let's read one piece!
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letsreadonepiece · 9 months ago
dracule mihawk chapters
50-52: fight with zoro
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letsreadonepiece · 10 months ago
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cute train of thought from luffy if one considers one piece film red and his friendship with uta :')
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letsreadonepiece · 10 months ago
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panel that perfectly underscores my above point! :')
brb tearing up about usopp disbanding his tiny lil pirate crew. 🥺 and the way so much of their village lowkey depended on usopp's lies to keep track of their days lol.
i love how usopp is this guy who's known for lying, and everyone calls them lies, but kaya and the lil veggie boys found so much happiness listening to his tall tales! stories are important, and can make you happy!!!
i also love how usopp himself isn't angry that his father wasn't there for his childhood bc usopp himself grew up on the tall tale of his dad being a brave warrior of the sea, but how important and validating it was to him when he found out his dad really is a pirate, and part of shanks's crew to boot. that yasopp out there living his best pirate life wasn't a lie adter all, but also how usopp probably grew up forcing himself to have faith in something that might not have been true, might have just been a dream, and how it relates to the way all of usopp's lies are kind of like dreams too.
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idk, i think there's something to be said about how lies can be stories, and dreams can be stories too, and the truth of the emotions that lie beneath all of those things. that a lie with effort put into it can become the truth, how a dream necessitates effort to become a reality. i think it'll also be interesting to contrast this with sanji's dream of finding the all blue, and how so many people think its existence is a lie.
anyways tl;dr maybe beautiful lies can turn into real dreams. maybe if you pretend to be a brave warrior of the sea for long enough, one day you'll find yourself with a 200M berry bounty and a poster that calls you "god". brave warrior of the sea indeed!
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letsreadonepiece · 10 months ago
brb tearing up about usopp disbanding his tiny lil pirate crew. 🥺 and the way so much of their village lowkey depended on usopp's lies to keep track of their days lol.
i love how usopp is this guy who's known for lying, and everyone calls them lies, but kaya and the lil veggie boys found so much happiness listening to his tall tales! stories are important, and can make you happy!!!
i also love how usopp himself isn't angry that his father wasn't there for his childhood bc usopp himself grew up on the tall tale of his dad being a brave warrior of the sea, but how important and validating it was to him when he found out his dad really is a pirate, and part of shanks's crew to boot. that yasopp out there living his best pirate life wasn't a lie adter all, but also how usopp probably grew up forcing himself to have faith in something that might not have been true, might have just been a dream, and how it relates to the way all of usopp's lies are kind of like dreams too.
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idk, i think there's something to be said about how lies can be stories, and dreams can be stories too, and the truth of the emotions that lie beneath all of those things. that a lie with effort put into it can become the truth, how a dream necessitates effort to become a reality. i think it'll also be interesting to contrast this with sanji's dream of finding the all blue, and how so many people think its existence is a lie.
anyways tl;dr maybe beautiful lies can turn into real dreams. maybe if you pretend to be a brave warrior of the sea for long enough, one day you'll find yourself with a 200M berry bounty and a poster that calls you "god". brave warrior of the sea indeed!
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
shanks & bugs chapters
chapter 19 (fighting over the poles; buggy eats the fruit by accident)
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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i love the idea that zoro's gotten famous enough for the pirates in the east blue to be like, is someone hunting for me? is it pirate hunter zoro??? 😳
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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she's so smart 💖
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also love that she, a plunderer of other pirates, is out there calling this guy she just met a worthless plunderer :')
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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i didn't realize his intro shot in opla was a nod to the manga! love that.
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look at his first panel, being introduced so cool. i'm so ready to start calling this man pathetic. his loser ways will make me love him!!!!!!
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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i think a lot about that one chart that said one piece hates women and loves women lol.
it's funny from a western media analysis perspective. on the one hand, you've got zoro telling kuina that it doesn't matter that she's a girl 'cuz she can still be the greatest swordsman. on the other hand, she still dies so she never gets to actually prove that. zoro aims for the mantle in part to honour her--but of course, zoro is a boy, so the fact that he's the one aiming for the title still undercuts the hashtag feminism of this moment haha.
i do wish kuina could have lived and beaten mihawk, but i also love zoro. alas.
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
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arent they so cool :')
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
obviously chap 1 was iconic (and im putting the iconic moments below the cut mostly for posterity lol), but shanks was actually so childish (love him),
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and i never would have expected benn to use his gun like a bat before he actually used it to shoot. 😂 what a crew.
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and ofc obligatory luff & shanks below the cut!
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letsreadonepiece · 11 months ago
helloooo i'm rei and this is my lil one piece journal as i read the manga. :) since i might end up bingeing it, i thought it'd be a nice place to jot down thoughts and notes in case i wanna refer back to smth later.
i'm kinda watching the latest eps of the anime with my brother and know the Big Stuff that happens, but i've never actually read it in its entirety, so wish me luck!
current arc: east blue
chapter 50
☆ i tag characters by first name
☆ chapter source for screencaps in tags
#op meta - rambling about the plot and/or analysis
#relationships - reference lists for relationships i'm invested in
#redraw fodder - things i might draw at some point if i'm bored and need a warm-up/cool panels
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