levi-wilson · 10 years
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"All the way until Christmas? Well-- I don't think I've heard that tradition before!"
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"I thought it was one of those unspoken traditions, having Thanksgiving leftovers for Christmas dinner."
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levi-wilson · 10 years
"I'll be sure to keep you in mind, thank you, Angie."
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"And how was Thanksgiving with your family? You always have a big turn out, do you not?"
"I’ll make sure to send over some of my family to help eat anything you don’t."
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levi-wilson · 10 years
"I suppose Thanksgiving went well enough-- I hope Beverly likes turkey because that's what we're going to be having as dinner for quite some time now."
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levi-wilson · 10 years
♧, ☼, ♡, ✿, ☾.
♧ - Cooking Headcanon
Levi was once in culinary school. He lived in France at the time and it was the second time he’d lived there in his life. He figured he should try something else besides art school the second time around. He enjoyed it and left being able to cook a number of things, however, his favorite thing to cook is and will always remain to be Chicken Piccata. It’s nothing extravagant, of course, but he thinks it’s delicious. He loves the lemon flavor and the capers. He often makes it for himself for dinner or sometimes in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep. After all, it’s not as if he needs to eat, he’s a giant beast from hell food’s not exactly required, but he enjoys the taste and it reminds him of the happy times at the quaint cooking school and France.
☼ - Dream Headcanon
Do monstrous hell beasts dream? Usually, no. Usually the Leviathan closes his eyes and he wakes up hours later. But he’s found that doesn’t mean he’s incapable of dreams. He’s had three dreams his whole life that he can remember. One about Rose, one about the ocean, and one about Beverly.
And they’re all dreams, never Nightmares. Although sometimes hell will come into his thoughts in his sleep and make him wake up in sweat. So, with that in mind, perhaps he does dream more than he thinks. Maybe he dreams of hell and simply has never remembered it. Whatever it is, he’s glad he only has the good dreams in his memory.
♡ - Friendship Headcanon
Levi’s never been very good with friends. Usually he only has “friends” who want to be close to him for his power and protection. With the people he calls his friends he usually is always business with, he’s usually always cleaning up something they did. It’s never a friendly visit or anything of that manner.
Though he does have friends. Such as Luke or Anya who he greatly enjoys the company of. He likes to give benefits to the few who are his friends, he’s a very biased person when it comes down to it though he pretends not to be. 
✿ - Happy Memory
Levi can remember when he first painted. Rose was the one who insisted he get into the hobby, saying that his sketches were superb and the way he described things were as if he were painting with words. She seemed to have this vision that Levi would be the best painter in the world if he gave it a try. So he decided to humor her. They went out and bought supplies and Rose marched him up to the top of a hill that overlooked a small town.
He had several options of what to paint there but, in the end, his first painting was of Rose who had fallen asleep at the base of a tree while Levi was working. He found, as he painted, that Rose was right. He did have a talent for it. And he loved it. It was calming and could create images far more beautiful than he could make in his sketches.
When he finished Rose playfully scolded him when she saw the painting, saying they could have just gone home if he was going to paint her, but Levi disagreed with a smile as he wrapped her in his arms saying the lighting at his home wasn’t as nice. 
It’s really a simple memory but it is, truly, one of his favorites. The lovely weather, Rose and her smile, and discovering what would later become his life long hobby.
☾ - Sleep Headcanon
Levi doesn’t always sleep. Sometimes he’ll just lay in bed since Beverly needs sleep and he doesn’t want to leave her alone but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s sleeping. It’s not that he has a sleeping problem, his lack of sleep never bothered him before, he’s just come to the conclusion that he needs less sleep than the average human.
When he’s not sleeping he’ll either lay in bed with Beverly, thinking of whatever comes to mind, or he’ll slip out from Beverly’s grasp and pull the sketch book in his bedside table out and spend the night in a chair probably doing sketches of a sleeping Beverly or maybe the trees outside the widow.
But when he does eventually sleep he’s quite a heavy sleeper. Maybe it’s the years of practice in hell when he slept through all the echoing screams or maybe it’s just that he’s exhausted when he finally sleeps but whatever it is he falls deep when he sleeps. And, perhaps, occasionally he’ll snore.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Oh the museum's fine. As usual. Business has been slow over the summer but that's normal. It should speed up again with the school year moving forward and classes coming on field trips. Not much to say other than that.
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You should come by sometime. The employees are still quite useless but we've recently got a new intern who shows potential. I think I intimidate him a bit though.
Well, that’s wonderful news! 
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 How’s the Museum holding up? I actually quite miss it.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Of course. I'd never leave Mayfield.
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My museum is here and Beverly... this is my home.
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 You’re still around here?
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levi-wilson · 10 years
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 This place seems so empty. 
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Send ☻ for a like headcanon.
Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
Send ✿ for a happy memory.
Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
Send ϡ for a childhood headcanon.
Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
Send △ for a sex headcanon.
Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
Send ♒ for a phobia headcanon.
Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
fall out boy || centuries
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levi-wilson · 10 years
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For Onome.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Levi nodded and made his way to grab their cups then to the soda machine. His eyes scanned the choices and he hummed for a moment, deciding whether to get Beverly the lemonade option or just go with water. He tapped his foot some in thought then went for the water option. He wasn't ever a big fan of any lemonade that was in a soda machine. It was never a good kind and always ended up being far too sweet.
After filling Beverly's cup he filled his own with water as well then moved aside to cover the cups with lids and grabbed two straws before making his way back to the table. He set Beverly's cup in front of her and sat down with his own. "Two waters." He pulled his straw out of the paper wrap and stuck it in the drink. "You can never go wrong with water." He smiled before taking a sip. Sodas were nice, Levi actually did like Diet Coke a lot, but he always preferred water. He was a demon of water after all.
He paused in sucking down his drink when Beverly asked her question. He glanced up from where his eyes were rested on his lid then released the straw and set down the drink. 
Why did he want to paint jewelry? Well in all honesty he didn't, but that wasn't the answer he could give Beverly. "Well I--" He dragged on a breath and looked at the table while he tried to find the right lie to tell. "I think it would be a nice series to do." He looked back up to Beverly, an easy smile on his face. "A series of jewelry. I was sketching a necklace recently and thought of it. The ring is only one part of it all. I'll be starting with it and I had wanted to give you part of the set so I thought why not give you the first one. Therefore, I'm letting you pick out the ring. To make sure you like the ring in the painting."
It wasn't the best lie he ever made up on the spot but it wasn't unbelievable. He had also told a thousand lies in his lifetime and he kept his face void of showing any doubt in his own words. He went to work on his food after explaining his want to paint rings to Beverly, cutting his sandwich in to smaller halves.
i'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life ❥ belevi
One thing Beverly liked - especially now, after her period of being alone - was contact. Physical contact was very special to her, loving relationships with strangers still a bit of a foreign concept to her, and only shared between her and a few others. She had been so used to being locked down, and her emotions put down quickly after surfacing, that it was incredibly different to just feel. The fact that Levi made her feel so much wasn’t overwhelming, but welcome. So when he pulled her close, one hand on her waist and arm around her back, she smiled up at him too, receiving the gentle kiss on her head with an almost grateful smile. The smile was was given reached his eyes, one that she wanted to remember.
Grabbing a seat at the table Levi chose - a table near the bay window, bathed in early afternoon sunlight - she remembered to tuck her dress under her thighs rather than letting it fan out - like a proper lady - and looked up at Levi, tilting her head just slightly, amusement playing her features. He was thinking about something, what they were missing. It took Beverly only a moment to realize what it was, but she wanted to see if Levi could figure it out. She couldn’t help but giggle. There you go, darling. “Lemonade. Or water.” She wasn’t a fan of most sodas. Too much sugar and caffeine for her body to take in at once. They either drove her up the wall or completely zapped her of her energy.
"So I gotta ask." She poked at her sandwich, checking to make sure they didn’t put tomatoes on it. They didn’t. "Why rings?" She peeked up at him, all blue eyes and curiosity. "Just a sudden want to paint jewelery?" Beverly understood phases. She had them when she wrote.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Levi glanced down at Beverly when she paid, raising an eyebrow. "No you don't." He told her, taking back his card after the cashier ran in and tucking it back into his wallet. He smiled at her as he pushed his wallet back into his pockets and leaving his hands there with it. "Lunch is on me." He told her. "You don't have to pay me back."
He pulled one hand out of his pocket and put it around Beverly, leading her away from the cashier as the waited for their sandwiches. He kissed her head softly on the way over, smiling as he did. Her hair was soft and smelled of the flower shop. When he pulled away he gave her another smile, one that crinkled around his eyes. 
The sandwiches came out just a few minutes later and Levi fetched them both, making sure to mind his manners and say thank you as he did then motioned for Beverly to follow him to a small table in the deli.
He decided on a small table by the window. He liked window seats after all, you could people watch best from places like that. He made himself comfortable and looked at the food, taking a deep breath. He still wasn't hungry, but he reminded himself that he should eat. Something was missing though... a certain part of the meal. He looked to Beverly. "...Drinks." He said, his mind clicking with what was missing. He began to stand. "I'll get them. What would you like?"
i'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life ❥ belevi
When she walked in through the door, a bell ringing overhead, the deli reminded her a lot of the flowershop, in the fact that it was on the smaller side, and incredibly homey. It was more than likely family-owned, just like West End was. They also kept the place cool, no doubt to keep the sandwiches fresh. Beverly liked it here all ready.
She stood next to Levi quietly, patiently waiting for him to order. On the off-hand she wondered if he even had to eat. She only knew bits about demons, nothing too terribly deep. One day maybe she’d ask him about certain things. Like weather they had to eat or not. It was her turn to order. “Ham on white. Light mayo, please,” she recited. It was an old order, one she’d had since she was tiny. Her father always made her meat sandwiches. Her step-mother was the one who made her PB&Js. The blonde watched as the boy behind the counter bustled about - late teens, early twenties, maybe, a bit lanky like her - tallying up their order and putting it in for himself to make. He glanced up at her. She didn’t really understand why, but didn’t say anything. Just took a small step closer to Levi, and smiled a small, polite in return. Until she realized it was for money. Oh. She needed to pay. Duh. She didn’t bring a purse, her dress didn’t have pockets, and she never really took on the habit of carrying around her money in her chest. The card was presented promptly. “Oh,” was all she said. She looked over at him, noticed his face had gone a little tight, and tilted her head to one side slightly. Again she was left with wondering what was going on inside his head.
After a beat, Beverly thanked Levi. “I owe you.” She took the card from in between his fingers with two of her own, and handed it to the cashier.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
That's exactly my plan.
Keep quiet about it, though! You're the first to know... though I suppose it's appropriate that you know. You were the first to know I was in love with her as well. 
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Whoa whoa whoa, questions paired with rings can only lead one place. Or, well, only one place I can think of. So I’m gonna take a leap, and if I’m wrong, this might get awkward. So fair warning.
Wilson, are you gonna ask Bev to marry you?
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levi-wilson · 10 years
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I suppose it doesn't sound as important when you put it like that. But it is an important ring! Perhaps I should be more specific.
I'm planning to ask her a question with the ring. A question that I'm hoping she'll say yes to.
Well that’s one heck of a surprise.
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But, what’s it gotta be a surprise for? Bev likes rings, and she’s got a good amount in her jewelery box.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
Well I have no doubt that you'd keep quiet about it Angelina. It's only that... Well I had hope to keep it a surprise for everyone... however I suppose... [smiles] it wouldn't be any harm to tell one person.
A ring. I'm going to get Beverly a ring.
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levi-wilson · 10 years
That'd be nice. There's been times I've been tempted to make an updated one myself. However, they are flimsy things and I prefer canvas over paper. I wouldn't have the patience to make a map. I'm not a very big fan of drawing millions of lines either.
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I have to speak highly of it! It's one of my favorite achievements, that museum. [He smiles and takes her hand to shake it] Levi Wilson. And I do not have a favorite work of art but if I had to pick a favorite painter I've displayed it would be the time we had a Monet exhibit. 
Hmm...Well isn't this a quaint little town.
Maybe we should find a topographer and have an updated one made. There’s just something about being able to open a map and find all of the intricate details that someone has taken the time to integrate in. If only it wasn’t such a pain to fold them back up.
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Ah, so it’s your museum. No wonder you’re talking it up. I might just have to pay a visit there, but first..[Holds out her hand and smiles] To whom am I speaking with? And what is your favorite piece of art that you have displayed?
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levi-wilson · 10 years
I don't think it's sappy. Perhaps some would call it childish but having that sort of childlike thought is good for one's soul in my opinion. It helps keep you happy to believe in magic. But if you're ever looking for something to do in the time between the parks, backpacking is a thought.
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Ah. Yes it's... well I'm sort of trying to keep it a secret for the time being so it will be a surprise for her.
If it’s not too sappy, the place really is magical. It was the first trip I took without my parents. I slept in my car, but that really didn’t take away from the trip. If anything, it kind of added to the experience. Hotels weren’t cheap during Thanksgiving break. I spent all my money on tickets. Backpacking though? I’ve never considered that. I just wanted to go to all the Disney parks scattered around the world.
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Fifteen hundred ain’t bad though. With the flower shop, plus the pet store, I can hopefully make that. Wait - hey! Speaking of the flower shop, you never told me what you were getting Bev!
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