shallliveoninsong · 17 hours
" general ! i had a really fun thought, yanqing said you would say no but a girl has to shoot her own shot, right ?! because, you see, learning swordsmanship was so incredibly fun & i totally am a million times better now than when i started... sooo, i think you should consider sparring with me one day. ah and before you say no ! please think about it, i have things to prove, you see ? " / here you go mew, from march to jy <3
@sancsolis | I booped a button
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"I'm pleased to hear that you ended up enjoying the art, Miss March!"
Given her upbeat attitude, Jing Yuan knew the Nameless was going to give her all in the Wardance effort, but going from being an archer to a swordswoman was a very big change and he wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't wish to keep the practice up afterward. He did wonder what she felt she had to prove, though.
"However, I also see Yanqing's point. You still have a lot to learn. Especially if you wish to spar with me with no holds barred. That would mean the Lightning Lord would be on my side as well. But I very much respect your ambition and wouldn't be opposed to sparing with you one day."
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draconicfool · 2 days
"Th' clinic's closed."
It's the first thing out of her mouth, she's not looking up from the journal currently on her desk. After all, she doesn't hear steps. Just knows the jingling bell was heard. But her attention is drawn up now. Thinking, for only a second, that this is a friend.
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"Y'er not Dan Heng-."
@sancsolis || sc.
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librarivs · 16 hours
" if you see a spider in your room that little guy got there on his own and he did absolutely not run into your room from mine when i chased him out from under my bed. honestly that's also a little bit on you for leaving the door open. i mean, if the spider did come from my room and all of that happened then i was going to put him outside. but since this never happened, i'm just giving you a really super duper nice heads up that uh- we have spiders in the house now. anyway ! there's cheesecake in the fridge ! i took a bite out of every slice just to make sure it wasn't old, you are so very welcome ! " / hi u know who this is for :)
random ask / @sancsolis
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the popstar’s face contorted in a visible display of disdain as kayn spoke, his expression shifting from neutral to irritated in an instant. his nose wrinkled instinctively, reminiscent of a rabbit catching the scent of something in the wild. his sharp, golden eyes locked onto kayn, scrutinizing every detail without concern for how harsh or cutting his glare might seem. any awareness of how it could be interpreted was overshadowed by the irritation simmering within him. the story spilling from kayn’s lips was filled with reckless mischief, a trademark of someone who seemed to invite trouble at every turn.
sure, he was no stranger to chaos himself; he had his fair share of wild moments that left a trail of disorder in their wake. however, to argue that he was the worst offender would be a stretch — aphelios easily claimed that title, the quiet yet dangerous mastermind of the house’s most disruptive moments.
ezreal let out a tired huff, shoulders sagging under the weight of exhaustion after a long, draining day. his muscles ached with fatigue, & his eyelids felt unbearably heavy, the promise of sleep calling to him like a distant oasis. all he wanted was to collapse onto his bed & sink into the blissful escape of a well-earned nap before dinner. instead, the moment he crossed the threshold of the shared house, his gaze immediately landed on a face that practically screamed trouble. yet, despite the warning signs, he couldn’t deny the thrill that surged through him. there was something intoxicating about it — about him — even as the rush of adrenaline sent his heart racing. being around kayn always had that effect, stirring an excitement that, despite its chaotic undertones, he couldn’t resist.
for the briefest of moments — no more than a heartbeat — ezreal toyed with the idea of calling for yone, spinning a playful lie about kayn slipping a spider into his room on purpose. the thought flickered across his mind like a mischievous spark, tempting him to stir up trouble just for the satisfaction of a little payback.
honestly, that’s the only part of the explanation that even registers with him. the rest of kayn’s words fade into the background like static. after all, what excuse could the infamous rockstar, known for his bark & bite, possibly have for not dealing with a mere spider ? it was almost laughable — pathetic, really — & ezreal found himself tempted to point out this absurdity, if only to get under kayn's skin. the urge to tease him was strong, a playful jab he knew would be all too predictable to anyone watching their interaction. it was the kind of behavior everyone expected from the prince, always quick to mock when an opportunity presented itself.
lips curled into an uneven slant, his face scrunching up once more in a visible expression of discontent. what was normally a boyish, endearing visage now twisted into something sour. in his mind, this moment was as unpleasant as the alleged creepy-crawler not paying rent in his room. " okay, so go get it, " the snap of his voice dripping with impatience. it wasn’t a request — it was practically a command. after all, the spider had only ended up in his room thanks to the very culprit standing before him, & he wasn’t about to let kayn off the hook so easily.
he certainly wasn’t about to go searching for it — not because he was scared, of course. handling an "itsy-bitsy" spider like the ones from those childhood songs would be no problem if he really wanted to. fear had nothing to do with it, or at least that’s what he stubbornly insisted. it was about the principle of the matter. why should he, of all people, be the one to deal with it when it was kayn’s fault the thing ended up in his room in the first place ?
ezreal crossed his arms tightly over his chest, his brows knitting together in frustration as he tilted his head down just enough to maintain that piercing, molten gold glare. his eyes were aflame with annoyance, the sharp intensity of his stare unwavering. the spider was one thing — he could maybe let that slide, even if it was a crime bordering on unforgivable. but the cheesecake ? now that was an entirely different story. his patience was hanging by a thread. if kayn didn’t deal with that cursed insect immediately, ezreal was seconds away — five, to be exact — from marching straight to yone & spilling every detail.
" if you don’t handle it, i’ll make sure you’re saddled with extra chores for the entire month. & let’s be honest, no matter what excuse you come up with, you're already neck-deep in trouble. so, here's the deal — get rid of the spider, & i’ll keep quiet about the cheesecake, if anyone asks. but if you don’t, i’ll rat you out in a heartbeat. "
yone would easily figure out who meddled with the cheesecake in the fridge — it wasn’t exactly a mystery. & considering ezreal wasn’t even home when the crime was committed, the culprit was all too obvious. his smirk widened as he added, “ & i’m asking yone to swap our rooms. then you can enjoy your little eight-legged friend all over again. "
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wuhei · 4 days
@sancsolis,  cont.
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despite  his  own  emotionless  expression,  anxiety  squeezes  at  his  insides,  making  him  feel  rather  nauseous.  if  it  was  only  simple  rain,  he'd  find  it  relaxing.  might  even  run  about  in  it,  finding  a  temporary  reprieve.  but,  the  potential  for  it  to  turn  into  that  is  always  there.  it  happened  that  night  with  geshulin.  before  he  was  eventually  torn  away  from  wuxi.  lost,  to  the  rain,  to  the  tacet  discords,  to  ...  wherever  he  is.  obsession  and  denial  keep  him  clinging  onto  the  idea  that  he  is  still  alive.  he  is  ..  still  alive.  he  has  to  be.  violets  flutter  open  at  jiyan's  voice,  his  head  turning  quickly  to  bring  his  face  into  view.  "  i  think  ..  if  we  stay  here,  we  are  fucked.  "  they'll  be  trapped  either  way.  it  is  better  to  take  initiative  and  try  to  escape  rather  than  wait  around  for  a  potentially  terrible  end.  a  hand  is  then  held  out  to  the  general.  "  we  shouldn't  split  up,  no  matter  what.  i  am  your  guard.  where  you  go,  i  go.  "
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malumae · 5 days
wakes up at stupid hours haha anyway! since i turned an old march 7th blog into my multimuse i decided to softblock EVERYONE that was following march. that is to give everyone the chance to choose if you want to follow the multi without feeling like you have to just because i made the choice to turn a single muse blog into a mumu. with that said, there's no personal reason for the sb and now that i've revamped the blog i would love for people to follow it again: @sancsolis
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