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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
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There was something fascinating about how everyone is at sync. What started it out as a meeting between Jinyoung, the creative team and herself, is now being brought to life. From one idea, derived from a single word, a color. Red. It was bloody brilliant. 
“Thank you.”  Smiling politely at the staff that was nice enough to grab her some tea when the crew went out for lunch. Maya at the time opted to stay, mostly out of necessity as she didn’t want to ruin the make up and outfit that she wore for the shoot. It was the second set of the day, and although these photos would probably not see the light of day outside Legacy, she did not want to be that person who brought attention in for an internal project. 
Sipping her tea quietly, she watches one of her best friends at work. It has been a minute since she’s worked along  side Jinyoung, and though she was practically always with the brothers in her building, while also working for the same company as them. There was a different in regards to working with one of them as an equal. 
Especially since he is clearly more experienced than she is. But despite all that, he treated her as a partner. Always taking into consideration how she felt about the project and welcomed all her ideas and opinions. 
Perhaps that came with experience. However, she would like to think that it was also because he genuinely respected her. Not just as his closest friend, but as a colleague. Maya may not have an extensive portfolio as him, nonetheless, the works she has been a part of has always been successful. 
Honestly, this project is igniting a new spark within her- to put in more effort into her works rather than just cruise by and wait for projects to be handed to her. Yes, this has definitely been a push to the right direction.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
She nods trusting that Jinyoung  knows what he was talking about, considering that he has been industry more than she has relying on him wouldn't be a bad idea. A small grin soon escapes her soft lips at thought of them going shopping, since its been a minute when they done have something fun like that. "Shopping is always fun... maybe they would allow us a day for it."
Shaking her head as she nudges his shoulder in return, a mischievous smirk replaces her smile.
"Ditto, 'Young, honestly it's a felt and almost predictable if we do that kinda duo collab... but what are your thoughts of man-eater/femme fetal vibe?" Wiggling her brows suggestively, it might be a predictable theme but red is the colour of passion.
[ X ]
"i'm sure the staff will help us. they surely have some more props and clothes we can use," he reassures her with a small shrug. "and if not- well we'll just go and buy some I guess." always the unbothered guy, he allows her eyes to travel, not sure how he'd feel about incorporating the teddy since it had been a rather personal gift but ultimately realizing it would be fine as long as he got it back unharmed.
to be on the same page again was reassuring and left jinyoung with a teasing grin as he hip checks her just a bit.
"I mean- don't get me wrong, you're absolutely stunning. but been there, done that and all, you know~" it's a good natured jest, indicated by the small laugh he exhales after his words.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
It has been a minute since she was able to take a breather and catch up with any of her friends. Although in hindsight, a part of her knew that no matter what being busy is not an excuse to not find time with important people. Especially when she works in the same damn building as them.
Taking a sip of her lavender latte, Maya waits patiently with her kindle for @lgchxneul to appear before her. She missed him dearly, different from the way she missed the Kim siblings, perhaps because she felt a certain type of way about him. Not that she'll ever address it on her own. Despite all the brave and confidence she has in herself, there are certain things that she would not go in willingly on her own devises.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
She casts a mournful look at the pile of red between them. It wasn't the first time she thought that she needed to branch out more when it came to clothing's color palette. The fact that she's a model and works within the fashion industry honestly means that she's got the styling down to it. But she simply gravitated toward monochrome colors.
"That's fair... I guess, in hindsight, the color is a part of the concept. It doesn't specify how we should incorporate it..." she trails off, Maya looking around the room and clocking in all sorts of red in the vicinity, including her lipstick, red bottom heels and the adorable plush red panda by the corner.
"okay that's a good start... reckon we can play around with the motif, I don't fancy going for that basic either..." Smiling at Jinyoung, instantly glad that is in fact partners with one of her best friends.
[ X ]
jinyoung barely stifles a chuckle as he hangs his head low, amused by how used the were to get provided with clothes rather than having to bring their own. being the type to prefer monochrome fashion in his free time, he wondered if perhaps they could raid jinseo's closet as well, only to recall that unfortunately his brother was at least half a head taller and would definitely leave the clothes looking baggy and unmatching.
"I think they will provide us with some but I still believe they'll be disappointed at the lack of bounty we bring back to the shoot. we also might have to negotiate with them about the concept we thought up," he tags on. without their own clothes, he had the suspicion that the stylists will have more say in the final product.
"lets just try and stick to our 'two baddies' concept. I'd rather not end up in a classic mr. and mrs. smith shoot," he fires at her teasing, grin wide on his lips.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
This is it! The first time that she would be collaborating at work with one of the Kim Brothers. It was oddly fitting that it would be with Jinyoung first of all people. There was something sweet and almost sentimental about it. Their assigned colour was pretty dope as well.
"...wait, you're telling me that they won't provide us with clothes?" She looks at him baffled. Spoiled in the way that every time she went to work on a project, it only required her to show up. Wardrobe to makeup and hair, any products needed have always been provided by the brand. Although thinking on it now, she figures that there really isn't a brand in question here.
"Well fuck... wanna see if we can trade this out for black?" Staring at their collective 'red' attires.
the moment he held up his red paper and saw it mirrored in maya's hands, jinyoung couldn't help but grin. he couldn't have been happier to be working together with maya for this shoot.
they were both creative souls in their own way and could bring something to the table that would leave the shoot beyond amazing. as their first brainstorming happened, the two only saw themselves with one issue-
"do you think they'll scold us badly for barely owning any red clothes...," he murmurs after the two of them had emptied his wardrobe out once maya came down after her own raid left her with 3 articles of clothing.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
She smiles fondly at the top of his head, listlessly mumbling away as they continue chowing down. There is peace and calm in this sort of environment. A cozy home was found amid a busy schedule, photoshoots, sleepless nights in concrete cities, and random cameos in concerts and shows.
"That would actually be really dope. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you get there soon, shouldn't take that long to be honest... but for now... I really, wanna get out there more... same as you, be a global ambassador and work in a runaway... but don't know if I'd ever want my own brand... couldn't think for shit, what kind of product I'd wanna produce myself..."
[ X ]
he smiles, head hunched over his foot and fully ready to dig in while he lets maya do most of the talking. always being one to value the quiet and be a listener rather than a talker, he simply enjoyed that he didn’t have to say anything unnecessary around her due to their shared history and built companionship.
truly out of all his past relationships, he felt the most grateful to the connection the two of them maintained through the years.
“hmmm something gobal would be nice. for babylon to grow to a point where I could launch a global campaign… that would be nice. as for be in… I’m not sure. I’d like to try be an ambassador or runway model for a designer brand I guess- what about you?”
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
"Some people just have limitless talent." Shaking her head every so slightly as she hums in the delicious abundance of egg tarts, Jinseo is not enough to share with her. "Yes to some Earl Gray tea, and please extend my gratitude to your friend for these heavenly treats."
It was honestly sweet how the Kim family practically adopted her. Maya knew that was one of the main reasons she was drawn to Jinyoung when they had initially dated, because of how welcoming they all were to her, despite their own familiar conflict amongst themselves. "aight some rose tea for nan... maybe another back scratcher for granddad then." Can never go wrong with one of those, she thought to herself.
"Aye now, I said sorry about that." She pouts before taking another bite of her egg tart. "At this point, I might as well replace some of your stuff... considering you guys need a few updates on some of them." Her gaze slowly drifted to the toaster by the counter corner, doubtful that he didn't already know the timer goes off a little too early, yet again thanks to her own enthusiasm. "also that's more for everyone, oppa... you don't want anything personal?"
The fact that his first instinct was to provide her with sustenance is the reason why Jinseo-oppa is her favourite amongst the Kim brothers. There is no way in hell this man would let her starve. All the brownie points to the grandparents who raised this brilliant big brother. If it weren't for the fact that her own older brother was very much the same way and spoiled them all, she would have demanded a trade. To whom she doesn't, but she would protest nonetheless.
"Oh, don't mind if I do," Maya's eyes brighten as she picks through the box and picks up the one that's caught her attention the most. " and can I have tea please... oh, this is delicious, Oppa! Where'd you get it from?" Munching away on an egg tart and reaching for a second one despite having a half-bitten one in another hand.
"This is true... swear that man should just live in the gym. But I figured I might as well start Christmas shopping in general, considering the sales have already started and with this whole secret Santa thing, might as well do it all in one go." Nodding to herself as she enjoys her snacks. "having said that, what do you think your grandfolks would like? oh and your mom and dad... do you think I should get something for your tiny kim to? I know y'll don't talk about if I'm getting something for everyone... which--- what do YOU want?"
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
“Aww man, thanks!” Reaching up to ruffle his hair as much as she can, from her distance in height but also somewhat across the table. “Would really appreciate that… but also really proud of you, Jindumb, you’ve gotten so far with your endeavors… you really out here living the best life.”
Rolling her eyes as she smiles brightly at him. She doesn’t often say it, but Maya has always admire the bothers work ethics. Especially with how far the boys have gotten within their careers and how much they are continuing to grow.
“Ideally, what would be your dream campaign to run or be in?” Tilting her head to the side as she continues to chow down. Processing the very same question with her self.
One day, she promised herself that she would get into the same level of exposure as the Kim siblings. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t hard-working, but simply that she didn’t know what direction to take in her career. It was about a year or so ago that she decided to switch career paths from an idol to a model; the transition was relatively easy. However, the passion for it is something she is still building up to.
“Dude, working for sportswear sounds really awesome! Would love to try my hands in that if I can.” Being a model has so much creative freedom if you go about it correctly. It was another thought for another day, especially when food was right before her.
“Fuck the company! Anarchy!!” Yelling muffledly with her cheeks stuffed with some chicken. They both know Maya values her privacy and space, as much as she loves the Kim brothers, their current set up is absolutely perfect for them all.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
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@A_MAYA! just posted a photo!
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
One day, she promised herself that she would get into the same level of exposure as the Kim siblings. It wasn't as though she wasn't hard-working, but simply that she didn't know what direction to take in her career. It was about a year or so ago that she decided to switch career paths from an idol to a model; the transition was relatively easy. However, the passion for it is something she is still building up to.
"Dude, working for sportswear sounds really awesome! Would love to try my hands in that if I can." Being a model has so much creative freedom if you go about it correctly. It was another thought for another day, especially when food was right before her.
"Fuck the company! Anarchy!!" Yelling muffledly with her cheeks stuffed with some chicken. They both know Maya values her privacy and space, as much as she loves the Kim brothers, their current set up is absolutely perfect for them all.
as he returns with the food he sets everything down neatly and grabs them two glasses and a bottle of coke. if they were splurging they might as well go all out.
“who’s to say this year won’t turn into a water fight again? with the heat it definitely would be a welcome refreshment. i’m partly glad my concept is sportswear for bAbylon. it will let me get away dressing up casual for my stand,” he argues, happy about his choice and just slightly laughing at how his brother might have to put himself into a suit.
his gaze falls over the food again with a hum at maya’s suggestion before he puts away some dish or the other that he specifically ordered primarily for his older brother. “okay. feel free to dig in. i’ll just put these off to the side to let them cool down before i pack them in the fridge,” he informs her, back turned once more as he responds to her other statement. “I wouldn’t mind you moving in but I doubt the company would fancy that much.”
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
The fact that his first instinct was to provide her with sustenance is the reason why Jinseo-oppa is her favourite amongst the Kim brothers. There is no way in hell this man would let her starve. All the brownie points to the grandparents who raised this brilliant big brother. If it weren't for the fact that her own older brother was very much the same way and spoiled them all, she would have demanded a trade. To whom she doesn't, but she would protest nonetheless.
"Oh, don't mind if I do," Maya's eyes brighten as she picks through the box and picks up the one that's caught her attention the most. " and can I have tea please... oh, this is delicious, Oppa! Where'd you get it from?" Munching away on an egg tart and reaching for a second one despite having a half-bitten one in another hand.
"This is true... swear that man should just live in the gym. But I figured I might as well start Christmas shopping in general, considering the sales have already started and with this whole secret Santa thing, might as well do it all in one go." Nodding to herself as she enjoys her snacks. "having said that, what do you think your grandfolks would like? oh and your mom and dad... do you think I should get something for your tiny kim to? I know y'll don't talk about if I'm getting something for everyone... which--- what do YOU want?"
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When they are first told about the Secret Santa mission, Jinseo's first instinct is to panic. After all, he has to get to get a gift that would impress Jisoo. In all honesty, Jinseo isn't sure whether he even has time to get his recipient a proper gift for Secret Santa. After all, he's busy with filming Big Mouth and the upcoming Legacy project. He can only hope he has time to get Jisoo something he would actually like.
He's looking up gift ideas on his laptop when a presence announces itself. The footsteps give away who the intruder is. Chuckling, Jinseo doesn't even look at the door as he gets up from the dining chair to bring out a box of egg tarts he received from one of his costars to offer to his guest.
Laughing, Jinseo gestures for Maya to have a seat. "Have an egg tart. What do you want for a drink?" He pauses at the mention of Jinyoung. Maya must have gotten Jinyoung for Secret Santa. Or maybe not. Jinseo will file his detective work for later. He has to answer before Maya gets suspicious that he's on to her. "You know how he is. Get him anything he can use to help with his workouts, and he'll be good. You have to remember to stick to the assigned budget, though. So don't go too crazy."
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
It'll be about a month till they all move to the dorms for a week for whatever assignment it was for them to do. Nothing was exciting about moving back into the dorms aside from getting to hang out with people for a bit. But after being allowed to live on her own for a while now, Maya is used to her privacy and whatnot. She wasn't going to say anything about it, though, it's only going to be for a week and there really isn't any point in crying about it.
Nonetheless, one of the things that she is looking forward to is the Secret Santa situation. It's absolutely brilliant that she got her @lgcjinseo oppa as her secret Santa, she could just about kiss whoever was behind this amazing coincidence.
As always walking as though she owns their place, she enters the Kim brothers' household (minus their dongsae of course), instantly zoning in on her target. "My Jinseo-oppa! What do you think dumb-young would want for christamas?" Yes, lure him in with his brothers first, cause if Jinseo is anything (according to Maya) is that he is the best oldest brother (almost as amazing as her own older brother).
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
When they first started dating, a big part of Maya thought she would have to beat people with a stick to stay away from Haneul. Well, not everybody, but at least those who seemed as though they wanted to try and take him away from her. If they ever tried, they'll know exactly what kind of training a military brat has. The urge wasn't as horrible as before, though tonight might have spiked it up a bit again.
"Yes, please." Holding a hand for him, set the corsage, shaking her head as she chuckled beside him. He is silly as he is hot, it drives her mad sometimes. "Thank you, baby, I really appreciate that." Beaming up at him as leans into his space, "honestly, food please. I had to squeeze into this dress earlier and haven't eaten any aside from a venti ice coffee." She said almost sheepishly, a small pout already setting on her lips knowing full well her man wouldn't like what he was just told.
Honestly, as far as she could tell, she was choosing the safe option in wearing a little black dress for prom. Though as confident as she usually is, with her boyfriend being an amazing make-up and hair stylist, she thought to honour him that way. Her usual long locks, were tucked away in an endless amount of pins and styled to look as a chic bob. Her make up though smoky, had a rather dewy finish on it.
Reaching for him, her smile radiates. at his reaction. "You're rather dashing-looking yourself, handsome." Tiptoeing ever so slightly, because thank you heels for giving her the extra height, as she presses a chaste kiss on his chiselled cheeks. "Do you really think so? I tried to recreate one of the old styles you did before, with my own twist in it." Giddily squizzing his arm, in anticipation and awe as she takes him all in. Being with Hanuel will forever be one of her greatest blessings.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
Honestly, as far as she could tell, she was choosing the safe option in wearing a little black dress for prom. Though as confident as she usually is, with her boyfriend being an amazing make-up and hair stylist, she thought to honour him that way. Her usual long locks, were tucked away in an endless amount of pins and styled to look as a chic bob. Her make up though smoky, had a rather dewy finish on it.
Reaching for him, her smile radiates. at his reaction. "You're rather dashing-looking yourself, handsome." Tiptoeing ever so slightly, because thank you heels for giving her the extra height, as she presses a chaste kiss on his chiselled cheeks. "Do you really think so? I tried to recreate one of the old styles you did before, with my own twist in it." Giddily squizzing his arm, in anticipation and awe as she takes him all in. Being with Hanuel will forever be one of her greatest blessings.
You're Beautiful
Haneul's jaw drops as soon as Maya emerges from the crowd. She had specifically requested that he didn't do her hair and makeup for once in their lives. No matter how long they've already been together, Maya still manages to leave Haneul speechless. She always has ways to get him to stop in his tracks, and tonight, he can't deny that she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen (Don't tell his mom, though. She'll be upset.)
"You... You look lovely tonight," Haneul says as he offers an arm to Maya. Haneul is the luckiest guy in this room. Haneul already thinks Maya is lovely when she's just being her daily, fun-loving self. However, tonight really drives the point home. "No wonder you wanted to surprise me. I truly am the luckiest guy here with you."
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
She couldn’t help but to let out a laugh, because Hope was too real at that moment. “You’ve done wonderfully,” Maya says giving her a warm squeeze before pulling away, “well done for making it!”
The part of her that will always wonder what it would have been like if she stayed as a trainee completely vanishes. She has no envy for her good friends, but she does feel a lot of love and support for them. There’s nothing more amazing but then watching people achieve their dreams.
“We’re at the best part of the concert, we can play around while still be on stage!” Maya cheerfully grins while waving at the crowd, no doubt that their moment was being captured right now and she can’t wait to see it for future materials.
It feels damn well different being on stage with everyone again. She wouldn't really call it as being an idol up there, no, that's a life that she left almost a year ago. Not that she ever was an idol, no more like forever training to be one until training became a little too repetitive, so the career change seemed inevitable.
Shaking her head, her smile brightens as she waves at their ever-supportive fans. One thing is for sure: it didn't matter what part of the industry she was in; the fans were all the same. "Hey," reaching over @lgchope's shoulder, "you holding up, aight?" speaking to her in English, feeling completely at ease speaking in her first language.
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lgcmaya · 1 year ago
It feels damn well different being on stage with everyone again. She wouldn't really call it as being an idol up there, no, that's a life that she left almost a year ago. Not that she ever was an idol, no more like forever training to be one until training became a little too repetitive, so the career change seemed inevitable.
Shaking her head, her smile brightens as she waves at their ever-supportive fans. One thing is for sure: it didn't matter what part of the industry she was in; the fans were all the same. "Hey," reaching over @lgchope's shoulder, "you holding up, aight?" speaking to her in English, feeling completely at ease speaking in her first language.
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