G The Writer
12 posts
I like to write but , sometimes I get writer block . Take a read
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letwordsspeak-blog · 6 years ago
5:45AM ( Panic Attack )
My restless night continued into
The early morning
Confusion cluttered my thoughts
As my panic attack creeps in
My heart rate increase abruptly
I can hear the thumps pounding against my chest
As I shake uncontrollably
A trembling sensation ripples through my arms and legs
My breathing gets heavier
And my armpits starts to drench from sweat
Fight-or-Flight; it’s neither
What caused the trigger
Am I’m that afraid to lose you
I inhale and exhale repeatedly
Gaining control of my heart rate
Bottled up emotions
Recovering from heartbreaks
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
I still love you . . .
I thought to myself , wholeheartedly
Nothing last forever but ,
I never thought you’d drift this far from me
Captive to our memories
Inflicts me with bitter/sweet misery
The darkness of the night
Illuminates my loneliness
As silence taunts it
Although it pains me
I still think of you . . .
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
If I . . .
If I could rewind time
I'll rewind every time I made you cry
If I can pause time
I'll pause every single time I made you smile (just to hold on to it more)
If I could fast forward time
I'll fast forward all the days I'm not with you
And if times end and we're still apart
You’ll forever have my heart
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
The Essences Of Time
What's time to you ?
The Creator , Resolver or Destroyer
Seconds , minutes , hours , days , months or years that has A continuos progress of existence that also pertains to the Past , Present & the Future ,
Or is time The Savior ?
It revives human lives , bring sight to blindness , & heal sickness over time
Is time The Shining One , The Seal of Perfection & full of Wisdom
Or is time The Serpent that brought death to all offsprings
Pain gradually evanesce & within time your body reconstructs itself to build over wounds and scars but Even The Redeemer didn't escape crucifixion
Being behind steel bars , revoked from your privileges of freedom , just breathing , no lifestyle is time to the incarcerates
Time could be your aid or your adversary , your glory or Your misery but it is the positivity & negativity of today's potency for tomorrow's life .
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
Every morning, I arise wondering
What do God have in store for me  
Will I live to see the night fall of this cloudy day
Will he cease all the suffer I feel in this one lonely day  
Or will I vacate to my room and smother my face in the sheets for the third time this week praying for better days  
My tooth ache, from all this pain that I ate
I try to release it but my conscious won't let me escape  
I'm surrounded by hate, people judging me by my appearances , the content of my skin
And not by the character
I built within
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
On My Way
She asked about MY destiny
In my head was the ideal vision
Of how I want OUR life to be
But , in words I couldn't explain
AFRAID to speak what may not come into existence
Maybe, she thought I was lost
I'm not .
I'm on a path with little directions
Just scrolling with grace
Hoping I find a place I love & I'll stay
I'm not lost
I’m on my way
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
Someone to converse about my day with or someone who cares to ask how my day went
Someone who dares to be different
Defiles all the rules to society perfectness
And is still beautiful through imperfections
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
Life without her is like a baby bird that's just learning to fly
A sun that rises but , blocked by clouds so it doesn't shine
And eyes that are open but are permanently blind
Life without her is like a dream I can't seek
A heart that doesn't beep
Life without her is pointless but , she still remains anonymous .
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
I Am Worthy
Have you ever felt like you wasn't worthy enough
That it brought you down low enough to feel empty inside
Do you know how it feel to be giving up on
When every muscle in your body thrives to carry on
Have tears ever fallen down your cheeks
Because you tried so hard
But the outcome still left you scarred
Do you understand the scrutiny in pain
If you were on the other side could you bare this pain
Have you ever had a broken heart
It leave you devastated & hopeless laying in the dark
Do you know how it feel to be loved
Just to be told you're beautiful out the spite of love
Have you ever felt so secure with every touch
To be filled with jubilance by the one you truly love
Have you ever experienced true happiness
Have you ever experience true love
When you do, you wouldn't have to worry about being . . .
Worthy enough
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
I Need You
If I were to tell you I need you right now Will you come to me
Would you comfort me
Could you fill my void for you
Show me how important I am to you
If I were to tell you I need you right now
Will it matter
Would you be able to turn these tears into laughter
Can we survive through these disasters
Live happily ever after
If I were to tell you I need you right now
Would you runaway again
This time, not alone..
Take my hand
Us together, off in the wind..
Don't be afraid
Take a stand
I'll take a knee
Be with me
Don't give up on me
I need you right now
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
" H " is for the History that keeps repeating itself
In a world were the content of DARK skin devalues my health
But does that give officers the rights to take my breath
Blacks losing their lives to Whites who sworn to protect
But , in this Black & White world we're both Americans
Even though our hands are up and I can't breathe is spoken
They still squeeze, squeeze, and squeeze until their magazine is
empty and their barrel is smoking
Blood spills over the concrete like wasted red gallons of paint
They still squeeze, squeeze, and squeeze until their choke hold finally does its submission & leaves us breathless
They want us to protest silently but , hands up , black lives matter; shout proudly
" E " is for the equitability we've been deprive of
Land of the free ?
Home of the brave ?
With liberty and justice for all ?
Why the government keep chicanery minds for ?
The content of our skin darker than yours
That's what my brothers keep dying for ?
" L " is for Life and all lives matter
L is for Liberty but treated like captives
L is for Love but hatred still exist
From past occurrences repugnant to reminisce
" P " is for Progression but we have a lot to still overcome
Over three hundred years of oppression, but look what we've become
A black president , doctors, and professors but, viewed as scums
This not a bawl for help but , a reason to keep enduring
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letwordsspeak-blog · 7 years ago
Questions To Statements
Why do bad things happen to good people
Why Obama speak on changes & African Americans are still not consider equal
Why must I stimulate my mind to try to balance out the injustice against blacks committed by whites who sworn to protect
Why my life moving fast when I want it to move slow
And when I cry out for help no one shows
That's why I let the tears flow
But at the end of the day I put on a smile that still glows
Why ?
Because I'm proud of myself
I use to get depress & discourage myself
Until I discovered myself
Then I remind myself
What's a question without a statement to define it's depth ?
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