lgbtdeku · 5 years
Hi! I make Pride Icons and I was wondering if you want to be tagged each time I use the lesbian redesign you made, or if you want it to be @/ instead (I don’t want to spam your notifs!)
You can tag me that's fine!
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lgbtdeku · 5 years
Can you post a version of your lesbian flag with better quality?
of course!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
you guys don't follow my aesthetic blog? smh
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
Here is the Survey to find out which pride flag the lesbian community should use as a whole!
please fill out this survey! We have included many diverse lists of pride flags in hopes of finding out which is most popular and should be used to represent the community!
If you have a flag you wish to be included, send a dm and I'll make sure to include it right away!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
ive ended up on this blog twice and everytime i dont remember how i got here and its really frightening dude
I Am God and it all leads back to me binch
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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Updated Version of my Lesbian Pride Flag!
Dark Orange- This color represents all the Butch lesbians on the very end of the Butch scale. The color I chose is a deep faded orange which represents Encouragement. Lesbians encourage each other though their hard times, and create a community built off of supporting one another.
Faded Orange- This Orange tint mixed with a faded look represents the less butch lesbians while also meaning Joy. Joy in the lesbian community is a sense of joy we feel as we love who we love, we love the friends we make along the way, and love the we feel towards our parnters or family we make. Joy is a key component for lesbians, as it brings us together, and is a bright light in a dark tunnel.
Peach- This color is for the slightly butch lesbians, but it also represents happiness. Happiness when we love who we love, happiness when we have supportive community we can turn to, happiness when we can be who we are. Even though there may be hard times, we can trust on happiness in the future.
Blue Grey- This color is for all the lesbians in between, trans lesbians, non binary lesbians, and lesbians who feel they are not represented enough in the media. This color means Freedom. Freedom to love, freedom to be who we are, freedom to be proud in our sexuality. This color represents the community as a whole and what we stand for, Freedom to be who we are.
Bubblegum- This color is for the tip of the femme lesbian scale, representing femme lesbians and also standing for Admiration. Admiration for your friends, for your family, for your loved ones. Admiration for the community. Admiration for an identity that explains the real you, and admiration towards oneself. Admiration for being who you are.
Tanned Pink- This color represents the middle femme lesbians, who are in between, while also representing love. Love can be plationic, romantic, or a family bond. It can even be self love. The love is for the community to love who they want, love who they are, and be who they are. This community is built off of love for each other, and support of one another, which is what the lesbian community is.
Deep Pink- Finally, this color for the high femme lesbians and represents compassion. This color is for the compassion we feel towards each other. Compassion is for the friends we make along the way, and those who support us without us knowing. Compassion is for friendship, for the people we meet, for the people who care about us, for those we care about. If you would like to use this flag, no credit need at all, just be proud of how far the lesbian community has come!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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Applications for Women of Marvel Zine are officially open!
The Women of Marvel Zine is a SFW zine focusing on Marvel’s often-overlooked female characters. We are currently looking for about 15-20 artists and 5-8 writers. Below are links to our artist, writer, and mod applications, FAQ, and schedule. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Contributor applications will close on February 25th.
Mod applications will close on February 14th.
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
Donate to my PayPal so this lad can get a packer/save up for an STP
you don't have to! just like,,, spare change pls!!! i'll take a penny i idc anything to get money cause boy is my dysphoria bad especially after being called a "fake trans" for not being able to transition
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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It is complete!
Thank you so much for the 450+ notes on my diner Deku sketch!! Here’s the colored version!
For original work, check out my main blog @steampunkcherub
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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literally(‐^▽^)ಠ益ಠ)凸 aka best boys holding hands
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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water! lily! flower crown!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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Katsuki Bakugo || Requested by Anonymous 
❈ Please, do not repost, edit or claim as yours. ❈
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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Mod Applications are Open!
From now until February 14 (2/14) Mod applications are open! Just fill out the form below! Preferably, I would want ages 14+, but all are welcome to apply!
Fill out the form HERE!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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Women Of Marvel: A Marvel Zine
Do your favorite females of Marvel often get overlooked? Feel as if MJ, Gwen, Lady Loki, Pepper, and many other amazing female characters get overlooked? Want a zine that puts them in the spotlight they deserve? Well, have we got the zine for you!
This Zine is to bring out and put these amazing characters in the spotlight they deserve!
If you would like to see this zine happen, fill out the Interest Form HERE!
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
Zine Preference Check!
Hey! Since i'm indecisive about which zine to start, I'm creating a form so you guys get to choose!
Tododeku Zine
Todoroki Zine
Deku Zine
Iron Man Zine
Avengers Zine
Original Avengers Zine
Pepperony (Pepper x Tony) Zine
Women Heroes Zine
Father/Son Tony and Peter Zine
Glimmadora Zine
an option to put in your own recommendations for zines!
To fill out the form, go to this link!
If unable to access, here is the link (again)
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
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todo warmup bc ive forgotten how to draw
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lgbtdeku · 6 years
follow my other accounts, cowards
Marvel: @bistark
She Ra: @mxrmxsta
Tales (game): @mikleoe
Random Shitposts: @astrolunial
Aesthetic: @miastelle
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