask meant to preserve his dignity. “ since this can’t be avoided, at least refrain from using the smoke bombs. it becomes difficult to breathe when you hurl those around. ” the words are delivered with a crisp precision, an effort to maintaining his aloof demeanor, as if the very act of expressing his discomfort were beneath him.
it’s not a negotiation, though perhaps it ought to be. gepard has never before considered making a request to temper their pursuit, yet now, as he reflects, he wonders why he hesitates. if he’s destined to remain perpetually out of reach, unable to feel the steady pulse beneath his palm as he finally secures a grip around sampo’s arm, what is the point of enduring needless setbacks ? the thought stirs within him, an unexpected impulse to reassess the dynamics of their chase, to question whether the toll it exacts on his resolve is worth it.
another might have paused, weighing the implications of that initial step, but he forges ahead without a moment's hesitation. his boots crunch heavily against the fresh snow, each footfall echoing like a declaration of intent. this first step is merely the beginning, a calculated move to gauge the limits of this encounter before it inevitably reaches its conclusion. he tells himself — insists, even — that he’s not indulging in this interaction in any way, yet the keen eye of an observer might raise an eyebrow at his claim, questioning the very sincerity of his resolve.
@librarivs ( gepard ) // cont.
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    It  had  been  a  while  since  the  off-world  mercenary  had  claimed  Jarilo-VI's  fortified  city  as  his  personal  playground,  even  going  beyond  the  boundaries  of  stone  walls  to  dig  around  in  the  snow  for  the  next  big  hit  in  his  lineup  of  normally  phony  products.  Enough  to  garner  the  title  of  the  local  Caveman  or  tufts  of  blue  lending  to  the  alternate  name  of  Yeti.  Hah.  He  became  used  to  a  local  rumor  mill,  though  most  of  what  pertained  to  him  did  have  truth  to  a  certain  extent.  Not  that  it  was  his  job  to  prove  or  disprove  anything,  but  he  would  have  rather  heard  about  something  else  while  pulling  a  hood  over  his  head,  attempting  to  blend  in  during  an   ❛  official  ❜   assembly  of  the  Dark-Blue  Scam  Victims  Association.  Chatter  got  him  going,  tales  amusing  in  what's  otherwise  a  rather  desolate  part  of  the  universe.  But  did  everything  really  have  to  be  about  him  ?
     Worth  it  if  it  meant  that  his  presence  doubled  as  a  distraction,  a  shift  in  the  planet's  story,  no  matter  how  small.  Fate  was  not  something  he  could  tamper  with,  but  he  could  cause  the  path  to  curl  in  on  itself,  have  the  main  actors  walk  in  circles  before  releasing  them  back  to  their  predetermined  end.  Much  better  to  have  a  distraction  than  knowing  that  they  might  succumb  to  some  force  much  more  sophisticated  than  they,  no  ?   He  thought  so,  otherwise  he  would  have  taken  to  the  streets,  laughing  about  the  end.  How  the  frozen  Legion  from  beyond  the  sky  were  merely  waiting  for  their  defrost,  for  Nanook  to  get  bored   &&   continue  their  campaign.  Sampo  the  Masked  Fool  would  believe  it  to  be  rather  cruel,  but  he  could  already  hear  the  chiming  of  bells   &&   an  echoing  maniacal  madman  laughing  in  his  head.  The  Elation  would  welcome  such  chaos.
     He  had  little  issue  in  shuffling  up  to  center  stage   &&   garnering  laughter  out  of  both  his  audience   &&   himself,  but  he  found  that  during  his  time  here,  a  world  that  reminded  him  of  what  he  once  knew  as  home,  that  taking  up  the  mantle  of  comic  relief  had  been  more  fitting.  Finding  a  spark  in  even  something  as  mundane  as  routine  Silvermane  Guard  duty   &&   dragging  that  out  into  a  game  of  cat   &&   mouse,  letting  Captain  Gepard  star  as  something  more  than  a  coarse  man  barking  orders,  or  being  on  the  receiving  end  of  such  insensitive  delivery.  A  single  blue-haired  nuisance  was  much,  much  more  tolerable  than  the  biting  winds  of  the  frontlines,  scarce  resources   &&   meals,   &&   the  unforgiving  Fragmentum.  Or,  so  he'd  insist.  Plus,  if  he  gets  any  say  in  this  story,  he  thinks  he's  much  more  pleasing  on  the  eyes  than  a  snarling  Ice  Out  of  Space.
    Defiance  had  little  bite  to  it  as  it  passed  his  lips,  but  perhaps  the  lowered  lids   &&   half-baked  smirk  expressed  blasé  countenance  only  found  in  their  repetitive  dance.  Oh,  that's  a  bit  too  romantic  to  describe  the  scene,  Sampo  knew  it  hardly  felt  as  such.  The  Landau  before  him  very  much  a  weapon  handcrafted  by  both  the  elements  of  a  frostbitten  planet   &&   an  unrelenting  obligation.  One  slip  up  could  result  in  getting  his  head  knocked  clean  off,  or  well,  the  Fool  heard  one  story  from  a  few  gossiping  guards.  The  guy  packs  a  punch.  Whatever  he  was  dishing  out  had  only  ever  meant  to  be  play  after  their  first  few  encounters.
    Hips  unevenly  slanted  with  the  shift  of  his  weight,  appearing  comfortable  despite  the  multiple  escape  plans  swirling  around  in  his  mind.  One  wrong  move   &&   he'd  take  off.  But,  what's  this  ?   The  Captain  was  indulging  him  ?   What  was  merely  a  veil  before  morphed  into  amusement  despite  the  clear  ire  on  the  fair  visage  across.  Well,  this  just  got  more  interesting  for  the  grifter.  Vulpine  lips  drawing  up  to  one  side  in  a  smirk   &&   a  single  dark  brow  beckoning  for  more.  Even  though  he  was  quite  proud  to  provoke  Gepard  once  more,  the  disdain  he  displays  differed  from  the  surprise  within.  Genuinely  curious  as  to  where  this  conversation  might  be  going,  what  it  even  meant  to  the  other  to  receive  an  answer.  How  could  he  even  trust  that  Sampo  would  deliver  something  satisfactory  ?   An  officer  of  the  Silvermane  Guard  was  hardly  the  ideal  client.           ❝  That's  your  first  mistake,  Cap.  You  think  I  get  nothing  out  of  this.  ❞   Emeralds  trailed  away,  seemingly  unsure  of  what  he  might  pilfer  from  gaining  the  attention  of  a  few  guards.  Sampo  offered  a  half  shrug.   ❝  It's  fun.  ❞   This  little  back   &&   forth,  seeing  each  other  some  of  the  times  the  malefactor  decided  to  directly  get  involved  with  trouble  in  Overworld.  That  on  its  own  was  already  an  activity  he  started  looking  forward  to.  How  appearance  of  maroon  coat  might  marr  one  particular  guard's  otherwise  stoic  face.  Superficial  reasonings,  but  enough  to  ignite  his  pursuit  of  Elation  within.            ❝  Don't  tell  me  you  prefer  fighting  a  hoard  of  Fragmentum  monsters  over  seeing  this  face  ?   ❞   One  gloved  hand  shoots  up,  index  finger  directed  towards  his  own  chin.  Added  benefit  was  that  he  truly  believed  that  his  existence  was  something  much  more  worth  it  to  a  society  long  plagued  by  horrors,  a  break  in  that.  While  he  did  cause  disruption  to  some  lives,  production,   &&   even  messed  with  munitions,  he  wanted  to  offer  something  a  lot  better  than  constant  brute  forcing.    ❝  I  suppose  we  all  have  our  preferences,  but  it  makes  me  kinda  sad.  I  thought  we  had  something  going.  After all,  it  usually  goes  like  this  :   the  guards  accuse  me  of  doing  something,  you  seemingly  have  enough  time  on  your  hands  as  a  Captain  to  show  up   &&   chase  me  personally.  ❞         Silence  fell  over  the  typically  chatty  man,  his  greens  settling  on  the  pristine  white  of  the  Captain's  uniform.  Again,  nothing  new  forms,  he's  biding  time  for  his  next  act.  ❝  Oh…  ❞    With  gusto,  a  hand  splays  flat  against  his  chest,  bumping  a  buckle  nearby.  Expression  devoid  of  mischief   &&   instead  pained,  brows  scrunching  rather  fearfully  to  complement  an  uncharacteristic  frown.   ❝  Don't  tell  me  you've  been  leading  me  on  !   ❞   But  he  couldn't  maintain  it  for  long,  twitch  of  his  lips  cracked  his  mask,  gave  way  to  a  small  smile.   ❝  You'll  break  my  heart,  Captain  ~   ❞   He  cooed.
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librarivs · 13 hours
||: okay ! asks are all done. give this post a little slap '♡' + comment a muse ( however many you want ) — mumus don't forget to list your own muse too & i'll throw a short little starter your way to help kick things off for people who want to interact but aren't vibing with the one rp prompt i have reblogged right now.
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librarivs · 14 hours
" if you see a spider in your room that little guy got there on his own and he did absolutely not run into your room from mine when i chased him out from under my bed. honestly that's also a little bit on you for leaving the door open. i mean, if the spider did come from my room and all of that happened then i was going to put him outside. but since this never happened, i'm just giving you a really super duper nice heads up that uh- we have spiders in the house now. anyway ! there's cheesecake in the fridge ! i took a bite out of every slice just to make sure it wasn't old, you are so very welcome ! " / hi u know who this is for :)
random ask / @sancsolis
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the popstar’s face contorted in a visible display of disdain as kayn spoke, his expression shifting from neutral to irritated in an instant. his nose wrinkled instinctively, reminiscent of a rabbit catching the scent of something in the wild. his sharp, golden eyes locked onto kayn, scrutinizing every detail without concern for how harsh or cutting his glare might seem. any awareness of how it could be interpreted was overshadowed by the irritation simmering within him. the story spilling from kayn’s lips was filled with reckless mischief, a trademark of someone who seemed to invite trouble at every turn.
sure, he was no stranger to chaos himself; he had his fair share of wild moments that left a trail of disorder in their wake. however, to argue that he was the worst offender would be a stretch — aphelios easily claimed that title, the quiet yet dangerous mastermind of the house’s most disruptive moments.
ezreal let out a tired huff, shoulders sagging under the weight of exhaustion after a long, draining day. his muscles ached with fatigue, & his eyelids felt unbearably heavy, the promise of sleep calling to him like a distant oasis. all he wanted was to collapse onto his bed & sink into the blissful escape of a well-earned nap before dinner. instead, the moment he crossed the threshold of the shared house, his gaze immediately landed on a face that practically screamed trouble. yet, despite the warning signs, he couldn’t deny the thrill that surged through him. there was something intoxicating about it — about him — even as the rush of adrenaline sent his heart racing. being around kayn always had that effect, stirring an excitement that, despite its chaotic undertones, he couldn’t resist.
for the briefest of moments — no more than a heartbeat — ezreal toyed with the idea of calling for yone, spinning a playful lie about kayn slipping a spider into his room on purpose. the thought flickered across his mind like a mischievous spark, tempting him to stir up trouble just for the satisfaction of a little payback.
honestly, that’s the only part of the explanation that even registers with him. the rest of kayn’s words fade into the background like static. after all, what excuse could the infamous rockstar, known for his bark & bite, possibly have for not dealing with a mere spider ? it was almost laughable — pathetic, really — & ezreal found himself tempted to point out this absurdity, if only to get under kayn's skin. the urge to tease him was strong, a playful jab he knew would be all too predictable to anyone watching their interaction. it was the kind of behavior everyone expected from the prince, always quick to mock when an opportunity presented itself.
lips curled into an uneven slant, his face scrunching up once more in a visible expression of discontent. what was normally a boyish, endearing visage now twisted into something sour. in his mind, this moment was as unpleasant as the alleged creepy-crawler not paying rent in his room. " okay, so go get it, " the snap of his voice dripping with impatience. it wasn’t a request — it was practically a command. after all, the spider had only ended up in his room thanks to the very culprit standing before him, & he wasn’t about to let kayn off the hook so easily.
he certainly wasn’t about to go searching for it — not because he was scared, of course. handling an "itsy-bitsy" spider like the ones from those childhood songs would be no problem if he really wanted to. fear had nothing to do with it, or at least that’s what he stubbornly insisted. it was about the principle of the matter. why should he, of all people, be the one to deal with it when it was kayn’s fault the thing ended up in his room in the first place ?
ezreal crossed his arms tightly over his chest, his brows knitting together in frustration as he tilted his head down just enough to maintain that piercing, molten gold glare. his eyes were aflame with annoyance, the sharp intensity of his stare unwavering. the spider was one thing — he could maybe let that slide, even if it was a crime bordering on unforgivable. but the cheesecake ? now that was an entirely different story. his patience was hanging by a thread. if kayn didn’t deal with that cursed insect immediately, ezreal was seconds away — five, to be exact — from marching straight to yone & spilling every detail.
" if you don’t handle it, i’ll make sure you’re saddled with extra chores for the entire month. & let’s be honest, no matter what excuse you come up with, you're already neck-deep in trouble. so, here's the deal — get rid of the spider, & i’ll keep quiet about the cheesecake, if anyone asks. but if you don’t, i’ll rat you out in a heartbeat. "
yone would easily figure out who meddled with the cheesecake in the fridge — it wasn’t exactly a mystery. & considering ezreal wasn’t even home when the crime was committed, the culprit was all too obvious. his smirk widened as he added, “ & i’m asking yone to swap our rooms. then you can enjoy your little eight-legged friend all over again. "
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librarivs · 18 hours
||: i am too lazy to post individual interest checks for all of my muses, so feel free to comment on this post / message me directly to let me know who you're wanting to write against from my blog if you haven't spoken to me already. this way i know who to send your way in the future for inbox. — by all means, feel free to list as many muses as you want when you do & i will slowly work on making sure you get to interact with them all over time !
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librarivs · 24 hours
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  to  send  to  your  worst  enemy  (affectionate).  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜
❛ you? kill me? that's funny. ❜
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
❛ do us both a favor. stay away from me. ❜
❛ you really are an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? ❜
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
❛ i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. ❜
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜
❛ well, someone's cranky today. ❜
❛ well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. ❜
❛ just stay out of my way. ❜
❛ of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. ❜
❛ what is it you want this time? ❜
❛ sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. ❜
❛ do you honestly think this is easy for me? ❜
❛ why would i ever want to be friends with you? ❜
❛ can we please just talk? ❜
❛ there is nothing for us to talk about. ❜
❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
❛ touch me, and you're dead. ❜
❛ oh, so now you care? ❜
❛ there is something deeply wrong with you. ❜
❛ i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... ❜
❛ you don't think we could be friends, do you? ❜
❛ i'm tired of fighting against you. ❜
❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
❛ you're an idiot, but... i trust you. ❜
❛ oh, don't be cute. ❜
❛ wait, did you just say that i'm cute? ❜
❛ we're not good for each other. ❜
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
❛ don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ❜
❛ maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
❛ maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. ❜
❛ how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? ❜
❛ don't think this changes anything between us. ❜
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
❛ ah, so you're not heartless after all. ❜
❛ i don't think i've ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ you never cared about me, so why now? ❜
❛ why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? ❜
❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you're not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
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librarivs · 24 hours
||: i think i'd like to add g.enshin & h.sr verses for my wuwa muses just to give them more use.
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librarivs · 1 day
||: okay ! asks are all done. give this post a little slap '♡' + comment a muse ( however many you want ) — mumus don't forget to list your own muse too & i'll throw a short little starter your way to help kick things off for people who want to interact but aren't vibing with the one rp prompt i have reblogged right now.
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librarivs · 1 day
❛ a golden cage is still just a cage ❜ / Robin!
x | @featheredreign
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is it pity, or is her sorrow an endless abyss, overflowing with the yearning to be her brother’s salvation ? the sensation of being a bird trapped within a gilded cage clings to her soul, where the cold, unforgiving bars press against her, offering neither warmth nor comfort. she has always felt the weight of that oppressive confinement. protection, others might call it — & how could she refute the notion that a cage might indeed shield what one holds most precious ? yet, the walls that safeguard also suffocate, leaving her to wonder where the boundary between protection & imprisonment truly lies.
yet, no matter how exquisite or gilded the cage, she could never quell the crushing, suffocating dread that came with imagining a creature so wild & free reduced to such captivity. the thought alone twisted in her chest like a vine, squeezing tighter with each breath. & she would never allow sunday to suffer that fate. a creature that danced through the heavens, wings slicing through the boundless sky, deserved a freedom as sacred as its own existence. it deserved to carve its own path, one that filled every fleeting second with meaning & wonder. even in the face of an inevitable end, the bird would glide on its own terms — wings outstretched, heart unburdened — choosing to live fully, untethered by the constraints of a prison, until its final descent.
there is nothing — no glimmer of solace, no trace of relief — in the thought of being confined for eternity, nor in the sharp, biting words that strike like blades, slicing deep into her soul until crimson trickles from unseen wounds. the cruelty clings to her, cold & merciless, offering no reprieve. & yet, beneath the anguish, a desperate longing festers. she clings to the frayed edges of her brother’s presence, fingers trembling as she holds onto the last tether of her only family, driven by an aching need to understand him — even if it means enduring the pain a little longer, just for the chance to glimpse the truth hidden within his heart.
she casts her gaze downward, unable to summon the courage to meet his eyes directly. her hand drifts to her chest, fingers unfurling gracefully before curling into her palm, forming a tight fist as she squeezes with quiet determination. it rests gently above the rhythmic thu-thump of her heart, which beats in sync with the oppressive silence, each pulse resonating like a distant echo, interwoven with the steady ticking of a clock that marks the passage of time.
“ well, yes — ” she replies, her voice laced with hesitation as she grapples with her thoughts, striving to find the precise words to convey her feelings clearly. yet, as she sifts through the clutter of her mind, the distant hum that buzzes in her ears becomes a cacophony, drowning out any semblance of coherence. in that moment, she realizes that nothing feels adequate to express the turmoil swirling within her.
for years, robin has felt ensnared, much like the wounded bird she once rescued in her youth. now, however, she sees sunday reflecting that same fragile creature, & the thought stirs an uncomfortable feeling within her. to voice this comparison, she muses, would be a disservice to him. “ but such a confinement should only ever be a temporary reprieve, a fleeting measure until it can leave & soar back into the sky once more. ”
her words seem perplexing, even to her own ears. they resonate with a sense of familiarity, heavy on her tongue, as if they are echoes of sentiments she uttered long ago in a different time. gathering her resolve, she steels herself & finally raises her emerald eyes to meet her brother’s gaze, her expression radiating a fierce perseverance, even if it feels ultimately fruitless. yet, she knows she would never regard her efforts as a waste of time; the endeavor to bridge that chasm between them is a pursuit worth undertaking, no matter the outcome.
to return to those cherished days when she could share in the weight of the burdens her brother bore would be a dream come true. robin would empathize with him endlessly, even if she could never fully endorse his choices. “ brother, ” she implores, her voice soft yet resolute, “ i don’t want you to remain trapped in a cage any longer. won’t you confide in me ? ”
it is both a request & a desperate plea, one she fervently hopes he will heed. even if he dismisses her words, turning away from her with cold indifference, she would plunge into the depths of despair to retrieve him once more. she would shatter her own bones & withstand the brunt of his bitter words, enduring every ounce of his vitriol, if it meant granting him even a fleeting moment of solace — a fragment of tranquility amidst the chaos of his torment.
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librarivs · 1 day
❛ people can do worse things than kill you  ❜ Was that too morbid? Abrupt as it was, the biker leaves himself contemplative before the lady with snow white hair. Sixth Street didn't look like the place for that cutting sense of humor. Well? Aside from that nifty little movie shop not too far off. "Like snagging your meal after you've been practically drooling over it, waitin' for it to get finished up for half an hour. That's the type of activity I'd chase anyone to the ends of the earth for. The people who love that 'it tastes better when it's snatched up' kinda mantra.' " (Lighter to Anby!)
x | @astrxlfinale
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time became a relentless shackle — an ever-tightening constraint that anby willingly submits to — often finding herself with precious little of it to spare for indulgence. it’s a rare & coveted luxury, making moments like this all the more disheartening, as rare as a supermoon blue moon, celestial events she hardly ever glimpses. to simply say ‘once in a blue moon’ didn’t quite capture the rarity of this situation — it was far more elusive than even those infrequent lunar phases, an occurrence so exceptional that mere words struggled to convey its scarcity.
for the better part of an hour, anby demara, of the cunning hares, had stood with her forehead resting against the cool glass of her favorite restaurant, her hands splayed against the window as if her touch could will the doors open. the dim, abyssal void of the unlit interior made it painfully clear that, on her one precious day off, the promise of a cheeseburger would remain unfulfilled. the flicker of disappointment on her face was subtle — indecipherable to most — though perhaps not lost on the proxy had they been accompanying her, who, despite often struggling to grasp the nuances of her speech, at least made an earnest effort to understand.
she might have lingered there indefinitely, allowing the glass to soothe her skin as the afternoon slipped away. the gentle chill offered a quiet reprieve from her internal monologue, a momentary escape from the restless thoughts cycling through her mind. but the sudden intrusion of an unfamiliar voice sliced through her silent soliloquy stream of consciousness, pulling her from her reverie. the conversation — the ongoing mental tug-of-war of frustration & discontent — was neatly filed away, to be resumed at a later time, when solitude & stillness would again allow its continuation.
anby peeled herself away from the glass, her eyes — a molten sunset drifting toward the stretch of meadow beyond. her gaze drifted to the figure standing at a respectful distance, unmistakably directing his words toward her. ( who ? ) — she mused, curiosity blooming in the back of her mind. the music, which had pulsed through her headphones in a futile attempt to console her in the wake of her disappointment, fell silent with a delicate press of her fingertip against the speaker’s casing. the world around her seemed to come into sharper focus as she pulled herself back into the moment.
" in that case, i must pity the would-be thief, " her voice flowing with the smooth consistency of a tranquil stream. " i couldn't even manage to procure a meal for myself. " her tone remained serene, untouched by emotion, each word delivered with the same unwavering calm, not a ripple of inflection betraying her thoughts. she remained utterly impassive, her expression a quiet mask of composure. surely, this must be one of those jokes nicole often spoke of, yet anby found herself responding with earnest sincerity, unable to brush it aside with humor as others might.
her gaze drifted once more to the dim, lifeless interior of the restaurant, a soft, almost resigned sigh escaping her lips as she finally accepted the bleak truth — she would have to seek sustenance elsewhere. with that reluctant acknowledgment, she turned back to the man, tucking her hands into the pockets of her jacket as if shielding herself. her next question was abrupt, yet carried a note of genuine hopefulness. " do you happen to know any good places around here where i can get a burger ? "
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librarivs · 1 day
❛ disrespectfully, i decline  ❜ for gepard!
x | @huijarii
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it wasn’t a suggestion, nor an offer, & certainly not a choice — it was a declaration, absolute & immovable, devoid of any possibility for negotiation. much like countless encounters before, they were destined to collide, an inevitable clash of forces. their dynamic was akin to a boulder hurtling down a mountainside, unforgiving & relentless, carving a path of devastation as it plummeted — unyielding in its descent, intent on destruction of its own making. such was the friction between them, a tension that, perhaps, would never find resolution, forever caught in their discord.
it was like a tab run up at the end of a long, indulgent night — recklessly accumulated by someone who, from the very outset, knew they lacked the means to settle the bill. yet there was gepard, standing resolute in all his dignity & pride, driven by an unwavering sense of duty. his will was ironclad, forged in the fires of his commitment to protect the people of belobog from every threat, no matter how insignificant, even one as trivial as sampo. in truth, there were far greater dangers looming over belobog than a smooth-talking scammer trying to make a quick profit, but gepard's integrity left no room for neglect, no matter how small the threat seemed.
it raises the question — why does the city’s cherished golden boy of the silvermane guards, the steadfast bastion of defense, unyielding even before the fiercest of enemies, now find himself standing before a man who persistently evades him, slipping through his grasp like fine grains of sand ? here he is, entertaining yet another conversation that, deep down, he knows will end in the same frustratingly familiar way — an outcome he predicted the very moment his boots sank into the freshly fallen snow, propelling him into a chase that already felt doomed to repeat its endless cycle.
at some point, his expression contorted into a mask of irritation. the guards who had flanked him in pursuit of sampo had fallen behind, unable to match his pace. gepard found himself uncertain of where he had lost them amid the labyrinthine streets of the derelict housing that lay just beyond the city's bustling core. the echoes of their hurried footsteps faded into the shadows, leaving him alone in the desolation, frustration simmering beneath the surface as he navigated the tangled alleys.
“this is not — ” his voice faltered, nearly causing him to bite his tongue in his urgent attempt to articulate a response. this was no ordinary criminal; he was the only one who had ever managed to burrow beneath gepard's skin, leaving an irritable itch that lingered long after their encounters. to complicate matters further, gepard was acutely aware that if he dared to cross that invisible boundary between them — a chasm that felt impossibly deep & insurmountable — he would have to watch helplessly as the vibrant indigo hair & piercing emerald eyes faded into a thick haze of smoke. the very thought of it stirred disappointment within him, igniting a fierce internal struggle as he grappled with the realization that the very person who elicited such strong emotions was also the one who could vanish without a trace, leaving him with nothing but the lingering echoes of their confrontation. “ first of all, you don’t get to refuse arrest. ”
his glacier-blue eyes, akin to the clearest stretch of a pristine sky on a sunlit day, finally locked onto the man standing before him with unwavering intensity. the sharp contrast of those icy hues seemed to pierce through the air, radiating an undeniable sense of authority. as he focused on the figure across from him, displeasure began to etch itself into the lines of his face, deepening the furrows on his brow & pulling the corners of his mouth into a pronounced frown. each subtle twitch of his lips conveyed the weight of his discontent, “ & not once have i ever believed you held any respect for the law or the guards, so adding that is unnecessary ! ”
he couldn't remember the last time he attempted to engage sampo in such a straightforward manner. perhaps it was before bronya ascended to the role of supreme guardian — back when he had little time to spare under cocolia’s oppressive regime. yet now, he found himself aware that he could afford to exchange a word or two that had previously been off-limits. “ don’t you have anything more worthwhile to occupy your time than wasting the silvermane guards’ resources like this ? surely, these petty crimes offer you no real benefit to warrant such frequent encounters. ”
words he had long suppressed, swallowed down like bitter pills, because his opinions felt like the remnants of someone else’s wildfire — ash & smoke with little significance of their own. yet, as he finally dared to voice them, it felt strangely liberating, akin to a bird soaring freely through the open sky, unburdened by the constraints of the world below. acknowledging such a sensation left an unsettling weight in his chest, prompting him to dismiss it almost instantly, driven by an instinct to retreat behind the familiar, frigid wall of ice that had always defined him.
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librarivs · 2 days
||: i have been convinced to add ez.real to this blog and i am already cooking with his verses.
heartsteel - normal fae court - genshin prestige heavenscale - hsr porcelain protector - wuwa
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librarivs · 2 days
❛ i’ll get over it. i just need to be dramatic first. ❜ for natasha!
x | @huijarii
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the breath she had been holding escapes in a sharp, shattering exhale, breaking the stillness like a glass splintering without warning. this wasn’t the first time — nor did she expect it to be the last — that she found herself trapped in this restless curiosity, her mind spiraling with endless questions about what sampo was up to this time, & why. they had known each other long enough for her to realize that asking would be futile, only leading to a tiresome cycle of half-baked excuses & tangled tales — stories so fragile, she could tear them apart with the slightest scrutiny.
it wasn’t that she didn’t trust him — quite the opposite, in fact. many would argue she placed too much faith in him, given his less-than-sterling reputation. yet, his help at the clinic had proven enough to win a small measure of her patience, allowing her to overlook the inevitable trouble he often stumbled into. despite this, a quiet worry lingered within her, a constant undercurrent she couldn’t ignore. it was a truth known to anyone who had ever come under her care — that she fretted, even when she tried to mask it behind a calm, composed exterior.
even now, she remains at a loss regarding what it is he needs to overcome, yet she cannot deny that he never fails to deliver a measure of amusement through his animated reactions & the spirited conversations they often share.
as the relentless ticking of the clock punctuated the stillness of the empty clinic, it served as a rhythmic backdrop to the silence that enveloped her. with each tick, she racked her brain, searching for a response that would resonate, feeling the weight of unspoken thoughts linger in the air around her.
her shoulders sagged as she withdrew her hand from its position, where her index finger had pressed against her brow in an attempt to smooth away the deepening furrow of concern. “ are you going to tell me what you need to ‘get over’, or should I start guessing ? ” though her words may come off as terse, a subtle gentleness infuses her tone as she speaks to sampo. the orchid hues of her gaze soften the rigidity of her expression, while her painted lips, previously pursed into a thin line, hint at the compassion that lies beneath her facade.
she was never one to reprimand him, & she wouldn’t start now. however, in the recent past, she had found herself repeatedly mending the aftermath of his reckless actions. even so, she struggled to grasp his true intentions, despite the way his schemes ultimately served the underworld, yielding benefits that none of them could have achieved on their own. were it not for sampo, they might still be isolated from the overworld. she would remain eternally grateful for the day he brought bronya & the others into their midst, regardless of the considerable risks involved.
“ have you found a new way to get into trouble with wildfire ? you’re well aware that I can’t protect you from seele if she’s on the hunt for you. ”
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librarivs · 2 days
||: i am too lazy to post individual interest checks for all of my muses, so feel free to comment on this post / message me directly to let me know who you're wanting to write against from my blog if you haven't spoken to me already. this way i know who to send your way in the future for inbox. — by all means, feel free to list as many muses as you want when you do & i will slowly work on making sure you get to interact with them all over time !
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librarivs · 3 days
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⟡. LIBRARIVS — & her "i'm too lazy to make an actual promo"-promo. anyways, follow this blog if you like cool people who writes too many muses for multiple fandoms such as genshin impact, honkai star rail, zenless zone zero, & wuthering waves. read CARRD before you follow.
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librarivs · 3 days
various things spoken in an adventuring party pt.2
part 2 of an assortment of quotes and sayings i've found doom scrolling through pinterest that i think an adventuring party would say during their never ending perilous adventures . please do not copy/repost or add to this list, thank you!
Affectionate ❛ i am in love with an idiot ❜ ❛ i’d be his if he asked  ❜ ❛ even your rage is beautiful  ❜ ❛ there’s still good in you  ❜ ❛ my darling, you will never be unloved by me ❜ ❛ you are too well tangled in my soul  ❜
Questions ❛ are you a monster or a victim?  ❜ ❛ can anyone betray anyone?  ❜ ❛ who in the fuck authorized this?  ❜ ❛ where do you purchase your audacity from? ❜ ❛ why is everyone in this kingdom so gods damned stupid?  ❜ ❛ if you don’t terrify people a little bit, then what’s the point? ❜
Banter ❛ people can do worse things than kill you  ❜ ❛ gods help anyone who dares to disrespect me/you  ❜ ❛ magic always comes with a price  ❜ ❛ the gods love to fuck with us  ❜ ❛ i’ve got a spell for that  ❜ ❛ i do very bad things, and i do them very well  ❜
Tragedy ❛ anyone can betray anyone ❜ ❛ not all of us are going to make it out alive ❜ ❛ i was once a child with innocent eyes ❜ ❛ i remember all of them ❜ ❛ i’ve been having a bad day for the past several years ❜ ❛ a golden cage is still just a cage ❜
Fierce ❛ what i did, i did for us ❜ ❛ if they touch you, i’ll break their necks ❜ ❛ it appears that you have mistaken my dislike of causing harm as an inability to do so. ❜ ❛ you are divine violence ❜ ❛ burn it all. ❜ ❛ i am so much more than you told me i was ❜
Antagonistic ❛ lets cause a little trouble ❜ ❛ i think you’re caught between who you are and who you want to be ❜ ❛ tell me what it’s like to conquer  ❜ ❛ you’re a little tragedy, aren’t you? ❜ ❛ disrespectfully, i decline  ❜ ❛ with all due respect, which is none- ❜
Neutral ❛ there’s bravery in being soft ❜ ❛ the trees told me about you ❜ ❛ i do not care for your god. ❜ ❛ if i can still breathe, i’m fine ❜ ❛ i’m nice as fuck. ❜
Comedic Relief ❛ do you mean to give me another one of your stoic nod? ❜ ❛ if you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask stupid questions ❜ ❛ i’ll get over it. i just need to be dramatic first. ❜ ❛ what’s your favorite pastime? mine is reckless behavior ❜ ❛ i’m definitely the nicest asshole you could ever hope to meet ❜ ❛ i wanna contribute to the chaos ❜ ❛ we can’t giggle, we’re at a crime scene! ❜ ❛ the nonsense has escalated ❜ ❛ go stand over there. your existence is giving me a headache ❜ ❛ being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot. ❜
BONUS FROM THE HERO TO THE VILLAIN ❛ you took everything from me ❜ ❛ haven’t you taken enough from me? ❜ ❛ go ahead. underestimate me. that’ll be fun. ❜ ❛ touch me and you’ll burn ❜ ❛ the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated ❜ FROM THE VILLAIN TO THE HERO ❛ don’t bleed on my floors ❜ ❛ people will never bleed enough to fulfill your vision of justice ❜ ❛ i am the child/daughter/son of a king who forgot my name ❜ ❛ i am the end of all things; i have drunk the blood of kings. ❜ ❛ congratulations, you have survived! ❜
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librarivs · 4 days
⟡. LIBRARIVS — an indie MULTIMUSE rp blog written by ysera. private & selective. 20+. mutuals only. read CARRD before you follow. specify muse when interacting. verses.
dni with post.
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