letslivelearnshare · 7 years
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letslivelearnshare · 7 years
Not my trip to Chiapas, or should I say just San Cristobal.
Few months ago I agreed with an Austrian friend to meet in southern Mexico, We first met in Poland and he was already in Mexico two years ago, he came at the same time I returned from my EVS (European Volunaty Service). That wasnt a good time for me as I came almost penniless and I had to face that my house wasnt in good conditions, as I was away for 10 months, the car was broken and if it was not enough, me and my friend were assaulted while we were walking to the shop in my neigborhood in Saltillo, event that changed and kind of ruin the plans we had for that time.
Trying to clean a bit the picture of Mexico and the bitter experience that my friend got on his first visit. I invited him to give the country an other chance, so we decided to meet in Chiapas. 
I usually flight with vivaaerobus from Monterrey, I take the bus from Saltillo main station to Monterrey station and from there the viva bus to the airport, the first bus has a discount of 50% if you show your vivaaerobus reservation and a copy from your id, the total cost from saltillo to Mty airport is 140 mexican pesos and there are plenty of daily departures. Once I arrived to Tuxtla Gutierrez airport in Chiapas I took the ADO bus to San Cristobal de las Casas, the cost is around 250 mexican pesos. the other way to get out of the airport is by taxi, if you are traveling in group, this option is much better, if not, bus is for you. 
San Cristobal ADO station is very close to the center, so i walk towards the main square and met my friends half way. the streets were crowded because of Easter holidays, even so, the city looked wonderful.
We stayed at Estacion Cu4tro hostel (Cuitlahuac street #4, Barrio La Merced, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas), it was no oficially open to everybody but one of my friends from Saltillo has a friend how knew the owner of the place, so we got a shared room for 75 mxn night as a promotion for being almost the first guests. Everything was new, clean, good located and the atmopsphere was incredible nice between the staff and other guests. In fact, a group of musicians were staying there too, they had presentations in some of the local bars, “Sweet Swing Blues”, you can easily find the band on youtube, facebook, instagram and sportyfi.
The next day we moved by local buses to Chiapa de Corzo in where we took the trip in Cañon del Sumidero for 200 pesos. The view is georgous!! we saw crocodriles, birds and monkeys, the roud trip takes around 2 hours, the seats are not comfortable but it doesnt matter when you are amazed by the nature that is around you. To use a hat and sunblock is necessary if you dont want to suffer from sunburn as i did. I was impressed by a kid who was using the mobile phone during the whole tour, not interested about reality at all. After the Cañon we looked around the town in were we made some shopping, crafts are really cheap and beautiful.
The second day despite my opinon of moving to Lagunas de Montebello or Comitan, my friends decide to visit Zinacatlan and San Juan Chamula, I didnt resist to it as I have been in Chiapas before and I know it quite well, i thought myself that I should do what they decide to do, was their first time in there, so for me, was their trip, I was just enjoying the companionship and the panoramas, this time wasnt about me, in addition, my friend from Saltillo was leaving the next day and he didnt want to go far, he was scared of being unable to catch his flight from Tuxtla. 
There was nothing interesting in Zinacatlan, and in San Juan Chamula a celebration was ongoing, it was super interesting, people dressed in their traditional gala clothes, carrying big religous figures around the main church, rose petals where thrown to them on the way and dozen of fireworks rumbled every certain time (this was too much for me, at the end I was fed up of the sound). When the celebration ended, we decided to return to San Cristobal, nothing else to do there anymore.
As soon as we arrived to San Cristobal we stoped for a cup of coffee and chocolate at Xocolattes Los Carrerantes (www.xocolattesycafe.org), the flavor of both, coffe and chocolate was delightful, but that wasnt all, the owner opended a fresh cacao and gave us to try from the pulp, gave a small talk about the story of the seed and at the end he served a small cup of chocolate to all the costumers at his place, he asked for help to serve and encorage us to interact with each other, to make a warm enviroment, to be part of the “molienda”.
The same day at night we drank in a bar called Los Jardines manged by a German guy, we also met a quite interesting person called Leo, he had been living in San Cristobal for almost three years, before that he was in San Miguel de Allende, place that by his opinion is the worst place to live, full of envy and ambition. He speaks many languages and currently owns a vegan and vegetarian restuarant called “Delicias Naturales” (https://www.facebook.com/deliciasnaturalessancris/?ref=br_tf) , I didnt have the oportunity to visit the place, but Leo impressed me very much, wise, smart and cheerful, open to others and able to share. 
My friend from Saltillo was leaving on Monday afternoon, so we spent the morning walking around, eating rabbit, which is nothing special in my opinion, and drinking the last beer together, at least for a while. He left as planned and my Austrian Friend and I decided to go to Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, I have visited Oaxaca state before and it is one of my favourite places, but i have never been in Puerto Escondido, once again, I recomended to go to Mazunte, San Agustinillo or Zipolite, but wasnt my trip, so the same day at night we took a bus that normally cost around 700 pesos with Ado, I used my teacher discount, so was 25% less, we arrived in Puerto Escondido the next morning. I was glad that finally we were moving, even though many people love San Cristobal and stay there even for years, for me, being just in one spot for many days was a waste of time, we could see much more those days, but, it wasnt my trip.  
Anyway, I really enjoyed it and had a great time, traveling is always good and spending time with friends made it more special. Things can be perfect even if they dont go as you planned. 
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